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Give me my $.88

July 27th, 2006 at 09:01 pm

Today was payday from the part-time job and I made $234.88 after taxes. But went to the bank to cash my check and was given only the $234.00 well I did not notice because I was really only being concerned with the dollar amount received well I was short the .88 so I wnet back before I got too far. My dad could not understand why I went back, well it's my money and I want it...I work too hard.I explain to him if everyone let the bank get away with .88 they would make lots of money. Not oonly that it is the principal once I rolled hcanged and cashed it in and they wrote me for .4 cents i was bout 8 at the time, but I will never forget it

Debt Validation part II

July 26th, 2006 at 04:14 am

Well I disputed 2 medical bills on my credit report which was validated, any way I tried several times to contact the company in order to pay and guess what no response. So I mailed a letter certified mail of course requesting that they validate the debt (step 2 of the validation process) now they have 30 days to respond if not I send a copy of my letter along with the return receipt from the post office and the CRA has to remove it. Now I know they received the letter because I got my return recepit today. So we will see

$8.69 left

July 26th, 2006 at 04:00 am

Wow, thank goodness I have a part-time job because I only have $8.69 left in my accounts until pay day ( not including EF and Challenge accounts) payday is Thursday so that will give me $228.00 Smile
And then next week is payday from the fulltime job. I have about $11.00 left on my Olive Garden GC Frown the food is terrible, I guess I'll get a sald or use my Chick Fil A coupons for a free sandwich amd milk shake then that way I won't spend anything for lunnch I was simply to lazy to cook dinner tonight, so no left overs

My sister

July 26th, 2006 at 03:42 am

My sister is something else, I totally forgot I let her borrow $10.00 today at the thrift store. No matter where we go she never have enogh money she is always short by a few dollars. But I lied to her and told her the $10.00 was my mom's and that I needed to make a deposit in her (mom's) account. So hopefully she will pay me back. Fo some reason she always has demetnia when it comes to money

Who said anything was wrong with buying from the thrift store

July 26th, 2006 at 03:27 am

Well this week is tax free here in Fl on clothing/school supplies. So anyway I hit the thrift store and made out like a bandit; 3 pairs of phants 1 blouse all for $9.50

I got a pair of Guess Jeans, Joes Jeans and and Anne Taylor slacks we all know these would have easily cost me atleast $100.00 a pair. People laugh because I go to the thrift store, I have gotten to the point where I do not even tell my friends but look the same $200.00 she spend on a pair of Joe jeans I got for $2.00 I guess I am laughing

Sales tax

July 26th, 2006 at 03:25 am

For the month of July I have been keeping track of what I spend in sales tas, thus, far it really was that much only $7.93 but I figured it would be way more than that. I mean we complain out sales taxes and in FL it is 6.5% but it really isn't that much for the individual. I was just really surprise

New Plan

July 25th, 2006 at 02:42 am

Since I work a part-time job and I am down to one active CC, I decided that after I pay all bills due and deposit my regular savings to each account will add what ever is left from my full-time job to the CC balance and live off the part-time check. I think I can get the CC paid off by Septmeber, no later than October I am just hoping this plan works. I mean it should

A fight with a friend, just needed to vent

July 25th, 2006 at 02:16 am

I am sure I have vented before about my friend but she drives me crazy. Nothing is ever her fault it's always some one else. If my ex would send the child support on the 1st versus the 5th I can pay my bills, the money I lent my cousin ( 100.00) is the reason I am in the hole, I don't have any one to help me, if I can find a man to help me pay my bills. That was the straw that broke the camel's back, why do you need a man to help you pay your bills when he did not help you get them. I mean would you really want to be with someone with almost 20,000 in debt and have nothing to show for it. I said to her have you tried looking in the mirror and ask what am I doing wrong, like a cell phone I don't need, or cable I hardly ever really watch, or is it the fact that I buy breakfast 5 out of 7 days a week oh that's not it I just bought sandals that I needed but my CC bills and rent are behind oh not that either I need a break and I am going to Jamaica. I mean get your priorities in order. I am so sick of her with all the excuses. I told her about this site, you think she has post anything, I mean this is a good form of financial therapy in which she took me a minute to wake up and smell the coffee, basically stop wanting what everyone else has and look at myself and where I want to be. She got a big check form her divorce and she can't tell you what she did with it, yeah she has nice furniture, but here is the kicker it is too big for her place.

Library trip

July 23rd, 2006 at 03:54 am

The girl at my local library are so nice, one knows exactly what I like and put the books on hold for me, and if she sees that one is coming due and I have not returned as of yet she renews them. I think I may take some fruit in next week or lunch for them, I mean look at all the money I saved by checking out books versus buying them. I also rented two movies, Seabiscut and the 1st season of 24 So I guess I can say I made out like a bandit today Who said being frugal was not fun I disagree totally

Debt Collectors

July 19th, 2006 at 11:16 pm

It is so funny I have been working off paying all my debts I am down from about 9 active cc that carry debts to 1. I also have 1 charge off and a cell phone debt (this is a phone I got for my ex who did not pay the bill) but it's funny because just last week I sent a letter to the original creditor Verizon offering to pay this debt at 70% of the actual balance. Well I have not gotten a response but I did get a call from the collection agency. When I informed him I dealing with the original Creditor he started yelling, " why don't you just pay your bills and you know this call is being record, I mean over and over. I then said well, because you and I know that it is against the law to harass me and I consider your method of collection as harassment. Anyway I mailed a letter to the Federal Trade Commission, my attorney generals office and the collection office
I can't believe them and not only that in Florida it is illegal to record any conversation without the other party's consent. Boy was I ticked off

Tempted but didn't spend

July 19th, 2006 at 10:45 pm

Usually when I go to the mall I always find something and today was the first time in a long time that I have actually gone to the mall. But the kicker is, is that I did not see a thing. I don't know if it's because I am more frugal minded than before or what, but I can tell you this I am very happy I did not buy a thing

Costly Mistake

July 17th, 2006 at 11:29 pm

I just realize that I used the wrong account when I paid an extra $20.00 on my cc cosing me to bouse two checks at 30.00 each. I paid my bills online all the time and did not realize that my default account was my personal (me account) which I never use to pay bills except for once in a blue moon. Damn now because I did not verify the info when I hit the enter button it cost me a total of $60.00 on bounce check fees, now the $50.00 that my dad gave me was used to pay the damn bank. Boy am I po'd

Talk about the Jones'

July 17th, 2006 at 10:27 pm

My sister in law is one of those people who wants the biggest house, the nicest car, take all the trips and keep her kid in private school ( which they can not afford). However, my brother just told us her sister bought a house a few years ago at $100,000 (great price in FL ) but here is the kicker she owes over $200,000 on it. She took out a HELOC for all her upgrades, trips an a new SUV..can you believe it and my sister in law wants what she has I guess she will be happy owing $200,000 on a $100,000 house...that is crazy

I got an extra $50.00 for being nice and loving my dad

July 16th, 2006 at 03:14 am

I help my dad out as much as I can and today he just gave me and my sister $50.00 each for helping him out. I took him over to his property that he rents which is about an hour drive away, I sure needed the money I have some meds to pick and no telling when the boss will take care of the payroll. So I added $20.00 to the personal account and $30.00 to my every day checking account

personal account: $54.00
Checking $144.00

Neighborhood Fun

July 14th, 2006 at 03:37 pm

Boy have we had a ton of excitement these last few days. Last night I was up late and heard a lot of talking which I thought was the neighbors, well I wake up this morning ad a ton of cars on my block was tagged (spray painted) all but ours I guess the kids were afraid since my room light was on and thought someone was up. I feel bad for the others, I wish I had looked out when I heard all the talking


July 13th, 2006 at 02:47 pm

Payday today from my part-time job, a deposit for $248.55 Smile So I transferred $75.00 to the EF, added $28.00 to personal account to cover the $28.00 paid on CC2 and $20.00 to church for my offerings leaving me $125.00 for myself until payday next week from job #1

Neighborhood Scare

July 12th, 2006 at 11:38 pm

Boy did we have some excitement in my neighborhood; my neighbor's daughter is five months pregnant and was kidnapped by her boyfriend. I never even knew he had two older daughters I only knew his 4-year old. Wow what happen to the days when everyone knew everyone in the neighborhood. But thankfully the daughter was able to escape and they are still looking for the idiot

Free Money, I love it

July 7th, 2006 at 08:58 pm

Well today ended up being a really good day. One of the patients bought me lunch ($6.00) I actually bought my lunch to work and he gave me $6.00 to buy lunch so that was nice, of course I added this amount to the challenge as well as .67 from rounding up my change

New total: $279.37


July 6th, 2006 at 08:16 pm

Just viewed cc1 statement and I was charged $77.33 fianance charge and .14 finance charge from a cash advance I did years ago, actually when I first got the card you would think it would have been paid by now. Then I was charged twice by Krispy Kreme $5.99 so when I get the statement I will dispute.
Then there was an extra charge of 9.95 for AOL being the nice friend that I am I added a friend to my aol account as a user so because we both can't be online at the same time she added this service, well I call her up about the money and she thinks it is funny and will bring me the money so she says but I know I wont I am cancelling this service
Now my previous balance was $2690.32
Now it it is $2715.47 a difference of $25.15

No Jury Duty

July 5th, 2006 at 07:18 pm

Well I do not know what I said, but I was not chosen for jury duty. We were released about 12:20 and I decided to take the entire day off. I am not going in today so, i'll kick my fet up and finish my book

Happy 4th of July

July 4th, 2006 at 04:53 am

Just wanted to wish every one a happy and safe 4th of July. My uncle and God daughter's parents are having a BBQ but I will be sleeping all day long as well as reading in between

Jury Duty

July 3rd, 2006 at 11:53 pm

Well just checked in to see if I needed to report to jury duty on Wednesday and guess what I do. My juror number is 515. I am not too upset about it but everyone else ( the boss) seems to be, why? Isn't suppose to be our civil duty? I have been on a jury before and had no problems with it, but I guess some people do

Made out like a bandit today

July 3rd, 2006 at 07:29 pm

Well I went to donate blood today and because I have very small veins they were unable to draw any blood. But I got a GC for free lunch at Chick fil a and $20.00 GC for home depot ( I will give my mom $10.00 and use $10.00 for hurricane supplies...batteries) So I made out pretty good today

Started Really Late

July 3rd, 2006 at 01:12 pm

I am so upset that I started so late in life to really take a good look at my finances. I am 32 and just really started contributing this year to my IRA account on regular basis, I only have about 686.00 in that account Frown Now I am on my part-time job which offers a 401K plan. Mow I am unsure how much I can contribute( I have so much cc debt)I was thinking about 4% which is only about $10.00 ( I do not make much here) or even 8% which will be about $20.00. Right now I contribute $40.00 to my IRA account after taxes on a monthly basis atleast my part-time job will match. If I had did this let's say at the age of 16 when I started working I would have so much money right now Frown

$150.00, got it back

July 1st, 2006 at 03:17 pm

The check I wrote my sister for $150.00 was never cashed Smile she called to tell me she id not need the money and did not cash the check. I am so happy because getting paid from her is like pulling teeth

Blood drive free Gift

June 29th, 2006 at 01:50 am

I went to Chick-fil-a today, and was a little upset I spent almost $6.00, but on mOnday they are having a blood drive and they are giving away a $20.00 gift card to Home Depot ( I can get D batteries for the Hurricane) and a prize pack for the restuarant. Being that I donate anyway this will be a nice treat I can't wait

Not my day

June 24th, 2006 at 02:39 am

Today is not my day, spent way too much money today. It all started with lunch and chipping in the extra at work. Now I come home trying to attempt my Friday night routine checking my Microsoft Money 2006 and updating it with the online transactions that was entered in earlier, well of course it is not working and I have to reenter all transaction, darn. I also had a fight at Kmart. One of the toys I picked up had 6.99 (missmarked) anyway it rang up $34.99 and of course they did not want to give it to me for the $6.99 I guess that is why they're losing business, poor customer service

Where did time go

June 21st, 2006 at 03:24 am

Wow 10 more days and the month is over. I decided to check out my spending for the month and here it is, time and money sure goes fast:

Federal Income Tax: $182.08
SS tax: $116.49
Medicare tax:$27.25
Sales tax: $9.91
Personal care: $56.32
Clothing $46.11
Groceries: $126.70
Charitable Donations: $40.00
Dining Out: $39.45
Gas: $38.01
Auto Maintenance:$27.27
Hurricane Supplies:$19.10
Leisure: $29.67
CC Debt: $1843.21 Smile
Bills (water, Electric Cable etc)$443.52
Gifts: $33.21
$349.77 Misc
Total: $3464.55

Wow, but atleast 5 CC are paid


June 20th, 2006 at 08:53 pm

Well I finlly got the money my brother owed me he actually gave me $300.00, $30.00 more than he should have. I am going to take this money and $100.00 out of my EF to pay off a $406.00 CC bill and I will be down to 2 CC to go.

I also ate out agin today, I was doing so well I had breakfast and lunch today at McDonald's what a waste, but I am heading to Walmart and Publix for dinner

Added a total thus far today to the challenge of $9.58 giving me a new total of $155.81

Here we go again

June 20th, 2006 at 01:28 am

Oh boy went to Dunkin donuts today and was told that my debit card denied so I used a cc. Now I am balancing my check book and guess what I was charged. This is going to be hard to fight because I do not have a receipt for the transaction Frown because there employee told me it declined, it's only $1.81 but still I'll call the bank tomorrow and take it from there but fighting charges at the bank is far worst than the cc companies

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