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February 5th, 2009 at 02:54 am

I have been down lately mainly because this guy that I was very interested in is simply not interested in me so I decided to stop calling him. Any how normally when I'm down I shop and I have come so close these last 2 days of going shopping but opted not to. Then today I lost my ring at work ($200 ring) and I was so tempted to go and buy another, I'm upset but it's not much I can do about it. In the end I just pray I am able to stay strong against temption

Not much to report

February 1st, 2009 at 12:34 am

Well my nephew and I rearranged my storage so that I can at least get into it. Once a week I am going to go there and clean out 1 box and get rid of stuff I simply do not need, I am such a pack rat. Other than that I did not go to the gym Frown maybe later tonight nor did I get any studying in. I pretty much lounged around tonight. I have a friend who is a DJ at a local bar who asked me to stop by but to be honest, I simply do not have the extra money so I am not going. I washed and colored my own hair tonight saving me at least $45. I can not believe that I have not been to the hair salon since early December and my hair actually looks fine, maybe next month I'll go and get a trim. So in a nut shell that was my day

Looks like it's going to be a good day

January 27th, 2009 at 06:57 pm

As you all know I am determine to be out of my mom's house by the end of the year, whether it be me buying or renting but I'm moving. I am too old to live at home plus I have really no privacy, and plus I'm tired of her little mood swings (we haven't spoken since last Thursday). Today on freecycle some one was giving away a perfectly good washer and dryer so I'm picking it up later and sticking it in my storage. It's one of the items that I needed on my list of items to buy. Then I came home and there was a check from Directv for $8.08, nice little refund. I didn't add it to the challenge because payday isn't until Friday

Good day

January 20th, 2009 at 11:44 pm

Today was a good day, I was up by 5am. I think it had a lot to do with the inauguration. Went to work and it wasn't too bad. Then headed to Macy's and Dillards to get my free cosmetic...yippie Big Grin
Came home had 2 candy apples Frown and opened the mail. I received my $120 check from BoA which I was going to apply to the challenge but I have to get my oil change and tires rotated (put off now for a week) plus I got my $25 GC from mypoints which I am considering posting on Ebay
Really good day today

Now I see

January 20th, 2009 at 09:31 pm

This post is not about finances but the ignaugration...sorry
As a child I use to hear my mom talk about JFK an tear up then she would talk about how she would never vote for a black man unless it was Martin Luther Ling and he was dead. I was raised liberal but as I furthered my education became more conservative (my dad is a republican) In the primary's I didn't vote for Obama, but then I saw Michelle on CNN and thought hmmm and from that point on I was an Obama supporter; however, I must say what solified it for me was Sarah Palin, I wished McCain had chosen some one else but in the end Obama is it
When I watch the inauguration as an African American who never thought I would see this day is brought to tears, words simply can not explain what I am feeling. I kind of understand now when I watch old clips from the 60s and people are in tears to simply see JFK
I may not agree with him 100% but I do believe he will be a great president
May God Bless him with the guidance to lead this wonderful nation

Nothing to report

January 8th, 2009 at 02:37 am

Other than paying off CC I had a no spend today. I also have had lunch and breakfast at home no dining out for me until I get this cc debt down.
On a different note it was raining today so I didn't feel like going to the gym but will go tomorrow right after work, I also read chapter 1 for my online class trying to stay ahead of the game

Pinecone registration link

January 6th, 2009 at 11:36 pm

This link was sent to me last month and appears to still be active so if any one wants to sign up here it is

Here is the link to the registration:

Text is and Link is

1040 Already?

January 4th, 2009 at 01:13 am

I can't believe I received my 1040 booklet from the IRS already, it's only the 3rd of January.
I'm really in no rush to file my taxes because any money I receive I'll be adding to either my house fund or EF, haven't decided yet but either way it's saved
I'm sure that there are a ton people out there who will be filing their taxes via rapid refund and for the life of me I don't understand why

Decided to eat in

January 3rd, 2009 at 09:51 pm

Almost went to Sonic for burger and fries but changed my mind and decided to make a salad. Just hope I can keep this up
Have to go to the gym later, my shoulder is so sore. I normally do not work my arms and chest are but I did the other day and now I am paying for it


January 3rd, 2009 at 06:30 pm

I am still waiting on the following:
Inboxdollar $28.34
Surveyspot $7
$25 Giftcard from mypoints

Just a mental note to myself

Help re: Internet Explorer

January 1st, 2009 at 02:45 pm

My favorites on internet explorer is not working so I can not bookmark any pages...any suggestions

Well it is a new year....

January 1st, 2009 at 01:14 pm

And I plan on living on less than I make, that's my new year's resolution.
Today I plan on just relaxing and heading to the gym, so it will be a NSD. I just check the interest that I have earned for December and it was a whopping $5.25 Frown but I guess I shouldn't complain it's more than I had yesterday

On a different note my mom realized that someone tried breaking into our house on Thursday and I believe it is S, the old family friend who wanted to move in. He's the one the grandmother put out because he stole her CC. When she(mom) went out the back door she notice from the outside that the lock was broken, as if someone tried to pick the lock. It's so strange because that day my mom and I went to TJ Maxx home good store and for some strange reason I decided to hide my laptop under some blankets. I figured if some one breaks in the alarm will go off but the person would still have a few minutes before the cops came...I have no idea why I had this though, just glad I did


December 26th, 2008 at 04:00 am

Well for the new year I am setting goals for myself, so here they are

•Pack lunch
•Have breakfast at home
•$5k in EF
•$10K towards new home
•Complete school
•Contribute more to IRA
•Keep up with my blog (it helps me a lot)
•No new clothes
•Twice a month at the hair salon

Happy Hollidays

December 25th, 2008 at 01:49 pm

Just wanted to wish every one a joyous and safe holiday

Merry Christmas

Happy Kwanzaa

$10 off at Macy's

December 25th, 2008 at 12:23 am

Not sure if anyone could use this after X-mas coupon at Macy's but it's $10 off a $25 purchase
I'll be using it for a $15 gift for my nephew's birthday

Text is and Link is


December 23rd, 2008 at 02:40 am

Went through all the surveys I particpate with to see if I had any cash haning around to collect and here it is
Lightspeed $15
Pinecone $21
Surveyspot $7
Surveysavy $3.50
Inboxdollar $28.34 (this was after they charged me a $3 processing fee)
Total $74.84
All in which once received will go to house fund
Oh and I forgot went to the gym so $2 added to the challenge as well as I ate my packed lunch so another $2 added

Christmas Blessing

December 22nd, 2008 at 10:19 pm

I was so Blessed today, a patient brought in gifts for everyone's kids and even though I do not have kids he gave me gifts for my God daughter and her sister two gifts I do not have to buy nor could was even a bike
There are some kind people out there


December 14th, 2008 at 01:51 pm

For any one who is tryng to join, I got this email the other day:

Dear :
PineCone Research continues to grow and we invite you to help! We are offering select members the opportunity to recommend membership to a friend or relative who is NOT a member of their household.
Do you know of households that would like to join the PineCone Research Panel? If so, please FORWARD A COPY of this email to each household you would like to refer so that they may click on the registration link shown below. That household should complete the registration form themselves and submit it. REMEMBER THAT ONLY ONE PERSON PER HOUSEHOLD MAY REGISTER. Multiple registrations of the same Household will void all registrations.

Here is the link to the registration:

Text is and Link is
As a member in good standing, you've already seen the benefits of being part of PineCone Research. So please, share the benefits of membership with a friend. Just don't forget, please don't tell them about any of the products that you have seen in our questionnaires or tried in your home. Remember, it's important that your PineCone Research survey and product testing experiences remain confidential.

If your referral has any questions, they can email us at or click on the attached links to learn more about PineCone Research.

Text is and Link is

Text is and Link is

While this is not a paid referral program, we genuinely appreciate your help in spreading the word that PINECONE IS GROWING!

Thank you,

Karen Scott

Web site:

If you wish to opt out from receiving future emails from PineCone Research, please click the link below:

Well I'm back

December 12th, 2008 at 03:29 am

Well in the small amount of time I have been gone I have managed to rack up my CC debt to a tune of about $4000 (I'll update the side bar over the weekend) in addition I managed to lower my challenge fund all in the name of shopping. But over a course of a week I have made small payments to my cc and joined a gym
I also went to visit the young man I met back in October and he turned out to be a jerk, well I really shouldn't say jerk but he was definitley different than I expected. I ended up buying breakfast and dinner the first day I was there and the second day well I was kind of ready to get home and we did not go out or anything but it's over and done with so I won't worry about any more
There are a number of things I bought that I plan on returning this weekend almost $200 worth of stuff and I am waiting for grades to be posted...hopefully I passed this class and I'm down to 3 before graduation.

Looking for Mr. Right

October 27th, 2008 at 02:40 am

I met a guy the other day who I thought we had hit it off, he had not kids (thank God), married once and a decent job. We talked for a while laughed and joked. But I haven’t spoken to him in a few days in which I was a little disappointed. I have to keep in mind that he has a job in which he travels a lot, and I do mean a lot.
But being single is very hard/a bummer and I am so ready to settle down that I tend to get blind sided by any one who seems to be interested. Oh well, maybe I will run into Mr. Right some day
I guess I am sick of spending holidays, birthdays by myself and it would be nice to have some one to go to dinner with or even catching a movie would be nice
Oh well

Obama Forum

October 22nd, 2008 at 03:25 am

I made it to the Obama event today, second in line at 5am. Even though I did not support him at first I do now and the feeling today...well all I can say is amazing
I couldn't up load them, just one sorry

Missed you

September 29th, 2008 at 02:21 am

Hi guys
I am still alive, just been caught up in this election. I am 34 and have voted in every single election since 18 even local ones and lately I have been sleeping and eating politics; blogging on In addition, I have managed to rack up my credit card and not save anything towards my house/challenge, falling back into old habits I will post new figures within the next few days. But I must say I miss every one here and I am sure we have some new bloggers as well, sorry I haven't took the time to welcome you so I am say it now WELCOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!
One thing I can say is that you guys keep me on track and I feel so guilty for back sliding and not posting which I contribute to my back sliding

Miss you and will back real soon

Just staying in all weekend

August 24th, 2008 at 02:11 am

I planned on staying in all weekend, so I hit the local library on Thursday and picked up 5 movies to enjoy over the weekend and thus far I have watched two out of the five and finished up a book I was reading. What I have found is that sometimes being single can be tough but if you get out and do things it's not so bad and I am enjoying my "no spending money" weekend Smile
School starts up Monday and can you believe I have not paid my tuition or did any price comparison for books nor picked up any supplies and most importantly informed my boss I have to leave an hour early on Mondays, I guess you can say I am really not into it this semester. I am burned out but I need to get over this, real soon and get the ball rolling
In addition, we have a serious problem with ants, they are even in my bed and I do not eat at all in my room. Where are they coming from? I dropped some ant kill but can't seem to get rid of them. I had to trash a brand new bottle of pancake syrup because of them...arrrgh

Not to good

August 11th, 2008 at 01:53 am

I had planned on hitting the beach early but my plans got all screwed up. The dentist called stated she would see me at 11:15am but when I called back to confirm no answer. So I stuck around for awhile and still no response, her husband called and stated he would meet me if she did not respond. So on my way to Blockbuster's(after no response) to return a movie for my uncle she calls but guess what she did not have a key to the office...hmmm
Anyhow to make a long story short I have to lose an hour from work tomorrow to go to the dentist. I can't understand why this temporary keeps coming off, I don't even eat on that side.
Anyhow I finally made it to the beach only to be there for 30 minutes and have the skies to open up. Then I could not close my beach chair, can you stand it? So now I am carrying all this stuff in this thunder storm along with an open chair that I had trouble getting into my car

Nice day

July 28th, 2008 at 04:03 am

I live about 5 minutes away from the beach and haven't been since I was about 13 or so. About a month ago I bought a beach sticker and have only been once so I decided to go today and I loved it. I hated to leave. I had my beach umbrella, my cooler with lunch, tons of magazines and a book as well as my iPod, oh I forgot I bought a boogie board so that I can float (since I can't swim) The weather was great and I will be heading back next weekend

lost and found

July 27th, 2008 at 06:02 am

Well I have not been blogging much and for that reason have been spending a little more. Anyhow, I returned my Mac so $964 was credited back to my CC. My boss gave me $20 so I added that to my EF.
On a different note I received an email from ING about lost money sitting there waiting to be claimed. Now I check this a few years ago and found money for my BIL and a friend’s sister so I decided to check again for myself and guess what there was $58 available to me from an saving account that I had with Albertson’s when I worked there
Then I started checking out my family members, my uncle’s wife $651, my SIL, my brother and cousin all had unclaimed funds. Can you believe it
Here is the link for any one who wants to check…good luck

Text is and Link is

Haven't been around much

July 14th, 2008 at 12:07 am

I have not been blogging lately, so busy with this accounting class. My first test I failed (60 points out of 100) so I have been really studying. Financial accounting I was told was much harder than managerial but I beg to differ. Anyhow, I decided to return my Mac computer, I really don't like it and it is going to cost me way too much to add windows. Too bad I can't trust my sister to pay me monthly. Maybe when this laptop crash I will be able to buy another Mac and upgrade with windows as well. I paid $1000 on the cc to get it down and once I return the Mac it will be at a zero balance.

Listed the MAC for Sale

July 6th, 2008 at 01:01 am

My sister wants to by the Dell from me for a $100 a month (hmmmmm) big mistake I am sure. So I listed my Mac for $100 less than what I purchased it for because I really can't afford it in addition I do not like it. I know it's because I am use to the PC. Every one that I have spoken to have nothing but great things to say but I just don't like
I got this email from a guy who wants to buy it but I am not going for this either pay me cash or pay me through paypal and I will ship, see below and let me know what you think?
Thank you very much for your swift response and for telling me the
item is still available.I am satisfied with the conditions has you
have stated in the ad.

I have a schedule already,for i need to attend an important seminar in
Iowa so i wont be able to come to check it at your place.Since i am ok
with the condition,i will be sending you a business check that will
cover the amount of the item and the moving funds.You are to take your
money for the item from the check after cleared in your bank within
2-3 days and have the rest sent to the mover via western union money transfer.For your
inconvenience,i will add $100 with the payment to be your running
around fee.I'm always a busy man and i will not like to miss this
item.The info of the mover will be sent to you after the check is

Get back to me with your name and address where the check will be addressed to,including your contact phone number.

Have a nice weekend


July 4th, 2008 at 08:29 pm

I had purchased an HP computer from Bestbuy and about 27 days after my purchase I was unable to connect to the Internet (via express card or wi-fi). So I had taken my computer in and was told that if the work would take more than 30 minutes I would have to pay $50. The technician of course worked on it for more than 30 minutes. Prior to me taking in my laptop I spoke with Verizon trying to trouble shoot the issue and was told that the express card was fine (and it worked on other computers, as well ) and to take in the laptop to Bestbuy. After being told that it would be about an hour I went back to Bestbuy (after a number of calls ) and the tech was on the line with Verizon trying to connect and was still unable to. So he asked that I leave it for a few more hours so I went home. I never received a call from the tech so I called him and was informed that there may be a problem with the actual drivers (which I told him before he even started) for the computer and it needed to be sent to HP for repair which would take 3-5 weeks. Next I called them up about two days later requesting my express card so that I can use it on another computer, of course they could not find it about 45 minutes later a tech called and said I could pick up. Now two weeks has passed and I am thinking my computer has been sent out for tech support with HP in the mean time because of my dissappointment I decide to buy a Mac, a friend of mine said to contat Bestbuy and ask for a referrence number so that I can contact HP myself and check the status. So I call Bestbuy and am told your computer never went out. Now I am furious because no one called and said a word. In addition I am being told that it is a software issue and it will cost me $130 for them to restore my computer. After I declined and ask for the tech's boss and his boss as well as his boss and finally getting the district manager's name I am told by the tech he did not have a number. So I say to him I will hold until you get one after about 10 minutes he comes back and offer me another computer at the same price. I just find it strange that if it was a software issue why am I getting a brand new computer. In addition, I forgot to mention when I first took my computer in the tech was advising me to take it home if I had done that my 30 days would have been up for the manufactors warranty. Further more when I went to pick up the exchange the technician could not find the computer (unbelievable) but I was able to get it
In the end I got a new computer which I no longer needed because I ordered a Mac, this should have been taken care by Bestbuy immediately. I am still going to contact the district. Once I get my new express card to use with the Mac I am definately selling this Dell no need in having two laptops

Mac came in today

July 2nd, 2008 at 11:19 pm

My Mac came in today and I am not liking it. I guess it's because I am so use to my PC and I had no idea that there was not a slot for an air card which means if I wanted to get one that uses an air card I would have to shell out almost $2000 which will not happen. However, I am able to connect and what I do like is the fact that no matter what page I am working on spell check is working Smile I am a terrible speller. Tonight when I get home I will install MSMoney and get all up to date

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