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Books 📚

January 18th, 2018 at 02:39 pm

Finished up "Why You Need a Budget?" and I really didn't care for it. I felt like the author was basically selling his product, YNAB. I can't imagine paying someone to creat a simple budget spreadsheet.

Well at least I have my first book of the year in, and starting the second , "The No Spend Challenge Guide" by Jen Smith. This really is a guide, 99 pages, so it's a quick read.

Goals, read one non-fiction (financial) book a month (12 books 📚).

Bye Bye Plot 👋🏾

January 17th, 2018 at 08:44 pm

So excited!

I spoke with the rep over at the graveyard and I can give up or transfer that plot to the SO, thank you Jesus!

Only bad news is that we can only make it on the weekends and she's out this Saturday, but I'll be there bright and early on the 27th. Unless he's off Friday, I am, we can go in then. Two years fighting with him to pay his bill on time and I finally just got the nerve to say enough.

Cable was back off yesterday, because once again he did not pay his share. When he comes home tonight, I'm calling the company to see if we can transfer the service to his name, that way I'll give him the money and what ever he does is on him. Literally the cable is off every three months.

I'm counting down the days when I can say, I no longer need a useless roommate. Court scheduled for next month.

The last few days was a no spend day. We went out for my birthday (today's my birthday) for lunch yesterday with coworkers and I spent $10. Not bad but I'm still upset about spending money, I'm always like, I could use that for debt. But oh well.

I'm off for the next three days, so no spending money for me and I'm excited. Not driving a hour each way to work will save me a ton in gas ⛽️ as well.

Now I'm just waiting on W2s and 1095s to file my taxes, any money received will go straight to CC4. Hopefully I'll have number three (3) paid off by mid-February.

Lastly I'm wrapping up, "Why I Need a Budget," it's okay but I'm just not overly excited about the book. I personally didn't like the fact that the author pushes his product, YNAB. One thing that's in the book that stands out for me is the mantra, "debt is not option." I'm going to plaster this all over the place, in my car, on the refrigerator, my wallet, my money envelopes, I want to be reminded that debt is no longer a option.

That's it in a nutshell

Upped EF

January 13th, 2018 at 07:48 pm

I was able to cash the check, thank goodness, this was a nightmare (see Sprint post) and glad it's over.

After paying my tithes from the check received, I can add about
$190 to the EF bringing the total to about $994 just $6 away from my mini EF.

I was so stressed out last week about taking the money out of the EF; however, I'm a true believer that it was all God. I made it a point to pay my tithes with every extra income I had received and though I'm upset for a few minutes when things occur, a calmness then comes over me. The only thing I'm anxious about is getting out of debt and saving money.

Today we're having a chapter meeting and was asked to provide non-perishable items. Normally I'd go out and buy items, I simply took what was in my cabinet that I have not used and don't plan on it any time soon, and bagged it all up. Loving this being intentional with your money concept.

This Year Has to Get Better

January 13th, 2018 at 01:20 am

Annoyed as all get out.

My boss has not said one word to me about my salary, I was suppose to know something last week.

I finally received the Sprint check for the full refund, they did not charge a restock fee but it's written to my middle name. Hopefully the bank will cash it. I can throw this money in my EF and that will put me back at the $1,000.

Today was payday, and I was planning on paying off CC3 but since the whole break thing, I couldn't, so I'm bummed about that.

I realize today that the woman never called me back about the plot, so it's on my to do list.

So that's it in a nutshell, hopefully things will start to look up.

Murphy is Super Busy

January 11th, 2018 at 11:12 am

Murphy hit yet again.

After getting the brakes repaired, I realized my tooth is cracked. I'd eaten a piece of candy and thought it was that but no it's my tooth.

Then the SO and I went off to the basketball game Sunday. I'd told him weeks ago that I did not want to go, but he claimed that our friends purchased the tickets for him/us since they'd owed us a favor. I think deep down he really wanted to go.

Anyhow we go down to the game. Then we end up having dinner. I'd told him prior to leaving that I was not spending any money. Not for parking, anything. And I didn't.

So we are on our way home, he's driving and we stop for gas long story short, he hits another truck. Jumps out the car and guess what he has no license. I can't continue to live like this. The only good thing about this entire situation is that the driver of the other vehicle had no license either. Smh 🤦🏾‍♂️

He kept apologizing, and I'm like enough already. We have talked about this crap since August and I just can't believe you have not taken care of it. Not only that, you're calling your mother now to bill clients so that you can repair the car. Are you serious? Why not just take over the business from her? What pisses me off is that he's saying the other driver hit him, if that's the case why is bumper damaged and not the front end? Who knows. My disinter looked at the car and said that the other drive hit us but can't do a thing because he has no license.

Then we come home and the cable box is out, I think lightening struck it. Can't call the cable company because once again he has not paid his portion of the cable bill and normally they want their money before any repairs. Smh
Long story short I was able to log in And schedule a maintenance call. The technician came out and we're all set.

In the meantime I did buy a little $15 antenna it works pretty good. I'll return it though for one of the better ones that was out of stock. Once I do that, I'm cutting the cable. He can pay for it if he wants.

Fast forward I wanted to walk out of my job yesterday. That place is a joke! I realize that I never want to be in a position in that I do not want to leave, well can't leave a job. I took another look at my budget. Cut some things and tomorrow I should be able to add $379 back to my EF. I'm annoyed because that money should be going to CC3 to pay it off but I have to beef up the EF since I used the money for breaks. Hopefully I'll have the Sprint check soon, and that should put me back at $1,000.

I got the first estimate of my car $800, I'm thinking they'll reduce if I pay cash who knows. I'm going to try two other places and then put it in the shop. I'm almost certain that this will be an expense in that I occur, SO never has his share for crap. Though he did say he would and so he should, pay for it. I'm not holding my breath.

Next month we go to court, hopefully we can get this house sold and behind us. I can pay off debt and then buy a small one bedroom condo that I can pay off in a few years, rent and then move into a two bedroom villa or something

Ugh I Hate Emergencies

January 7th, 2018 at 01:14 am

Ugh I'm need of brakes, total will be $467.85, this includes fluid, disc, rotor etc. I have the EF but I really don't want to use it for that. Next Friday is pay day, I can throw about $200 of this towards the brakes and take the remainder out of the EF. Only drawback is that I won't be able to pay off CC3.

I do have a $10 coupon so that will be a bit of a savings. I'm hoping to have the check from Sprint but then, then that way I won't have to touch the EF. 🙄🤦🏾‍♀️

Buyer a no go

January 6th, 2018 at 03:03 pm

Well the buyer for the item I posted on OfferUp wanted me to reduce my price to $5 I said no so she canceled, said she wasn't feeling well.

I hate this selling and buying stuff.

I posted another item yesterday, a Polaroid zip mini printer, so we will see. I figured the items posted in the first quarter that does not sell I'll donate, with the exception electronics.

Feeling a little discouraged but I know that these things takes time

Sold My First Item

January 5th, 2018 at 01:49 am

Made my first sale on Offer Up. It's a sweater I bought about 10 years ago that I never wore, and it's been sitting in my closet waiting on me to lose weight. 🤦🏾‍♀️🙄

I sold it for $10, so this will go towards CC3. I'm meeting the buyer at the police 👮🏼 station for the swap.

Patience pays off.

Paid Down CC3

January 4th, 2018 at 05:31 pm

Whew with the money SO gave me I used and paid $90 on CC3 , new balance $299.00.

Now I'm just waiting on the Sprint check to come to hopefully pay this sucker off. No more financing furniture for me.

My boss is suppose to be submitting a request for a raise for me, we will see. I do have an interview next week paying more and closer to home.

Sprint Refund Nightmare

January 4th, 2018 at 02:04 am

Went to Sprint to try and return these earbuds I received for Christmas and it was an utter nightmare. Every time I go, they tell me that they do not have cash. This annoys the crap out of me because you only have 14 days to return. And if I was to miss this, then oh well.

The teller tells me she can issue a check but it has to be to someone who has a Sprint account and that person can give me back the money. What! You didn't ask for an account holder when the items were purchased.

I leave the store and call corporate and they're just as bad. The rep calls the store who tells her that I have to be back tomorrow at 3pm to get a refund. Excuse me I work. Long story short, I go to another store who issued a refund check that I should receive within 10 days. The only good thing about this, is that I was not charged the restock fee of $45. I told the SO to never purchase anything from Sprint for me again. Ugh. The refund is $213 and I'll be adding this amount to CC3.

Work news, I asked my boss today for a raise and told him I'd like to know by Friday. So I'm just waiting.

Came home and the SO gave me $100. When I asked what it is for he tells me that I should use it for what ever, so I'm adding this to CC3. I'm sure this is short lived but I'll take it.

His SO debit card was hit for $100, scam. Smh, this is the third person in the last few weeks that I know who have been hit by a thief.

Today was a friend's birthday. She wanted me to go bowling 🎳 and I'm like nope, goal is paying down my debt. This same friend is wanting every one to join her on a party 🎉 bus 🚌 for her birthday this weekend, cost $30. Nope, not doing this either. She'll be getting a regift of wine from me for her birthday costing me zip. This same friend complains that she needs to get a part time or another job paying her more money because she's broke. I told her what I was doing but hey it's up to her what she wants to do.

Lastly, I'm reading "Why You Need a Budget." It's pretty good. I know why I need a budget, but my goal is to read one financial book a month and quite frankly you can always learn something new about things you already know.

What a Day!

January 3rd, 2018 at 01:18 am

What a day!

Completed my daily devotional, went to church to serve for a bit.
Tried taking those earbuds back and was told to comeback because the store did not have cash, what!
This so annoyed me, going back tomorrow. Stickers for my planner, and went to both Aldi's and Publix.
All items were budgeted so I'm okay with it.

Tomorrow I'm back to the office. The good news for me is that mean/idiot woman of a manager was let go today. Though I hate for anyone to lose their job, she needed to go. I'll be asking for my raise that she cheated me out of.

SO other keeps bugging me. I say to him, when are you going to figure it out that I'm not happy? Until this foolishness of wasteful spending is under control and my expenses that you're responsible for is caught up it will never work. I tried having a conversation and he just walked off, saying "okay". WTF!
I then say this is the issue, you never want to talk about finances that is the problem that I have with you. 🤦🏾‍♀️🙄

Tomorrow I'll be retiring those stupid earbuds and adding to CC3 hopefully this will knock it down to about $239
Out the blue SO came over said he wants to get married and he understands my frustration. He says he heard me the few 100x before. He goes on to say "are you sure you want me on this ride?" I explain it's not about me. He has to want better and live better and that it's up to him and I will not marry, or continue to live like this. I'm done, you can say what you want but actions speaks louder than words. I guess he's thinking it's my birthday and I want gifts 🎁 . Only gift I want is the debt gone.

On to other news, a really good friend sent an invite for a birthday bash on a party bus. Though I would love to go, I'm not. It's $30 for the bus and then I would have to turn around and provide a gift. Nope not doing it. I'll regift a bottle of wine 🍷 that was given to me, and say happy birthday. I'm done ✅ with doing things that throw me off track.

Roll Tide!

January 2nd, 2018 at 04:10 am

Well this is off topic, but I'm praying Alabama wins, this Florida girl loves the Tide.

Fingers crossed.

Happy New Year!

January 1st, 2018 at 04:41 am

Happy New Year everyone! 🎆

CC3 under $400

December 30th, 2017 at 01:23 pm

I did it, I used the buffer in the checking account and paid $112.67 on CC3 to knock the balance down below the $400 mark, new balance $399.00.

I'll admit I'm nervous about not having the buffer but, I want this card 💳 gone! Over $6,000 💵 in furniture purchased with no help, as promised, to pay for any of it. And now, today, it's just under $400. OMG! I thought I'd never pay this bill off, now it looks as though late January I can say goodbye and good riddance.

Next on the list, is to head over to the grave yard and remove my SO account from mine, I'll even eat the cost if there's one to get his name off. For about eight (8) months when we first purchased I paid, I finally had a breakdown and he started to pay but he's always late. I told him I was not going into the new year with this mess, his mess. I'll be lying 🤥 if I didn't say a part of me feel bad 😔, but it's the right thing to do, other wards, I'll begin to resent him. It's for this best, especially for the move.

Last night we were chatting and I'm not even sure about what and how the subject of money 💰 came up but it did. I said something to him along the lines of, " do you realize that if something was to happen to you, that I couldn't take care of you or me?" He then said, " I could do it." I said, "How? You have no money saved and you pay nothing on time." He then said, "wow talk about putting me down." I felt bad but thought 💭 , why? It's the truth. If he got hurt and couldn't work, there's no way I could take care of both of us. Hell when I wasn't working, I depleted my savings because he couldn't pay the household 🏡 bills by himself let alone my other bills.

It's a tough journey but I have to stay focus.

Instead of saying I want, I'm now saying I will retire at 57. Plus you all do a good job at not sugar coating things, and keeping me accountable.

Good riddance CC3 and plot!

Birthday Gifts

December 30th, 2017 at 01:25 am

Went to Walmart and picked up birthday gifts for my three great nephews at $15 each ($45 total).

I'm so excited because I never did anything like this before. I created a sinking fund for birthdays and Christmas gifts. I'd budgeted $25 per kid (4) and came in $30 under. What a great feeling. The SO couldn't believe that I was buying birthday gifts for the months of February, May, and October. I just think that this was great. I think I'll do this every year, buy the gifts after Christmas on sale. As far as Christmas, throughout out the year I'll buy marked down items and since I'm keeping tabs on my budget I shouldn't go over.

Different news, my brothr (not the one who is a jerk) went to deposit cash into my account to cover January's mortgage (I purchased his house in my name in 2012) and the bank said he could no longer do that, crazy. Apparently there's some new money laundering law 🙄🤦🏾‍♀️. Well thank goodness this was a separate savings account so I'll give them the ATM card.

Paid Down CC3

December 29th, 2017 at 06:02 pm

Bought my one ticket for the season game, SO didn't give me his money, but he has until the 5th to lock in at the current rate. Either way I had my money so I bought my ticket. I was thinking about holding off purchasing the parking pass, but opted to go ahead and do so since I budgeted the money for it already.

Honestly it felt weird, only to buy one ticket, not using a credit card and sticking to my guns. However; I realized that the only way he'll take what I'm saying and doing seriously is if I actually show him that I mean business.

I went ahead and transferred the $74.33 from the EF to my checking account to apply to the CC, new balance $511.67. I'm waiting on some things to clear, and making sure nothing pops up before I use some of the checking buffer funds to knock this card down to about $400. I want this thing gone.

So far I've posted 3 items dirt cheap and no takers, ugh. I'll be posting at least one item a day, as I declutter the house. Hopefully I can get some takers.

Lastly, I received a free calendar from the grocery story. I'm going to stick this to the refrigerator and note when the joint bills are due, that way they'll be no excuses. Not sure why I haven't thought of this before.

New Budget Period - Can You All Provide Me Some Advice?

December 28th, 2017 at 01:06 pm

New budget period started today. Added the funds to my sinking fund ($117.70 first time ever), I couldn't help but wonder if I should add this amount to CC3. I did pay an extra $114, knocking CC3 down to $586; however, I want this thing gone!

If I add the sinking funds to the CC debt instead of saving, I could have this credit card 💳 paid off by mid-February. My 2018 goal is to pay off a CC each quarter, so I know that this will be gone soon. However, the drawback of using the sinking fund is that, I wouldn't be socking away the car insurance, and will continue to pay monthly, that I hate. In addition, I wouldn't be putting away for car maintenance, dues, and Christmas/birthdays. What would you do? Put the money towards debt, and then catch the sinking fund up? Or keep adding to the sinking fund, while paying extra to the debt?

Ready for 2018

December 28th, 2017 at 12:29 am

This has been one heck of a year but as I look back at it, I'm proud to say that I've paid off two credit cards, have not accumulated any new debt since about July, saved a $1,000, created my first ever budget in August and have been sticking to it ever since, cash flowed for the first time ever Christmas, and kept track of my spending since August.

I was feeling drained but I'm actually going into the new year with a BANG 💥. Goal is to pay off one CC each quarter and I'll have CC3 paid off more than likely by the end of February.

For the new year, I've chosen the word gratitude as a reminder that I should be thankful for what I have as I work through paying off debt. I've added it to my planner, and I'll be adding to everything else( e.g. Mirrors, computers).

Stay focus, retire at 57!

December 27th, 2017 at 12:21 pm

So after the good laugh, things went a little sour, for me anyway.

The SO other bought me some PJs from Victoria Secret, two pairs for about $50 each. Trust me I thought about asking for the receipt and taking those back.

So I showered and put on a pair. He comes out and start rubbing on my back saying things like, "don't that feels good, nice and soft. Should I have gone to Walmart and bought you a cheaper pair? Should I have taken these back?" I immediately began to feel bad. I bought him his PJs, $5 at Penney's for the bottom and $5 for the top at Walmart.

I then said to him, "you don't appreciate anything nor do you understand the struggle. I'm in debt, and I no longer want to be!" This whole thing, really got to me, to the point I had to write in my planner, "let no one make you feel bad enough that you lose focus. Retire at 57!"

I'll be the first to admit, I'm sad, disappointed and a tad bit discouraged. Every year I use credit card to purchase things for him, I honestly didn't want to exchange gifts. I told him that and he insisted. This was the first year I cash flowed Christmas as was feeling great about it and here he comes with the negative vibes. My birthday is next month, I'll let him know not to buy me a thing; however, if he insists I want cash.

Fast forward, we realize that our cameras aren't working. SO other calls a friend who tells us that we have two choices, call Samsung or go o Amazon and buy a box.
Well after the friend leaves, I tell him, I'm not purchasing a thing. I'm still paying on the CC from 2 years ago when I purchased these cameras that he shows every Tom, Dick and Harry when they visit and haven't given me one cent on the purchase. I can guarantee you, he won't replace the box, he's broke from Christmas. I can replace with my buffer funds but won't, I'll be replacing when I move. I wanted to say, those $100 PJs don't look so nice now don they?

That was a good laugh

December 27th, 2017 at 12:27 am

I bought my SO a Michael Kors watch ⌚️ from the outlet mall for Christmas. To purchase the Michael Kors box 📦 to put the watch in, would have been an additional $6. I opted not to.

Now he wants to know if his watch ⌚️ was bootleg because it's not in a normal MK box. I tell him, I wasn't spending $6 on a box.
His face >>>> 😳
My face >>>🤦🏾‍♀️

I'm on a budget, he's lucky of if got anything. Lol

He kept saying wow, I kept laughing. This was the first time in months that we actually laughed together. Felt good, just hope it's also a teachable moment for him.

Crunching Numbers and Setting Goals

December 26th, 2017 at 02:05 pm

Woke up this morning setting goals and crunching numbers.

After listening to the "Millionaire Next Door" I realized that I'm broke. I knew I was broke but not BROKE! If that makes sense.

Here it is my goals, it's going to be tough but I can do it!

Life Time Goal is to retire at 57.

My 2018 Goal (yearly) is to pay off four ( 4 ) CCs 💳 by the end of the year. Basically one each quarter. The total amount due on the four (4) lowest CCs 💳 is about $6867. To pay four off over the course of the year, I need to throw $286 each pay date to the CC. Back to crunching my zero based budget for the next two pay periods. I got to find the money somewhere. What's good about this is CC3 should be gone by end of January freeing up some money. And then a little tax return to throw at CC4 to free up some funds as well.

My first monthly goal,January 2018
is to not eat out, for anything, that includes, breakfast, lunch, dinner and the vending machine at work. No dining out, period.

My daily goal is to check off an item on my chore list daily.

Next I realized that my sinking fund is missing some items 🤦🏾‍♀️🙄. I decided not to add those items because I realized by doing so I won't pay off any debt. I just need to learn to budget those items in.

Sinking fund
$1200 car insurance
$100 Birthdays
$600 Christmas (includes gifts and holiday party)
$500 car repairs (e.g oil changes)
$425 Sorority Chapter Dues
Yearly Sinking Fund Total $2,825
To be Deposited each pay period, $117.70

In other news, SO.
For Christmas be bought me these $200 ear buds, $100 perfume I like and maybe about another $100 on PJs from Victoria Secret. He gave me the gifts in front of his mom. I really hate when he does that because it means I have to open them. Well I feel obligated to.

Long story short I did not want to open the ear buds, his daughter ended up opening everything and putting it together. I knew if it was returned there'll be a restocking fee. When we got home last night I asked him what he paid. He gave me the receipt, $213. I told him to take them back. I said to him, there's a past due cable bill again, rent is coming due and just the other day he said he didn't have any money. Well he tells me he's not taking them back, that he was alright and wanted to do something nice. I'm like he just don't get it.

Today he took ten people, well nine (I didn't go)to breakfast because his dad use to do it when he was alive and now he feels obligated to continue the tradition. This cost about $180 plus tip, so call it $200. It's ridiculous; but I can't tell him how to spend his money, I'm just not going to participate in rubbish. I have an interview today and used that as an excuse.

Prior to leaving, he tells me he had a dream that the mother's car was repossessed. Well we know she's just as bad at paying bills as he is. I asked him if he paid his mom's property taxes, he said yes then goes on to tell me how difficult it is to run two households. I don't say a word at this point, he refuses to sit dow create a budget and take over the business. I'm not sure what he's going to do, this will be the first year he pays taxes. He has yet to meet back with the accountant to go over things. It's going to be an eye opener for him. As for me, I just start back looking at my goals and crunching numbers, not much else I can do.

Hopefully with a new job paying more I can make some traction.

Merry Christmas Everyone!

December 25th, 2017 at 01:20 pm

Wishing my SA family a Merry Christmas 🎄

Planner Almost Done

December 25th, 2017 at 03:11 am

While the SO other was out shopping, I was completing my financial/budget planner. I absolutely love it. I really wanted a Happy Planner (HP) but opted to create my own. The HP and its add ons are so expensive and adds up.

I found a calendar at Michael's with stickers for $10, bought card stock paper at Walmart $4, a cute binder from Target for $4 and printed from home. Yes I spent close to $20 but these items will last me until next year. With the HP items I'd be purchasing every other week. Plus with me actually taking the time to create, I think I'll be more committed.

So looking forward to 2018 and financial peace.

I received my new statement for CC3 and my minimum payment was reduce but I'm still paying the same amount each month until this thing is gone.

Annoyed with CC3 So I Knocked It Down!

December 24th, 2017 at 10:44 am

Checked the balance on CC3 and it was $729.16. The $29.16 annoyed me so I added this amount to the card 💳, new balance $700.

I'm hoping to get this card down to $600 before the new year, maybe even $500. My next two budget periods are very lean and I have a $300 buffer in my checking account. I know, but for me this gives me a peace of mind. I'm so afraid that if I don't keep a buffer I'm going to use the CCs 💳. I'm also afraid to cancel them. Once I hit the $3,000 mark in the EF and pay off a few more CCs 💳 I can say whew, close out the accounts and not keep the buffer.

The buffer is primarily because I live with the SO, and most of the time he doesn't have his share of the rent until the second or third, that drives me crazy because it's due on the first. I'll be the first to say, I'm no pro with money, but I've always been super good about paying my bills on time. I hate paying late, and any late fees associated with it.

One thing that I'm excited about is, this is the first time I ever created a sinking fund (saving for a want and need); and come January 3rd I'll be using the funds to purchase my season ticket, cash. Notice I said "my" and "ticket" meaning one ticket and with cash.

Normally, I'd purchase both mine and the SO tickets using a credit card, I'll tell him and he'll say, "I'll give it back to you." Months go by, no money and I've racked up the credit cards, I've done this three years in a row. I've shared and reminded him that his share is due by the 3rd. The thing about it is, if he has his share it will save me $30 . For six tickets it's $60 plus an additional $60 for the parking pass, total $120. If he buys his, the grand total then turns to $180, We would split this in half to $90. Either way I'm prepared. It's cheaper to buy the parking pass than paying upon arrival.

I can guarantee you, he won't have his money. I'll admit I'm a little nervous but this is a tough lesson he's going to have to learn. I cannot and will not keep footing the bill. I know him, when he learns that I only purchased the one ticket he'll say "wow" and think that I'm being selfish, not realizing that at the age of 45 soon to be 46, I'm teaching him a valuable lesson, as well as myself.

Have to keep pushing

December 24th, 2017 at 01:49 am

I cannot wait to get out of this hell of a relationship.

Today the SO gave me back the $400 💵 he owed me. Almost three months later 🙄. I told him on Friday I wanted the money before the new year.

He goes on to tell me that he had over $400 in Christmas bonuses from his clients that he let his mother keep. Then he tells me that he gave his two youngest daughters $250 each, mind you they are 16, for Christmas 🎄. I don't say a word, I just listen. Besides I got my money, so I can careless and am working on my 2018 planner.

Now he's talking about how he wanted to pay what he owed before the new year, I'm still in my leave me alone mode while I get ready for 2018 🙄. Then he hits me with the "I'm so broke right now." I'm like wth! You gave your mother, mind you who is running the business in the ground close to $500, plus your two teenage daughters a total of $500 for Christmas. And did I mention he gave one (daughter) an additional $50 bucks because she cleans the house, what! She lives there. Apparently he pays her every week to do so. Total $1050.

Now he's whining about not having any money, as if he wants me to feel sorry and say here you go. Sorry buddy, I'm utterly disgusted with you.

First of all, as I have said in the past, and I'm done talking, I was simply thinking 💭 the following:
1. Your license is suspended and you just provided $1,000 to family in Christmas gifts
2. You have a pass due balance, again on the cable, of $136, and you just gave out $1,000 in Christmas gifts
3. You just spent close to $500 on a house Christmas party and gave away almost $200 of liquor that you could have returned and did I mention the $1,000 in Christmas gifts?
4. You're off for an entire week and won't get a check, mind you, he barely gets one from the mother, rent is due and you just provided a $1,000 in Christmas gifts 🎁

I'd say your priorities are all screwed up. The new me, can careless. I have goals in that I'm trying to accomplish like one, getting out of debt; two buying a house; three retiring at 57 and four traveling in my retirement. Can't do that with a person whose priorities are all messed up. Who continues to live like the Jones, who doesn't respect me enough to know how important it is reach these goals.

As he talked I just listened and worked on my planner. His voice reminded me why it's so important to pay down this debt, sell the house and move.

Pushing forward and not looking back

Homemade Happy Planner

December 23rd, 2017 at 08:10 pm

Well this is the first year ever that I CASH 💰 flowed Christmas 🎄, huge accomplishment for me. I'm so excited that I can scream.

I finally got my money back ($400💰) from my SO, this will not happen again. Never lend money you want back. Needless to say, this will cover the Sorority dues. 🤦🏾‍♀️🙄. I know, long story on this one.

Other news, I really really wanted a Happy Planner for 2018 but decided to create my own. I found some stickers on sale at Michael's and a cool calendar. I think it's coming along


December 23rd, 2017 at 02:12 am

Wow, created the new budget for January 15th pay date and things are tight. I start back paying the student loan next month 🤦🏾‍♀️🙄. I was thinking about postponing this but thought the interest is mounting so go ahead and take care of it.

While creating the budget, I had to make sure that I sock away money 💰 to the sinking fund. I want to be able to pay the car insurance in full for the next six (6) months upon renewal.

I didn't budget any fun money, hair or personal money that's how tight things are. I probably need to look at the 28th budget period and adjust here to pay one of the loans early.

Different news, I've been scanning every single receipt I come across, adding to the Receipt Hog 🐷 app. My SO gets upset if we're out because I pick up receipts as I see them. I'm only on week three and have over 730+ points. Once I hit 1,000 points, I can cash out for $5. Not much but hey I'm throwing it at my snowball. Maybe I'll wait until I hit 2,900 points to get the $15 or just wait until the end of the year racking up points, and then cash out. I even have my mom saving me all her receipts. Decisions, decisions and more decisions, lol.

Update to post. Revamped the 28th budget to include one of the student loans, this helped out tremendously. By doing this I was still able to make it work paying extra on CC3, sock away funds to the sinking and family trip fund, as well as having myself a little splurge money. I know but I find that I need this, it really helps with not busting my budgeting.

Who would have thought that I could create a budget and stick to it. In the past, I would try to create a budget but would get frustrated. Taking FPU and having the zero balance budgeting system explained to me made a huge difference, it was truly an ah ha moment, it was like a light bulb 💡 went off.

It's a slow process but I do see myself making progress.

He Who Laughs First, Laughs Last

December 22nd, 2017 at 10:41 am

A good friend called last night and he wanted to know how the wedding 👰🏾 planning was going.
I told him there isn't a wedding and he wanted to know why. I told him to ask my SO. So he did. The response that he (SO) gave him was student loans. Huh? I was furious.

You have just implied that you're not marrying me because I have student loan debt, are you #%* serious? As I'm listening to the conversation he continues to tell our friend that, "you can't go into a marriage with debt." Now I'm more furious because he failed to mention the fact that he has back child support, no money saved and is terrible with money 💰.

After calming down, I thought, you can't be upset. You're the one who told him to ask him. Secondly, you're the one who said, you did not want to enter a marriage with debt. But you're also the one who understands that the borrower is slave to the lender, you're also the one who has decided to make a change. So in the end, he's right, we're right, there won't be a wedding due to debt.

I'm not marrying a man who refuse to make changes, in his spending habits; who refuses to takeover a business from his momma because he doesn't want to hurt her feelings. One who refuses to save or pay down his debt. One who doesn't share the same goals as I do.

That conversation reminded me that I'm doing the right thing. It's taking me a little longer but I'm doing what's right. I sat back down and revised my budget so that I'm throwing more at the debt. I reduced my fun and personal spending. CC3 should be paid off by the end of January and then it's on to CC4.

In addition, the family is planning a family vacation (cruise) over the summer. Hopefully; I'll be gone by then, but if not, he won't be able to go because 1) he would not have paid anything on his back child support to obtain his passport and 2) he won't have any money saved.

In other news, I got word that I should stop looking for a job because the crazy 😜 director will be gone the first week in January, once that happens I'm asking for more money. She deliberately low bald my raise (2%) and my current manager knows it.

Moral of the story, one cannot be upset about things that are true, simply work hard, make a few sacrifices, smile and remember that in the long run, you'll be living like no one else.

My goal, retire at 57 with no debt and money saved.

Last Zero Balance Budget of the Year - An ah ha moment

December 22nd, 2017 at 03:26 am

Though I went over budget with the holiday party I had an ah ha moment and I'm super proud.

This is the first year that I have actually cash 💰 flowed both Christmas 🎄 and the holiday party 🍷 🎉 .

I did not realize it but I cash flowed everything, not using one credit card. I'm super duper proud of myself. Every year I tack on an extra $600+ on the CCs 💳 but not this year. 😀

In financial news, I transferred the $165 out of the 52 week challenge account and will use this money to throw at CC3. I was planning on using this for an upcoming expense but with a little budgeting and saving I didn't have to.

I also returned some plywood to Home Depot that was to be used to board of the rental property, got $80 back. So I'll add a little to EF, sinking and CC3. I'll update later.

Lastly, I created my last zero balance budget that will carry me over into the new year. I calculated the car insurance/maintenance , birthdays, Christmas and sorority membership for the year (24 pay periods), total to add to the sinking fund $117. Though I'd rather not do this I know how important it is to sock this money away so that they'll be no stress or credit cards 💳 used.
* Car insurance for the year $1200
* Car maintenance $500 as needed
* Sorority $425 annually
* Christmas $600 (included holiday party)
* Birthdays $100
Total $2,825
24 pay periods $117.70

I know I'm missing something, just can't think of it right now, but hey, I can always adjust the budget 📝.

Oops I almost forgot, so far there's been 9 no sped days for December, can't wait to add this ($9+) to my snowball


December 19th, 2017 at 01:29 am

Pulled the number 5 for the debt BINGO so I got this bill down to $736.18 😊

I was really hoping to get this CC paid off before the new year, it just looks like that's not going to happen.

Due to some mishap this past weekend, I really went over my budget for the holiday party we have. Poor planning, but I learned from it and moving on.

The SO scratched off $100 on a lottery ticket and gave me $50, I then cashed in my ibotta account, I think it was $26 and later realized I had $50 in my PayPal account. Overall if I was to include the money I received I may have went over budget by about $40. I'm still a little annoyed because this was to go on the debt, at least I didn't use any CCs

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