Viewing the 'Emergency Fund' Category
March 14th, 2009 at 09:53 pm
I know that it is my faith that keeps me going, yes I was/am down about not having a job but things could be much worst. Today God Blessed me with a $50 gift from my dad, last week it was $20 from my aunt and again today my uncle paid me the money he owed me. The entire $525, so I put this money in my EF in order to pay my car insurance for the next three months. Yes I am worried but at least I can pay my car note, car insurance and the small bills around the house
Thank goodness, God is on my side when all else fails
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Emergency Fund,
January 30th, 2009 at 07:39 pm
In a time when people are losing their jobs I just got a .78 raise. Which is about $50 a pay period after taxes. I am so happy because I just paid my bills and thought hmmm I can't put a thing into my EF. Anyhow I added $49.38 to the EF
Yeah!!!!!!!! Things are really looking up this year
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Emergency Fund,
January 30th, 2009 at 05:37 am
This is the amount I had left in my checking account before payday tomorrow; added this to my EF. I am impressed with my self because I managed to sock away $210 (misc savings, EF,home account and IRA) and not touch any of my savings accounts to get by 
End of the month total:
Total Income $1,776.42
Expense Categories
Automobile $199.17 (not including car payment of $381)
Bank Charges $64.67(interest on cc)
Bills $108.54(storage and internet)
Charitable Donations $20.00
Dining Out $41.67
Education $857.24
Fees $20.60 (charge for paying tuition online)
Gifts $17.25
Groceries $150.27
Health care $15.00
Hobbies/Leisure $30.75
Miscellaneous $40.95
Personal Care $36.63
Services/Memberships $47.91
Taxes $321.84
Utilities $115.92
Total Expense $2,088.41
Grand Total -$311.99
I am really happy because there are no transactions for clothes plus my dining out and miscellaneous categories are way down compared to the last few months. It's strange even though I saved money I still have an overall negative number hmmmm, I'll have to review this
So all in all this was a really great month. Tomorrow's payday unfortunately I can not add anything to my EF but at least all my bills coming due will be paid
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Emergency Fund,
January 17th, 2009 at 01:50 am
Today was payday and I'm broke again
I paid the following:
$130 EF
$10 Misc/gift fund
$10 Personal checking
$10 house fund
$25 IRA
Total Saved $185
Expense Categories
$183.37 Federal Income Tax
$98.74 Social Security Tax
$64.68 Cable/Satellite
$60.07 Online/Internet Service
$51.24 Water & Sewage
$23.09 Medicare Tax
$20.00 Charitable Donations
$1.00 Hobbies/Leisure : Lottery
$1.00 Miscellaneous
$47.91 Gym fees
$471.22 CC 2
Expense Total $1022.32
On a different not my sister called to say she has the $300 she owes me so I am picking it up in the morning in order to pay off cc 2
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Emergency Fund,
December 25th, 2008 at 03:10 am
Darn it I had over drawn on my checking 1 account. I thought I paid the cable bill on a different account so $19.63 was transferred from my EF to cover today's transaction But what is bothering me is that there is no fee being shown and I am sure they'll be charging me and I have no clue what the charge would be to transfer funds
Further more I got off work today at 3 and the gym closed at 4 so I was unable to make it today which annoyed me and they'll be closed tomorrow, so 2 days missed
What a way to end the week
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Emergency Fund
August 24th, 2008 at 04:02 pm
I have had two no spends days (Saturday and Sunday) I have stayed in all weekend not even moving my car 
Today I did laundry so $3 will be added to my EF (goal is now to get to $2000) because I line dried 3 loads. In addition, my co-worker on Friday gave me a gift card for Sweet Tomatoes ($10) so I added this to my EF as well.
New total $1554.05
On a different note, I finally got my bridge in on Thursday which cost me another $450. I wasn't expecting this I thought when I paid the dentist $800 the last time that, that was it but I guess not. So $450 was deducted from my EF
So far this year I have spent $3270 on dental work and I have not even started the implant as of yet
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Emergency Fund,
August 19th, 2008 at 09:41 pm
Yesterday was pay day so I paid the following:
$1512 on cc (this money came out of my challenge much of it dental work)
$192.04 Electric
$20 Tithes
$100 on cc
$51.03 Water
$53.53 Directv
$25 IRA
$170 EF ($40 of this was from not paying a phone bill for the land line I no longer have)
$10 X-mas fund
$20 personal spending account
$40 Challenge
$20 Tuition fund
$20 Car fund
Not bad, I actually saved $260 out of my check and still have about $400 left after pain bills but it goes quickly. Oh I forgot I added the extra $10 saved on the satellite bill for referring my dad so I actually added $180 to EF saving a total of $270
Anyhow Tropical storm Fay just left I am so glad that there was not much damage in our area. My sister lost power for a short while but it came back on. The winds were really picking up and it could have been worst but thank goodness it wasn’t.
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Emergency Fund,
July 27th, 2008 at 06:02 am
Well I have not been blogging much and for that reason have been spending a little more. Anyhow, I returned my Mac so $964 was credited back to my CC. My boss gave me $20 so I added that to my EF.
On a different note I received an email from ING about lost money sitting there waiting to be claimed. Now I check this a few years ago and found money for my BIL and a friend’s sister so I decided to check again for myself and guess what there was $58 available to me from an saving account that I had with Albertson’s when I worked there
Then I started checking out my family members, my uncle’s wife $651, my SIL, my brother and cousin all had unclaimed funds. Can you believe it
Here is the link for any one who wants to check…good luck
Text is http://www.unclaimed.org/ and Link is http://www.unclaimed.org/
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Emergency Fund,
July 20th, 2008 at 08:24 pm
First Friday was payday and I was able to sock away the following:
$25 IRA
$400 to EF ($20 was saved on the DirecTV bill for referring a friend)
$50 towards the challenge
On a different note, my mom is not speaking to me because I told my sister what her in-laws said. My mom who asked me not to say anything was very upset but I was compelled to let my sister know, besides anything I tell her she repeats. Anyhow she (my sister) moved into her apartment which I told her to get a two bedroom and she ended up with a 3 so that her loser son can move in, well her and my BIL are now separated and her son is no longer living with her. He cussed her so badly and threaten to kill her (I must say that this is the second time he has done this) He is such a loser; he won't work and is on probation for theft. You would think that she would stop getting him out of trouble but that is definitely not an option. Now she is stuck with this three bedroom apartment that she can not afford and still owes me $40 that I can kiss good bye. I said to her since you haven't been in the place for a week, speak with the leasing office and try to get a smaller place; her response "no I like it here" I know she is holding on just in case my nephew needs a place to stay. I am sorry I love him but he would not be living with me not after threatening me twice. There are too many kids who actually follow through with their threats. Now her second son the one who was diagnosed with schizophrenia is practically living with this girl and her mother who wants him to marry this girl so that she can get her papers (green card or visa, I don't know) he has stopped taking his meds and I have tried as well as my sister to tell him to come from over there, and go home but a hard head makes a soft you know what. He too is no longer working thanks to his loser brother (he actually got him a job where he was working) who cussed out the manager . Unbelievable
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Emergency Fund,
July 7th, 2008 at 04:11 am
I haven't been keeping up with my savings since I did not have a computer but I was able to add $21 to my EF. Friday a patient gave everyone a $10 tip and my dad gave me $11. I haven't been adding to my challenge at all. Hopefully I can sell this computer and get some of my money back in order to pay down my cc. On a different note I am really enjoying my Ipod, I can't believe I haven't saved up for one before it is wonderful
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Emergency Fund
June 23rd, 2008 at 10:36 pm
I just purchased this new laptop and now I can not log onto the internet I have to check all my emails at work which sucks. Took it into to Bestbuy whose Geeksqaud has no clue. I told the guy it was the drivers and I was afraid to delete anything but he wanted to do it his own way cost me $53 and they still have it, he told me to give him 30 minutes (yeah right). Thank goodness it is still under the manufacture's 30 day warranty. Can you believe he wanted me to take it home, what and it is still covered and when I still can't connect pay you $100, I don't think so
I did not eat out today so I added $4 to my EF and another $35 because I washed and colored my own hair. Not sure what the balance is but will double check later
On a different note I added $3 to my challenge from Pinecone
New total $4404.42
Oops I forgot I got a "B" in that marketing class, thank goodness. It was going to be the death of me
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Emergency Fund
June 16th, 2008 at 12:43 am
Today was not a bad day. I went by my brother’s shop, I have no idea what he is planning but I think he should look for a job. He has all this stuff (junk) that he wants to sell and make money. Grant it some of the stuff he may sell but a lot of it is junk and I have tried telling him that there must be a demand for his stuff to sell. He has really old books, not in good condition, old vinyl albums in pretty good condition but who are buying these items. I know that there are collectors but when I checked EBay to see what some of them was selling for they were going for $2.99. I mean is it worth it after shipping and paying EBay
Anyhow, I did not get a chance to see my dad today but I was able to speak with him, he does not celebrate Father’s Day (he’s Jehovah Witness) but I was finally able to use my $30 beach sticker, I bought with the intentions of hitting the beach every weekend for the summer but now that I am no longer on the part time job I guess I will. The sun was so hot and the water was so cold (to me anyway) but it was still beautiful. I use to live a little north of here and always went to that beach because of the shops but I hit my local beach today and it was beautiful one of the best I have seen. So guess where I am going next week.
Then I came home took and shower and then a nap. I actually saved $45 today because I washed and colored my own hair so I added that to the EF and not one coin spent today
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Emergency Fund,
June 13th, 2008 at 03:08 am
$35 went to my EF because I did not go to the hair salon. I have been trying the every other week thing and it seems to be working. Maybe I will skip next week also
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Emergency Fund
June 13th, 2008 at 01:53 am
$163 for the electric bill this month
I can't believe it. Seems like every thing is on the rise. But I must say my Direct TV bill was $10 less so I am adding those $10 to my EF
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Emergency Fund
June 10th, 2008 at 03:06 am
I did not eat out today so I paid 2 on the cc, my how quickly it adds up I know I have the EF but I hate to see it dwindle down but I went ahead and tranferred the $1000 to pay on the cc; at least it would cover part of the $1250 dental work
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Emergency Fund,
May 27th, 2008 at 05:45 pm
I am so afraid of change and I think that is what holds me back. I have had the loan papers now to refiance my car for a possible better rate and have yet to fill them out and I finally went in to the office today and did it. The loan officer stated that once they are able to verify my employment I wll then be contacted regarding the loan status. My rate is very high and I have since cleaned up my credit paid off a ton of things and always paid my current loan on time and well over the amount due. So keep your fingers crossed.
I also cancelled my land line which I have been holding off on for a while, why I still don't know so that extra $40 saved will be going to my challenge every month. Next I am going to drop off the paper work for the grant. I have filled them out but have been so afraid to drop them off. Why? Change...I really need to over come that fear.
Today was a no spend day thus far but the day has not ended as of yet so I will wait to add my $2 but I will add $2 to the challenge and $2 to the EF for preparing my breakfast
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Emergency Fund,
May 26th, 2008 at 04:00 pm
Just wanted to wish every one a happy and safe Memorial Day. I am praying for those of you whose spouses/love ones are serving all over the world. It is definately appreciated 
On a different note I am going to see Mr. H today since I did not work this weekend, he is the sweetest old guy I know, it's like having a grandfather.
I washed and colored my own hair today so on Friday when payday rolls around I will add the money saved($50) to my challenge. However, I am adding $2 to the EF and $2 to the challenge because I made breakfast this morning and I usually spend about $3.71 buying breakfast
New total for the challenge $5826.38 and EF $1668.35
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Emergency Fund,
May 16th, 2008 at 02:34 pm
I woke up yesterday with the worst tooth ache, I was dying over here. Anyhow I had cancelled my appointment because I was feeling better earlier in the day, luckily I was able to reach the dentist who called me in an antibiotic. When I asked if he would and gave him the number to Walgreens he says to me why don't you go to Publix it's free. Because I did not have the number he looked it up for me and called it in, when I went to pick it up it was free, saving me a $15 co-pay How nice. I woke up this morning and I am a little sore, but I am feeling better. I did not go into work today because if this flares up again I want to be able to go straight to the dentist, it's hard to leave once you are at work. Seems as though the antibiotic is working, wish I had known before I spent $185 the other day
On a different note, today was payday so I checked my balance and found a nice little bonus which I immediately added to my EF 
I paid bills today, paid my cc in which I charged my tuition but I still owe about $100 on it. I use it to accumulate points and since I have been under the weather I have not entered all my transactions, must do that today in order to stay cc debt free. I paid the cable and phone bill added $50 to my challenge and paid the extra $50 that I am no longer adding to my IRA but to the auto loan principal in an effort to have that car atleast half way paid off by the end of the year.
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Emergency Fund,
April 1st, 2008 at 02:10 am
Two days in a row I have had a great day. Today was a no spend day other than gas of $30 which I do not count. I got up early enough to make breakfast, took my lunch and snacks for work; in addition; to having left overs for dinner 
Then I headed to the library because I was having some problem with my accounting, I was able to complete chapter 10's homework other than the hand out in which I will tackle tomorrow but it felt good to be able to understand what I was doing wrong. I also had $7 left over from last pay period in checking account 1 so I added that to the EF and looks like I will have $85 left from last pay period in checking account number 2 on Thursday so that will be added to my car/tuition fund
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Emergency Fund,
July 18th, 2007 at 04:24 am
Well I have not been adding to the challenge like I should but I did ad my weekly $25 deposit; new total $3352.85
I also added $148 to my car account, I firgured I still should be adding to this fund for any repairs or insurance etc that will be coming due that new total $756.11. I almost forgot I added$30 to my EF account and $50 to my IRA, paid $100 on the cc as well
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Emergency Fund,
March 22nd, 2007 at 06:31 pm
I am so glad that I have been saving, my car will cost an arm and a leg, thank God I have my EF. I went in for breaks and ended up getting my oil change because at wal-mart it maybe less but it is an all day afair. Any way breaks and spark plugs $165 with tax next thing I know my mechanic is calling stating I need CV joints, he said they were really bad which I thought they were so another $150. Now my little car will be a happy camper, you know I do not feel stress,
I guess that's because I have the money to pay for it
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Emergency Fund,
March 15th, 2007 at 11:51 pm
Tomorrow is payday which was a shocker to me because it really is Monday but the boss paid us early and I am happy. Anyway I already set up payments and set aside some money for savings
$68.14 Direct TV
$97.81 Electric
$182.13 Car insurance (3 months)
$348.08 total
$25 IRA
$40 Tuition Fund
$20 New car fund
$130 EF
$10 Misc fund (MD appointments, stuff like that)
$87.12 Challenge/new home fund
total saved $312.12
$20 Tithes
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Emergency Fund,
March 15th, 2007 at 12:03 am
I received my Amazon payment today, I already deposited this money to my challenge home account in the amount of the actual sell but today the deposit was for $8.10 so I deposited an extra $4 to the challenge... better that than spending it. So I am adding this amount to my EF, trying to get tat total back up. Today I also did not spend any money so I added a $1 to the challenge and then rounded up my change and added $.33.
New challenge total :$1713.89
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Emergency Fund
March 2nd, 2007 at 02:25 am
I did some excercising on Wednesday and took the stairs today so that was $2 added to the challenge, next we got ur paystubs (pay day is not until next Monday0 so I set up my automatic deposits to the challenge, EF, misc account, IRA, auto account and tuition accounts
New totals:
challenge/home $1408.17
EF $1841.35
tuition $130.33
Car account $111.71
IRA $1070.45
Misc/vacation $21.47
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Emergency Fund,
February 13th, 2007 at 02:52 am
Ok the school offers a deal where you can pay half your tuition the first part of the semester and the other half a quarter of a way through. Well it was time for me to pay the remainder so I put it on the cc since I had a dollar credit and will pay it off tomorrow. I just tried paying it but the balance has not posted yet. The unfortunate part about the whole thing is that I had to take the money out of the EF fund $356.70 but I get paid next week Monday so I’ll transfer the funds back
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Emergency Fund,
February 1st, 2007 at 03:27 am
Amazon finally paid me for the book I sold so I added that to the EF today was a good day, I got a raise and my book money. I also listed another book on half.com, hopes it sells
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Emergency Fund
January 29th, 2007 at 02:25 am
From my friend, who borrowed a $100 about 3-4 months ago. Thank God, i have got to learn to say no when ever anyone wants to borrow money, I just remeber when I use to have to borrow;I guess. Well thank God I got my last $50 and I will be adding this to my EF account, now it is just a matter of getting my $30 from my nephew( I can kiss that goodbye) and $20 from my BIL
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Emergency Fund,
January 20th, 2007 at 03:14 am
Well I was looking at my checking account all bills were paid so I decided to add the extra $200 to my EF
It feels good to be able to pay bills as they come in and not wait until payday
New total:$641.91
Now my sister is suppose to return the $300 she owes me which will go straight to the EF account boosting me even closer to my $1000 goal
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Emergency Fund
January 5th, 2007 at 01:26 am
Cashed my refund check today so I added it to the EF ($30) new total is $1230.82
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Emergency Fund
October 14th, 2006 at 04:33 pm
My got a nice little gift from my uncle last nigh...$40.00 so I just added this amount to my savings account, just did not feelig like paying extra on the cc
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Emergency Fund