February 10th, 2019 at 08:21 pm
Great day today.
1. Activated my HSA account, I need to follow up with my employer the funds from the last pay date was not deposited 🙄
2. Switched automobile insurance companies, same coverage, $60 less a month.
3. Threw out old Halloween 🎃 candy 🍬 molds. I haven’t made any candy in years.
4. Found $16 in my car armrest, and $30 in my desk drawer that I had forgotten about.
5. Completed my application for Homestead exemption on the new place, this should reduce my taxes. 😊
6. Completed student 👩🏾🎓 loan application for income driven payments. Can’t wait to get rid of this crap 🤦🏽♀️
7. I normally don’t freeze leftovers but I froze rice and collard greens 🥬. Today I made a pot roast 🥩 and decided to pair it with the frozen left overs.
8. Walked to the mail ✉️ box vs. driving 🚗
9. Washed two loads of clothes 🧺
10. Turned of the AC and opened the sliders it’s gorgeous out.
As I walked to the mailbox, I was a little nervous. After last night’s dog attack, I really don’t want to be out.
Posted in
February 10th, 2019 at 12:11 pm
Yesterday, my sister and I was talking. I don’t know why but I got so angry when she told me she didn’t have any money to save so she uses her credit card for emergencies 🚨
I tried explaining to her that she needed to budget, look for areas to cut, but she insisted that the credit card method worked. I left it alone.
She’s terrible with money, owed me right now. But I’ve taken that as a lost. As she talked about why she uses the card and why it works I got more angry. I’m thinking, if you don’t have anything extra for day to day, how did you pay the CC bill when it comes? 🤦🏽♀️🙄
Needless to say, I listened, got more angry, and kept my mouth closed. After speaking with her, it validated what I was doing was working and what I needed to continue to do.
Debt is dumb
Posted in
February 10th, 2019 at 02:27 am
Today was busy, got my dad’s second place rented. Well we found a tenant and now we start the process. I don’t own the place but I manage it for my siblings who gives me $150 a month. So this will go towards my CC.
I took the car in today and the pcv was broken. The mechanic told me I didn’t have to fix it but if I did it would be $100. I fixed it. That noise scares me as well as annoys me. I had the cash saved, also I don’t know if it’s me but the car is running really well.
Next I got a quote with Geico, it’s half of what I’m paying every month. Savings of about $80. Tomorrow I’ll finalize everything and move forward with them.
Other news, I’ve been shopping at Walmart for some time. I’ve never seen meat at a reduce price. Went in today and bam, five packs of chicken and one pack of pork chops for a little over $14. That’s about $2+ per package. I then headed over to Aldi and picked up grapes 🍇 strawberries 🍓 and carrots 🥕 $6. I’d say I scored.
Lastly, as I was walking up my walkway a pitbull 🐕 charged at me. I’m petrified of dogs, big or small, so for this happen made me even more scared. I emailed the HOA right away because all dogs are to be on a leash at all times. My neighbor has cameras so she will share the images with me. We think it’s one of our neighbors dog. Thank God all is well
Posted in
February 9th, 2019 at 11:42 am
Pay day and everything is paid. I love online banking, and the fact that I’m in a positioning that I can pay my bills early plus extra. The SO will provide his share on the 20th, I like paying things early. With the money I get from him, I throw it at my debt. It’s like a second job in that I’m not working. He seems to be on track, but again I’m not going to get my hopes up. Bad habits takes months to break and we are only about three months in.
Yesterday I paid an extra $25 on my mortgage, and extra $93 on CC9, I socked away about $300 all for sinking funds (e.g HOA, car insurance) and I have about $70 left this will be my fun money. Depending on how many no spend days between now and the next pay day, I’m sure I’ll be throwing this at CC9.
I’ve started back using the envelopes. Though I under spent last month, I can’t help but feel that the amount I’d under spent by would have been far greater had I used the cash vs. debit card 💳.
I’m also happy that I decided to have a sinking fund for any household repairs. I’ve been living in this home before purchasing for about 7 seven years and there hasn’t been any major repairs but as Dave says, Murphy is sure to show up so you need to be prepared. My privacy fence looks okay but it’s getting there so I want to be ready if need be. I’m also saving for hurricane shutters, this will reduce my insurance. I just like having the $500 in the repair fund just in case, it’s silly but it’s a natural Hugh watching this pot grow. Each pay period I’m adding to it.
Also my car 🚗 is making a strange noise, guess what I have money set aside for that. I feel so good about this. The last few car repairs I’ve been able to cash flow. By saving for upcoming repairs it definitely takes the stress out of things. I never use to do this, I’d just put it on the credit card. Only thing that bothers me is that as soon as I have a cushion of about $500, boom 💥 the car 🚗 needs to head to the shop. But it beats $300-$500 a month car payment.
My car 🚗 is a 2002 Camry with about 244,000 miles. I know sooner than later she’s going to head onto car heaven, and that’s why I haven’t touched the EF to pay off CC9. I’ve been pricing older model Camry and they’re anywhere between $6k and $8k. Goal is to pay cash. I’m done with car payments.
Last thing, I’ve practically cut out the salon 💇🏾♀️. Primary reasons, one it’s expensive, $45 a week. Secondly, I’ve asked her not to use a certain product because it’s drying out my hair and she continues. My hair has gotten so dry, and brittle, it’s awful. I’ve decided that I’ll go when there is a special occasion and when I need a hair cut.
Posted in
February 3rd, 2019 at 04:26 am
January review
* Saved a total of $582.69
* Paid an extra $1079.93 on CC9
* Had 15 no spend days
* Lost one pound - I have to do better
* Almost finish book 1 for the year, I have to do better
• Paid an extra $100 on the house
Posted in
January 29th, 2019 at 10:25 am
$5156.20 is the balance as if today on CC9, before the new interest hits. I’m feeling really good. I’m trying to figure out how I can knock this down to $5000 before the new bill.
I was able to pay a total of $1074.69. If I can keep this up, for next four months, I’ll be done with this card by April. The goal was March but hey.
Feeling really good and accomplished.
Posted in
January 27th, 2019 at 12:33 pm
My month in review
Well it looks like January was a great month. I crunch the numbers using my MS Money and I actually came in under budget. I did spend over in a few categories such as dining out and gifts 🙄🤦🏽♀️ but over all things were good.
The software isn’t sharing with me how much I paid down CC9 for this last budget period. I’m not sure why it’s not appearing on the report, strange. At any rate I’m going to log in and check my account later. I did drop the $500 payment today on it but it won’t post until tomorrow or Tuesday, I hate that.
Not sure what made me look but I was disgusted at what I paid in 2018 on CC9 interest, a whopping $1,102.65. All I could say was so much money wasted. This makes me want to get rid of this thing and others fasters. 😡
Different note, I’ve meal planned for the week and need to hit Walmart and Aldi, but it’s raining cats and dogs. Hopefully things will clear up
Posted in
January 26th, 2019 at 04:55 pm
As you all know the significant other is still here. I can’t believe it and I want to fall out of my chair but he’s provided all his bill money in advance. Twice (January and February).
I don’t know if me asking him to leave did it but I’m just shocked. Really shocked.
I pay my bills as soon as I get them, first week of the previous month, so by time he gives me his portion, week before due date, everything is already paid. I’m okay with this so long as I get the money before the actual due date.
He’s a super nice guy, just terrible with money, well his momma. I’m still going to monitor this. Not going to get too excited because things can easily go left. His mother can always not pay him, that she is known for doing. But it looks like he’s finally taking over the business. Either way as I shared with him, “he was suppose to be gone in December, you weaseled your way to stay, I’m not doing this crap in 2019, first missed or late payment you have to go the same day, I’m not doing this. My dad did not gift me a house in his death to lose it behind some guy.” He knows I worship the ground my dad walked on, and I’d do nothing to disappoint him.
So with the extra cash $500+ I’m adding it to the credit card 💳. This should knock my balance down to a little less than $5000. If I can meet my same goal next month, I’ll be down to $4k, yay.
Posted in
January 25th, 2019 at 12:11 pm
I’ve been on a roll kicking butt this month. Dining out less(not at all), no spend days, saving and paying down CC9. I think by the end of the month, I will have paid close to a $1,000 on CC9. Right now I’ve paid close to $800, yay! My goal is to have this credit card paid off by the end of the first quarter.
I figured, between now and March, I know I can do $1,000 and anything extra, I’ll add. Fingers crossed.
Lol, can’t believe I get excited about paying off debt.
Posted in
January 11th, 2019 at 12:13 pm
Though I’m not a government employee this shut down really has me nervous about what could come.
I’m in a number of financial groups, and other miscellaneous groups on Facebook. I have noticed that those who are effected by the shutdown, are posting that they can’t pay their bills. It’s really sad.
For me, I’ve been payed off twice and thankfully both times I’ve been able to pay my bill. This is the main reason why while on BS2 I add something to my EF, even if it’s $25 each pay day. My dad always said, even if it’s $10 you put something away each pay day and don’t touch it.
I can’t imagine working and not getting paid. But if that happens I want to be able to have some sort of cushion. I honestly think we are heading into a recession.
On a different note, I’ve knocked down CC9 to about $5,900, just waiting on a few payments to post before I update the sidebar. I want this baby gone. I’ve decided to start the 52 Week Challenge backwards and throw the money at CC9 each week.
The SO is still here 🤦🏽♀️🙄. For January he paid everything on time. On December 31st I had a conversation with him. I told him it looks like you don’t plan on moving. Nothing packed. I told him nothing has changed about my feelings and that I wanted him gone.
I told him that I am not going into 2019 trying to run him down for my money to pay the bills. If they’re due on the first, I want it by the 20th and no later than the 25th. I also had the same conversation two days ago. I’m not doing this crap this year. And the minute he misses he has to go. I plan on talking to him again tonight. Because I really need him to know that I’m serious. He’s a nice guy and all but I don’t give two cents that he refuses to stand up to his mother. I have a mortgage now.
Financial news, I paid the mortgage today, early. I added an extra $25. I know why? It makes me more comfortable knowing I paid extra. For me I want to pay the extra $25 every month. High balances on anything makes me nervous.
I also paid CC9 early added extra to that, and socked away funds to my sinking funds.
I got quotes from Progressive, car insurance, I can save about $100 if I switch. I’m going to review/compare my policies and coverage to make sure I’m getting the best bang for my bucks.
This week has been a good week. I haven’t dined out until yesterday. But 6 out of 7 days isn’t bad.
I’ll crunch the numbers, review the budget and see where I am today. I’ll share later.
Posted in
Dining Out,
January 5th, 2019 at 08:49 pm
Day 5 and I have not eaten out, I’m so happy. This week I meal planned and pack snacks and lunches all week.
Today I went grocery shopping 🛒 and the cost was about $40.
Tomorrow I start the 52 Week Challenge, my goal is to use this challenge to pay down debt. So tomorrow $52 (starting backwards) will be thrown at CC9.
Posted in
Dining Out
January 2nd, 2019 at 03:39 am
Happy New Year everyone!
Going into the new year with a bang, just paid $502 to CC9 😀. Goal is to have this sucker paid off by the start of the second quarter.
I took a look at my year end and realized I paid 50% of my CC debt in 2018. That’s really motivated me.
Posted in
December 27th, 2018 at 08:12 am
Revisited my budget planner. Noted all bills due on the monthly for January. I’m excited not sure why but I am.
I spent my evening balancing my accounts on MSMoney. I notice the month that I stop tracking was the months I fell off my budget. I’ve set aside Sunday afternoon as my day to enter receipts, update accounts, and plan. I’ve set the alarm to go off that way I have no excuse not to view my spending.
I also noticed that I had deposited and extra $177 to my HOA fund. For some reason I didn’t notice that my direct deposit had went through nor the fact that I transferred the money twice. Smh. Needless to say, I transferred it back and used the money, $141 to pay my light bill. I don’t know why that bill is always so high.
Other news I sold a dress on Poshmark, made $7.55 . This was added to the EF because I had already had the account set up. But I’m changing the deposit to the checking account so that any items sold I can add to the CC debt.
I started Rachel Cruze’s “Love your life not theirs” book, looks like I’ll be done by the weekend it’s a pretty quick read.
Hope everyone had a great holiday
Posted in
December 23rd, 2018 at 02:18 am
Made the first mortgage payment the other day, I only added an extra $25 to the principal. When it comes to this debt thing I have to do what makes me happy. The process maybe slower but t works for me.
2019 goal is to pay off CC9 by end of March. I’ll be adding extra to the CC next Friday. I realized that I can’t get this card down because it’s the only one I have not taken out of my purse, so out it goes.
Other news Christmas is my least favorite holiday, it’s the gift giving that gets me in a tizzy. I was able to set a little aside this year, for the first time, and it worked out. I told my SO not to buy me a thing. I’m not buying him anything. Only my nephews.I spent $80 on two of them and wasn’t really happy about that. My oldest nephew, he’ll get $50 bucks. My mom a $20 gift card for her nails.
Speaking of my mom, the woman drives me crazy. She’s complaining that she has four kids and she should get at least $400 from us for Christmas. I haven’t had a Christmas gift let a lone a card from this woman since my freshman year in high school and I’ve been out of school for 25+ years. I simply told her no.
Today was a no spend day, washed my hair at home so I added $45 to CC9.
Posted in
December 14th, 2018 at 10:43 pm
I hate the tough love that you all give me but hey, you’re more financially stable than me so what do I know.
Right now I have about $8,000 in my savings. It’s not on the sidebar. I’m truly OCD about having money saved just in case. It’s money I just don’t touch or look st. I actually had the funds in a bank account at least a hour away. Today I closed the account and deposited the money into my account that is close by.
Why? Well to pay off CC9. But I’m nervous as hell. I don’t know if I can do it. I know I should but I’m absolutely freaking out. I just ay this CC off my left with about $2k to my name.
I’ve been let go twice and both times I was able to manage with my savings. I am absolutely afraid. Especially now that I have a mortgage
Posted in
Miscellaneous ,
December 13th, 2018 at 03:58 am
As suspected the mortgage was sold. I’m so glad I did not send off my first payment. Thanks to everyone who encouraged me to hold off.
Now that things seem to be settled, I’ll be sending off the payment on Friday with an extra $100 on the principal.
I still haven’t received anything from the HOA so I’ll reach out to them on the 20th.
I received a letter from the insurance company that the ORI B wasn’t signed, not sure what that was, calling them as well.
And I still haven’t received the homestead information as of yet. 🤦🏽♀️🙄
Posted in
December 7th, 2018 at 11:54 am
Went to my first HOA meeting last night and boy was it a doozy. I went with the intentions of obtaining information only, meeting my neighbors but I became quickly upset as with other residents.
I was extremely annoyed that questions being asked by the residents to the board and the attorney was not being answered, no one had a copy of the bylaws. As I sat there I sent a email to the management company requesting a copy. It disgust me more that the attorney hired to represent the people appeared as though she was there to represent the board who told the residents they were not holding the meeting because they wanted to keep their seats. Unbelievable!
This is going to be quite interesting. I didn’t think that I would be too active but it appears as though I will be.
Other news, two days in a row I fell off the wagon and ate out. Ugh
I told myself that what ever I spent eating out I needed to add to CC9 so I’ve been doing so.
I reached out to my sister and told her I wanted the $50 she owed me. I’m taking this and adding to my sinking funds, home repair and HOA fund.
Last month I spent a $123 for work, found the receipt for reimbursement finally. I’d initially used the CC for this purchase but the credit card has since been paid off. I’m thinking I should add to my January mortgage payment (principal), student loans or pay down CC9. Who would have thought I’d be struggling with deciding which debt to pay off first. 🙄🤦🏽♀️
Posted in
Reaching Financial Freedom,
December 6th, 2018 at 11:33 am
Aldi’s hiring event is today. I’ve only noted my availability for the weekends, pray for me that I get the job.
As a cashier the hourly rate is $12.70 and I think close to $18 as a manager. I really don’t care about which one is offered, so long as I land a job. The goal is to use all the funds from this job to throw at the student loans. I know I owe the money but the mere fact that when I pay extra it’s only to the interest it just burns me up.
In other news my phone crashed, I did trade it in for a new phone, the good thing is I paid cash. The bad news is it was $300. I did pricing refurbished phones 📱 , but this was cheapest (iPhone 📱) with the series (7) and space. I know why an iPhone? It’s one of those stupid loyal to the brand thing. One of the reasons why I didn’t stop adding to the EF when I hit $1,000 was because I was saving for the day this phone crashed. I’d canceled the insurance last year, and didn’t want to be locked into financing with the carrier again. That process always seems like it takes you years to pay off.
Other than that I have nothing to report
Posted in
Reaching Financial Freedom
December 2nd, 2018 at 10:25 am
I have the funds to pay the first mortgage and I’m anxious to do that. My only concern is that 9x out of 10 the mortgage is going to be sold. Should I wait until the 15th of December (due January 1st) to pay it or just send it off now? I believe in paying the bills as soon as they come in and when you have the money. I can actually pay both January and February with a extra principal payment as well.
My mortgage processor informed not to setup auto payments because it would be sold. My sister used the same company and they sold her mortgage to Wells Fargo
Posted in
December 1st, 2018 at 12:45 pm
Hi all 👋🏾
I’ve opened up the home repair savings account, I figured better late than never.
My goal is to save for things such as a washer, stove, roof etc. Though things are okay now, I know that when you become a home owner, Murphy visits.
Yesterday was payday so I went ahead and socked away what I would normally pay for rent. I had the SO give me his share for December as well, so I put that in the bank. I also socked away funds for the HOA. I really want to be ahead of the game.
Thursday I’ll be applying for the cashier’s job. I honestly prefer this one only because it’s right up the street and I only want 12 hours a week.
I notice that the SO was looking pretty down. Prior to him looking sad, I had honestly started feeling bad that I had asked him to move. When I asked him what was wrong, he informed me my that his mom had not paid him in weeks. All I could do was say to myself, thank you Jesus for reminding me has to go.
I have no idea why he refuses to take this business over from this woman, why he continues to go to work week after week and not to get paid? Here it is you’re trying to have a relationship with someone, build a future and you’re allowing your mother at 46 ruin your life. I can’t imagine another woman dealing with that BS as long as I have. You can’t pay your bills and you’re okay with that because Mom can’t be upset. Well you can Mom have a great life and be gone out of my place by December 31st. Ridiculous
Posted in
November 27th, 2018 at 12:46 am
Posted in
November 25th, 2018 at 03:55 am
I can’t wait to close. My landlord is a pain in my 🤬
She’s cheap and is always complaining geesh. She’s upset because she has to pay to get documents notarized to sell the place and go to a UPS store to ship over night. The title company was closed Friday. So she’s pissed, cut me a break. I just want her gone. Well we have to close before the end of the month and they need the information early enough to review and knowing her she probably signed in the wrong spot 🙄🤦🏾♀️.
I’ve repaired things in this place that technically she should have but because I have dealing with her I fixed. It’s small stuff but hey. Can’t wait to close Monday.
Today and yesterday I cleaned. I threw out so much junk, that it’s ridiculous. I got annoyed about all the money I spent and wasted, looking at that stuff. The kitchen looks great though and I can actually walk in my walk-in closet, and the bathroom is clean. I got rid of the clothes hanging in there.
I also went through, five drawers either tossing or posting items for sell. Tomorrow I’m trashing an old file cabinet. I literally have not opened it in about 6 years. So I’m shredding and tossing.
All these stuff animals the SO gave me for Valentine’s Day is going in the trash. I’m too old for stuff animals, I always hated those things.
I’m so thankful that I do not have to move, and thankful that the closing motivated me to trash junk. I’ve decided that from here until the new year, I’m tossing crap, decluttering my life.
Posted in
November 21st, 2018 at 10:39 pm
Just picked up the cashiers check for the closing on Monday, super excited.
I’ve also been searching the internet for an amortization spreadsheet that I can enter my loan information with extra payments. Once I close I’ll also be able to make a nice payment to the BoA credit card knocking off a just above half of the balance.
I bought my budget extension for my happy planner. I’m so ready to kick butt staring in December. Once the closing take place I’ll open up a checking account strictly for the mortgage.
Other news I saw that the SO reached out to his sister to let her know I want him gone. At first I thought he was not taking things seriously but when o saw that I knew he was. He only calls his sister when he’s stress, need advice and something drastic has happened. Thank goodness he knows I’m serious. I was really worried.
Im so excited to start my new chapter.
Posted in
November 21st, 2018 at 11:30 am
Closing is scheduled for Monday. I’m excited. I’ve already set up sinking funds for the HOA, and home repairs.
I’m trying to decide if I want a separate account for the mortgage, I’m opting into auto pay, or combine the HOA and mortgage accounts. I need to decide before the next pay day so I can have those funds direct deposited vs me trying to transfer.
On a different note, yesterday SO and I donated a meal to a family. It’s something we do every year. Usually we give the meal and I’m like okay that was nice but yesterday for the first time, my heart broke. As we were providing the meal, one of the cutest kids you ever saw came up to us and all she kept saying was “food.” “Food, food, food, food...” is what she said and kept pointing at the box. I wanted to pick that little darling up and take her home. I’ve never imagined not having enough food. This really bothered me. I’m sharing because as we go on with our daily lives we forget to be thankful. I’m praying that God will bless me, humble me so that I can be as generous as he is with others
Posted in
November 19th, 2018 at 11:30 pm
I’ve been saving for Christmas all year, I’m really surprised at this. My goal was $500 but I saved $245.69 as of today. Next pay day I’ll be adding $40 and another $40 right before Christmas, brining the total to $325.69. Not bad for the first year of doing so.
Reason why I didn’t hit my goal was that I had a few car repairs pop up and I chose to pay off the credit cards.
I was planning on getting my nephews a zoo pass for the year. The cost is $174 for two adults and as many kids as there are in the household. It’s a good deal but now that I’m closing on the house I don’t want to spend that on Christmas. I know I saved for it but I’d rather throw the difference into the house fund or pay my car insurance for three months.
Yesterday I ordered three pairs of kids PJs for the boys (nephews) at $5 each plus tax as part of their Christmas gifts. I think I’ll do movie passes $50 and keep the difference. Not sure.
It was a good day, today was the first time in weeks that I have not eaten out for breakfast or lunch. I usually spend $5.60 for breakfast and about $10 for lunch. So I’m add $5.60 to the house fund and $10 on CC9.
I rolled my coins that was in my mason jar, I had a whopping $46.50 this will be added to the HOA fund.
Posted in
November 18th, 2018 at 12:18 pm
I did it, I told my SO to move by December 31st. He didn’t say a word, other than “what?” So I told him I want him out by December 31st again.
I don’t know, but I have a knot in my stomach from it. I feel bad but I know it’s for the best. He can not afford to live with me, he has way too much baggage he just refuse take care of.
Now the countdown begins.
I’m going to start looking for a part-time gig
Posted in
November 17th, 2018 at 07:06 pm
Today is the day. I spoke with a few friends and I’m giving the SO until 12/31 to move. I originally had a later date. I’m also nervous so I need all the prayers I can get. I’m nervous as hell but I know it needs to be done. Someone posted on my previous post to give a date, so the date as been set
I’ll be applying to both Aldi and Walmart for a cashier job, fingers crossed.
Posted in
November 17th, 2018 at 01:11 am
To stop the bleeding I have to pay an extra $200 a month on my student loans. Today I made my first $100 extra payment. I’ll be doing this each pay period. These things are highway robbery. It’s sad that any extra payment does not go to the principle first.
I’m writing my state senators and congresswomen and men. This is God awful
Posted in
November 16th, 2018 at 12:43 pm
Well as soon as you make it, it goes out. Today was payday. I took care of the following, tithes were paid, paid on both remaining CCs, took care of the cable (my portion for the month of November), added to my sinking funds; but what I’m most proud of was creating a sinking fund for the house 🏡.
I was planning on adding $85 a pay date to cover the HOA for the following year, but I bumped it to a $100. I’m thinking a little extra a pay date won’t hurt, in case they decide to go up.
Tonight I’m speaking with the SO I’m going to give him until December 31st to move. I figured one, he’ll know that I’m serious. Two, it will give him time to at least save to move. I plan on letting him know that I’m exhausted, that this isn’t working and I’m not going into the new year with his baggage.
2019 we would have been together for almost 10 years. Things actually went downhill once we moved into together, this was when I realized he is really really really bad with finances. Both of us were living with our parents. I had just lost my job and he was recently divorced. We dated for three years before deciding to live together and the only reason why that happened was because of my mother.
I should have known things wouldn’t be right. First sign I tried talking to him about how he wanted to split the bills, he was somewhat evasive. Then when it came time to pay to move in, he had his portion of the money the day of not before. Long story short it was downhill ever since. At first I thought maybe because his mother doesn’t pay him regularly but nope he’s just as bad as she is with money, if not worst.
Oops my low life brother has decided to go back after me. Smh my attorney called last week. Hopefully the judge will lock him up for frivolous case
Posted in
November 14th, 2018 at 12:14 pm
Ugh interest🙄. Received a new invoice for CC7 that included an interest payment of $80+ , I went ahead and paid it off. I hate when you pay a bill another comes with the interest.
Looked at my student loans, ugh and what I’ve found is that in order for the balance not to increase and kill me I need to pay an extra $200 a month on interest, this will stop the balance from increasing, breaking even until I pay off the last two CCs. Now that the other cards are paid off, I can do that and still pay bills and add to EF. I hate interest 😡.
I’m opening up a separate checking account for the mortgage, and HOA. Though I haven’t closed yet, I want to jump start on socking away for this. Closing looks like December, that will give me 60-days to put things away and have two months saved.
Yesterday I woke up and the cable was off. Smh. I lost it, I called my SO told him I wanted him out. Told him that I can’t keep doing this, that it was mentally, physically and emotionally draining. I told him that I don’t need nor want his bad financial habits to cause me to lose my house and that he needed to go.
Came home after work, and the cable was on but it doesn’t negate the fact that he pays everything late, every three months the cable is off, and he does the bare minimum. I want him gone!
This weekend I’ll be looking for a part time gig, since the holidays are rolling around, this should be easy. Plus I should be taking on another department, that will give me a raise of about $12k, fingers crossed
That’s it have a good one everyone
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Reaching Financial Freedom,