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Realization as struck

July 4th, 2006 at 10:17 pm

I have come to the realization that you really cannot save if you have all this damn (pardon me) cc debt. Even though I only have two active accounts left to pay off and then one charge off, in which I have not included in my balance due for CC is enough to drive you crazy. I plan on paying off CC2 next pay period if it kills me. I just realize as well, that school will be starting really soon (August) and all I have saved is $107.00 towards my tuition which is not even equivalent to half of my tuition or books, so I have to up my game now seriously. I mean I have got to cut corners some place. Since the new month I have not eaten out so that is a plus and I have been eating leftovers since Sunday; I can't imagine what else to cut. I refuse to buy any books this month, and I refuse to deduct from the challenge/new home account unless it is an extreme emergency. So we will have to wait and see. Hopefully I will have at least $75.00 left over by next pay period and I can add that to the education account

Found it

July 1st, 2006 at 03:25 am

Well went through my egister and found the $11.00 (additional to the challenge) I made an extra $15.00 on my part-time job and transferred $11.00 of that to the challenge. So I am glad it wasn't an error in which I would be deducting this amount from my challenge, I just forgot to add it so the total of $234.92 is correct SmileOn 6/8 I had $837.15 in the challenge account and was fustrated about all the money I owe on CC's and decided hey pay off the CC then I only had $49.00 now I am back up to $234.92 less than a month I was able to save $185.92 in about 3 weeks not to mention teh money I saved in My Misc account, Education account as well as my personal account totaling about $625.00 for the month Smile So I did very well for June

All expenses paid

June 29th, 2006 at 01:39 am

Ok just entered my paycheck into my register not including the part-time job'spay and paid all bills even extra on the cc's. So here we go

$75.00 EF
$30.00 Misc Account
$20.00 Personal Account
$20.00 Eduction account
$20.00 IRA
$25.00 Challenge/New home account
$134.54 lights
$40.00 water bill
$20.00 Tithes/offerings
$40.22 on CC 1 ( bal: $1944.32)
$40.00 on CC 2 (bal $871.00)
$40.00 C-phone #1
$52.00 C-phone #2
$39.85 Cable

Previous balance on CC:$2895.54

Paying down debt

June 26th, 2006 at 01:56 am

As you all know I am in the process of cleaning up my credit. Any way there are a few MD bills being reported which I do not doubt, but the only thing listed are the amounts and not the original creditor or cotnact information.So I am disputing these charges with Equifax, the only one reporting the bills. I think it is from my car accidnet when I went to the hospital but I am not sure hopefully they'll eithre validate or remove it all together.

Next I went through my up coming bills and realize by July 16 at the rate I am going I will have CC 2 paid off ($911.00 balance)and one left to go ( about $1900.00 balance) so I am excited about that.

Gosh I can not wait to cream " I am debt free"


June 25th, 2006 at 05:39 am

Well I was complaining about all the money I have been spending, but I also have been paying down debt as well as paying my offerings/tithes. Well I was rushing today to get to my part-time job and my mom handed me a check from my insurance company for $187.50 Smile Last year or the year before I was in a car accident and totaled my car well my insurance company fought the other company and apparently won the case and I got some of my deductible back yeah!!!!!! I am so happy. So I look at it as a blessing all my charitable contributions were given back to me 4x more than what I actually contributed, boy am I thankful. I have gotten my overall debt down to about 3000.00 in the last month or so boy it really feels good. I can’t wait to call in on the Dave Ramsey show and yell I am debt free. So I am adding my refund tomy EF account

Darn interest rate

June 21st, 2006 at 01:23 am

Well I was trying to beat the CC interest rate and pay off my cc at $406.00 but no such luck. My billing cycle ended 6/19 one day late so it cost me $411.13 to pay off this cc but atleast it is paid. So now I am down from $3302.44 in CC debt to $2895.54 which I am sure will be more than that because of the interest accrued but my goal is to have them paid off by August and then I can really start saving for me a house and a car(thank goodness my car is still running). I do see what every one means by paying off cc first, what sense does it make to earn 4.75 or less in a savings account when I am being charged 18%+ on CC debt. So I am glad I am able to pay off off my debt. With out God , you guys and my part-time job I would probably not be even close to debt free or home ownership the way I am now
Thanks Smile


June 17th, 2006 at 02:08 am

Thank God it is Friday, I am sooo tired I just don't know what to do. Went through and looked at all my bills, everything seems to be current just have a few things to pay on Monday but other than that everything else is paid. Looks like I am meeting my goals. I paid off another CC, well as of the 22nd ( I post dated the online payment) which leaves with me 3 active CC that needs to be paid first and then 1 charge off, an old cell phone bill and 1 student loan, my goal is to have everything paid for no later than October. I guess Dave's plan works after all by tackling the small accounts first I have paid off a lot of debt a total of 6 CC and 1 student loan about $2500.00, so I feel really good right now. Can't wait to check my credit score next month. And thank goodness my car seems to be running ok except today I hit a curb not once but twice at the bank and nw there is a funny sound

Payday blues

June 16th, 2006 at 10:16 pm

I have more problems with my full-time job and payday more than anyone I know. Well we got our paystubs and my check was $1089.99 about 12.00 less than I calculated and I got my reimbursment for marketing at total of $63.90 but guess what the $1089.99 won't be deposited until Monday Frown because that is when the check was dated, nice. So I decided to post date all my online payments and I figured I will pay the following
$40.00 Home Phone
$40.00 C-phone 1
$40.00 Cable
$130.00 CC1 (paying extra on this)
$75.00 EF
$20.00 IRA
$30.00 MISC Svg
$25.00 Challenge
$20.00 Education account
$20.00 Personal Account
$20.00 Tithes
$35.00 Renewal for Sam's Club
$328.93 CC 2 (Paid in full, thank God)

June's spending thus far

June 13th, 2006 at 05:46 pm

Credit card payemnt:$927.70 (3 paid off)
Groceries: $98.86
Job Expenses: $10.64
Student loan;$280.07 (paid in full)
Water & Sewage: 40.39
Gifts: $24.27
Charitable Donations: $20.00
Gas: $18.01
Auto Maintenance:4.79
Hurricane Supplies: $4.47
SS Tax:$16.47
Fed tax:$16.37
Cleaning suplies: $11.85
Personel Care:$10.40
Dining out $9.04 Smile Way less than usual
Sales Tax:$7.15
Misc: 1.57

One down and One to go

June 12th, 2006 at 02:45 pm

Well I did it, I did not want to wait until pay day to pay off one of my student loans, so I transferred funds from my EF to pay my debt. It feels soooo good
Now I only have one more to go, this one cost me $280.07
EF Balance $282.61

CC5, paid in full

June 8th, 2006 at 01:43 pm

Well I went ahead and paid off CC5, $125.84, I figured it is better than waiting until next week (payday)especially since I am in attack mode. Now I only have 4 more to go and next week (payday ) I will pay off CC6, $944.67

Sounds like a plan

June 7th, 2006 at 10:36 pm

I usually calculate my hours a few days before payday (well in this case a week) just to see where I am at and what to look forward to. Well all that complaining I did about paying off that cc was a waste of time and energy becsause this is one huge check...a total of 104 hours yeahhhhhhhhhh!

Now I figure, after taxes I should be getting about $1100.00 (Yeah!!!) plus an additional $228.00 from the part-time job
Anyway here is what I am looking at :
Water & Sewage: $40.00
C-phone#1: $40.00
Home Phone: $30.00
Cable: $40.00
Savings #1: $75.00
Challenge: $50.00
IRA: $15.00
CC2: $33.00
CC:3 $52.00
CC4: $20.00
CC5: 125.00 (paid in full)
Sam's club renewal: $35.00
Dental Ins :$12.00
Leaving me with about $761.00
Now I am thinking if my brother pays me what he owes me ($265.00) I can use this amount + the $761 to pay off cc2 ($944.45) leaving me with $82.00 for two weeks but at this point I do not care because I am sick and tired of these bills and I am not sure as you know how long my car will be around and I sure don't want a lot of bills if I get a new car

I did it

June 6th, 2006 at 10:46 pm

Well I was a little nervous but I went ahead and paid off one of my CC's $797.61
I transferred the money from my EF because the money I keep in the challenge account is located at ING and will be a few days before it's actually deposited into my linked account, so I figured before I chicken out I'd better pay it now that I am serious. So now my new total for the challenge is $237.46 this difference is not available for withdrawal as of yet but that is fine with me. I get paid next week from both the part-time and full time job and will deposit the full amount from my part-time job to my EF making up the difference next I will work on another card ASAP. God I hope my car keeps up


June 3rd, 2006 at 01:51 am

I must say I am blessed and sometimes I do forget. Got my first paycheck today from the part-time job...$228.94 and was able to give $20.00 for Tithes because I am thankful. I was not looking for a part-time job and my sister gave my name to her boss at her part-time job (same place) and I was hired. Then a week later I was told I need a new car; so guess what the money I make here will be used towards car payments once I get a car, so yes I am blessed. Then I transferred $8.31 to the challenge giving me a new total of $737.04 placed $150.00 in the EF leaving me with $50.00 for myself. Boy, am I thankful

Aluminum Cans

May 20th, 2006 at 02:21 am

Once again you guys gave me a new idea, I think now I am going to save all soda cans and turn them in. I drink a lot of oda and figured I'd better get some of my money back. I 'll have to research as to where I can turn them in and how much per pound ( Iwonder if it will be worth it) but I will add what ever I get to my challenge money

Free Lunch

May 16th, 2006 at 01:16 am

Well today we took a co-worker out for lunch, (she's leaving Wednesday for PT school) anyway the boss bought lunch today...yeah!!! I did not have to spend a dime. So I figured with my coke and sandwich it would have been about $7.00 so guess what I did , added that amount to my challenge money now brining my total to $385.17. Boy am I glad I am back on track

On a roll

May 12th, 2006 at 09:04 pm

Boy am I on a roll, I treated a co-worker to lunch today, her last day is next Wednesday Frown I will miss her a lot...but the money that I would not have normally spent I also added to my challenge money which was $6.55 ( now whatever I spend that I normally would not I will add that amount also to my challenge money,because it's money that could have been saved) anyway my total is now $355.41. I am so happy because I will think twice about blowing any money; with my new way of thinking because basically I will be spending twice the amount

Back on track

May 12th, 2006 at 01:13 pm

For a minute I was slipping but now I am back on track with my saving plan I did not buy breakfast this morning and packed my lunch. Now I have added 4.27 to my challenge money again rounding up brining my total to $348.86. I will definately meet my $100.00 goal a month. It feels good to be refocused

$20.00 Challenge update

May 10th, 2006 at 08:00 pm

Just rounded up my change and made a few deposits to my challenge money brining my total from $321.79 to $339.59 only about $60.00 more dollars to go before I meet my monthly goal of a $100.00 a month deposited to this account. I even gave my self a new alternative that if I waste any money such as shopping eating out etc I would deposit the same amount that I spent to my challenge money because that could have been money saved. Looks like I am back on track Smile

$20.00 Challenge

May 8th, 2006 at 04:53 pm

Well I upped my challenge money to 325.77 from 321.79 a difference of $3.98 simply by rounding up. I am feeling a lot better today than yesterday when I was going over all the money I spent Frown for clothing. But since then I can't wait until payday b/c I will be able to pay off 2 cc

Oh Boy

May 8th, 2006 at 12:58 am

I don't know if you guys remembered but I finally reached baby step one (1000.00 EF) and because of my little spending spree last month I used cc and not cash that I should have had, now I had to take money out of my EF to pay CC' s Frown leaving me with $900.00 I used 3 different cc's Frown and was only able to pay off 2 the third has a balance of 125.00 which will be paid next week, payday. I was doing so well and then bam! I don't know what happened. I was thinking about cleaning outmy $20.00/ New house account to pay off my Student loan but now I will pass I really need to get these CC's out of my hair...and I am still waiting for the 225.00 from my brother it seems like I won't see that anytime soon. That is enough of venting now

$20.00 Challenge/New Home

May 5th, 2006 at 10:34 pm

Ok I went back and reviewed all bills paid since the 1st (online) which came to 2.73 in stamps; if I would have mailed my bills out so I added that to my challenge money as well as $1.03 from earlier now bringing my total to $321.79 now that I have added another option in order to save/add to the challenge I should reach or come close to my $100.00 a month goal (money to be added to the challenge). It feels good to be back on track again, boy did I waste a ton of money last month

Thanks Boomeyer

May 5th, 2006 at 01:55 pm

Thanks to Boomeyer's previous post I decided any bills I pay online (no stamps) I will add what I would have paid in stamps to my challenge money. I already round of the change this will give me an additional $7.00+ each month now I got the hang og adding well coming up with new ideas to add to my challenge money Smile
Thanks again

At last

May 3rd, 2006 at 01:20 pm

I have finally made baby step 1 by reaching my $1000.00 EF yeah I am so happy I hope I won't need to touch that money. I also was able to pay bills and up my $20.00 challenge/new home money to
$317.98 my goal at this point is to save $100.00 each month for the challenge money
Well new month and no shopping for me I am definatley staying out of the stores.
Unfortunately I was unable to take the challenge and live off minimum wage

April's Spending

May 1st, 2006 at 10:57 pm

Wow did I go over my budget this month especially when it came to buying clothes but I am will be back on track this month
So far
I have a total of:
$20.00 Challenge/New Home $295.98
New Car acct $45.42
College tuition $71.08
Misc account $.04
Personel Svgs account $31.00
EF $750.66 decreased by almost 200.00 Frown
Total savings $1194.18

Now here is the spending
Dining out $520.47
Groceries $100.71
Gas $91.41
Cell Phone $40.00
Household bills (cable, electric etc)$
Misc $333.72
Personal Care $265.63

Over the edge

April 24th, 2006 at 11:06 pm

I know I have gone over the edge with my spending this weeken I have spent soooo much over the weekend Frown on small items that adds up very quickly. I know I spent foolishly out waying my wants over my needs that I have not even entered my transaction onto the register Frown
I am dredging tonight when I finally enter all my transactions

Hopefully it won't be too bad
and guess what I have already decided to return


April 18th, 2006 at 09:55 pm

Yeah it is payday and I just put away a lot here. There was an extra 12 hours yeah!!!!! Boss paid me for my lunches (marketing lunches). So here is the break down for all my accounts, thus far every thing has been paid for the month I also lent my bother again $225.00 leaving me with $128.00 for two weeks

$144.00 to EF Total $932.00
$67.50 Misc Account / total 67.50
$15.00 $20.00 Challenge total 280.84
$5.00 Car account /total $45.16
$70.00 College tuition Total $71.00 (this is a new account)
$15.00 IRA contribution/Total $601.37

Total savings: $316.50
CC /Debt
Macy’s paid $20.00 Balance: 346.73
Merrick Bank paid 300.00/ Balance $1456.73
Household Bank paid $26.00/Balance 763.32
Target paid $9.09/ Balance 0
Mom (personal loan) paid $50.00/ Balance $150.00
Capitol One paid $33.00/ Balance $972.85

Now for the month I have spent the following:
Personal Care: $150.32
Dining Out: $99.96
Groceries: $61.52
Gas; $50.00
Clothing $57.51
Gifts $30.00
Home Bills (phone, cell cable etc) $160.00
Leisure/Entertainment $40.00

So far so good

Making head way with ING

April 17th, 2006 at 11:44 pm

I have been using ING since the end or mid February and I love it. So now that I am gearing up for the fall and of course tuition is going up as well I figured if I sock away $70.00 each pay period towards books/books I should have most of the money for the fall or at least 3/4 of the money so I decided to add a college account to my existing ING account. Right now I have a new home account and a car account. I like the idea because I always think twice about transferring funds and since it takes a few days to actually get the money I've never actually transferred anything and now that they are paying at 4% why not just leave the money there. I actually can’t wait until the end of the year to see how much I have actually save and what I actually decreases/paid off. Since I can remember I have never stuck with my New Year’s resolution regarding saving and getting out of debt this is the longest I have stuck to the plane (4months) and actually have a little some thing in the bank other than $50.00…lol. If you’re not into ING I suggest you think about it, it’s a great way to save money

OOPs I forgot to add that this site hepls a lot

Just upped my EF and Challenge money

April 7th, 2006 at 01:49 am

Just round some change up after using my debit card and now my challenge money is at $226.82 just simply knowing I am saving for a house along with paying off debt started from $0 now I have $226.00 towards a new house not much now but wow just knowing I have something save is better than nothing I actually am serious this time and not simply just talking & you guys are helping a lot.
Also my brother paid me the $200.00 he owed me so I was able to add that money to my EF now I am at $873.00 only $127.00 away from reaching my $1000.00 mini EF fund

I have changed

April 2nd, 2006 at 02:26 am

Boy at one point I loved to shop, I even set up a seperate account strictly for that. So today I went out and spent the money $43.64 now i feel terrible..itis driving me crazy and Iwon't feel better until I return everything I bought. Am i crazy or just realizing my needs over my wants

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