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Still Decluttering

July 23rd, 2022 at 12:04 pm

After creating a clutter free clean space, I feel and slept great. The last few nights are the best nights I’ve slept in a long time. I finally got my bedroom cleaned and clutter free, Thursday I completed the walk-in closet. Today I’ll tackle my bathrooms and laundry room. I’m so ready to live a clutter free and clean lifestyle.   


The painter is scheduled to come today to complete the hallway and guest bath. I’m feeling great about this, nothing like a fresh cost of paint. 


Other news, I completed my third interview with one company, the executive director is eager to get me on board, meantime I have my fourth interview with the company I really want on Monday. The second company is moving really slow though . 


I finally heard back from a potential client, fingers crossed that I get this gig. If so, that puts me at about $3k a month extra. That’s contingent upon taking job offer one or two. You know where my mind is going, student loans. 😊


Hope you all have a great day 



Got the interview!

July 21st, 2022 at 04:06 am

I got the call for the fourth and final interview. I'm so excited. This job would be everything I need and want. Fingers crossed. 

The interview with the teaching gig went well. This would be a part time contract gig, I submitted my writing sample today. We will see how it goes. 

I also sent over my proposal on a contract so fingers crossed on that one as well. I'm pretty sure I have that one. 

In financial news I earned another $100 gift card,  tomorrow I'll wrap up another article and that will be an additional  $100 gift card  

Lastly I started on the closet,  it looks good,  I tackled the top shelf, and tomorrow I'll tackle one side of the closet.  Though I want this space decluttered like yesterday, I'm taking my time cleaning this mess, I get anxiety when working my way through this junk


Quick Update

July 20th, 2022 at 03:13 am

Third interview went well. I’m super excited about the potential of joining a great company with great benefits and making a pivot in my career. Everyone I interviewed with was awesome! 


In addition to my third interview, I also landed another freelance HR gig, I’m looking forward to tackling this project. It’s a small organization that need to put some policies and practices in place. 


Tomorrow I have an interview with an organization to potentially teach a HR business course and Friday I have a third interview with another organization. Things are looking great. 


I also did a little decluttering again today, clearing out three sections in the bedroom. I’m so excited to have gotten these things done, the room is coming along nicely. The weekend I plan on tackling my closet. This space is so cluttered it gives me anxiety but it has to get done. 

Vanity Update

July 19th, 2022 at 01:55 pm

My accountant finally completed my taxes, I’ll be meeting with him today to review, the amount owed is $2500. I like him and he’s great at what he does but he’s extremely slow and it drives me nuts. 

I normally do my own but since I had the business I opted to let him do it. 


Other news, I decided to paint my vanity, I’d been looking for one and thought hmm why? You have a perfectly good one, just clean it up and paint it. You know what? I’m glad I did, because she looks great! 


When I bought the furniture, I only bought one nightstand and a dresser. Well I’m going to try and paint the old nightstands. If they turn out as good as the vanity, I’ll stack them and place in my closet vs. buying a new (or used) dresser to go in there. 


I tell ya, since I’ve started redoing my room, I’m in a much happier place. The clutter is gone and I feel so good about the space. 


Lastly, I have a meeting with a potential client today and a third round interview, wish me luck. 

Juneteenth and Father's Day

June 19th, 2022 at 04:15 am

Tomorrow is Juneteenth as well as Father's Day. My dad never celebrated the holidays, and I miss him dearly. I would still visit with him on this day, I’d do anything to talk to him again. 


I decided to treat my ex-fiance to lunch/brunch. He has had a rough 2022, the poor guy is literally in tears almost daily. Since it was Juneteenth and I also wanted to support Black-owned businesses, I thought, why not brunch/lunch? I can kill two birds with one stone, take him out to get his mind off things, and support a small business owner so it worked out. 


He finally realized he needs to get his crap together and that the mother is toxic. I heard him snap at her, sadly rightfully so, something he never did. Even his daughter says the mom is toxic. 


In other news, I haven't heard a thing from either of the companies I interviewed with, I have been ghosted, I absolutely hate that. I was hoping to get some idea of my status before my trip and nothing. Not taking any chances, I paid myself for July. Paid my tithes, mortgage, a $100 on the student loan (boy do I wish I could do more), and my internet bill. I hate not being able to throw more at this student loan. Interest will start up again in August, which sucks. 


I also applied for another remote-jobs, hopefully, something will come in before August. 


Yikes, I forgot. I finished up three articles for $300 in gift cards. I can use this for gas and groceries, hopefully I'll be published this week so that I receive payment. 

Potential Job, What’s Your Thoughts?

June 15th, 2022 at 11:13 am

I have the potential to make $150k a year with a recovery center, the position is on site and three miles away. I provided a range of $120-$150)


My issue is that I do not want to work on site but the money looks good. 


I have about one year of expenses saved, my only bills are my house, student loans (currently paused) and every day bills such as electricity and water. 


The interview process is moving quickly, things seem chaotic and the recruiters can’t answer any of my questions. 


I’m thinking if offered, should I take it for a year then quit? By this time I can knock my mortgage down to half and pay off my last two student loans. 


On the other hand I’m interviewing for a job that’s 100% remote, all benefits are paid, salary max is $85k to start, I’ll get a stipend every month for office supplies and my internet paid for. The position is what I’ve been looking for 


What’s your thoughts? Do I keep looking for a job similar to option two ($85k) or if offered and I’m almost certain I will be take option A ($120-150k)? Thanks

Great Week, Landed an Interview

June 11th, 2022 at 04:53 am

This was a pretty good week, here are my wins. I finished another article for $100 in gift cards, just waiting on the editor to review. I still haven’t received payment for my last article which is weird so I’ll reach out to them. I’m trying to complete as many articles as possible so I don’t have to use cash for anything.


I removed and trashed a few items from the attic. I’d put this on hold because I’m so disgusted. My sister has a bunch of crap on my attic that she needs to come and get. Pretty soon I’m going to take it to her. Get rid of it, you’re not using it. 


I also made $75 in credit card cash rewards that I added to my EF and I landed my first job interview. 


I’m so excited for this interview, it’s everything I’m looking for, 100% medical and dental, monthly office allowance, internet bill paid, fully remote and professional development. My only drawback is max salary is $85,00, I’ll see if it’s negotiable. In addition to all this, it’s the role in looking for. I’m over HR and want to move into the technology side. I’m speaking it, I’m getting this job! 

oh and a contract that was renewed was extended until next month. 


Rain Barrels

June 8th, 2022 at 02:45 am

Over the last few days we got a ton of rain. Just so happen I had a bucket out side and water was collected. I’ve decided to use this to mop my floors. 


I’m thinking about getting a rain barrel to catch water. 


Anyone have one? 

Planning for My Trip

June 6th, 2022 at 10:50 pm

Super happy. Though I have some items to complete to ensure that today was productive, for the most part it was a good day. 


I went ahead and booked my Photoshoot for my upcoming trip. I noticed that my BoA is offering 20% cash back for booking so that’s a savings of $44. 


This trip I took the bull by the horn and made sure that I planned for those things that I want to do. By preplanning, I will save a ton of money. Last time everything was fly by night so we spent way more. 


Day 1 I already listed and mapped the places I want to see. I’ve secured a driver, and his rate. $30. The sites I'm going to, are free. 


Day 2 is an all-day tour, that include lunch, caves, plantations and beaches, pick up, drop off and ferry rides to two other islands  $260. 


Day 3 beach day and photoshoot, with a little shopping, $179. I might make this day an all day beach day and skip the shopping. 


Day 4 beach day and relaxation. I may toss in a massage but I'm not sure yet. 


My goal was to spend $500, I'll have to bump this a little because of food, and souvenirs. I already identified the souvenirs (and cost) I want. Silver necklace ($60), and a beach bag ($20). 


I think this will be a much better trip. Though I'm flying in and out with others, I've planned for myself to do what I like and am interested in. 


By the way, though I used the CC to book, I paid the bill immediately, so cash 🏧  was used to foot this bill.  

Amazon Split

June 6th, 2022 at 04:59 pm

Just curious, anyone pick up a few shares of Amazon (AMZN) after today's split? 

I made It!

June 3rd, 2022 at 11:50 pm

Wow time flies. Today marks one year since I left my job. I took a leap of faith, I had no plan, and no job, all I knew was I was sick of being emotionally abuse and risking my health. One year later, I know that this was the best decision I’ve made in a long  time. 


Over the year I’ve managed to decrease my blood pressure, later getting off high blood pressure meds, pay off two student loans, bump my savings, drastically, because I was literally able to bump my salary almost 100%. 


Took a few vacations and basically put me first. I’m thankful and I know that it’s only by the grace of God that I survived. Was I nervous, scared etc? Hell yeah, but I made it. 


In financial news, I picked up a few more index funds after adding to my IRA. I’ve applied for a ton of gigs, I got one hit and this weekend I’ll submit a few samples of my work. I was also able to get some work in for client, about $900 this week and $500 last week. The good thing is my monthly expenses are $1300, so this covers July and I won’t need to touch my savings 😀. I was so worried when I lost my big client but things are working out. 


I also picked up another article so that’s $100 in gift cards. 


All in all, all is good. 




Tuesday Wasn’t So Bad

June 1st, 2022 at 01:19 pm

I decided to go back to using my planner and yesterday, with only five hours in, I was super productive. It’s amazing how one small change can be a game changer. 


I completed everything on my to-do list except two items. I’m feeling great!  

Those two items, call Apple because I had a $.99 recurring charge and to call Priceline for a refund of about $150 that was not credited to my card. 


I also had followed up with the HOA “again” regarding my roof. I received another letter, smh. The manager informed me months ago that he had my inspection now he claims he doesn’t have it. So I sent the original email with the attachment that approved the delay of me getting my roof done. I haven’t heard back that he received it, so I’m calling today for confirmation. This is ridiculous 


I’m thankful that an old client brought me on again. Yesterday I made about $500 for a few hours. This week I’m projecting about $1500. 😀. This will cover my monthly July expenses. 


Today, I get to sleep in a bit but it’s still a busy day. 


I’m thankful for every opportunity God has given me. 

Great Sunday

May 30th, 2022 at 03:47 am

Today was such a good day I've been trying not to stress about everything coming my way. 

The HOA sent another letter regarding my roof, this was resolved last year. I'll have to call them Tuesday. 


The day started out with a two-mile round trip,  trip to Walmart. Then I headed to the pool and spent about four hours. I got to read a few chapters of my book while at the pool.  


After the pool, I gave myself a mini facial and then watched “Top Gun” the original. I can't believe I have never seen that movie. 

I ended up ordering pizza, I wasn't in the mood to cook, then applied for a few gigs. Then gave myself a mini manicure. 


It was such a great day


May 25th, 2022 at 10:32 am

Well I received an email that my settlement check after legal fees is $9800. First thing I’m doing is paying my tithes, one extra mortgage and HOA. Then socking a little to my EF account. 


Now I’ll start pricing out my kitchen cabinets. I’m estimating about $1500 total. Appliances are on the high end, I’m not sure if I’ll get used or not. I also have to replace all the valves in my home because they won’t shut off from the inside.  I’m hoping I come in under 5k for everything. We will see. 


I’m glad to be getting this check but upset that everything in the house is falling apart, well seems like it anyway. 


I applied for a few positions, reached out to a friend who is a recruiter and shared that  I’m looking for work, and I also reached out to the guy who got me the NY gig, and asked that he keeps me on his radar for any upcoming projects. Hopefully something pans out. 


I’m enjoying this little respite though. I feel like I need a break coming from Europe (jet lag), and dealing with all the home repairs that greeted me upon my return. Yesterday I spent the day at the pool, it was just me and I loved every minute of it. Our community pool can be busy so I'm thankful for the days when it's only me. 

Another Mass Shooting

May 24th, 2022 at 10:24 pm

I'm so over these mass shootings I can scream. One can be pro-gun and pro-gun control. I'm sick of seeing these kids murdered. 



And It Continues to Rain

May 20th, 2022 at 02:47 am

Well I have to get a new water heater and change the valves (all) in the house. 

The plumber came out and capped off the ice maker, the water wouldn't shut off because the valves are old. Like the handyman, he told me to change the valves. He stated that he shouldnt have to go outside to turn the water off. He changed the one in the kitchen and told me to do them all. 

This has been one heck of a week.

Everything is falling apart. My kitchen cabinets are barely holding on and I was trying to hold out until the end of the year, when I paid off the student loan, but I'm going to just take the settlement money and get the water heater, cabinets and valves.

I have needed a new bedroom set for a few years, now the bottom drawers are collapsing. Why now I don't know.  

This really sucks. Life 

I Need a Break

May 19th, 2022 at 03:04 pm

I really need a break. Today my waterpik stop working, this will cost another $30-$50. 


Then I went to the bank to exchange my euros only to get there to have left some of the money. SMH. 


Groceries are so high, I have to start getting prepared for hurricane season, water has skyrockted. It's a never ending story. 


I have no idea why all these things are happening but they are and I'm exhausted.


Edited to add I now need a new water heater  

I Got the Contract!

April 22nd, 2022 at 11:26 pm

Hi all,

Just wanted to say that I got the second contract with a client whose contract ended in March. I'm so excited and looking forward to it. 

That's it for now 


April 21st, 2022 at 10:35 pm

I was asked to visit the Turks and Caicos, but really didn’t plan on it, since I’m heading on vacation next week. I treated myself, to this trip after paying off so much debt and not taking a vacation in about six years. 


Well my client, whose contract ended last month, asked if I’d be interested in another two month contract and of course I said yes. That’s about $6k extra a month. 


So with that, I’ve decided to take the trip to Turks and Caicos. Total with hotel and airfare is $847. 


I figured student loan number three will be gone next month, and now I want to go. I have a gig that pays $800 a month, I consider this my whatever money. I usually throw/divvy up the $800 and apply to my  EF, IRA and student loan. 


After this trip that’s it for me until next year. We are planning on going to Italy but if I don’t meet my halfway point for student loan number four, I won’t go. This is my motivation to go full ham on my last student loan debt. 

Social Media

April 18th, 2022 at 03:48 am

Hope everyone had a great Easter. 

Today, was so-so. It started out great then my niece got on my nerves a bit but I'm good now. 

I made my own holiday dinner, I'll be freezing the bulk of it. I tried stuffing for the first time and it turned out great. I am so happy because I love stuffing. 

Other news, I'll be blogging a little more. I've decided to give Social Media a break. I realized that I spend way too much time on social media, to the point it is not productive.  
I don't want to become one of those people who is constantly on Facebook, it's such a mindless task. I have plenty of other things that I can and should be doing. 


April 14th, 2022 at 04:05 am

I can't discuss the details of my case for nonpayment of services, but I wanted to let you all know we settled and I am pleased. I hate it had to come this but here we are. 


Edited to add that I paid another $100 on student loan #3, the balance is now $10,100. I can see the end. 

SA Blogversary

February 14th, 2022 at 04:31 am

Today is my SA Blog Anniversary, I can't believe I've been at it since 2006. Time flies when you're having fun. 

Though over the years this site has been a bit of a challenge, I'm still glad it's here. This has been an amazing journey. I've been able to follow you all, some of some new, and I've learned so much along the way. 

Some I miss dearly such as Ima Saver, way too many to name. 

Love you all! 

Legal Update

November 2nd, 2021 at 06:25 pm



My attorney reached out to me yesterday and informed that he hadn’t heard from the client by our ten day deadline. I was annoyed and decided not to respond to him, he wanted to know how to proceed. I wanted to think things over before responding, he didn’t think it was worth fighting for the $10k when you factor in legal fees. 


Well I get a follow up email, the company reached out and offered $500. He rejected it and stated we should go to mediation/arbitration. He thinks that we have a good chance with this so I’m going for it. I’m not concern about the two months being paid but at least pay me for the month I worked. 

This really sucks. 

I’m glad I waited before responding though 

Roof Update

October 27th, 2021 at 01:00 pm



Praise God, the roof contractor shared the inspection notice for my roof and it indicated my roof had about 5-7 years left. I shared it with the HOA, they accepted it, removed the violation and I do not have to replace my roof. 


This would have cost me almost $10,000. That’s literally almost my entire EF. I’m so thankful. 


Now I’m waiting to hear back from my lawyer regarding payment from a former client. My fingers are crossed and I’m definitely praying for a positive outcome. 


October 19th, 2021 at 03:03 am



Since June, I have been trying to file an unemployment claim. This nonsense that people are receiving unemployment funds so they do not want to work is just that nonsense. I haven’t received a thing in four months. 


I’ve tried calling the office, only to be disconnected. You’re unable to send an email. I can’t imagine what families are going through who are desperately in need of these funds. It’s absolutely insane. 


So today, I decided to write my state legislator, hopefully I’ll get some answers. I’m owed about $3000 and that money can go towards my bills. 

New Gig Alert

October 18th, 2021 at 11:58 pm

Great news, today I landed another contract, averaging about $8k a month. Thank God! 


I’ll admit, I was a little nervous with all that is going on; however, today I landed another gig and I’m so thankful. 


I’d interviewed for the role and really hit it off with the hiring manager. She liked myself and another candidate, went to her manager about budgeting for two roles vs one and it was approved. 


You all have no idea how thankful I am. This will be a big help. I’ll be able to pay off my second student loan. 

I’m also thankful because I think with me picking up these gigs, I’ll be able to kick things off with my business. 


I’m so thankful to God for this opportunity, journey that I’m on. 

Update - Lawsuit

October 14th, 2021 at 02:36 am

Well I don’t know where to begin. I’ll keep it short. 


I was so excited for my new contract, and ended up hiring legal to obtain my outstanding payment. 


Long story short, company signed a contract for services (their contract not mine), both parties agreed, the company wanted me in the office, basically full time, as a contractor. This was not apart of my contract/agreement. I actually warned them about hiring contractors to work as an employee. The company was to provide me 30-day notice, I’m okay if they didn’t but pay me for my one month of service at least. They chose not to pay me for the month, now I’m asking for the 10k that’s owed to me, at the advise of my attorney. 


I hate suing people. I probably wouldn’t if I didn’t need the money but right is right and wrong is wrong. Honestly if they’d paid me the $5k even though the contract called for an additional 30- days, I would have been happy. 


Next I’m dealing with a roof debacle, HOA is trying force new roofs that technically they’re required to pay. I can’t get a roofer out her to give me a quote. Found one and he wants close to $9k that I do not want to take out if my savings. I ended up hiring an inspector who stated based on his expertise the roof is not over 20 years old so now I’m fighting with the HOA. 


I received payment from another client, $8600. I took this money, paid my mortgage, HOA and COBRA through December, next payment isn’t until January. 

I charged a few things on my CC, mostly for the business (e.g. insurances, software) so $3k will pay off the card. 

All in all, I haven’t touched any of my savings. 


Some days I just want to cry but I’m still pushing. 

Checking in Sharing an Update

August 27th, 2021 at 11:47 pm


Whew it’s been awhile but I wanted to check in. 


As you all know, I quit my job, very toxic work environment. After I left most of my team quit.


Well I took a job about two weeks ago, my gut told me not to but fear had me to do it. Everyone was nice but the job itself I just couldn’t do. It was very antiquated and well below my skill set and I struggled. So I resigned. 


The very day I resigned, I landed a job paying $5000 a month as a consultant and the other consulting gig I had want me to clock 40 hours a week even if it means to watch videos at $2000 a week, so that’s $13,000 a month, gross. 


I also landed a content writing gig that pays me in gift cards for every article I write, $80 so I’ve written four so far. I choose Walmart because, I can not only buy groceries but other miscellaneous items as well without spending my own money. 


I’m so excited and thankful, that I thank God daily. This is the most money I’ve ever made and working less and less stress. 


Oops I also potentially have another gig paying about $50 an hour averting 20 hours a week to recruit. Waiting to hear back. 


I spoke with a friend who is an accountant to help me with setting up my business and that I can pay myself  via payroll, deducting my taxes and he will handle all my tax stuff, he’s doing this  for free. He is even giving me space in his office to use as my office for free. 

Oh and all gigs are remote 


God has truly blessed me and it that I’m thankful. 

I Need Your Help ❗️❗️❗️❗️

July 28th, 2021 at 06:04 pm


I have a dilemma and hope you all can help. As you know I left a very toxic work environment, and was recently offered a full time position that is significantly lower, $26.44 per hour, than my previous job. Benefits are not that great. 


I was told that the company is a great place to work, but the salaries are low, as you can see. 


I recently interviewed for and received an offer for a contract job, 8 weeks at $50 per hour working remotely. It’s doing what I love but it’s contract work. I can pretty much complete the task anywhere. Job one, I’ll have to be on the office. 


Here are my options that I’m considering:

  • Keep job one at $26.44 per hour and add the contract work, if things get too complicated quit job one and work the contract job at $50 a hour. 
  • Rescind my acceptance for job one and stick with job two at $50 a hour, continuing my search for employment. 


At $26.44 per hour in eight weeks, I’d make $8,460, this is job one. At $50 a hour for eight weeks I’d make $16,000. Almost double. The contract work, has the potential to be extended and I’ll be responsible for my own taxes. What’s your thoughts? 

Job Offer

July 9th, 2021 at 12:39 pm


Well I was offered a job. It’s about $5k less than I was making and way less than I wanted. I’m going to try and negotiate an additional $5k or one extra week vacation. 

It’s about 7 miles from my house, so about 15 minutes with traffic, much better than the 1.5-2 hour drive, each way. 


Benefits are okay, much better though than my last job. 


I’ve been looking for a job since January, prior to quitting and nothing. Yes it’s an employee’s market but employers are still slow to offer and very picky. 


Either way I’ll take it and keep looking until something comes along paying me what I’m looking for. 


I am waiting on another employer to make a decision. I submitted my project last week and was told I should hear something by next week, fingers crossed. I gave them the range I wanted, it’s fully remote as well. 

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