Viewing the 'Dining Out' Category
April 26th, 2007 at 04:09 am
I have eaten out so much I can just kick myself But atleast my challenge money is up. I have been matching what I pay to eat out so this was to be an incentive for me not to dine out but it is not working I have to come up with another plan
New total $2231.73
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Dining Out
April 14th, 2007 at 04:42 am
Well I have not learned my lesson, I am still eating out. Added $2.94 to the challenge because I went to DD and another $12 for lunch at Friday's. A co-worker borrowed $10 I maybe out of that we will see
New total $2035.57
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Dining Out
March 24th, 2007 at 12:47 am
NSD today so a buck goes into the challenge. I am so proud of myself I did not eat out today (brown bagged it)
New total $1873.34
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Dining Out
March 23rd, 2007 at 02:00 am
Ok I went to the bank because Friday's over charged me by $3 on a transaction last month. It is a good thing I keep all my receipts (for the year...lol). Any how, I go into the bank today and the rep was making little faces and little remarks to the manager, I politely told him I know it is only $3 but it is my $3 and if Friday's over charged 30 people a day by $3,that would equal $90 for the day and $2700 for the month and another $32,000 for the year. So they gave me a refund and that was the end of that story.
I am adding this $3 to my challenge which is now $1872.34
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Dining Out
March 20th, 2007 at 01:26 am
Added $2 to the challenge, even though I packed my lunch today I did not think it was enough so I bought a small container of chinese rice(after I had my lunch). Well I ended up having it for dinner, I really wasn't hungry I guess I let my way of thinking take over...lol
new total $1811.23
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Dining Out
March 6th, 2007 at 11:34 pm
Had lunch out today cost me $7.74. I really need to work on eating out. Anyhow I matched this amount for the challenge brining my new total to $1582.31 I really enjoy watching my house fund grow
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Dining Out
March 5th, 2007 at 05:59 pm
I normally try to bring my lunch to work but I get annoyed because sometimes my co-workers will go through my bag, so I decided to use a cooler that I use for my part-time job and was surprise everything stayed cold. So I will be bringing my lunch more often I am adding the following to the challenge since I bought my lunch and saved money
$.50 soda
$3.00 sandwich
New total $1567.40
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Dining Out
February 10th, 2007 at 01:44 am
What a bummer I ate out again today ($9.67) so I added $10 to challenge, at the rat I am going I will hit and surpass my goal of $1000 in no time
New Total:$939.29
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Dining Out
February 6th, 2007 at 09:15 pm
Ate out today, so I am matching this amount and adding it to my challene. +$5.05
New total $869.41
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Dining Out
February 4th, 2007 at 05:26 am
Ate out for lunch today so I had to add the match amount to the challenge, new total $842.36
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Dining Out
January 20th, 2007 at 02:50 am
well th boss bought us all lunch today even though I bought my lunch I still took advantage...and it was great; I even had left overs for dinner I can not believe I went all week with out actualy buying a snack or lunch.
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Dining Out
January 14th, 2007 at 03:33 pm
I am over my dining out buget by $1.00 so I have to stop for the rest of the month which should not be to bad. Today I prepared breakfast and will be home for the most part so I should not get the urge to spend a dime
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Dining Out
November 10th, 2006 at 10:52 pm
Well I redeemed my last free lunch at Picadilly's and it was sooooo go, I am still full and even have somne left over for my late night snack. The associate manager was sooo nice she apologized for the other manager's behavior and stated she has had complaints about him in the past, but none the less lunch was free and it was great
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Dining Out
November 8th, 2006 at 11:34 pm
I had to buy lunch today beacause I was too lazy/exhausted to cook a thing yesterday, but because I had cash...my little spending money I did not add to the challenge. No money was spent from the checking or savings account so I am still ok until
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Dining Out
November 7th, 2006 at 02:03 am
I amde a ham last Thursday and have been eating on it ever since. I have not spent any money dining out...lol I am not sure if I can stand it again tomorrow, maybe I'll have a salad with ham ...lol
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Dining Out
October 29th, 2006 at 12:36 am
Wow I have spent a ton of money this month eating out. I was simply to lazy to do anyhing (cook) this month. Total thus far $92 over by $49 for the month that is not good.
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Dining Out
October 26th, 2006 at 01:12 am
well I ate out today for lunch..I could not find my coupon for a free lunch I also treated my co-worker so I paid $15.45. I also ate out yesterday...with all the mess going on with Bush being here in FL I was starving and stopped at the first fast food place I laid eyes on. Any how, to make up for the money I spent dining out I paid it on the CC
New total:$2265.58
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Dining Out,
October 11th, 2006 at 07:59 pm
Had to match funds today, so I paid $10.00 on cc. I will definately cook dinner tonight...what an expensice week
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Dining Out,
October 2nd, 2006 at 10:27 pm
I am annoyed because my boss wanted to go to Sweet Tomatoes since she missed the free lunch on Friday. Well of course I did not bring in any lunch because we were going to Sweet Tomatoes, well I be...I get here and she is leaving at 12 and will not be having lunch so I ended up spending $7.73 on lunch that I did not want to eat in the first place (well spend the money that is) Then I go there (Sweet Tomatoes) and there is no where to park the cops are giving out tickets if you park in the lot next to the restuarant..lucky for me I did not get ticket. I then hand the girl my coupon and was told they do not accept coupons, now I am more annoyed. So to make a long story short I round up the change and added 7.00 to the cc debt a total of $7.03 (matched the money wasted)
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Dining Out,
September 22nd, 2006 at 10:42 pm
Well I went to Piccadillys today for a lunch, I like the food and the service is great. Well I witnessed an insult today that has disturbed me and I think I am writing a letter to their headquarters. Anyway the manager came out to help the other workers serve (who were very pleasant and efficient) however when he (the manager) decided to leave he called the server "mammy" which was an insult. First of all her name is Beatrice and to say something like "Mammy I am going to leave everything up to you" it's more of an insult it's like using the "N" word at the same time trying to be discreet about. Well nonetheless the server was upset and so was I. What upset me the most was he would actually say it in front of other customers
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Dining Out
July 26th, 2006 at 06:14 pm
I guess my attempt a few weeks back to give blood piad off, because we were all given a coupon for free and and milkshake at Chic fil-a, well i used mine today and had lunc on the house. I am so happu especially since I only have 8.69 to last me until tomorrow
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Dining Out
July 14th, 2006 at 11:26 pm
Well I went to Olive Garden because I had a GC the food there is not like it use to be, but hey it was good enough because I spent zero and lunch came to $8.47
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Dining Out
July 5th, 2006 at 07:21 pm
I was so proud of myself for not eating out but today I did, $3.26 at Dunkin Donuts. All because I was too lazy to get up earlier. Now I have to add $3.00 to the challenge matching what I spent as well as .71, rounding up the change
New total :$245.81
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Dining Out,
July 1st, 2006 at 03:12 pm
I can not be lieve it is Jluy already. My goal for this month is to continue decreasing my CC debt and pay off CC 2 this month,the blance is $871.00. CC 2 the plans is to get it down to about $1500.00 from $1900.00 goal is to pay off by September. I also need to work on my grocery bill, I was bale to decrease it from $140.68 (40%) from the month before now to increasing this month ( June) by 21% to $170.33 Dinining out for May was 173.74 increased by 34%. Now ending in June I decreased my eating out by 47% to $91.80,. So even though I did really well with dining out the grocery bill went up. I decided to print a calendar for the month with what's for dinner on it for the month ans stick to that grocery bill I should save big time that way. We will see
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Dining Out,
June 28th, 2006 at 10:20 pm
Had a pretty good day the boss actually did the payroll today, so that means we'll get paid on Friday; that is first. We all pretended as if we did not know if the banks will be open on Monday so he went ahead and did them .So I am happy I can set up all my bills to be paid on Friday.
I met my old boss who I loved for lunch cost me $21.00 at the Olive Garden, the food was terrible so we ended up with a $20.00 GC which I will not use for a while
so all in all everything turned out ok
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Dining Out
June 21st, 2006 at 10:35 pm
Ate out today and spent $8.44 so I added only $8.43 to the challenge
New total $164.24
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Dining Out
June 14th, 2006 at 06:15 pm
Well I was suppose to have lunch with a paralegal who I am trying to do business with, well she did not show, and I ened up spending $8.81 on lunch because I did not bring any And the kicker is I will not get reimbursed by my employer 
So instead of matching what I spent I simply transferred a little less than half to the challenge ($4.19) Boy am I upset
New total $82.59
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Dining Out
June 14th, 2006 at 02:44 am
I know when ever I stay at home I never spend any money, well I spent an aditional $5.31, dinner for mom and I at McDonalds, and $10.00 for meds. I decided not to go to walmart only because I know i would spend a ton of money. So I added $5.69 to the challenge matching what I spent for dining out and now my new total is $84.09.
Also as you guys know I have been marketing now for about 3 months and got my first referral from an attorney's office I am sooo happy this will be a extra bonus on the check, well it should be. So oeverall it ended up being a good day
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Dining Out
June 6th, 2006 at 10:29 pm
Well I gave in and ate out today $5.95 at my favorite little italian spot because I was too lazy to cook something before I left for work and then I spent $2.00 on lottery tickets. So a total of 7.95 was wasted today and I added $8.00 to the challenge brining my new total to $831.46
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Dining Out
June 6th, 2006 at 01:48 am
Well I returned the fan and got my $10.64 back. so literally I spent zero today. I did very well as far as dining out, I did not eat out in the last 3 days; a first for me. I also got a free shirt at J.C.Penney's by using a $10.00 coupon so I am adding $10.00 to the challenge and $1.00 for not spending any money today, a total of $11.00 so my new total for the challenge is $750.48
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Dining Out