Viewing the 'spending' Category
January 7th, 2013 at 09:53 pm
Okay I am jotting this here so that I don't forget.
I purchased one of my books for school, $65.67. This amount was charged on the BoA CC, so that I earn the point. I have since paid the bill, $70 so $4.33 extra was applied to my $20 Challenge debt 
Posted in
January 2nd, 2013 at 01:55 am
Today ended on a good note. I am using ghee tablet, so I do not have my daily spending amount for today ( added to MS Money on the laptop).
I used the weighted hula hoop for about 35 minutes burning 207 calories.
I've decided to start slow and hit the gym twice a week , with a little cardio and strengthening.
$20 Challenge update:
$2 breakfast at home
$2 lunch at home
$2 dinner at home
$1 workout
$1 Bible read
Total $ 8.
Not bad for day one
Posted in
January 1st, 2013 at 06:46 pm
Wow this day has hit a lot of bumps.
First my cellphone no longer works, and cost me $105 to upgrade. I do not buy the insurance because usually what I pay a month, adds up to more than if I upgrade after two years.
Next I went to Wal*Mart to purchase a new case and film cover (old one would not fit); cost, about $30.
Then I headed to Sam's to have my tires rotated, but they were closed
On a good note, so far I've had breakfast and lunch at home, so I will add $2 to the challenge. Next I used my weighted hoops for twenty five minutes therefore, $1 will be added to the Challenge.
Now it's time to relax a little before I tackle some things for school.
Posted in
December 31st, 2011 at 03:43 am
Just ordered my holiday pictures on Walgreens.com, cost, free whoo hooo. Used the "printnow" coupon code and chose to pick up at the store therefore no cost to me
Posted in
April 5th, 2011 at 02:56 pm
Glad to report I made my own breakfast; therefore, $2 was saved and with that said $1 went towards CC payment and $.50 went towards the house fund while another $.50 went towards my personal spending account you know people may say why do you transfer a buck here fifty cents there why not just save it and pay transfer at the end of the week? because if I did that I would spen the money on something else, plus it gives me a sense that my debt is being paid off more quickly
Posted in
August 12th, 2010 at 01:14 am
Today I made it to the gym so a buck was deposited to my challenge home fund. As far as spending goes, here it is:
Expense Categories
Health care: Dental $30.00
Gifts: $56.79
Groceries $2.99
Job Expense: Non-Reimbursed $1.89
Taxes: Sales $0.57
Grand Total -$92.24
I almost forgot, I brought my lunch to work and had breakfast at home so $2 was paid on CC debt
Posted in
August 10th, 2010 at 12:37 am
It seems as though I spend a lot more when I am in a relationship, especially gas. But let me turn my attention on other things. No venting today.
Today $18 was spent, and $2 of it was paid on my lowest credit card (Victoria Secrets). I am doing what I have done in the past and that is paying $2 a day for not buying breakfast or lunch; in addition, to my regular payment. This was how I got my debt under control once before so it should work again.
Expense Categories less CC Payment
Groceries $7.46
Personal Care: Makeup $4.44
Personal Care: Feminine $3.12
Taxes: Sales $0.98
Grand Total -$16.00
Posted in
August 5th, 2010 at 01:38 am
Well today I made it to the gym so finally a buck was added to my challenge. I also had lunch at the office and breakfast at home so $2 ($8 for the week)was added to my CC challenge.
Today's spending:
Expense Categories
Groceries: $25.93
Household : Supplies $2.99
Sales Tax $0.17
Grand Total -29.09
Posted in
August 3rd, 2010 at 11:21 pm
Today was almost a no spend day, but then the gas light came on 
So today's expenses:
Automobile-gas: $45
I also paid $2 on the CC challenge for a grand total of $6 extra on the principal for the week
Posted in
August 3rd, 2010 at 03:19 am
Well I didn't make it to the gym so no buck for the challenge, I did bring my lunch and had breakfast at home so $2 went towards my CC challenge ($4 thus far).
Today's spending total:
Expense Categories
Utilities : Water & Sewage $65.25
Groceries: $17.51
Miscellaneous: $15.00
Sales Tax: $0.26
Grand Total -$98.02
Posted in
August 2nd, 2010 at 04:03 am
Today was not a bad day, I spent the following:
Expense Categories
Miscellaneous 51.67
Personal Care : Hair Care $5
Grand Total -56.67
And since I did not eat out $2 was added to the challenge.
For the month $20 challenge : $2
Posted in
February 3rd, 2010 at 01:02 am
Ok even though I am making less money, I am actually liking my job and the people I work with. I'm not dealing with the phones which is a blessing
this year is really starting off great, I was able to save a total of $592 
But my spending is up, clothing because I needed work clothes and have put on a ton of weight since I wasn't working
Expense Categories
Loan $253.69
Miscellaneous $241.18
Bills : Electricity $210.59
Bills : Cellular $208.68
Dining Out $148.52
Groceries $145.28
Personal Care : Hair Care $126.68
Automobile : Gasoline $124.52
Insurance : Automobile $110.62
Bills : Cable $106.70
Taxes : Federal Income Tax $94.95
Gifts $94.66
Job Expense : Refundable $77.61
Taxes : Social Security Tax $77.50
Bills : Internet $65.07
Bank Fee : Finance Charge $61.65
Utilities : Water & Sewage $58.30
Automobile : Registration $57.35
Personal Care - Unassigned $42.91
Clothing $41.59
Healthcare : Eyecare $33.99
Cleaning Supplies $30.68
Charitable Donations $30.00
Healthcare: Dental $30.00
Taxes: Medicare Tax $18.13
Taxes: Sales Tax $14.27
Grand Total -$2,505.12
Posted in
March 6th, 2009 at 01:40 am
Well I got most of my to do list done:
Grocery shopping----
Traffic ticket---done
Buy lotto for work----
Only reason why I didn't go to the library to study, the gym and the grocery store is because on Thursdays I give my sister a ride home and on my way back the gym , library and the grocery store are on the same route so I figured I'll save gas and make the trip when I picked her up. Well of course at 5:30 the time that I should pick her up, she called to say there was no need for me to. I was so ticked off because my dentist and doctor are in the same area and my plans were to go after I left the doctor's but because I was cutting it close (as usual the doctor had me waiting) I decided to go home (across town) so that I can pick her up on time and missed my opportunity to do the things that I needed to do
And spending, wow I spent a lot. I anticipated that my crown for the implant would be about $400 close to the last one...nope try $1300. So I used the cc to pay half and won't be going back for the crown until I have the money for the other half. It's my own fault because I should have asked and not make any assumptions.
$25 for gas
$35 MD this went up $5
$650 Dentist
Posted in
February 25th, 2009 at 04:09 am
I am determined to have at least 4 no spends days by the 28th
So today I bought gas and hit the grocery store as well as buying the office Powerball tickets, that way tomorrow I won't spend a dime. The next time I will spend is Thursday (if I missed something that I need) and that will leave me with Friday and Saturday... wish me luck
Today's spending:
Expense Categories
Automobile $20.00
Dining Out $9.00
Gifts(Cousin's B-day) $10.00
Groceries $23.43
Hobbies/Leisure $1.00
Household $6.68
Taxes $0.77
Total $70.88
Oh and I added .62 to my challenge cc balance
Posted in
January 25th, 2009 at 04:46 am
Today was a good day, I had to work but it wasn't slow and time went by very fast. Next I went to Macy's to use my $25 GC, I needed a sweater for work, so I saved $22 and then I hit the library and got about 2 hours of much needed studying in. I packed my lunch so that I wouldn't buy any thing but in the end I really wanted a cheese burger from McDonald's, now I did have my lunch but 2 hours later the cheese burger won (.95 cents)
Posted in
Dining Out,
January 18th, 2009 at 02:45 am
Today was my birthday and I had a ton of emails wishing me a happy birthday...sites like Mypoints, Macys, Coke rewards and even saving advice. I thought it was neat because of all the emails I got this is the only site that didn't want me to buy anything
My mom and I went to dinner, my treat and TJ Maxx home good store and I did not buy a thing. Mom on the other hand picked up some things I used the cc but she paid me as soon as we got home, which I knew she would
I also finished up one of my projects for school so that was a plus and watched a great Lifetime movie
I paid $1.06 on my cc/challenge and picked up my check from my sister, whew glad that is over
Today's spending:
Expense Categories
Dining Out $14.56
Misc(mom purchase) $13.97
Gifts(dinner for mom)$14.56
Groceries $7.84
Sales Tax $1.01
Total Expense $51.94
All expenses were put on the cc for point but as soon as I got home I paid it
Posted in
Dining Out,
January 11th, 2009 at 02:56 am
Well Friday has come and gone and Saturday is almost over and I have not heard from my sister, which doesn't surprise me. Tomorrow I am calling her to let her know I will be there to pick up my $300
Then my uncle call to tell me he was waiting on a $1500 check to pay me my $500..what! it's $550 not $500
You know, I know times are hard with every one but lending money always get me in an uproar, I do it because I always think what if I needed the money and then I give in. And I am always driven crazy. My uncle had already informed me that it would be a while before he could pay me but I wasn't thinking 6 months. My sister on the other hand, is a different story and I should know better (no excuses)
I returned my text book for $140.80. I went ahead and kept the homework manager that comes with it
Got my BoA bill and the finance charges were little more than $55, I can't wait to pay this card off
Anyhow I went to the gym missed yesterday and forgot to work on my abs so I'll be headed back tonight. The funny thing is, I went to Publix after wards and could not resists the vanilla cake
I am a little upset because I can not add to the challenge and needed to take money out of my EF to last me until next pay period. I knew I had socked away way too much but but thought I would give it a try
Yesterday and today's spending
Expense Categories
Education : Books 43.99
Gasoline 33.17
Groceries 11.74
Misc (co worker owes me $3) 8.95
Dining Out 2.22
Hobbies/Leisure : Lottery 1
Grand Total -101.07
Posted in
January 5th, 2009 at 04:08 am
After I left the gym today I was so tempted to head into Khol's and buy a few yoga pants. On my way to the gym I noticed the huge 60% sign, it took a lot for me not to go in but I'm glad I didn't
Today's spending:
Expense Categories
Groceries $9.08
Misc.(Loan to sister) $300.00
Grand Total -$309.08
It would have been a great day had I not loaned my sister the money
Posted in
January 4th, 2009 at 04:22 pm
Went to the gym and was only able to do 20 minutes of cardio and some ab work since my uncle was here and does not have a key to lock the door; but I plan on going later
$1 added to the challenge cc debt
Challenge YTD $19.31
Went to the grocery store and only bought what was on my list with the exception of corn so today's spending $9.08 thus far
Posted in
January 3rd, 2009 at 03:38 pm
I forgot to post my daily spending from yesterday so here it is:
Expense Categories
Personal Care:Feminine Products $4.01
Personal Care: Hair Care 5.59
Sales Tax $.62
Total $10.22
Grand Total -10.22
Posted in
January 2nd, 2009 at 04:24 am
I pretty much just relaxed today and then headed to the gym worked out for almost 2 hours one of those hours on the elliptical burned 420 calories then hit the grocery store spent $19.57(.43 applied to challenge/cc debt) and it was basically all healthy foods,which is more expensive Took my sister my car so that she can run some errands tomorrow.
And then I came home and watched a program on PBS regarding the concentration camps in Germany. As an African American I know what blacks went through in this country and some of those stories are almost unbelievable and then I watch this story and I just can't understand why people would want to hurt another group of people based on race, religion or gender or anything else for that matter. To see those people being brought out of those camps was just terrible reminds me of slavery and the Jim Crow era of the early 60s...I just can't even imagine what people were going through back then. I thank God that we are moving in a new direction. I must admit I was not an Obama supporter at first and changed my view of him later on in his campaign but I have to say I never thought I would see an African American as president in this country and to me it is a symbol not only to this country but people around the world how race, sex, religion are becoming no longer a major factor for decisions
Here's my spending for today:
Expense Categories
Gasoline $20.00
Bills: Storage $48.47
Gifts(apples for sis) $2.69
Groceries $16.45
Sales Tax $0.43
Grand Total -$88.04
Posted in
December 30th, 2008 at 09:09 pm
Well I have a $124 left in my checking 1 account to last me for two weeks but I have to get an oil change and have my tires rotated which is about $80. Oh I forgot I have about $40 left in cash. Maybe I'll put the tire rotation off until next pay check
Glad I was able to fund my house/EF fund not by much but something. My goal is to not spend a dime on anything if I can help it until next pay period
Wages & Salary
Gross Pay $1,174.13
Total Income $1,174.13
Cellular $101.47
Charitable Donations $20.00
Car Loan - Interest $118.27
Mom's cell $40.00
Federal Income Tax $121.74
Medicare Tax $17.02
Social Security Tax $72.80
Total Taxes $211.56
Electrcity $113.97
Total Utilities $113.97
Total Expenses $605.27
Auto Loan -$263.02
Income less Exp $305.84
Posted in
August 19th, 2008 at 09:41 pm
Yesterday was pay day so I paid the following:
$1512 on cc (this money came out of my challenge much of it dental work)
$192.04 Electric
$20 Tithes
$100 on cc
$51.03 Water
$53.53 Directv
$25 IRA
$170 EF ($40 of this was from not paying a phone bill for the land line I no longer have)
$10 X-mas fund
$20 personal spending account
$40 Challenge
$20 Tuition fund
$20 Car fund
Not bad, I actually saved $260 out of my check and still have about $400 left after pain bills but it goes quickly. Oh I forgot I added the extra $10 saved on the satellite bill for referring my dad so I actually added $180 to EF saving a total of $270
Anyhow Tropical storm Fay just left I am so glad that there was not much damage in our area. My sister lost power for a short while but it came back on. The winds were really picking up and it could have been worst but thank goodness it wasnt.
Posted in
Emergency Fund,
August 13th, 2008 at 03:37 am
I received our electric bill today and it was $197 and my mom had the nerve to say " did you see how much the electric bill was?" I was so annoyed. Because she is the one that falls asleep with the TV on, leaves everything plugged in and is here all day with the a/c on. But what can I do other than pay it
On a different note I had breakfast at home so $2 went towards the CC and then I had McDonald's for lunch so $3.31 went towards CC.
I tried hitting the beach but once again as soon as I pulled up the rain began shortly after
And last butnot least $3 went towards the challenge, earnings from a Pinecone survey
Posted in
August 18th, 2007 at 02:21 am
I went on a splurge today first with breakfast ($3.29) and then lunch ( I lost my receipt, about $10)
It all started when I was running late for work and left my breakfast; even though I had my lunch, my co-worker wanted and pleaded to go out to lunch but did not pay. But I got lucky and a patient gave me $10 today for lunch so that worked out.
Then I went to Blockbuster's and picked the Bourne series, since I saw the movie the other day ($25) so today was definately a spend day
Posted in
May 17th, 2007 at 03:28 am
Today was payday, and I still had $63 left in my personal account and tomorrow is payday from my second job so I am doing great this month any how here is what was paid out and saved:
Month Ending 5/31/2007
Paycheck $1,031.70
Automobile : Gasoline -$33.70
Education : Tuition -$140.40
Bills : Cable/Satellite Television -$82.85
Bills : Telephone -$46.57
Bills : Electricity -$106.70
Orchard Household Bank -$100.00
Transfer To (Contributions) -$50.00
Bills : Cellular -$83.60
Transfer To :New Home -$103.00
Transfer To :New Car -$40.00
Transfer To : Publix Savings -$76.37
Transfer To : New Home -$0.15
Lakeside Methodist Church -$20.00
HSBC Mastercard -$49.27
New total for challenge $2529.18
Posted in
March 20th, 2007 at 05:41 pm
I am really making some head way, I just added $2 to my challenge upping my new total to $1813.23. No spend day. Thursday, I get paid from my part-time job and will be making my bi-weekly deposit ($100) I can not wait unitl I am at $2000
Posted in
February 12th, 2007 at 11:14 pm
No spend day so a buck goes into the challenge
New total $947.23
Posted in
January 30th, 2007 at 06:21 pm
Yep day two and no spending Of course I am adding a dollar to my challenge brining my new total to $716.59. Tomorrow is payday maybe if my car doesnt cost too much I maybe able to meet my $1000 goal for January, keep your fingers crossed
Posted in
January 28th, 2007 at 05:00 pm
Went to Publix today and spent $32.35, there really ween't any bargains but Idid get a bag of oranges for .99 cents in which I tought was a great deal. Any way I added the difference of .65 cents to my challenge (rounding upe the change) so my new total $714.59
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