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Busted Budget

December 15th, 2017 at 03:32 am

Not sure what happened this budget period but I only had $11 total left in my cash envelopes. I know I paid extra on CC3 but I thought I accounted for it. I'm not going to worry about it but I will make sure this next period I'm up to date with things.

I did find $5 in my purse, so totally I have $16.

I completed, well revised, the zero based budget for the next period, I have $90 to play with. I budgeted extra on CC3 since CC2 is paid off, plus the BiNGO number ($34), total it's about $60 extra. Another good thing this period, is that I didn't have to use any of the sinking fund to pay for my renewal of my license or registration but I do have the sorority renewal coming due and that ain't cheap so I'm thinking about using the money for that. I know I know sorority, that's a long story I'll share another time.

I used $100 of the sinking/52 week fund to renew my HR certification. So glad I took care of this now vs January, when it's due. I don't know what made me look but I needed to know the cost, I was thinking close to $200. Well I realized that if I'm a member with SHRM, $50 is knocked bringing the total to $100. Well my SHRM membership ends in January and I'm not paying$200 to renew it next year. The ROI isn't worth it. I will however continue the magazine subscription that comes with membership and that's $70. Well worth it.

Had a great phone interview today. I'm getting call backs so I'm happy with that, hopefully the right one will come along.

We went out for lunch $12.59, including tip, plus I bought breakfast this morning $4.51, I ended paying for this because $18 went towards CC3, new total 863.00.

I'm too tired to up my sidebar so I'll take care of it tomorrow

Knocking CC3 Out Slowly

December 14th, 2017 at 01:16 am

Paid down CC3 to $890. I think I can actually pay this off this month but won't hold my breathe.

January I have the sorority membership due, I know I know. Long story short, I was recommended and the only thing a person has is their word so I can't forgo this. Better planning next year.

I have $265 saved towards some upcoming items, my next check should be pretty decent with the retro pay that will compensate for these items. Either way CC3 should be gone by mid-January.

Update to this post.
Packed my lunch but I wasn't really feeling it. It was a meal that I received on the 7th almost a week ago and I was just like naw. I ordered from Jimmy Johns and the cost was $6.60 plus $2 in tip so $8.60. I decided to pay an additional $9 for this extra expensive lunch. Ugh.
New balance on CC3 is $881.

Other news my boss told me today that he'd leave if I left. Well I think he's going to be leaving because I've submitted my resume to so many companies it's ridiculous. I'm ready to go. The old manager is harassing a colleague to the point that's it's utterly disgusting. Working in HR our goal is to protect the company, well I told this young woman to seek counsel. So if I did this you know what this woman is doing is wrong. The young lady has done her due diligence in trying to work this issue out and the company refuse to intervene and allow this behavior. Even my boss has says what's going on is wrong.

Messy Tenant

December 10th, 2017 at 11:08 pm

So we finally got the tenant out and my God, she left that place a mess.

Dirty diapers everywhere, bird food everywhere, dirty dishes, you name it, it was done.

We had thought she'd stole the air handler and filed a police report but thank God that was not the case. I have to now have the report amended. She did remove the thermostat and took all the closet doors as well as cut the house to the hot water heater. Unbelievable

In financial news, other than buying plywood today to secure the house I spent nothing. It's only five days this month that I actually didn't waste any money spending.

I had stop by Michael's because I've been wanting a Budget Happy Planner, they're so cute and well I just want one. When I entered the store the line was out the door, they did not have the planner I wanted and it wasn't in my budget. I almost bought the extension packet but thought a) you don't need this, b) you haven't budgeted for this plus your fun envelope is empty and c) your homemade planner is just fine. So needless to say I left the store without a thing.

I'll admit it was tough but I'm glad I did not purchase.

Never lend money

December 10th, 2017 at 11:32 am

Though I have a nice chunk a change set aside, I really want to take what's in the EF and pay off CC3. The money that I have is not what I actually earned but was given to me. I'm just sick of debt.

My reason behind not doing so is that I want to do this on my own, I feel like if I take the easy route then I haven't learned my lesson. I want to know what's like to hustle and bustle, feel the pain and yet say I did it!

I asked the SO for my money ($400) he says, "I only have half and I like to give people their money the way they gave it to me." I'm like what! 😑. He goes out and buys Christmas decorations for his mother for $300. I don't know why but I just froze, I could not bring myself to say a word. If you'd taken the $300 and add half of what you owe me you'd would have cleared your debt. I'm like WTF (sorry).

I can and will say this, this relationship is over. I'm only hear until I pay off two CCs and/or if the house sells, which ever comes first.

My father use to say, "Americans will go with out paying their rent, light or water bill to ensure that their kids have a good Christmas." And though I was born here, and I love this country, I have witnessed first hand this rubbish. I may not saved in the past like I should, but I sure as heck paid my bills and whom ever I owed.

Dad always said, a best time to pay a man is when you have the money .

Moral of the story the story is do not lend money, you'll become frustrated when you witness foolish spending and the person owes you. Only give what you can afford.

Growing and learning process, but I surely see.

Job Completed

December 9th, 2017 at 08:17 pm

Completed my Dave job today, I wasn't tired but I sure feel it now. I hope it pans out. I did my best to make sure everything was scrubbed down, even started cleaning the windows. But at $20 a hour for two hours I can't complain.

I was thinking about throwing the money at the CC debt but I'm going to order a few business cards so that I have them.

I joined Receipt Hog 🐷, apparently you earn points with every receipt you scan and then cash them out for cash. I'm not quite liking the spot because I don't know how many points equal cash

First Dave Job

December 8th, 2017 at 11:06 pm

Got my first Dave job!

It's been on my mind to start a cleaning business. My mom had one when I was a child and I hate to admit it but I hated when she cleaned houses. I always wanted her to have a "good" job. Now that I'm older I realize it was a great job. She earned a honest living, we never went without, and she bought a modest home, not to mention she retired early. If I know what I know now, I would have kept that cleaning business going.

Well a friend posted that she was looking for someone to clean her office, and I jumped right on it. $20 a hour, should take me a hour but hey. It's a start. I'm hoping that this would be a weekly gig. I asked her to refer me to others.

God really answer prayers and open doors. Feeling so thankful

Not Sure What Happened

December 8th, 2017 at 05:06 pm

I'm not sure what happened but I absolutely hate spending money. I love that I'm able to come under budget and have cash leftover in my envelopes.

I've listened to Total Money Make Over, the Millionaire Next Door and now America's Cheapest Family.

I reworked the budget so that I'm able to add the $34 pulled for the debt bingo next week, made sure I added to EF, this gives me security and added to the sinking fund. If I pay my insurance for 6 months I get a small discount.

Oops I forgot to mention that this will be my first Christmas ever cash flowed, no CC used

Millionaire Next Door

December 7th, 2017 at 01:12 pm

Listening to the "Millionaire Next Door," has truly opened my eyes. My God, at my age, my net worth should be about $206,000 and I'm nowhere near that. Ugh I'm so embarrassed.

My goal is to pay off these debts in the next year or at least have 80% paid off by the end of 2018 and to sock away 25% of my income.

The book discusses to set the following goals:
* Daily goals
* Weekly goals
* Monthly goals
* Annual goals
* Lifetime goal

I've listed mine below
* Daily - apply for a new job
* Weekly- complete a task similar to those of the Millionaire Next Door
* Monthly - reduce CC debt by 25%
* Annual - Pay off at least four debts
* Lifetime - visits all 50 states


December 7th, 2017 at 02:56 am

Balanced the check book but the money software is offπŸ™„. This drives me nuts. I'll check things out tomorrow.

Today was suppose to be a NSD but Walmart didn't have the tarter sauce I wanted so I had to stop in Publix.

Phone interview went great but the starting salary is only $55k and the most they'll go is $60k, ugh. It's a HR manager position that will look great on my resume, managing two individuals. What I like about this one is there's some coaching and mentoring. The other is paying between $65-75, well this is what I asked for and I have a second interview.

Just have to wait and see.

Paid Down CC3

December 6th, 2017 at 01:22 pm

I don't know why but it was bugging me that I had hair money and not applying it to the snowball. So I paid $40.05 CC3 brining the new balance down to $920

Can't wait to receive my retro pay, so I can get the CC out of my hair.

Tuesday Ramblings

December 6th, 2017 at 03:25 am

Proud of myself, the office was having their Secret Santa πŸŽ…πŸΎ drawing today and I told the committee that I was not participating. They continued to try and get me to sign up but I held my guns and said no.

The boss came in with her 2% raise, I felt like crying but I remembered before your blessing you'll go through something. I said a quick prayer, and felt at peace. This manager is the worst, she had another employee in tears and going to therapy but the company continue to allow her bully others. I'll take my 2% with my head up and continue to look for something else.

Today was not a NSD, headed over to Walmart for a few items. I found these neat little gadgets for $10 for my nephews, for Christmas, but was on the fence. Long story short I had the money for it, already budgeted but purchasing would have left me with nothing left over in the gift envelope. I was telling my sister what I bought, she mentioned she bought them one last year so I can take the ones I bought back. Feeling better. So long as I come under, I can throw the amount that's left at CC3. The goal is to never spend every single dollar in my envelopes.

Oops I failed to mention that the linen napkins have been working fabulously. Not saying that I didn't use a few napkins but far less than my normal consumption. I notice the SO took out a roll, I'm waiting to see what he does when we're out and I haven't bought any. Usually I'm the purchasing, he buys the soap, but those $5 can be thrown on my debt.

eBay Post

December 4th, 2017 at 11:21 pm

Well today was the first time that I posted an item to eBay for sell in over 10 years. I had to create a new account, it appears as though my old account was compromisedπŸ™„πŸ€¦πŸΎβ€β™€οΈ.

Hopefully it will sell and I can make a payment to the snowball. I figured I'll post a few more items this week and see how it goes.

Vacation Temptation

December 4th, 2017 at 05:56 pm

Temptation is a real thing and we/I have to stay strong.

So last night the significant other came home and mentioned that he wanted me to look for a hotel in Naples or St. Augustine for us to take a vacation over the holiday break. He said if I didn't want to do it, he'd do it. I thought about it and said okay, because I'd love a vacation. This is the first year since we have been together that we haven't taken one.

Fast forward to today. I started thinking a hotel over the holiday will be about $120 per night, that's about $480 for four nights. If we rent a car, that's an additional $300, so call it $800 total to go on this little vacation. I currently owe $960 on CC3, wouldn't it be better to pay off CC3? Hell yeah!
When he comes home tonight, I'm going to informed him that I did not look for this hotel or rental and that I'd like the cash to pay off my CC. That will be the best Christmas πŸŽ„ gift 🎁 ever.

I called the bank about the $12 bounce check fee and am waiting on a callback. So we will see. Update, I got the $12 back. It was Chase Bank that returned due to the time frame. The bank rep suggested that I call the bank for a new check. Thanks for the tip everyone.

Today was a no spend day, so this is my third day 😊. $3 so far will be added to debt snowball at the end of the month. No frivolous spending for me.

I realized that my end goal is to retire at 57. That's just right around the corner but it can be done, so long as I live like no one else.

Bounce Check

December 3rd, 2017 at 01:20 am

Ugh the $75 check I found was returned and the bank charged me $12. When I called I was told I could cash, how do I at least get the $12 back?

Finally Reduced the Cable Service

December 3rd, 2017 at 12:02 am

I normally budget $80 for groceries , I'm thinking about reducing this since I always have money left over each budget period.

This new budget period, I had budgeted $70 for groceries, but I'm going to use $20 for a gift card for the single ladies at church.

I was trying to cancel/reduce some of the cable services. I see that the SO is onboard now. I told him I was going with the lesser plan other wards he can pay the difference. He said to do what ever makes me comfortable. I informed him that I'm good with what ever he decides and to just know I'm not paying for the premium channels for cable. Needless to say he told me to cancel. The bill is still high but it's much cheaper than before. I was told that we'll get a $43 credit on the next bill, that should bring the first bill to $94. Split by 2 that's about $47, yay 😊. The difference of about $67 I can add to my snowball.

Between the two of us, going forward after the credit, the new monthly bill should be about about $80 a piece. The extra $30 I'm saving every month will be added to the snowball. I'm going to look at getting a Firestick, so that I can cancel everything. I'm feeling accomplished.

I had to call Att&t twice to get this done but I hung in there.

Oil Change Savings

December 2nd, 2017 at 01:34 pm

Budgeted $65 for an oil change, had a coupon for 3k miles for $19, total with disposable fee is $24.03. I figured even if I got an oil change in another 3k miles it's still cheaper than what I would have paid for the 5k mike oil change.

$41 is left over and I know I should be adding all to CC3 but I'm dividing it up three ways, 10% to the EF, the next 10% to the sinking fund and the rest on CC3

Here is the break down
$4.10 EF
$3.69 sinking fund
$33.21 CC3

New balance on CC3 is $960.05. 😊

I know I know but I keep hearing my dad say, "Amber, what ever money you get, put a little up, even if it's ten dollars. Once you see it get to a certain point you're not even going to want to touch it." He did something right, retired early, rental property etc.

Update to this post, ugh.
Just was told that there are a number of things wrong with my car πŸš— . I need to replace the timing belt, gasket, mounts, and some miscellaneous stuff. Total estimate is $1,020.73, over my EF 😑. This I'm sure is accurate I haven't replaced any of the things mentioned before.

I had to take $25 out of another envelope because the place where I got the oil change did not have change. I guess everyone uses credit cards πŸ’³ . Well I went to Walmart to get change for a $100 and was told by the cashier that she could not open her till. I purchased a pack of gum, then returned it so I could get the change and boy was she mad. Oh well no need to spend money on an item I don't need.

I'm putting off the car repair until January. Only reason is that I'm due a two percent raise that will be retro'd back to July, the end of this month, and I should see a couple of hundred dollars. Murphy sucks but hey. Just glad that I will be able to cash flow the repairs vs using a credit card. I've got to look for coupons on the repairs and maybe get an estimate elsewhere. As I'm typing this Jack the mechanic at the shop hands me his card and says he does side jobs if I'm interested. That made me feel a little better but I don't know.

Oh and the $30 spent on the game that the SO was to give me his $15, well he's not going because he's working today and I never got my $15. Lesson learned, get your money up front.

Side bar issues

December 2nd, 2017 at 11:54 am

Anyone else having issues with their side bars? I've updated three a number of times and the balance in CC3 is still incorrect .

Wow He Pullef it Off

December 2nd, 2017 at 01:10 am

I couldn't wait until Sunday so I pulled next week's debt BINGO number and that number was 20. I applied this amount ($20) to CC3 and got the balance down to $999.26. The goal was to get this debt below $1000 before the end of the year. I'm so excited. My new goal is to be at $500 by the end of December, with a pay off in mind for January. I can't believe that I would have three CCs paid off by the end of January.

I hate I fell off and racked up CC2 the late part of this year but at least I got back on the tracks and am trucking along.

I noticed the SO seems to be really down. I don't push the issue any more about the budget and getting on track. He's paid out this week almost a $1,000 and and I think he is feeling the pinch. Today the rent is due, along with the electric, water and plot. I normally feel bad asking but it is what it is. I need the money to send off the payments. When I get home today, I'm simply going to ask him for the money so I can drop the checks in the mail, not my problem your mother is running a business and not paying you.

Update to this post.
Today was suppose to be a no spend day, the free blue Berry pancakes πŸ₯ž were disgusting so I ended up spending $4.53 at the office cafeteria. Next I had a craving for a soda so that cost me $1.50. I added $6 to CC3 for the wasteful spending, new balance $993.26.

The SO came home with his share of the rent, electric ⚑️ and water πŸ’¦ bill. I was actually floored and was tempted to ask how he had pulled it off but opted against it. I ask and then there is a sob story making me feel guilty, I then say don't worry I got it until XYZ ,next thing I know I'm annoyed. I'll pass, give me your money and I'm done. I'll remind him that the plot bill is due (6th).

Patience + Budgeting = It Works

December 1st, 2017 at 10:33 am

I'd budgeted $65 for an oil change, glad I waited until the next budget period to do this. Tire Kingdom sent me a Black Friday coupon for $19 plus $3 for a disposal fee. It's 3k but hey, I can add the extra $40 saved to CC3. My goal is to get a job much closer to home so that I can reduce the maintenance on my car.

God is right, patience pays off. Everything I've waited to purchase until I've budgeted for it, the price has reduced. It's hard but I read something that said, stop waiting on the elevator and take the stairs.

Daily Spending

December 1st, 2017 at 12:02 am

Pay day today, had lunch with a colleague. Our manager has written her up. The woman is crazy and I'm not sure why her retaliatory behavior has yet to be address. Four people has quit because she's just outright nasty, and four have filed grievances. I really didn't want to go but I know she needed it.

Today's spending
$5.65 to CC3 new balance $1019.26. I use a zero base balance budget and had $3.65 to play with so I added it to the CC, plus I had two no spend days, so I added $2

Next lunch was $12.43 this included lunch, I have to remember to order water to keep cost down.

Next I ordered my nephews magazines for Christmas. I was going to go through Ebates for the cash back but found it's more expensive to do that. So $15 for Kids National Geographic, $33.90 for two one year subscription of Boys Life. The Boys Life was reduced by $7 each, I am so glad I waited on purchasing vs using a CC. Next I'll send my other nephew his $25 in a card on Friday. He's 13 so I'm sure he'll want the cash to do what he wants.

Minimum was paid on JCP $117 , and BoA $67.05 CCs

Car insurance was $166.64, I can just kick myself, I forgot to print and sign the change in coverage, I'll be doing this tomorrow.

Of course tithes was paid $160.73 now it's just rent, water, and electric. I'll be taking care of tomorrow.

Oops almost forgot, I got the second interview πŸ˜€

Cash envelopes

November 29th, 2017 at 11:31 pm

Balancing my cash envelopes and I had a total of $187, here's the break down:
* recreation $24
* Personal $25
* Groceries $88
* Cleaning $11
* Transportation $39

I added $1.01 of change to my change jar for a new balance of $19.12

Today was a no spend day, so a buck was added to the snowball fund. Hopefully tomorrow is as well.

This budget period is a little tight, so I'm rolling over the $39 in the transportation envelope, the $24 in the recreation envelope and the $11 in the house envelope.

$113 will be added to the holiday party fund. I know a holiday party? This was something that was already planned pre-DR, nothing else (cash) will go to this. We generally have a few friends and family members over to the house the weekend before Christmas, we eat and play cheesy Christmas games. The good news is that we have drinks left over from last year, and crackers left over from the hurricane supply.

I'll be creating a list of items to purchase and sticking to it, spending only whats in the envelope. This is something I, personally would like to continue and I'm sure next year I'll be in a better place. I would cancel but we have people who have already booked to come down months ago.

Other news; the SO went to court, the ex wife changed the child's address at school and presented it at the courts as if the kid lives with her. Smh because the SO was told in August to bring the documents in and the child support would stop, he had the document but he was too lazy to do it. Honestly as he was telling me, I didn't even feel bad, I was thinking when will you finish so I can balance my cash envelopes?

He said he had to pay $500 court cost, personally I didn't care and was thinking oh well so long as you have your rent I'm good. I don't know, I'm just at the point that I want this debt gone so I can move.

Went on the interview, thought it was strange the guy only ask why should he hire me. Oh well it is what it is. I'll keep looking.
I reached out to a friend who works with small businesses to let him know that I am looking for some cleaning work and to keep his eyes open. I either need to get a new job with more money or get a part time gig to pay this debt off quick.

And I'm not even considering

Cable is Off

November 29th, 2017 at 12:57 pm

Cable is finally off and I'm happy.
For months the fiancΓ© never pays his portion, he always waits until the bill gets really high, pays something, and not all. If it's cut off, I'd normally take a credit card and pay it, and wait for him to pay me back but not this time. The cable will be turned off at least twice a year. Nope nope nope, not going to happen, I have a goal.

I asked him a few weeks ago, just before the holiday if we should cut somethings out when it came to the cable. He said no, it wouldn't reduce the bill by much. I explain that we had only looked at the premium channels and not the HD channels to remove, he still said no and that he would give me the money. A new bill came, I told him and I paid my half. I reminded him that there was an outstanding balance, I can see he was annoyed but it's not my fault that your mom isn't paying you and you refuse to take a look at your finances or pick up a part time job.

So today, I'm in the bed reading a "Blessed Life," something I do every morning now, and I hear him drop the S word. He comes in and tells me that the cable is off, I say to him "oh well." I'm not paying it, so when ever he gives me the money I'll pay it. After that, if he wants the cable on, he has to put it in his name. I'll give him my share and what ever he does he does.

You see I can log into my mom's account and watch TV so it's no big deal to me. Besides I haven't been watching that much tv anyway, I've been listening to Dave Ramsey, night and day.

The funny thing is I tried to have a budget meeting with him Monday and last night and he said no.

He has rent, light, water and the plot bill due. If I don't get that money for the plot, I'm simply heading down there and removing his off my account. He pays but he's always late which means he never pays. He has the same careless attitude as his mom. She pays everything late, if at all.

Today he heads to court for past due child support. Back in June, and July the mother just stop paying him. First of all he has the kid, and I've told him time and time again to have this taken care of and he refuses. I've told him to take over the business from the mother and he refuses. I cannot wait to pay off the next two CCs so that I can move into a one bedroom.

Paid down CC 3

November 28th, 2017 at 09:37 pm

So the checks cleared, super excited.

I deposited $8.50 to the EF
$3.83 to the sinking fund, and then paid $72.68 on CC3, my new balance is $1024.91 πŸ˜€. The goal is to have the balance below the $1,000 mark by December.

I really think that this will happen, matter of fact I know it will, Thursday is payday, and I've budgeted an extra $67 on the snowballπŸ˜€.

I really feel like I am making some traction. One of my colleagues wanted to go out for happy hour, I thought hmmm why not but then I said nope. I have $25.50 left in my fun money and I've decreased this amount for the next budget period so I'm not wasting it on dining out when I have leftovers.

I'm trucking along solo. I asked the fiancΓ© if he was ready for the budget meeting last night, I was planning on asking those questions I think Credit Card Free, DW or Out of the Dark had mentioned and he said no. Oh well, he can't say I didn't try and that he wasn't told that I was not marrying him if his and/or my finances weren't in order.

I can say this, when you have a budget, pay your tithes and stick to the plan, the raise you've been wanting and haven't received is no big deal. Things are falling into place and I'm excited. I know I have a little way to go but CC3 will be paid off in January, I can tackle CC4, the house will sell in February and most of the debt should be gone πŸ™πŸΎ

Found Checks

November 28th, 2017 at 12:04 am

I could not wait to get to the bank today to deposit my findings of $85.00. I called the bank yesterday and was told, that so long as there wasn't a cash by date, I should be able to cash the checks.

One was actually from 2010, that was the postal money order, same as cash I suppose. The other was from AFLAC written in 2013. The transactions are on hold, so I am waiting for everything to clear before I add this to my snowball (CC3). I am super excited about this .

Today was a no spend day, so I am taking a dollar out of my fun money to add to CC3. I figured for every day I do not have a day in that I spend money, a buck goes towards the debt. I'll keep doing this until the end of the month and add the total to the snowball.

Tackling CC3

November 26th, 2017 at 05:58 pm

My fiancé said that it was my turn to treat for breakfast, woke up and cooked breakfast 🍳 . No need to spend $35 eating out. We usually rotate but this debt has to go. When asked if I was really cooking breakfast, I said yep and reminded him that I have over $78,000 in debt and that I'm Dave Ramseying. He didn't say a word, and just smiled. I've learned that I can only do what I can for myself. I'm still going to have the weekly meetings so long as he wants to and ask the recommended questions.

In financial news, I saved $55 by washing and coloring my hair, I did the following with the money saved:

* $5.50 EF
* $4.95 Sinking
* $44.55 CC3

Next I was so excited to start the debt BINGO game, that I couldn't wait to pull this week's number, that was $15. So I paid $15 on CC3.

I know the Total Money Makeover states to stop at a $1000 to the EF but I am so scared that something will happen and I'll be back to the credit cards πŸ’³, I want to be able to cash flow everything. I'm only adding to the EF, if I save money like above or come into extra cash. No funds are earmarked for the EF when I create my budget.

The sinking fund I had to create, insurance is due in April and in January my HR certifications are due, I want to have something towards these things.

Went by mom and picked up the pink bows, there was no way I was going to buy any.

Decluttering = Cash

November 25th, 2017 at 08:01 pm

So because I didn't want to go out today and be tempted to spend money, I decided to stay home and clean, one of the things, one does when they're broke πŸ˜€.

I put the Christian tree up and decorated with the new ornaments, I lost that battle but that's a different story. My mom has a few pink bows I had given her years ago, so I'll pick them up to put on our tree and give her my res ones. Compromise = my sanity and money saved.

I decluttered our living room. There are pictures everywhere and I can't stand that. They get dusty and I'm the only one cleaning them. So I packed them up. I told my SO last night that I wanted to do away with all these photos everywhere.

Next I tackled my desk, and though I am not quite finished, I am pleased. In the mist of my decluttering and cleaning I found a check from AFLAC dated in 2013 for $75, I'm calling them to see if they'll reissue. There's no note to cash within a certain period, so I'm wondering if I can cash it. I also found another check dated, I think in 2015. This is actually a post office money order, I wonder if I can cash this? I'm calling the post office to find out. The next item found is was a $40 lottery scratch off, yay. I took it into the convenient store and cashed out.

I know how some of you feel but tithing is important to me, so I asked for $5 in ones, took my tithe of $4 off and paid $36 to CC number three.

Losing Battle

November 25th, 2017 at 12:09 pm

FiancΓ© insisted on purchasing new ornaments for the Christmas treeπŸŽ„. I'll admit I was excited and did not stay strong. I personally did not contribute to this purchase but I didn't stop it either. I feel so bad. Once he wakes up I'm going to ask him to take these items back, it's about $22 worth of tree decorations. I'll ask him to put the amount spent towards his baby step 1. We can always purchase after Christmas for much less. As Dave says, never pay full price.

The plan was to go to Home Depot, he needed something for his business. Then head to Wal*Mart to pick up lights for the tree. Wal*Mart had them for less than $3 while Home Depot was selling for $5.

While in Wal*Mart I saw the PJs I always get for the boys, that was $4.95 each. I had $14 and some change left in my gift envelope so I picked three up for my great nephews. Not bad Christmas gifts 🎁 . I also saw pogo stick for $15 and I thought these would be cool gifts but I didn't have any more money so I left them. The envelope system works.

While at the checkout I couldn't help but feel bad, I cashed out my items, while he rang up his. I was thinking this is wasteful spending. We have Christmas decorations already, why are we buying more? Just to change the theme, ridiculous.

I remembered the conversation we had just before we left as I stood in line. I had reminded him that he still owes me $200 on the CC2. He asked for what and I him it was for the hurricane supplies we bought. I can tell he was frustrated, he says "Oh yes, I remember let me get somethings taken care of, I have a lot on my plate." It hit me while we were checking out, spending money while we're both down is something that has to STOP πŸ›‘. Both of us cannot be spenders, impulses buyers or those who use buying as a tool to "cover up" how we are feeling, it only adds to the problem. His problems is the past due bills and his mother not paying him.

Once we got home I put the items by the door as a reminder to take them back. I sat down at the table to add my $14.25 spent to my gift register, according to my register I should have $.05 left and that is what was in the envelope. However, when I checked my spread sheet I had over spent on gifts this budget period by $5. I can't figure out how. Looking at the tally in the spread sheet column for gifts, it looks right. Either way, if that is the case, I'm taking one of the PJs bought for next year for the fiancΓ© back, and that $5 will go towards my snowball. Not sure how I went over or why the register not the spread sheet matches. Oh wait, I had money left from the previous month. Okay make sense now lol

Edited to add the conversation.
So he's up and I say I'd like to talk now about what we did last night. He's like what. I say, I think the money we spent last night should go towards his baby step 1. He shuts down and says, we'll talk about it later. This is a losing battle. His rationale is that I have a job today and I'll make $1300 that would be my baby step 1. I'm trying to get him to see the bigger picture. If you put $25 towards baby step 1 you only have $975 to go, right now you have $1,000 to go. Isn't it easier to come up with $975 than $1,000. He says I don't think like him, πŸ€¦πŸΎβ€β™€οΈ

I asked him if he wanted breakfast and he wanted to know if it was in my budget. Really? I'm officially done.

Second update to this post. I was so mad that I paid CC2 offthis morning. The thought of my checking account dropping below $900 dollars scares me but I did it. On to number three.

BINGO and Debt

November 24th, 2017 at 01:21 pm

Reviewed my envelopes and I have $346 left in all. Not sure what I started out with because a few dollars rolled over and I forgot to jot down how much. I know for the new budget period I withdrew $400. So I can say I've only really spent what carried over. A new period starts on the 30th. The goal is not to let this balance go under $300.

Every week I transfer the loose change to the change jar, this week it was $2.33. So I can say I'm doing pretty good.

I went to JC Penney's because they had men's holiday pajamas for $5. Every year I buy the fiancΓ© a pair as a Christmas gift, I usually spend about $25.

Prior to heading to Penney's I visited the Ebates site because I wanted the 4% cash back, but then noticed the store was charging close to $4 to ship to the store and $9 to ship to the house. Since I was heading to my mom's and Penney's was on the way I stopped by. Picked up two pairs, one for next year. If we're not together I'd give them to my nephew as his gift. I'd budgeted about $100 for him for Christmas but so far has only spent a total of $22. We agreed to keep things at a minimum. I tried to get him to go with the no gifts, but since he's just starting on this process of saving and budgeting, I knew I had to give a little or I'd lose his interest. Compromise πŸ™„.

I do have one other item to purchase for him, either a watch or cologne and I'm done. I'm sure I can get a good deal on the watch for about $30 leaving me with about $50 to throw at CC2. The kids ( nephews) are getting magazine subscription for $15 each a total of $45 and my neice gets the free $25 MyPoints gift card. My other nephew who is older will get a $25 gift card and I still should have $25 left to throw at the CC2. Though I budgeted $150 total, this is 4x less than I normally spend, I'd like to stay under $125. Next year they'll be a sinking fund for the holidays.

All in all it was a pretty good day. I don't plan on leaving the house for the next two days, saving on gas ⛽️. I also picked up dinner for the next few days from my mom, so I'm good.

Now that I'm Dave Ramseying , lol, I've been on every money site, blog and Facebook group page there is. I saw this yesterday.

It's a BINGO card to save money, each week you pick a number and dump it into your savings. For me challenges are my motivation, so rather than throwing the funds at savings I'll be throwing it at my debt (CC2). There's even a zero to give you a free pass. So starting Monday, I'll be doing this. I realized that the money will be coming from my fun money.

Tough Journey

November 23rd, 2017 at 01:20 pm

Finally figured out how to check out audiobooks from my local library. I drive a hour each way to and from work so this will be perfect.

I've checked out Dave Ramsey's "Total Money Makeover" and Robert Morris' "Blessed Life." I'm excited about listening. Years ago I checked out Dave's book but just couldn't get into it. So I'm trying it again.

I'm revamping my budget again for the 100th time. I have a few items coming up that I need to cash flow so I'm adding the sinking fund. Dave says it's okay for a few items but don't go overboard while on baby step 2.

I've decided to take the first 10% of my income and tithe, this is not an option. Any money that comes my way, 10% will come off top for tithes. The 3:10 rule has proven to be 100% correct and I'm only about a month in. The next 5% (half of 10%) that comes off top is the sinking fund. Following 2.5% will go towards debt, and all else is budgeted to line items. I simply have to make it work. After reviewing there's no fun money in the pot for the next pay date. I'm okay with that.

I've paid off over $30,000 in debt before so I know I can do it. It took me about 2 years to do it.
I'll continue to budget some fun money, other wards I know if I don't I'll fall off the wagon. And I know this through trial and error. I realize a pay period here or there without fun money isn't going to kill me.

Pay day is next Thursday and my envelopes are pretty stuffed, I'll take some of this a pay down CC2, others I'll keep in my envelopes, paying for those things coming in January. January is going to be a really tough month. I have certifications that are due, license, tag for car etc.

Today of course will be a no spend day. Heading to mom's for dinner and then back home. I may wash my car, that's filthy. Hmm I'll wash it at my mom's and the five dollars πŸ’΅ I would have spent will go towards CC2 πŸ’³ .

The journey to a financially sound life hasn't been easy, I've made some bad choices, received some tough love and even doubted myself. But I think back to when I originally started this blog, it was tough then too; however, I made it through and for that I am grateful and thankful for this blog, and my extended family who never give up on me. Though my SA blog family at times may sound like a broken record, and you might even say to yourself, I've told her this before but you all keep reminding and pushing me, and I'm thankful for that.

Lastly I want to wish everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving πŸ¦ƒ

Linen Napkins

November 22nd, 2017 at 11:24 pm

Surfing the blogs and came across a post on using linen napkins vs paper towels, not sure why I haven't thought of this. I have a ton of linen napkins that I use when hosting. I'm going to buy about ten for every day use.

The young lady we donated the food to just got a tv. My coworker gave me a 32" tv for her. That just made my day.

I ended up eating out to day at McDonald's, I wasn't too happy with this but oh well.

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