Archive for January, 2007
January 16th, 2007 at 03:15 am
My sister called me all day worrying me to death about borrowing $300 and I got so aggravated I went ahead and lent it to her. Now she says she will pay me on Thursday, which I know is a joke. I can kick myself right now
Posted in
January 15th, 2007 at 11:47 pm
Logging into my account, I pretty much check my checking account on a daily basis and for the last few days I can not log in. I am really annoyed
Posted in
January 15th, 2007 at 06:04 pm
Did not spend a dime today. I already went to my dad's so I'm in for the rest of the day. Now I'm adding $1.05 to the challenge
New Total $557.44
Posted in
January 15th, 2007 at 03:16 pm
I was reviewing my spending for the month, once again I am over on dining out and clothes 
Other Income
Other Income - Unassigned $22.21
Total Other Income $22.21
Refund $151.97
Wages & Salary
Wages/Salary Unassigned $1,295.20 1,295.20
Total Wages $1,295.20
Total Income $1,469.38 $1,469.38
Gasoline $58.08
Maintenance $222.58
Total Automobile $280.66
Cellular $75.52
Online/Internet Service $60.52
Student Loan Payment $56.00
Total Bills $192.04
Charitable Donations $21.00
Clothing $98.71
Dining Out $43.54
Books $92.25
Supplies $5.77
Tuition $357.70
Education - Unassigned $1.97
Total Education $457.69
Gifts $15.00
Groceries $62.58
Dental $11.65
Eyecare $11.94
Prescriptions $15.00
Total Healthcare $38.59
House Cleaning $5.14
Total Household $5.14
Job Expense
Non-Reimbursed $10.25
Total Job Expense $10.25
Newspaper $2.25
Total Leisure $2.25
Miscellaneous $149.11
Personal Care $47.51
Sales Tax $20.07
Snack $0.60
Federal Income Tax $117.06
Medicare Tax $18.79
Social Security Tax $80.30
Total Taxes $216.15
Expense - Unassigned $14.14
Total Expenses $1,675.03
Income less Expenses -$205.65
Posted in
January 15th, 2007 at 02:35 pm
Hope every one is enjoying there day off, it is a little gloomy here in sunny south FL but at least I am off. I have to go and check on my dad today, other than that I have really nothing else to do...maybe study a little bit; I don't know we'll see
Posted in
January 15th, 2007 at 05:57 am
My sister called to borrow $300, so i said to her if I do not take my car to the shop she could borrow the money. Well she wants me to hold off....now isn't that selfish I was so upset, why would I hold off from getting my car fix to lend her money. Not only that the person who will be doing the repairs works at the dealer and I get a break so I have to take it in when he is slow. Talk about selfish, I guess in her eyes
I am just a walking bank
Posted in
January 15th, 2007 at 12:46 am
I am happy sold an item that was relisted on Ebay for $10 so I am just waiting for the funds to be transferred and then I will add this money to my challenge. I am so happy, I have a couple of other items to list hopefully those will sell as well
Posted in
January 14th, 2007 at 05:26 pm
Added another $2.79 to the challenge, Publix had BOGO on cranberry juice so I saved $2.79 and added that amount to the challenge
New total $556.39
Posted in
January 14th, 2007 at 04:11 pm
I have two hours left until the auction ends for the items that I am selling on Ebay. This listing and selling stuff is not as easy as I thought. I did offer free shipping, I have two people watching but no bids we'll see. I will just keep listing and see how it all plays out
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January 14th, 2007 at 04:07 pm
I just listed another textbook on Amazon, I hope I can sell this item. This is my first time listing with them so we will see
Posted in
January 14th, 2007 at 03:41 pm
I signed onto my ING account, and what did I see a Happy Birthday post with a cake...that was cute. My birthday isn't until Wednesday but I thought it was cute anyway
Posted in
January 14th, 2007 at 03:36 pm
Ok I have added $9.85 to the challenge, just rounding up my change. I can not wait until payday seems like I will have atleast an extra $200 to add, we'll see. Anyhow my new total towards my dream home is $553.60
Posted in
January 14th, 2007 at 03:33 pm
I am over my dining out buget by $1.00 so I have to stop for the rest of the month which should not be to bad. Today I prepared breakfast and will be home for the most part so I should not get the urge to spend a dime
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Dining Out
January 14th, 2007 at 03:31 pm
Ok I just had my car fix and now the radiator is going I guess I'd rather spend a couple of $100 than to have a car payment, especially since I want a house. Anyhow, my uncle says I need a new hose and he showed me but I told him to take it his friend who works for Toyota and give me a brand new radiator (mine looks corroded and I is just a matter of time) and besides I get a discount anyway so I may as well fix it properly, and since I am on a mini vacation I may as well take care of everything ASAP
Posted in
January 14th, 2007 at 03:27 pm
ok we hired a new girl about a month ago and she just don't get it. I have told her over an over regading the clothes she wears to work, all the personal phone calls, to be careful with the schedule.. because she keeps messing up. I even gave her a spiral notebook to keep track of calls and what patients request that way she won't forget (she forgets a lot ) and she just won't do it. Well on Friday I told her to call the afternoon appoints for Tuesday and reschedule, well of course she didn't and I did not say a word, see I am celebreating my birthday Wednesday and will be on vacation untl Thursday, so when those patients come in and there is no therapist she is going o be in for a rude awakening. I guess she has her own agenda, and that is not to be working
Posted in
January 12th, 2007 at 03:25 am
Took the stairs today so I added a buck to the challenge. I also got paid from the part-time job so I rounded down and added th e difference ($35.44) to the challenge as well so I am happy. My new total is $543.75 I can not wait until I am $1000. Goal is to have $1000 in the challenge/home account by mid February
Posted in
January 10th, 2007 at 02:07 am
I decided to take the stair challenge, so every time I take a flight of stairs I will add a dollar to the challenge. So I am adding my buck, I was sooooo tired. I took the steps at school today,I know I am out of shape
Challenge/home New total $443.26
Posted in
January 10th, 2007 at 01:52 am
I had to relist my items on Ebay but this time I offered free shipping, I hope I am able to sell both of these items. I will list some other things later this week and offer free shipping as well. We'll see, I am just trying to make some extra cash some how
Posted in
January 9th, 2007 at 06:38 pm
The only money I spent today was $.80 for a notebook that I needed to school, so I am adding abuck anyway to the challenge debt/home accounts. I have automatic transfers of $25 to the homeaccount once a week which just occured so I am happy I may have a $1000 by mid Feb, that is the goal
So new totals
Challenge/home $442.26
Challenge/debt $829.03
Posted in
January 9th, 2007 at 06:30 pm
Classes start today and I decided on two rather than three. I don't know three would have been over the top since I also work a part time job. Well at least thus far I did not have to place anything on the cc's for school so I am happy with that. I am just hoping there are no group projects but I am sure there will be... I hate those
Posted in
January 9th, 2007 at 01:13 am
Ok I am adding $4.95 to my challenge/home account, I ate out for lunch today so I have to match this amount. New total $416.26
Posted in
January 9th, 2007 at 01:10 am
Ok I call the book store at the college (big mistake) for cost of trxt books. First they will not give you the ISBN number, I guess they are afraid we will find the book elsewhere at a much lower cost in which I did. Anyhow they are selling a 1997 edition for $89 (used) get out of here I found the same book on half.com for $15(used) and Amazaon for $20 new so of course I went with the new on and as far as the others I will go to the book store not too far from the college which is usually $3 less and buy the book get the ISBN number and check prices elsewhere. The only problem is I think the book that we are using is a FAU college edition we'll see
Posted in
January 8th, 2007 at 04:55 am
I met this guy, who is 20 years older than I am but he is a nice guy. He's funny and appears to be caring but it is the age that I am worried about; I have known him for awhile butFriday was our first time spending some one on one time together. I have not dated any one seriuosly for almost 4 years now and would like to settle down but to actually date some one who's kids are the same age as me is a little bit scary
Posted in
January 8th, 2007 at 04:48 am
Added another $2.92 to my challenge/home account brining my new total to $411.31. I want to be at atleast $700 by the end of the month with this account. I also added .78 to my car account (rounding up the change) new total $20.78
Posted in
January 8th, 2007 at 01:30 am
I am glad I have my small but handy EF. I had to put my car in the shop; rotated tires and balance, oil change and had a transmission leak fixed all cost me $180. Good thing my uncle knows the mechanic because the leak alone would have been atleast $400 so I came out on top. I am happoy because I did not have to use a cc or borrow the money. I also took funds to pay half of my tuition which was $357.70 I as going to use a cc and wait until next month to pay it off but I thought if you have the cash now just pay it, so I did. Now I have until March to pay the other half on my tuition
Posted in
January 7th, 2007 at 03:00 pm
Ok last week I notice one of my hubcaps were missing, when and why I have no clue. Then last night I get home and another one is missing. I am so annoyed because now I have to replace them at a cost to me. Who would steal one or two hubcaps, why not just take them all. Is this person going to take one at a time until they're all gone. I am so upset
Posted in
January 7th, 2007 at 04:53 am
Added my weekly $25 to my challenge/home account, giving me a new total of $408.39. So I am happy. I am hoping to have a $1000 by mid February
Posted in
January 7th, 2007 at 01:49 am
I really like getting these tips in my inboxand sharing them
Install the new type of fluorescent bulbs in lights you leave on for long periods. They provide four times as much light and last ten times longer than incandescent bulbs. Potential Money Savings: $10-$50/yr.
Posted in
January 7th, 2007 at 12:32 am
I ate out for lunch on Friday at $5.32 so I have to add $5 to my challenge/debt account
New total $830.03
Posted in
January 5th, 2007 at 02:28 am
ING has a new checking account offering:
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