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January 10th, 2020 at 02:44 am


My attorney stated she’s been trying to contact me with no luck, and wanted to let me know my jerk of a brother has decided to drop the lawsuit.

Thank you Jesus !

I just wanted to cry

Laptop and Side Hustle

January 7th, 2020 at 04:07 am

The best thing I could have done was purchase a laptop for my side gig.

Sometimes sitting at my desk can be daunting.

I was able to knock out three policies, attendance, over time, and holiday pay, all while in the bed. I sent the company the new W4 for 2020, made the recommendation that staff completes the form (it’s not required), and provided a copy of the new Florida minimum wage poster to be placed in the break room.

I also sent reminders regarding items I’d sent out last week. I feel like I made progress.

Tomorrow I’ll log onto the desktop, it’s where my MSMoney is housed. I really wish I could get this thing on the laptop, but it’s discontinued. I use MSMoney to track my time and invoice the organization. I’ll have to note the hours spent creating policies.

In financial news, day 6th and I didn’t dine out. I did buy a red vase for the house,$10.68. It’s not a need but a want. I’m having a little buyers remorse and will more than likely return.

I’d signed up for Pandora music, free trial, and cancelled today. I really don’t listen to music where I should be paying for it. I’ll take the commercials.

Changing plans, dryer must go on hold. I’ve got to get the hurricane shutters for the house. Tomorrow I’ll check the city’s website for grants and get a few quotes. The shutters that I’m considering, I believe will be less than $2,000. Fingers crossed 🤞🏾.

Lastly, in fitness news, today make day six in that I got cardio in. I’m hoping I can continue with this.

Have a great night

Cash Back Rewards

January 5th, 2020 at 04:29 pm

Due to auto pay and using my credit card for gas, I earned $39 this month in cash back rewards.

What I did was, I signed up for autopay for variable expenses such as internet, and car insurance. I use the card to pay for gas, and before leaving the parking lot, I pay the bill. When I had the car emergency I used the card and paid it off the same day.

I’m excited about earning the extra cash and not having a balance, this is CC9. The cash back isn’t too bad. I’ll throw the cash back at CC10

The Dryer Saga Continues

January 4th, 2020 at 11:45 pm

And the dryer issue continues.
I called a second electrician come out and check the electric, I’m just paranoid, and he said all was fine. He didn’t charge me a fee for coming out so I tipped him $20.

The second dryer I receive was used and the other one was over 10 years old, so it must be the dryers. All in all this has been a headache.

Though I have the funds in my home repair account, I’m going to try and pay with cash using the money from the side gig to purchase the dryer. I was hoping to throw that money at CC10 💳 but Murphy decided to visit. These last two months I’ve shelled out a ton, but I’m thankful I have the cash. My washer has been on the brink as well, it’s not draining some times, fully. It’s over 10 years old.

After reviewing the budget, I have about $900 extra. I’ll use this to get the new dryer and washer. I was going to buy used, but I’ve had nothing but problems with this last dryer.

I need to save the money in the home repair account to get the shutters placed on the villa before hurricane season kicks in.

The electrician did tell me to keep the plugs for the appliances because now when you buy any appliance the plugs don’t come with it, 🤦🏽‍♀️🙄 what a rip off.

I ended up decluttering and throwing out some things in the laundry room. I found a ton of paper towels 🧻 and plates. I’ll throw them in my hurricane supply container.

Day 2 and No Spending

January 3rd, 2020 at 02:53 am

Great day today.

I had the boys and they were pretty good. We made homemade pizza 🍕, and completed a few home work assignments. They opted to watching a cartoon/movie on Netflix. So that was our day.

I ended up not having a spend day. After the boys left, I finished up putting away a few of the Christmas items, straighten up the closet in the spare room, and moved the elliptical in my bedroom. I figured having the elliptical in my bedroom I’d be more likely to use it while watching tv 📺. I cleaned my bathroom, totally forgot to take care of the guest bathroom 🚽, so that’s on my to list this weekend.

I transferred $1 to my cash envelopes ✉️, for not spending any money 💰 today.

Tomorrow it’s back to work. I can say this week that I’ve been off has been AMAZING. I’m fully rested and ready to make 2020 one of the best years ever.

January 1st

January 2nd, 2020 at 03:49 am

January 1st and it was a no spend day for me.

I also marked some things off my list, like weighing in, journaling, walking, drinking more water, reading a little, and dumping four chairs, decluttering.

Because it was a no spend day, I added $1 to my January challenge of no dining out. I also added $1 for this week’s 52 week challenge. All the money saved this month will be added to the snowball.

I had a scratch off and won $2, this will be added for next week’s 52 week challenge.

Tomorrow I have my great nephews, I have a few board games that we can play, we will make pizza at home for lunch. I refuse to spend any money. I did get them zoo passes for Christmas, that might be something we can do, we will see. However; I wish it was a little warmer, I’d take them to the pool.

I’m in south Florida and we don’t have much of a winter, but I can feel the temperature dropping a little. I decided that I will not turn the heat on, unless it drops below 60. I can’t stand the cold. The blankets that I have and PJs should keep me warm. My electric bill is slated to be less than $60 this month, and I’d like to keep it like that.

That’s it for now, hope everyone enjoyed their holiday.

Happy New Year 🍾🥂

January 1st, 2020 at 05:48 pm

Just wanted to wish the best financial blog group ever a very Happy New Year 🍾🥂

Sinking Funds are Great!

December 28th, 2019 at 04:47 pm

I realized that I completely over budgeted/saved for my professional certification renewal. The fee to renew is $160 vs the $400+ I was thinking. $400 was the actual exam 🤦🏽‍♀️🙄.

I try to attend free events and listen to webinars for certification credits, but would really like to attend a convention. However; $2000+ for a convention is just not in my budget. My employer would reimburse me but my boss gives us such a hard time in that you feel so uncomfortable asking, it’s not worth the hassle.

Given that I over saved and also have the funds for my second renewal that’s due next year (I have two professional certifications), I’m going to change the saving amount from $25 to $10, per pay period. I’d still like to keep the cash on hand in case an event/training comes up that I’d like to attend and I’m not reimbursed by my employer. The good thing is, if I’m not reimbursed, I can use this has a business expense, since I have the consulting gig.

The goal was to hit $500 for the professional sinking fund and stop. Hopefully I’ll be reimbursed for the renewal and with the first pay check in January, I can stop outright, I’d hit my goal.

Meanwhile the extra $15 I’ll throw at the car sinking fund, since I’ve cleaned that baby out. But if I’m reimbursed the $169 and hit the $500 mark with the first paycheck in January, I can stop funding and add the extra $25 vs $15 to the car fund, to get that back up.

I’m so thankful that I found out about sinking funds. It actually, well for me, make saving so much easier. I prefer this method, rather than having one account for everything.

Though I didn’t meet my debt repayment goal for 2019, I’m still somewhat in the dumps about this, I’m also thankful for the sinking fund and the ability to pay cash for things, such as the legal bill, car repair, electrical repair etc. Who would have known I’d be back on my way to financial freedom.

Friday Updates

December 27th, 2019 at 05:22 pm

Well final cost to repair my car $776.26
The funds actually came out of the sinking fund that I save for car repair and a new car. I sort of feel defeated but I am thankful for being able to pay cash for the repair. I literally knocked my car sinking fund down to zero. I went ahead and got my headlights cleaned, cost was $80. It had become increasingly difficult to see at night. I’d tried the toothpaste remedy and other stuff but nothing cleaned them. Pray fully I can the get the sinking fund back up.

Today was pay day, and I wasn’t able to add extra to the CC 😢. So I’m feeling really down.

Needless to say, I socked away about $344 to sinking and emergency fund.
Added to my IRA. I almost changed the amount by $25 less, but opted not to. I need to stick with the plan, of bumping my IRA contributions every year.

I paid a few miscellaneous bills, and tithed. Today I’ll be stuffing my cash envelopes.

Next month is a better month. I should be able to throw about an extra $300 to the CC, and $400 to my car fund.

I set the bar high for 2020, the goal is to pay off $20k in debt. I know it’s going to be tough but if I keep a lean budget, blog so that I’m held accountable, I think, no, I know I can do it.

I’ve got to stay focus and determine as it pertains to paying down debt and saving. Though this year wasn’t too bad, I just feel like I should be further along

Merry Christmas 🎁🎄

December 25th, 2019 at 10:20 am

Merry Christmas everyone!

May your day be filled with joy.

Guess What? I Had An Emergency

December 22nd, 2019 at 08:49 pm

Thank goodness I did not use the emergency fund, my car broke down today. Cost $779.00. This will clean out my new car/maintenance fund.

Though I have a car fund, for maintenance/new car, I also have an EF. It felt good to have the money to pay cash to get my car fixed, and not touch my EF. I’m not happy about the cost but I’m thankful I’ve been saving.

This just reminded me you have to have a cushion

CC10 Driving Me Nuts

December 21st, 2019 at 10:40 pm

CC10 Is getting on my last nerves. I’m trying to figure out how to pay it off by December 31st.
I can take $5,000 out of the EF but I’d still owe $1200 and the EF would drop to $600 🙄🤦🏽‍♀️.

I’d really wanted this card gone by the end of the year and then I got hit with a legal bill due to my brother who thinks my dad was a millionaire.

With the side gig, I could have it paid off in about 5 months, paying about a $1000 a month. Then tackling the student loans in June.

I’m just so confused.

Quick Update

December 21st, 2019 at 01:05 pm

Hi all
It’s been awhile but I’m still trucking along.

These last few weeks have been super busy. Work has been crazy, we have one manager that everyone and I do mean everyone struggles with, including the CEO, who needs to be fired. I’ve somewhat made the recommendation but my manager, CEO, is quite sensitive to this. The woman has worked with her for 25 years 🤦🏽‍♀️🙄. The position is a $110k + a year that actually can be eliminated.

My side hustle is going great, they’re actually looking to expand in 2020. I have a really strong feeling they’ll be offering me a full time gig. I’ve decided if I’m offered the position, I’d negotiate two days there a week with benefits for $65k a year and keep my current job negotiating $65K a year for three days. Fingers crossed.

On the money front, thank goodness I saved and paid cash for Christmas. I spent more than usual, for the family game night. Reason being is because this time it was all on me. Usually the SO chips in, but he didn’t as much as he usually do. I paid the server and the photographer and that’s usually him. I’m not upset, just glad I’d budgeted for it. The sinking funds really do help. I bought Christmas gifts for my staff, nephews, and paid for game night all with my Christmas sinking fund. Not to mention, no stress.

Today I’ll be reviewing my cash envelopes, and updating my budget for January

Dryer and Electrical Issues

December 10th, 2019 at 11:41 pm

I’m so glad I followed my first mind.

I was having issues with the dryer. I called the repair guy because the SO never picked up the free one for me. Well I found out it’s not the dryer but the socket, there’s an electrical issue.

Cost to have the appliance repair guy out, $65 but at least I found out it was electrical and avoided a potential fire 🔥. I’m on the fence with this though, because the dryer isn’t getting hot. I’ll see what the electrician says, I’m nervous

The repair guy’s exact words to me as he showed me the plug 🔌 on the dryer was, “ I’m glad you had this unplugged, you could have had a serious issue.” The plug was burned and so hot he couldn’t even touch it.

I have an electrician, I’ll see if he can come out Friday, since I’m off. I’m also thankful, that I had the sinking fund for household repairs, though this is an inconvenience, I’m not frantic over how I’m going to pay for it.

Talk about scary.

Financial news, I’ve been so stressed at work that I’ve been dining out. Well I decided enough, buying breakfast is costly. Not sure why I allow these things to get to me, work that is.

I sold an item on Poshmark, making $7.05, can’t wait for this to hit my account.

I spent the afternoon getting my planner ready for 2020. The goal is to pay off CC10 by the first quarter of the year. Once that’s done, I’ll be tackling the student loans.

For me it’s peace of mind but I know most of you won’t agree but once CC10 is gone, the goal is the following
* $100 monthly to EF
* $100 monthly to IRA
* $100 extra monthly to mortgage
* $500 extra to student loan

After calculating everything, savings, expenses, I could actually add an extra $1000 a month to the student loans once the CC is gone. I’m feeling excited for 2020, we will see.


December 1st, 2019 at 03:43 pm

December is here, I can’t believe it.

Yesterday was a relaxing day, with a little activity. I switched out my fall decor for the Christmas decor, I’ll be finishing up decorating my Christmas tree 🎄 today.
I also did a little holiday cleaning, have to finish this up today.
The red decor will stay up until Valentine’s Day.

This morning I finished up my monthly consulting report for my side hustle, and created the invoice. This month I’m billing for $1300, $400 will go towards the training and I will make a total of $900. This is an extra $100 on top of my normal consulting services. The trainer charged me $400, I charged $500. I’m also going to let the owners know, that I’m interested in other opportunities in case they know of any other small businesses that will be needing my services. I also told my friend who is an accountant, he’s the one who got me the gig.

I’ll say this, I’m glad I got the laptop for the side gig, it really helped me out today.

Later today, I’ll review my November budget.

Hope everyone enjoyed their holiday.

Friday Ramblings

November 29th, 2019 at 10:26 am

I’ve been wanting a laptop for personal use, then that want turned into a need when I got the consulting gig.

I went into Walmart today to get $5, Christmas PJs for my great nephews, a tradition, and a tv 📺 for my mom, she was to pay me back, I didn’t get the tv, Walmart was out. Well low and behold Walmart had a HP laptop 💻 for $149. I checked the specs and the reviews while in the store and they were pretty good, so I purchased it. I didn’t need anything fancy, just something I could take along, type notes, track things etc. This laptop will come in handy for my site visits to the facility for sure. I was told I could use this purchase as a business expense. I’ll have to check with the accountant since I’ll be using it for both personal and business, primarily business though. I’ll also have to adjust the budget, rather than paying $730 on the CC 💳, I’ll be paying $581, since I bought the laptop.

On a different note, yesterday was pay day 💰 I was surprised to see my money hit the bank on a holiday. I paid bills, the minimum on CC10, I’ll be adding the extra payment next week. I entered my student loan and car insurance payments into the registry, so that I have a better idea of my balance.

Things are a little crazy but hey, over all I had a good holiday.

Hope everyone had a great holiday.

Happy Thanksgiving

November 28th, 2019 at 04:22 pm

Happy Thanksgiving to my favorite frugal family, Saving Advice Bloggers.
🦃 🍁

Apple Watch ⌚️

November 25th, 2019 at 01:52 pm

Patience and hard work really pays off. I have been wanting an Apple Watch for quite some time, however not willing to pay the $400+ for one. Plus I wasn’t willing to finance One through my cell phone carrier, or put on a credit card.

My employer has a wellness program, in that I can participate in wellness activities, earning points that equate to dollars that then turns into gift cards. I earned enough points to purchase a brand new Apple Watch. Target now has the series 3 on sale for $169.99, I was able to get my watch, that I’ve been wanting for quite some time, using gift cards while staying healthy.

Next I’ll be cashing out my points for an Apple ear pods.

Merry Christmas 🎄 to myself and I didn’t spend a dime, only needed to love a healthier lifestyle.

Student Loan Saga

November 24th, 2019 at 09:33 pm

Just adjusted my budget and I’ll be able to drop $700 on CC10. I’m so excited.
I think this card will be paid off by March and I can finally, start tackling my student loans.

I just want to cry, I was feeling like I’ll never be able to start tackling the loans. If I hadn’t gotten hit with the legal bill earlier this year, this card would have been gone in June. I know I can’t/shouldn’t beat my self up about it but I just can’t help thinking about the what if’s.

I’m estimating it will take me 6-7 years to pay off the student loans, that’s $10k a month. If I can keep the side hustle for at least two years, it will take 4-5 years.

Fingers crossed that all go as planned

Student Loan Saga

November 24th, 2019 at 09:33 pm

Just adjusted my budget and I’ll be able to drop $700 on CC10. I’m so excited.
I think this card will be paid off by March and I can finally, start tackling my student loans.

I just want to cry, I was feeling like I’ll never be able to start tackling the loans. If I hadn’t gotten hit with the legal bill earlier this year, this card would have been gone in June. I know I can’t/shouldn’t beat my self up about it but I just can’t help thinking about the what if’s.

I’m estimating it will take me 6-7 years to pay off the student loans, that’s $10k a month. If I can keep the side hustle for at least two years, it will take 4-5 years.

Fingers crossed that all go as planned

Saturday Update

November 24th, 2019 at 04:56 am

My Friday night’s ritual, usually consists of a shower, review my cash envelopes and balance them, then get excited when I come in under budget, lol. I do this every Friday. I love tracking my spending. Even though I’m still trending to come in under budget by next pay date, Friday, I get a big kick out of where I am with my spending each week.

This week wasn’t too bad, when it came to spending. I did cave in and buy a soda and dined our yesterday.

Yesterday’s spending
$31.98 oil change
$17 dining out (lunch and dinner)
$6.66 personal care
$4.24 cleaning supplies
$65 Gift ( fruit basket for someone who is wrapping up chemotherapy)

So far this month, I’ve had 18 no spend days and managed to drink much more water this week.

Using my planner 📒 have been very helpful, with tracking habits.

Today I lounged around, didn’t leave for a thing. Watched a little news, finished reading “Debt Free Forever” and started “The Uncommon Millionaire.” What I’ve found is that the financial books I am reading are the same for the most part; however, I always learn something.

SO Update

November 23rd, 2019 at 12:45 pm

SO called this morning in tears. He said that his life is in shambles. He told me he sits and looks in the space that he’s living in and it looks a mess, because he doesn’t have a drawer to put his clothes in. He also said, he understands why, I wouldn’t want to be with him, and that if he was a woman, he wouldn’t want to be with him either.

He went on to say, he has nothing. He’s lost a ton of weight, over 15lbs, was extremely sick a few weeks ago and is to have out patient surgery but he doesn’t have the money (no insurance) to have the surgery. The mother is still not paying him, and the side jobs he gets, he’s barely making it.

The daughter with the baby needs counseling, I’ve told him over and over to get it for her, she’s extremely promiscuous, get her tested for STDs, and put on birth control. I’m not sure if he doesn’t want to face the truth, doesn’t have the money, or both.

It’s sad, though he’s super nice, but he’s ignorant when it comes to the mother and the daughter. I just simply listened. Once he was done, I told him, once you get angry, you’ll know what needs to be done and do it.

I’ve dated momma’s boys but this is absolutely crazy, he’s so afraid of upsetting her and the, that he can’t see he’s becoming unhealthy, mentally, physically and emotionally because of it.

He did thank me for being a friend.

Financial Advisor

November 19th, 2019 at 11:13 pm

As you all know, I’m trying to learn more about investing. I’m not quite ready yet, but would like to learn.

I met with a financial advisor today who told me, that I can take my rollover IRA, that I’ve contributed funds to after taxes, and roll back into my 401(k) on the job. Now, I’m not that knowledgeable but to my understanding this is a no-no and can be viewed and double dipping. I remember reaching out to a Fidelity adviser who informed me it wouldn’t be best to do that.

What’s your thoughts? I’m just looking for your input, and will definitely review on my own as well.

Electric Bill is In and It’s Down

November 16th, 2019 at 10:36 am

I love having the ability to track my electric bill daily, it helps me to manage my usage.

Yesterday was closing and I was at $69, I figured by time the bill generated today it would be about $72. Well I logged in and the amount due was $71.84. Yay!

On average I think the bill was about $130 a month. When SO other left, it was August and that bill was $158.67, the bill has consistently decreased since he left. I’ve seen about a 45% decrease. Honestly all my bills have decreased since he left, water, electricity, cable even my food and household items purchased have decreased. Though we lived somewhat like roommates, he cost me money. Honestly, though we remain friends, I’m glad he’s gone. That’s a different story.

I can’t wait to see the bill next month. I’m in Florida so we don’t have much of a winter ❄️; however, there are days in that it’s nice and cool and I can open my windows vs using the AC.

I’m considering a timer ⏱ for my water heater. Unfortunately, after I YouTubed how to install, I think I’ll feel more comfortable with an electrician installing vs. myself. I’m also considering a smart thermostat for the home.

Escrow Update

November 15th, 2019 at 05:06 pm

I had this escrow thing all screwed up. My analysis was completed and there will not be a no refund. Apparently I’m required to keep a certain amount in this account. 🙄🤦🏽‍♀️

My mortgage did decrease by $3, however.

I balanced my cash envelopes and under budget in all categories, that’s a win.

Friday and It’s Pay Day

November 15th, 2019 at 10:19 am

Today is pay day, and I can’t wait to Stuff my cash envelopes.

I’ve created the budget for this pay period; however, my cash envelopes are pretty healthy so I’m sure I’ll be returning some cash back to the bank and adding the extra to the EF. I’m staying focus. Refunding my EF, tackling the CC the student loans, in that order.

I woke up at 3 am, checked my accounts and the direct deposits hit. I paid the following
$951.10 mortgage
$200 extra on CC10 💳
$50 plot
$195.51 tithes

I saved a total of $344, this include the EF, sinking funds and IRA. I was able to bump my IRA, doubling, my contribution. I decided anytime I get a raise or bonus I’m adding to the IRA.

I checked my electric bill, today is the last day in the billing cycle, my current usage is $69, by the end of the day, I’m anticipating my bill should be about $72. I’m so excited. My bill has never been this low. I’ve managed to knock my electric bill down by more than half since the SO has been gone.

Guess What?

November 13th, 2019 at 11:33 pm

Guess what? I may have an opportunity to pick up another consulting gig. It’s a smaller company, and I will be their virtual HR practitioner. Because it’s a smaller company, and I won’t have to go in, I’d charge $200 a month. I pray I get it. That would mean an extra $1,000 a month total.

Other news, I’ve told my sister to stop calling me about things that are on sale, well she called today about QVC’s special value, a Roomba 🙄🤦🏽‍♀️. I just told her okay and hung up.

I’m so glad that I’m in a better place with my finances.

Today I did dine out, $8.51, I just felt like Mexican food and I was tired of eating the left overs from Sunday. I’ll freeze the rest of the leftovers tonight

Saving, Budget and Poshmark

November 13th, 2019 at 01:10 am

Took a look at the budget and I’m now able to bump my IRA contribution by an additional $25, it’s not much but hey it’s better than were I was, $0. This will bring the monthly contributions to $100.

I’ve also decided that any additional income, such as the consulting gig, I’ll take 10% of that earnings and add it to the IRA. The remaining will still go to the goal of savings six months of expenses for emergencies, once completed I’ll then tackling the CC and student loans. So long as I stay focus on this plan, I think everything will be good.

Next month I’m anticipating about $910 for the consulting. We’re adding a training so that’s the extra income.

Lastly, I sold an item on Poshmark, the buyer gave me five stars ⭐️, and I was able to cash out my $4.05. Selling on Poshmark is a very slow process but at least it’s extra cash for things I don’t want.

Happy Veterans Day!

November 11th, 2019 at 11:05 am

Happy Veterans’ Day to all who have served.

Sunday Updates

November 10th, 2019 at 05:40 pm

My ending EF balance December of 2018 was $8197.69 my goal is to not only get back to this balance but surpass it.

As you all know, I had the emergency legal fee of $5,000. I was so close to hitting the 6 month savings goal and then boom 💥. I am thankful that I had the money to pay 💰 the lawyer.

I checked the EF and my balance is $5,559.87, I’m estimating by the end of December 2019 my ending balance would be about $6900. 🤞🏾

There’s so many things I want, and to do but I realize, I need to stay focus. Focus on one thing at a time is a must. First thing is, I need to keep socking money into the EF, the goal is to have 6 months of living expenses, that’s 12k. Plus a little extra, for legal fees, until this issue with my brother is resolved. I’ve been laid off 3xs and thankfully I had money saved. Right now the average time to find a job is about 6-8 months.

I’m still throwing extra at the CC, about $300-$400 a month, hopefully by March/April this baby will be gone.

Next, I know my car will need to be replaced, she has 259,000 miles on her. I love that car (Camry) and I pray she hangs around at least two more years but at so many miles I don’t know. The goal is to have about $5,000 saved, so that I can buy a car cash.

Lastly, it’s the student loans and the mortgage. If all goes well, and I hit my EF savings goals by February, pay off CC10 by March/April, I can pay an extra $400-$500 a month on the student loans , an extra $100 a month on the mortgage, and bump my retirement contributions. That’s the plan.

In other news. SO has been extremely sick. I personally think he didn’t go to the doctor because he has no insurance or the money. He finally broke down and went to the hospital 🏥 yesterday. I told him, if what he was experiencing wasn’t life threatening, that they would stabilize him and send him home 🏡. And that’s exactly what happened. The ER doctor 👨🏽‍⚕️believes he has an ulcer. I told him that as well. The stress he’s experiencing is off the charts.

Any way they gave him two prescriptions and told him to follow up with a gastroenterologist. The prescription was $200, I offered to pay. It’s the helping others in me. He opted against it. I went online and found a prescription discount drug card, with the card, the prescription dropped to $29.

I’m praying for his sake, he gets his life together.

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