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Praise Report

November 10th, 2018 at 01:59 am

Praise report. After paying off the three credit cards 💳 my credit score jumped by 47 points.

I got a revised closing statement and the mortgage will actually be $10 more than I’m paying for rent ($961). I’m thinking that once I close it will actually be less. Correction, this include the escrow.

Other news my idiot brother decided to sue me for the money my dad had in the bank. One I was the beneficiary; two all of it went to legal fees, burial and taxes on the property so good luck to him. Greed

Next, the idiot I have as a SO hasn’t given me one coin on the purchase of this home 🏡. Rightfully so, I guess Neva we’re not married but what get me is I tell him I had to put tires on my car, paid for with cash by the way, and I’m super excited. But he thinks a credit card 💳 was used (usually the case) and he has the nerves to say let’s rent a room to stay out of town. My response, how about you give me the money to pay a bill? 🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️. Can’t wait for this to be over.

That’s it for now.


November 2nd, 2018 at 08:23 am

Good morning all!

The house the debacle is over, I received my check and paid off CC6, CC8 and CC7 will be paid off today.

I decided to purchase the villa that I’m in. The landlord agreed to $140K, and the place appraised at $150K. The good news is by me purchasing the rent/mortgage will be cut in half. The extra money saved, I’ll put half towards EF and the other towards the remaining debt.

I still have the 8k saved so if anything comes up with the home that’s where I’ll dip into. I don’t include this amount in the sidebar.

We are also expecting to relinquish a high level employee, her duties will be split amongst managers so, I should be getting another raise. Upward of about $10k - $12k


September 28th, 2018 at 01:11 pm

So I’ve been socking cash away for some time to pay my car insurance for six months and to save for car repairs. I’m tired of paying monthly.

Well last week I decided to pay the insurance for three months. I’d struggled with this ( three months vs six) but I said hey just to do it. Something told me to pay only three months, it was like a nagging bug 🐛 .

Fast forward, the car broke down last night. I needed a new battery and a motor mount. I’m so glad I kept half the money saved in my sinking fund. It also felt good not to touch my EF. Though the sinking fund has decreased I’m overwhelmed with joy that cash was paid and no CC was used.

Different note, the judge awarded my brother the opportunity to purchase the house, we are scheduled to close Friday but I think it’s going to be pushed back. My attorney, smh. I don’t even want to talk about it. At least I know we can close and be done this mess. I can’t wait to get this over.

One Big Mess

August 11th, 2018 at 09:15 am

I have to keep reminding myself that this mess I’m in is only temporary.

First in financial news. My goal is to have CC6 paid off by the end of October. My 90 days on the new job is up this month and we are to revisit my salary. I’ll be asking for a raise. Since I’ve been there I have done the following:
* Save the company close to 50k
* Updated and rewrote outdated policies, about 12
* Update a number of HR forms
* Started the online implementation of our HRIS
* Put processes in place to streamline our onboarding process,and
* Revamped the new hire orientation
Not to mention all the other miscellaneous stuff.

Regarding spending, I’ve been off the grid. Eating out a lot more and spending more. Yesterday was the first check of the month, so I plan on getting back on track.

We finally got a date for next month regarding the sale of the house, I pray all goes well.

Now relationship news. As you all know, I’m sick of my SO. Every day there’s some BS with him. Well this week the child support office hit his account and his daughter’s because he was late paying.

Long story short last month, or month before, I can’t remember, he mailed off his money order payment. Well they didn’t get it. He was told the following month to wait and see if the money order clears, by the child support office. I said pay it,because it’s late and it makes no sense what you were told. Well he didn’t listen to me, and they took all his money and the money he in his daughter’s (16 yo) bank account.

Now he’s running around here mad because they touch his “baby’s” account.
I’m more like WTF!
1. All your portion of the bills are late, you take your time paying them but when it comes to your daughter’s money you make sure you’re doing what needs to be done to correct. Meanwhile my &);::/- is late!
2. If you had been saving, when the money order wasn’t received you could have paid the damn bill
3. Take the business over from your mom, she’s mismanaging and aren’t you sick and tired of not wanting to hurt her feelings 🙄 dude she’s not paying you. What’s the purpose of working and not getting paid?

Only good thing about this is, that I told him there is no way in hell I can or would marry him. He’d have us in the poor house.
Not to mention, he can’t even buy a diamond for the ring that’s now starting to change colors, lol just pathetic. All I can do is laugh to keep from crying, thinking about how much time, and energy I’ve wasted with this guy. Two years later and I still have a joke of a ring smh, unbelievable.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s not about the ring, I’m just making a point. I’d be happy with a $20 gold band, vs a $1200 band with a fake diamond that is changing colors, if he had his crap together.

Only thing keeps me trucking is I know this is temporary, debt is slowly declining, and this house will be sold then I can pay off my debt and get my own place.

CC5 Is Officially Gone!

July 28th, 2018 at 02:04 am

Wow I did it!

This credit card 💳 was driving me crazy, I paid it off. CC5 is officially gone! It feels so good to know that I’ve paid this card off. It makes up for the dental payment.

What’s so funny was, I stopped by my mom after paying off the CC to check my mail. There’s an offer from Macy’s. upping my CC balance, thanks but no thanks. Just two years ago, they reduced it. My debt to income was too high. But now that I’m paying things off, they’re increasing it. I’ll pass.

Thanks for tips everyone, I am going to reach out to my dentist to find out if there is a discount. He typically discounts things for me so I’ll see.

Someone asked in a previous post if the SO could help, the answer is no. He never has any money for anything. Can’t wait to get him out.

We got another court date for September 11th regarding the house, thank God.

$1,000 at the Dentist Ugh

July 27th, 2018 at 11:54 am

Yesterday I saw the dentist and this cracked tooth is going to cost me $1,000 ugh. I had to pay half yesterday. It’s the crown on the implant that cracked. The crown was about 9 years old. This really annoys me. I took the money out of my EF. I’m just glad that I continued to add to the EF. Thank God.

Yesterday morning prior to my dentist visit, I almost paid the $264 left on the credit card (CC5) to zero it out but for some reason I didn’t. I still want to, though. The money in the EF is just that an emergency fund, so I should use that for my tooth and get rid of this dog on credit card that’s giving me a headache. But a part of me is saying use the $264 towards the tooth. Smh 🤦🏾‍♀️

Other news, I have been extremely busy at work. I usually don’t leave until about 7:30 at night. It’s a good busy, I love what I do but they keep me on my toes. I’m excited to have finally found I job that I like, with a great boss, and the ability to use my education.

Crack Tooth

July 15th, 2018 at 05:33 pm

Well when it rains ☔️ it pours.

Yesterday I was eating breakfast 🍳 and cracked a tooth. Smh.

I’m not scheduled to see the dentist for a cleaning until next month but now I have to get in earlier than expected. I’m really hoping this crown isn’t expensive. Thank goodness I’ve been socking away for an emergency 🚨 as well as medical expenses.

So far I have about a $100 in the sinking fund for medical expenses so I’m sure I’ll deplete that. What sucks is I also have an eye appointment on the 30th and that’s $110.

Prior to the crack tooth, I’d paid $200 on CC5 💳. Had I known I would have not made the payment.

Though I’m upset about having to spend the money, I’m glad to have the cash 💰.

Always Something

July 13th, 2018 at 11:42 am

Always something. I was really hoping to knock 🥊 CC5 out today.

But, I had to budget for contact lens ($150). I wear my glasses 👓 90% of the time but with those special occasions I like to have my contacts. Many reasons why I’ve started a medical fund. I also have to pick up my meds, that’s $27.99. So about a $180 on healthcare that could have went to debt. I know I shouldn’t complain because any other time I would have to use the CC 💳.

I was able to pay at least half the balance on CC5 bringing the total to $225, yay. I’m still on track to have four credit cards 💳 paid off this year.

One thing I’m feeling good about, well a couple:
* Today was pay day and all bills for the month are paid, in advance mind you
* Extra was paid on the credit card 💳
* I cash flowed health expenses
* I was able to also save
* And I love my new job

Though I’ve been on the job just over a month, I’ve been able to make some traction, and my boss is amazing.

In other news, I see things getting worst with the SO and his daughter being pregnant. He’s making things happen and of course it frustrates me because as usual things are late here at the house. What frustrates me is, he’ll make sure the money is available for her but when it comes to the house it’s a different story. I just have to keep reminding myself that one, I’m paying down debt, two once the house sells I can move on, three this is just a minor setback.

Live and learn

Feeling Sad

July 4th, 2018 at 11:29 am

I’m a conservative, republic on paper. I believe in little to no government interference, I’m pro choice, pro gun and at one point, pro immigration, meaning send folks back. Border wall was and still is not an option for me. I also believe that church and state should be separate.

With that being said, honestly I am so afraid of what I’m seeing/witnessing in this country. The Republican Party that I once knew seems to be no longer. Our national debt has hit 26 trillion dollars for the first time. I’ve been trying to save, because I’m so afraid of what might happen.

The topic of immigration has been on every single newspaper cover and every station for months now, daily. Though my family traveled to this country over 50 years ago, “legally,” I felt as though everyone else should or send them back. I was born here.

Some where down the line over the last few months my heart has definitely softened. What if my dad hadn’t decided to come to the US, what would my life be like? He wanted a better life for his family, what’s wrong with that? Who wouldn’t risk their life for their children? I have no kids, and yet, I’d give up my life for my 5 year old nephew. It breaks my heart, to see people treated so badly, simply because they’re immigrants or thought to be. The comments on the news blogs are just outright disgusting

Being African American I’ve been turned down for promotions, paid less than my colleagues with less education and experience, followed while shopping, harassed by law enforcement because I look suspicious, asked deeming questions about being black, and you know what it hurts. It hurts really bad.

I read posts and people say, “get over it slavery ended years ago.” Well honestly it didn’t. Everything I listed I’ve been through and more is a part of the slavery mentality, away to oppress a group of people. I just can’t imagine what the Hispanic population must be feeling and experiencing right now.

I know that these blogs are about money but for some reason, I’m extremely sad today.

Independence Day is a day for us to celebrate our freedom and yet so many of us are still in bondage.

Murphy is Bound to Show Up

June 30th, 2018 at 11:36 am

The reason why I save something every time I get paid or receive extra cash is the following.

Last night I came home, and the SO other was very upset. So I asked what’s wrong with you? He proceeds to tell me that “his mom’s a/c unit is out, the cost to repair he’s not happy with, and that everything is crashing down on him, and he wanted to cry.”

Well I don’t say a word because all I’m thinking is, you better have your share of the rent, electric 💡 and water 💦 bill.

His daughter is pregnant, the ex cancelled her insurance so he’s footing the bill, for that. 🙄

The point I have been trying to make to him is that, you need to save a dollar as my mother would say. Murphy is going to visit, and some times he’ll set up shop and won’t leave for quite sometime.

Now there are a number of things that he should be doing that he’s not, like taking this business from his mother, asking the mother why she has no money to fix her a/c, saving a few dollars, having his lazy pregnant daughter get a job. But hey, who am I to say. I’m just socking away my few dollars, paying down my debt and looking at the big picture, and that’s a nice move out date. It’s a slow process but it’s coming along. As soon as I can knock a few of the CCs out,I’m gone, or he is. One of the two

Feels Good

June 29th, 2018 at 11:27 am

This journey of getting out of debt is a slow and steady process for me but I’m happy. I have to do what works for me and keeps me motivated.

Today was payday 💰 and prior to paying anything I always take a look at my budget. I noticed that I was only paying $9 to CC5 💳. I thought nope, nope this is unacceptable.

So I change somethings around. My cellphone 📱 was actually $5 less this month, I reduced both the EF and sinking fund deposits by $10 each and also reduced my offering (not my tithes) this pay date. By doing this I was able to pay an extra $45 on the CC 💳.

Unfortunately I did find a few bills, like the electric 💡 and water, were under budgeted , so some adjustments were made. But all in all I’m stoked, as long as I can pay extra I’m good.

I think what I’m feeling so good about is, one I’m knocking these credit cards 💳 out. This year was one a quarter and I know I’m on track. Next year with the higher CCs it will be two a year. Hopefully once this house 🏡 sells I can knock them all out.

Secondly, saving for what I want and upcoming expenses. This is actually one of the best feelings. Just knowing that I’ll have the money in October to pay my car 🚗 insurance for six months is great. That will surely free up an extra $100 a month. See right now I’m paying $166 a month, (I know it’s high, I’ve already called around and this was the best deal. Even a friend who has her own agency told me this was good) I also set aside $100 a month to be able to pay this sucker at once. But once it’s paid for six months I only need to sock away the $166. Not to mention I think when you pay it for six month about $50 is knocked off.

For the first time ever, I’m saving for Christmas 🎄. No more stress. I can actually host my holiday game night without stress and I love it.

Another first timer, medical. Saving for medical expenses was never an option or thought. But I’ve saved up for my eye exam, and if I keep this up I’ll have the money for my dental cleaning.

It just feels so good.

Drama and Goals All in One

June 24th, 2018 at 01:11 am

So my SO comes home, he’s worried he can’t reach his daughter. He calls no answer. Calls his ex wife and she tells him, the daughter blocked him.

Well long story short, I told him years ago that he spoils these brats he has from his ex and they’re going to break his heart. I hate to say it but I was right.

He calls the other daughter who calls the one who blocked him on a 3-way call and she tells him she blocked him because he didn’t answer her call. Now mind you, he sent her a text on the day that she supposedly call to say he wanted to meet with her and the other kids. Why would he not answer?

He’s terrible about many things but when it comes to the kids from the ex wife he goes above and beyond, I really felt bad for him. She’s an ungrateful you know what. This guy, had paid his bills late, pulled strings for her to graduate, and more and you have the nerve to block him because he supposedly didn’t answer. Though she doesn’t and hasn’t asked me for anything, I did tell him she can’t get anything from me. And I mean that. I’m not upholding ungrateful behavior. She wants to be an adult, he needs to treat her like one.

I can’t tell him what he should and should not do about his kids but I know what I’m not doing. Whew can’t wait to move on.

In different news, my payment on CC5 finally posted, pay day is Friday but I won’t be able to pay it off until the first check in July. This sucks but hey, at least I know it will be gone and then on to CC6. 10 CCs, this is such a joke, never again.

I had to call Att&t again for the fourth time. They never gave me my credit for phone 📱 insurance, smh. I finally spoke with a rep who credited my account today and waited for me to log in to view the credit. The problem was that they had already charged my account today for the auto pay. Autopay saves me $5 but it’s never on the same day,so I think I’m going to stop it.

Earlier this year I was saving for a family vacation, then I realize I had too much debt to save for a vacation. At one point I took the money out and paid down a CC 💳. But I also never stop adding to the saving account.

There are three big ticket items I want. They are, a laptop, Apple 🍎 Watch and a Circut. All very expensive I know. But I figured with patience and $20 a pay check by the time Christmas roll around I can purchase these items with cash.

This little experiment has taught me to be patient and save for what I want. Though it’s been a long struggle the reward in the end will be well worth it. The old me would have put these items on a CC 💳. I know some of you may not agree but this works for me. It’s no new debt and still being able to enjoy somethings. The laptop 💻 is about $200 the series I watch is $150 and the Circut is about $200. I’ve already added a stipulation that I cannot but these items unless I meet my 2018 goal of paying off four credit cards 💳, one each quarter. I’ve pretty much met my goal already, two thus far and three in just a few more weeks. I’m sure when December rolls around I’ll be on CC8.

Drama and Goals All in One

June 24th, 2018 at 12:59 am

So my SO comes home, he’s worried he can’t reach his daughter. He calls no answer. Calls his ex wife and she tells him, the daughter blocked him.

Well long story short, I told him years ago that he spoils these brats he has from his ex and they’re going to break his heart. I hate to say it but I was right.

He calls the other daughter who calls the one who blocked him on a 3-way call and she tells him she blocked him because he didn’t answer her call. Now mind you, he sent her a text on the day that she supposedly call to say he wanted to meet with her and the other kids. Why would he not answer?

He’s terrible about many things but when it comes to the kids from the ex wife he goes above and beyond, I really felt bad for him. She’s an ungrateful you know what. This guy, had paid his bills late, pulled strings for her to graduate, and more and you have the nerve to block him because he supposedly didn’t answer. Though she doesn’t and hasn’t asked me for anything, I did tell him she can’t get anything from me. And I mean that. I’m not upholding ungrateful behavior. She wants to be an adult, he needs to treat her like one.

I can’t tell him what he should and should not do about his kids but I know what I’m not doing. Whew can’t wait to move on.

In different news, my payment on CC5 finally posted, pay day is Friday but I won’t be able to pay it off until the first check in July. This sucks but hey, at least I know it will be gone and then on to CC6. 10 CCs, this is such a joke, never again.

I had to call Att&t again for the fourth time. They never gave me my credit for phone 📱 insurance, smh. I finally spoke with a rep who credited my account today and waited for me to log in to view the credit. The problem was that they had already charged my account today for the auto pay. Autopay saves me $5 but it’s never on the same day,so I think I’m going to stop it.

Earlier this year I was saving for a family vacation, then I realize I had too much debt to save for a vacation. At one point I took the money out and paid down a CC 💳. But I also never stop adding to the saving account.

There are three big ticket items I want. They are, a laptop, Apple 🍎 Watch and a Circut. All very expensive I know. But I figured with patience and $20 a pay check by the time Christmas roll around I can purchase these items with cash.

This little experiment has taught me to be patient and save for what I want. Though it’s been a long struggle the reward in the end will be well worth it. The old me would have put these items on a CC 💳. I know some of you may not agree but this works for me. It’s no new debt and still being able to enjoy somethings. The laptop 💻 is about $200 the series I watch is $150 and the Circut is about $200. I’ve already added a stipulation that I cannot but these items unless I meet my 2018 goal of paying off four credit cards 💳, one each quarter. I’ve pretty much met my goal already, two thus far and three in just a few more weeks. I’m sure when December rolls around I’ll be on CC8.


June 19th, 2018 at 11:47 am

Wow yesterday was my first no spend day in weeks. I had a half bagel, with some grapes 🍇 and a water for breakfast.

For lunch I had left over meatloaf and dinner a pot pie 🥧.
Since I’m back on the NSD challenge, I’m adding $6 to CC6. Now that I’ve got CC5 down, and will be paying off the end of this month, it’s time to tackle number 6.

I hope today can also be a NSD

CC5 Down to $500

June 18th, 2018 at 12:08 pm

Yay final check hit from my previous employer. Of course I paid my tithes $78.06, myself $100 (EF), knocked CC5 💳 down to $500 and kept $100 in checking as a buffer.

I know some of you would say why not pay all to debt? Well because God has been way too good to me, for me not to give Him what belongs to Him first. I’ve learned over the years, that while paying down debt, if you don’t pay yourself first, Murphy will hit and hit hard. Plus this teaches me to live on less than I actually make.

I think this is the Great Depression syndrome. People who’ve gone through the depression tend to save no matter what for a rainy day.

Right before the Great Recession of 2008, I’d paid off my debts and saved a nice chunk of change 💰. Well the recession hit, I wasn’t worried, I was able to stay home, finish college, take trips and enjoyed my summer while all my friends worried and couldn’t find work. I also ended up back in the mess I’m in after this, by not staying true to my values 🙄, lesson learned. So for me, I never want to be in a position where I can’t afford to stay home if the worst thing happens.

I think that’s why I’m saving. Though I’m what one might call a moderate Republican, I hate government interference, I’m pro gun and pro choice, and I don’t like what I’m seeing. Home 🏡 prices are slowly creeping back up, people are frantic about buying a home (me included), jobs are steady but lay offs are happening and gas ⛽️ , well that’s up and down. Plus the markets has been way too good. I always say, what goes up must come down. Maybe I’m overly cautious but I’d rather side on the side of saving than not.

Oops, it wouldn’t be a post without SO drama. His daughter who is pregnant went to the movies with cousins. Apparently one of the cousins decided to head out the theater early. Well this cousin, who just turned 18 gets into a fight with a 16 y/o and ends up in jail. 🤦🏾‍♀️🙄
I’m not sure why the daughter was at the movie 🎥 she should be in stork mode getting ready for a baby 👶🏾 but of course the grandmother 👵🏽 allowed this foolishness. 🤦🏾‍♀️ unbelievable. SO is another reason why I’m saving and paying down debt. He has too much drama, I need to move or get him out of here. I can’t afford to live on my own with debt and no savings

On Target With CC5

June 17th, 2018 at 12:21 pm

Just paid another $300 on CC5. I had budgeted the COBRA payment for June twice. So I paid $300 on the CC and added the $84 to the EF. My COBRA payment is $384.25 a month. I have an extra $800 in the EF to cover two months in case I need to elect coverage prior to my coverage starting with the new job.

I’m excited because I will meet my second quarter goal of paying off a CC 💳 each quarter. Monday, my final check of my missed PTO pay out should be deposited ACH to my account of about $700. I’ll be adding this of course to CC5 💳 knocking the remaining balance to $300.

Though I’m not what Dave Ramsey calls gazelle intense, I am meeting my goals at a rate I’m comfortable with. And I’m saving, that is extremely important to me.

Before Dave, I’d paid off my debt. I had started with the smallest to the largest. One thing I did was, every time I ate out, I had to match this dollar amount to my debt reduction and when I didn’t I added, $2 to my savings. I think I’m going to start this up again. It helped me then and I like the challenge. Overall I like Dave’s plan, I think it works, but not for me, there’s some tweaking like adding to my EF each pay day.

Lastly, I’d like to wish all the dads a Happy Father’s Day! 👨🏽👔


June 16th, 2018 at 02:55 am

Spoke with the payroll manager and my check for my PTO will be deposited Monday, I’m happy because all of it will be paid towards CC5. I’m thinking I should receive about $750. Hopefully the last check of this month from the new job, I’ll be able use some to pay it off.

I did set the money aside to pay for COBRA if I need it. My doctor called and wants me to schedule for labs and a follow-up 🙄. Well I’d really like to wait until August but my last result showed blood in my urine. I’m thinking this was due to my cycle, matter of fact I know it was. Plus my vitamin D was low. Smh always something. I’ll think it over the weekend before I pay $384.

Regarding the house, court is set for June 28th. I’m so ready for this crap to be over.

My sister closed on her place, and will be moving. I really don’t think my mom should be living by herself but hey.

The SO came home last night to tell me his 16 y/o daughter is pregnant smh. She’s been trying to get pregnant since last year from a guy who has pretty much told her to go to #^+^ 🤦🏾‍♀️🙄. I’m so glad I’ve had this conversation that no kids having kids will be moving in with me. Another reason why I’m trying so hard to pay this mess off, save, and my move. Too much drama with him.

Last Check Dilemma

June 13th, 2018 at 07:16 am

Just found out that my last employer did not pay out my PTO so I won’t see it on my last check. The payroll manager always screws up 🙄. I can’t call him until after Friday, when payroll hits because the person who told me should not have. Smh

Now rather than the $1600 I was looking for; in addition, to my check from the new job it’s half of that 🤦🏾‍♀️🙄. This really annoys me, CC5 could have been paid off. I’m going to try and not focus on this so that I don’t get too upset.

The new job is going well, there’s a ton of challenges. Some times I feel like I’m not accomplishing anything. I’d mark something off my whiteboard, only to replace it with something else.

The good thing is that my manager, supports me. What I’ve recommended, she’s pretty much has been on board. For example; there’s a ton of reports that I have to run from payroll but the CFO refuses to provide me access. Well when working in HR at times you need payroll data. The logic behind her reasoning is that she does not want us to see salaries, well salaries impact benefits (e.g life insurance and STD) not to mention, we enter all salary changes 🤦🏾‍♀️🙄. Nothing against older workers, I think there’s a lot I can learn from them but it’s frustrating because they tend to not be open to change.

Can’t think of anything to report financially at this time.


June 9th, 2018 at 01:29 am

This is the first time that I’ve ever left a job and could afford COBRA. I received my COBRA notice from my previous employer, and it was $384.25, I added to my budget for the next pay period, next Friday to pay.

Wow, just being able to do this, shows that I’m on the right track. Even after paying this bill, and others, I still have $300 left to add to CC5.

This is such a great feeling.

Extra $100

June 2nd, 2018 at 10:33 pm

Wow out of the blue my older brother, not the jerk I'm dealing with, left me $100 at my mom's house. Guess what I'm doing with this money? Yep paying down CC5.

I can't wait to get paid on the 15th, I'll get my final check from my previous employer as well as my first full check with the new company. I should be able to knock CC5 in half and then pay the remainder off by the (6/29, last check) of the month. I'm so excited. That will be four credit cards paid off since January.

The closing on the house is on 6/29 and I should be able to knock everything else out of the way. How exciting. Hopefully all else will go well. And I can get rid of the jerk I call a brother for good.

Debt Sucks!

June 2nd, 2018 at 12:12 pm

A friend of mine daughter was diagnosed with cancer and completed her chemo treatments a few days ago.

What's heartbreaking is that, she could have taken FML (Family Medical Leave) but due to not having any PTO available she couldn't afford to be off. The leave would have been non-paid. For six weeks her daughter went through treatment about 3 hours a way and she simply couldn't go.

Yes she was able to go up a few days, but her time was limited. When she and I spoke she was clearly very upset about it. I felt bad because I couldn't help.

My point of this post is, I never want to be in this situation where a family member, mom or sibling, is ill and I can't take off due to money and bills. This event reminded me why it's important to sock away something, even if it's $10 to my EF. I know Dave says save a $1,000 until all debts are paid, but that just does not give me comfort.

I also felt bad because I didn't have anything to give her, and here we are friends. I never want to be in this situation where a friend is in need and I can't help. This is truly frustrating and an eye opener.

Well Thursday I received my second to last check from my previous employer, of course I've budgeted everything out. Then yesterday, I received my first check from my new employer for $751. I only worked three days. This money was extra. So I added an extra $100 to the EF and sinking fund, paid a July bill and kept the remaining funds in my checking as a buffer. I also paid extra on CC5. The good news is that I was able to CashApp my friend a few dollars, not much but something. I honestly feel a little better.

Having the buffer in my checking account now of close to $500 will help me a lot. It's the old money I'll use to pay bills (the floater) I read about in YNAB.

What I've learned from this second round of get out of debt is,
1. Debt sucks
2. Debt is easy and quick to get into and yet long and hard to get out
3. Save always pay yourself first, even if it's $10
4. Tithe!!!! This has taught me a lot. The spirit of giving is so much better than receiving
5. Budget, I've never budgeted a day in my life until August 2017.
6. And finally NO NEW DEBT, save for what you want. Figure out a way to get the things you want (e.g extra job, selling item)

$500 a month for a car

June 2nd, 2018 at 12:48 am

$500 a month for a car, is this the new normal?

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Thank God I'm socking away for a car. I'd rather buy a car for $5k - 10k cash

Rich Dad, Poor Dad Takeaways

May 29th, 2018 at 03:47 am

I love the accountability support that is provided in this group.

I decided not to purchase books and to continue to check them out at the library. In addition, as much as I would like a new rug for the office I decided to pass. No need in spending that money. I did need the air freshener though so I bought one.

I finished "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" by Robert Kiyosaki. It was okay, an easy read. He heavily stressed real estate, and taking on debt to do that. Not for me. My goal is to pay off my debt, purchase a villa/condo and pay that property off in like five years. Save for 2-3 years and then rent the villa and buy a home. That way as the author says I have some passive income coming in.
The book had some really good points though. The author stressed reading more about finances, to enhance your financial literacy( I am doing this).

In addition; he heavily stressed meeting with "rich people" and picking their brains. He talked about skillful people who are still broke because they've conditioned themselves to believe that and won't take risks, I'm guilty. This reminds me of my SO who refuse to take the business over from his mother and make changes because he's scared and that's how things have always been.

One thing the author said that stood out to me was, don't say you can't afford but what can you do get it. This mind set makes you think out side of the box and I like it. Next on the list is Suze Orman's Young Fabulous and Broke.

On a different note. I made my very own Panera Bread apple chicken salad. It was absolutely delicious. Publix had BOGO on salads ($3.99 for two bags) a bag of eight chicken breast for $8.99 and a bag of apple chips, $2.50. Normally one regular salad at Panera is about $8 plus tax. This meal fed two and will be lunch and dinner tomorrow, winning 🙌🏾.

Memorial Day

May 28th, 2018 at 09:18 pm

Thank you to the men and women we lost, who served this great nation, for my freedom. Freedom is never free.

This Memorial Day, I did nothing. I just took this time to read about some interesting facts regarding the holiday while reflecting on what so many have gave.

I did manage to check somethings off my to do list, like balancing my checking and saving accounts, balancing one CC account and finishing up a report for an organization I belong to. I still have one more account to review but hey at least I'm on track.

I also tackled my May book. I have about 1.5 chapters to go and I'll be done for May. I'll be reading Suze Orman's Young, Fabulous and Broke for June. I've decided that I need to start budgeting $20 a month for books. I miss writing in them, taking notes and having the ability to refer back to them. I've been checking out books at my local library but I want to be able to refer back to my books. I did find a site called thrift books or something similar I can't remember, that sells books really inexpensive. Books over $10 have free shipping.

Smash and Grab 🤦🏾‍♀️

May 28th, 2018 at 01:57 am

Today the SO and I went out, I'd budgeted $20 for some things for my new office. I'm in need of a rug, a broom and a swiffer.

I went to the dollar store and bought a mini duster and a broom. I wish the office had carpet. But I'll get the swiffer from Walmart.

I normally don't do much to my office or space at work because I'm always afraid of a layoff (3x already) but for some reason I really feel good about this place. I bought a few picture frames, because I want to add a few quotes to remind me how blessed I truly am. Gratitude is my 2018 word of the year so I'll definitely be adding this one.

Anyhow we were out and about looking for a rug. We went to an outlet store and I was feeling a little dizzy so I sat down. Next thing I know the store alarm is going off. I think, oh the cashier forgot to remove the tag. Well that was not the case. There was a smash and grab, smh.

I couldn't believe that I had actually saw someone running out of the store, jumping into a car with an armful of stuff. I only got partial number of the tag of the waiting car, and I'm not even sure that was right. I shared it with the cashier, sat there for a minute because I just couldn't believe what I'd just witnessed. All I could say was what is wrong with people? This was really disheartening.

Prom, Birthday Spending

May 26th, 2018 at 01:55 pm

OMG these sweet 16 birthday parties are outrageous, right along with prom. I don't know if it's because I'm broke, or that I'm conscious about my money but what I see these parents spending on their kids is absolutely ridiculous.

Rolls Royce, Maybachs, horse and carriages, a Mercedes for a 2 year old, I can't even imagine. Everything is a theme now. It's not for me to say how someone spends their money but I just can't help but wonder, how much debt these folks are in.

Today, I'm going to review my budget, my April spending, and balance my checking and savings account, then finish up my May book. That's my fun Memorial Day weekend.

The Struggle is Real

May 25th, 2018 at 04:45 am

I know that Dave says $1,000 for emergencies but I need at least one month of expenses stashed away, and that total comes to about $2500. Though I split the bills (e.g. Rent, water) with the significant other, I'd rather have the full amount because you never know. I'm socking away $100 a month to the EF, plus anything extra (e.g Poshmark sales, iBotta). I'm also adding to the car maintenance fund and other sinking funds, all in all I save about $400 a month total.

I know some would say that this isn't the DR way but it works for me and it gives me a peace of mind. I did my debt free journey once before without Dave, only thing I did wrong was get caught up in living like everyone else. I found DR after and I'm staying focus, vowing not to go down this path again, besides I'm too old for this foolishness.

I need to figure out how to pay an extra $200 a month on this student loan to stop the bleeding. Once I get the EF to about $2500 I should be able to.

I don't know, what I see happening in this country scares me. Yes, I'm a conservative but I don't like what I'm seeing, home prices are going back up and companies are laying off. This is probably why I've shift my attention so much to paying off debt and saving. When the last recession hit, I was debt free. I had a nice savings. All my friends were panicking, I took a trip to Puerto Rico. My goal is to knock out what I can. When the house sells, I should be able to pretty much take care of all my debts, and they will be gone with maybe the exception of one student loan.

While I see my friends on Facebook doing great things, new cars, new houses, $1000 iPhone, trips, etc I know that pretty much all are drowning in debt. They think that it's all good because they're able to pay their bills every month, but yet they're just one emergency away from mess. Not me, I'm done.

Well it's late, I'm going to try and finish my May book, "Rich Dad, Poor Dad, before the end of the month. It's okay. I don't agree with every but at least I'm able to take some things away.

Love the New Job

May 24th, 2018 at 02:27 am

Started the new job today and I'm so thankful. I was a little nervous, and through out the day doubt(devil) settled in but for the most part I really am thankful that I made the switch from my previous employer.

I think it will be a little chaotic but at least I'm in a position to make changes.

I scanned some receipts for iBotta and hit my $20 mark, I went ahead and cashed out. I'm adding this amount to the EF. I also have $20 with Receipt Hog, but I'm going to wait before cashing out. Nothing like getting some cash back. 😀

Overwhelmingly Obessed with Finances

May 22nd, 2018 at 02:47 pm

I realized that I'm super obsessed with my finances and where I think I should be. It's to the point where it has taken a toll on me.

Yes I've made some mistakes but so long as these mistakes are acknowledged and I'm taking the proper actions to correct, I'm not sure why I am obsessing over it.

I wake up, check my bank statements, read the DR blogs, over and over. This cannot be healthy.

As another blogger posted here, I need to focus on one thing and that is paying off CC5. Goal is to have it paid off by the end of July.

Other news, tonight I'll be having tacos for dinner. Pretty cheap and easy to make.

Tomorrow I start the new job, I was a little nervous but I'm super excited now. I think that I'm finally in the right place. I have my degree in Human Resources but my focus has been benefits, this position is a HR manager's role. It's for a not for profit about $3k more than my old employer, same distance. We will see but I'm definitely going in with a positive attitude.


May 21st, 2018 at 03:08 am

Baby step 2 of the Dave Ramsey (DR) plan is paying down debt and stopping the 401(k). I really wanted to just take a year off from not contributing to my 401(k) but looks like it might be two years.

My question is, when I sell the house, I should be able to knock out a great deal of the CC debt and student loans, do I wait an additional year before adding to my retirement paying off the student loans or start it back up in August? August is when I originally stopped contributing.

The new job I'm going to does not match, 🙄🤦🏾‍♀️, so I'm considering opening up a Roth and depositing 3% each pay period starting in August. I just do not want to go too long without contributing something. I know once the debt is paid off, DR says to contribute 15% to retirement, I was thinking more of 30% to hit the max of $18,500 each year. My goal is it deposit the max until retirement actually starting in 2019.

Ugh I can just kick myself, with this mess I've gotten myself into. 44, I should be talking about early retirement and here I am discussing paying off debt.

Getting ready to now go through my envelopes to see how I'm doing. I spent my fun money this week on sorority crap, that I'm over. Thank goodness this will be my last year that I'm active, until I get a handle on things. Well I can't say a ton, maybe $20-$25 it's just I could have used the money for something else. 🙄🤦🏾‍♀️

I check my points for Fetch and I'm almost at 20k points, there's a book I'd like to purchase via Amazon but I'm going to hold off. I'll use the points for Sephora to pick up some makeup I need. It's better to borrow from the library anyway.

Reading these financial books really put me in a bad mood. I realize that I'm dirt poor. That I have nothing that will make money for me if I lose my job. Now I'm thinking what can I do to earn money while I'm working?

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