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Busy day

May 10th, 2007 at 01:28 am

First I'd like to say how my day went:

I got up early today in order to make breakfast and there was no eggs so I ended up buying breakfast for mom & I ($6 added to the challenge)

Then I took my car to the shop and the mechanic did not charge me for the a/c Smile but he fixed my lighter (that I asked him to look at over a month ago and now did not want fix) that was $48. It actually worked out to my benefit because now I can bring my laptop along and charge my cell phone when low.

I also was able to find a used but practically new book for school at $29, not bad

Now in regards to my goal I added $9.91 to my cchallenge today I am desperately trying to reach $4000 before the end of the month, I really hope I can or come close to it

Car troubles

May 9th, 2007 at 01:39 am

As you all know i drive a very old car and just paid $400 to get my a/c fix; well guess what it's out again Frown Now I am taking it to the shop to see what's what

Once again

April 28th, 2007 at 02:07 pm

My car was broken into again, thank God nothing was taken (as it appeared) and once again I was on my way to work. This time I did not call the police since he did not take finger prints the last time. It was my fault, I have been locking my car door ever since the last break in (3 weeks ago) and last night I had so many bags I forgot to lock it, thank God I took my DVD out of the car. I know it is some one from the neighborhood and wish I could catch them
Darn it I am mad

Free gas

April 3rd, 2007 at 01:17 am

I let a co-worker use my today to go to the other office and the boss put $20 worth of gas in my car Smile
So I added the $20 to my challenge

New total $1929.06

An update on my car

March 29th, 2007 at 08:07 pm

Well I was so disgusted that I just did not clean outmy car this morning, so I decided to head over to my dad's and notice that the thief actually broke the paneling as well around my dash board. Can you believe that? Now if that insentive cop would have did his job and tried to get some prints he would have found that and maybe got some prints. Then I notice that my fake Tiffany necklace was taken and just realize that I had a loose key (my sister's) in my ash tray which is missing, thank God they won't know who's house it belongs to. I have to lol because I am sure they are thinking it is for here and will be in for a rude awakening once they return. Only God knows what else was taken.

Bad News

March 29th, 2007 at 02:11 pm

Well I was getting ready to go to work and went out to my car today (this morning) and notice there was paper all over the place, I thought this was strange. Then it hit me, my car was broken into and my Vera Bradley book bag that I saved for was gone. I am just so disgusted and did not feel like going into work. Why do people steal? Why not work for what you want like the rest of us? I had to buy new hubcabs because some one stole them. You know ilive in a neighborhood where we hardly ever lock our doors and now it seems like it is going dowm hill. I really think it is some kids from around here. I am going to Sam's today to buy a camera. I AM P.O'd

Also my car is old (89 camery) and the cop act as though he did not want to take prints he didn't even try to get prints off of anything else other than the door, come on


March 28th, 2007 at 11:39 pm

That is all could say when I picked my car up today. $489 was the cost with labor for the new a/c (compressor) but I am glad I was able to get it fix because it will be getting really hot real soon. My dad did however, give me an extra $10 today so I am happy for that. But I put the total amount on my CC. Monday is payday so it will be paid in full. I just did not want ot deplete my savings to $161 between here and Monday, you never know

Well it is still raining

March 26th, 2007 at 11:23 pm

Well I heard from my mechanic and it will cost about $438 to get my a/c fix and I am dropping it off's just to hot in FL with out a/c. Next I have a dentist appointment to have my crown put on, that is another $330 so my little EF will be depleted.

The only good news is that I can pay cash and added $3.56 to my challenge today brining my new total to $1878.25

When it rains it poors

March 25th, 2007 at 03:30 am

Well my a/c gave out I asked my uncle to take it to his friend the mechanic at the Toyota dealer and of course he hasn't. So I said to myself I will only ask once, so I drive to my mechanic and he was going to put anti-freeze in for free only to find out that the compressor is goneFrown Now I am looking at $200+ for a compressor and only God knows what in labor. My mechanic stated he was going to shop around first for a better price...keep your fingers crossed but I will not put off for a whole week; not in sunny hot FL. Now two weeks ago I went to the dentist,that was $330 and now I have an appointment on Tuesday which is another $330 (for the crown) next I had to pay my car insurance ($182) for 3 months and tuition is due mid April ($948) My EF has gone from $1800 to about a $1000 I am happy I had one but when it rains it poors. Now I am feeling down in the dumbs.

I was able to work some OT this week at my part time job so that hould help some with the crown, but I have got to get my car fixed ASAP

Oops, I forgot I added $1.35 to my challenge today
New total $1874.99

Thank God for an EF

March 22nd, 2007 at 06:31 pm

I am so glad that I have been saving, my car will cost an arm and a leg, thank God I have my EF. I went in for breaks and ended up getting my oil change because at wal-mart it maybe less but it is an all day afair. Any way breaks and spark plugs $165 with tax next thing I know my mechanic is calling stating I need CV joints, he said they were really bad which I thought they were so another $150. Now my little car will be a happy camper, you know I do not feel stress,
I guess that's because I have the money to pay for it

$20 challenge

March 22nd, 2007 at 05:15 pm

I had to buy lunch today because I decided to take my car to the shop and did not pack anything. So $3.33 added to the challenge, I was actually doing pretty good this week in regards to eating out.

Now I am just waiting to see how much my brakes will cost. My uncle actually put them on, I thought he was having his friend the mechanic do it but he did not if I had know he would be the one putting them on I would have taken it to my mechanic. Anyhow that was $80 wasted so now I am here waiting on my mechanic let's see how much he will charge, at least he is not charging me for the anit-freeze

challenge total $1868.41


March 15th, 2007 at 11:51 pm

Tomorrow is payday which was a shocker to me because it really is Monday but the boss paid us early and I am happy. Anyway I already set up payments and set aside some money for savings

$68.14 Direct TV
$97.81 Electric
$182.13 Car insurance (3 months)
$348.08 total
$25 IRA
$40 Tuition Fund
$20 New car fund
$130 EF
$10 Misc fund (MD appointments, stuff like that)
$87.12 Challenge/new home fund
total saved $312.12

$20 Tithes


March 2nd, 2007 at 02:25 am

I did some excercising on Wednesday and took the stairs today so that was $2 added to the challenge, next we got ur paystubs (pay day is not until next Monday0 so I set up my automatic deposits to the challenge, EF, misc account, IRA, auto account and tuition accounts

New totals:
challenge/home $1408.17
EF $1841.35
tuition $130.33
Car account $111.71
IRA $1070.45
Misc/vacation $21.47

Got my A/C fixed

February 10th, 2007 at 03:33 am

Yep I got my a/c fixed at no cost to me Smile My uncle's friend did something; I don't know what and did not charge me. He said to just drive the car and make sure everything is OK, thus far it is working just fine (keep your fingers crossed) Now I have to get the squeaky noise fix but I will hold off on that. I am wondering if I should add the $200 that I was expecting to spend to my challenge money or just keep it in the EF and earn less interest than what I would if the money was in my ING account. I don't know I am torn

Car troubles may be over

February 7th, 2007 at 04:06 am

As you all know I have been dealing with my uncle and my car. See he has a friend who works at the Toyota dealership and when ever he takes my car in I get a break. Well the problem is getting him to take it in; I have been bugging him since November to take it in, and since he hasn’t, I decided today to take my car into my mechanic. Who was too busy too to look at and ask that I come back? So anyway when I get home today out of the blue my uncle says he is taking my car tomorrow to the shop. It's ironic because I had made my mind up that I was not going to ask any more and just pay the few $100s and get my a/c and tire rod (?) fixed. So if he doesn't take it tomorrow I have already made arrangements with my mechanic to bring it in on Thursday

Well my car is not fixed

January 31st, 2007 at 01:07 am

I am bumped for months now I have asked my uncle to take my car to his friend who is a mechanicto fix my a/c. Well he did, but unfortunately the guy had to leave on an emergency and my car is not fixed. I mean I know he has had an emergency but my God...I guess I should look at the bright side I have saved a ton of money but here in FL you definately need a/c

My car is getting fixed

January 27th, 2007 at 03:38 pm

Thank God my uncle spoke with his friend who is a mechanic for Toyota and he will be able to look, hopefully fix my car on Tuesday. Getting my uncle to do anything is like pulling teeth, right now my a/c is broken, my radiator needs to be repaired and something else regarding my tire rod(?) either way he will have it on Tuesday and hopefully everything will be fixed for $300 or less if not I'll be glad either way. My car is very old (89 camry) but I really can not afford a car payment right now and it has held up for atleast 2 years

Auto trouble

January 14th, 2007 at 03:31 pm

Ok I just had my car fix and now the radiator is going Frown I guess I'd rather spend a couple of $100 than to have a car payment, especially since I want a house. Anyhow, my uncle says I need a new hose and he showed me but I told him to take it his friend who works for Toyota and give me a brand new radiator (mine looks corroded and I is just a matter of time) and besides I get a discount anyway so I may as well fix it properly, and since I am on a mini vacation I may as well take care of everything ASAP

$20 Challenge

January 8th, 2007 at 04:48 am

Added another $2.92 to my challenge/home account brining my new total to $411.31. I want to be at atleast $700 by the end of the month with this account. I also added .78 to my car account (rounding up the change) new total $20.78

Glad to have a EF

January 8th, 2007 at 01:30 am

I am glad I have my small but handy EF. I had to put my car in the shop; rotated tires and balance, oil change and had a transmission leak fixed all cost me $180. Good thing my uncle knows the mechanic because the leak alone would have been atleast $400 so I came out on top. I am happoy because I did not have to use a cc or borrow the money. I also took funds to pay half of my tuition which was $357.70 I as going to use a cc and wait until next month to pay it off but I thought if you have the cash now just pay it, so I did. Now I have until March to pay the other half on my tuition


January 7th, 2007 at 03:00 pm

Ok last week I notice one of my hubcaps were missing, when and why I have no clue. Then last night I get home and another one is missing. I am so annoyed because now I have to replace them at a cost to me. Who would steal one or two hubcaps, why not just take them all. Is this person going to take one at a time until they're all gone. I am so upset

New Brakes

December 13th, 2006 at 03:44 am

Well I had to get new breaks, my uncle put them on for me so it only cost me $70. I'll be taking this money out of my miscellaneous account and EF. I am just glad that I had the money

No gas

November 29th, 2006 at 01:31 am

Boy I tell you it is always something, I tried to get gas today and was unable to open up the tank, now I have to wait until my uncle gets here in order to havfe it open and now I have to leave really early in order to get gas in the AM. I just hope itis something I do not have to pay to have it fixed

Change for 2007

November 12th, 2006 at 01:42 pm

There will be a new me come 2007. I have pretty much met my goals this year, other than purchasing a home but that is my goal for next year. Now I have decided that come January I will be setting aside my old rent and car money which is $475 for rent and $348.11 which I paid on the car. That way I will have money saved towards owning my new home and money saved in case I have to but a new car (used). Any bonuses this year will be placed in the new home account as well tax returns ...the goal is to have $10,000 saved towards a house by the end of 2007 and atleast $3000 for a used car. So I guess you can say I am starting early with the resolutions

Car trouble

November 10th, 2006 at 11:00 pm

As you all know I totaled my car about two years ago and have been driving an 89 camry ever since. I have had no real problems but I notice a really large puddle in the drive way. I am hoping my uncle's friend who works for Toyota can take a look at and fix what ever it is at a very low cost, because I have not been really saving for a new car/used one. We'll see

Back to Blogging

September 17th, 2006 at 12:50 am

Since I have not been blogging I have spending spending spend so guess what I am back to blogging. It cost me $300.00 to get some repairs done on the car Frown But I look at this way atleast it was not $300 for a car payment each month. My goal is to keep this car until I complete school hopefully next fall. My uncle whose friend works at a Toyota dealer took my car in so that save me a ton of money (the labor) so I am happ with that and since the boss gave me $60.00 yesterday I only needed to add $240

The Car was not Sold

September 10th, 2006 at 01:33 am

I came in today and the car that I looked at on Thursday was still here, the seller told me she had some one who was ready to buy for $4200 and yet it is still gut tells me that she did not have any other offers. But if she calls I will reduce my offer to $3500 we'll see

No new car

September 7th, 2006 at 10:26 pm

Well my brother lent me $3000.00 to purchase a use vechile, so I go and look at the car she is asking $4500 my original thought/offer was going to be for $3500 but I offered $3000 she said no and that she had an offer much higher I then said $4000 she said no well that was it for me because I am not press for a car. Yes my car has problems but I am not in a rush. She then stated she was offered $4200 and if I offer her that then the car is mine well I said sell it to the person who offered you the $4200. I am just not desperate, so I am going to fix my car and make monthly payments to my brother like we agreed. I did call my sister so she can stop calling me about my old car

New Car

September 4th, 2006 at 10:33 pm

As you all know I am having problems with my car, well on my part-time job there is a 1996 Camry with 34000 driven by the original owner who is about 80 for sale for $4500.00 So my brother said he would lend me the money and I make monthly payments to him. I think that is a good idea we'll see. I am hoping to talk her down to $3000.00

Car is running like new

August 27th, 2006 at 05:50 pm

As you all know I have a very old car '89 previous car was totaled Smile no car payment. Anyway my uncle took it yesterday to his buddy who tuned it up and it is running so nice now,however I still need to get the oil leak and some other leak (can't remeber) fixed. I think I am I just do not want another car payment not while I still have other debts. just thankful I have a decent car, may not be a car that I want but it's a car and payment free

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