March 19th, 2018 at 02:16 am
I went ahead and paid $37 on CC4 knocking it below the $700 mark 😄. I'm so excited, that I'm trying to think of ways to actually have it paid off before May 1st.
My quarterly goal was to pay off one CC per quarter, I've already met my first quarter goal but it sure would be nice to make it two, in one quarter. I'm not going to stress too much about it because I'm already on track.
I also added an additional $38 to the EF bringing the total to $1174. This is awesome because I want to save at least a $100 a month, and I've beaten that goal for March already 😄. In addition; I'd budgeted $65 for the truck registration and it was actually $49 so I'll be adding the difference to the EF.
On a different note, I have cut out TV, the best thing I could have done. I find that by not watching tv 📺 I get to work on time, and there's more time in my day. Next on my list is social media. I have however; been listening to a new podcast, Jen Hemphill, I like her. She discusses finances and interviews an array of people.
Lastly, the SO and I just finished up our bible study 📖, I'm not sure what's happening but he's making some progress. I did end up asking how his week went with no spending and he said pretty good.
Edit to post. Just noticed that the funds for an item sold on Poshmark was now redeemable, $7.05, so I added this to my EF. I'm so excited. Things are trucking along. New balance $1,181.05
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Reaching Financial Freedom,
March 18th, 2018 at 07:30 pm
I had budgeted $110 for the optometrist. Well for some reason, things just didn't sit right. I had scheduled my appointment but something kept nudging at me to call them. So I did and found out that my renewal is in July.
I ordered my contacts, that came to $34.99 and canceled my appointment. I'm going to pay half of what's saved to the CC and put the difference in the EF. But a part of me is saying add the entire $75 to CC4. If I did this it will bring the balance to about $658.
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Emergency Fund,
Reaching Financial Freedom,
March 17th, 2018 at 07:41 pm
OMG, the SO had me to pay the cable bill. This is the first time that he has ever paid his share on time. I almost fell out of my chair 💺. I can't believe it. Is he really trying to get things in order? For his sake I hope so.
I know last week he had mentioned that he was doing a no Spend challenge. I didn't ask how things went, I'm just glad that he's trying.
Posted in
March 17th, 2018 at 10:28 am
On the 28th of February I paid a $1,000 on CC4. I notice that my available credit after paying it hadn't changed, so I called the credit card 💳 company. Well they were holding the funds.
Why would they hold the funds? Well I found out that if you make a large payment they hold your funds. This to me is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard of. I paid it and it should be processed. Well they finally processed it yesterday, two and a half weeks later. Smh
I've updated my side bar, things are looking pretty good. As you all know, I'm not going on the vacation but I'm saving now for a laptop. I probably could have purchased a refurbished one this budget period but I decided to wait, it's not a must. I do like the idea of putting money aside so when I want a big purchase such as a laptop 💻 that's not an emergency 🚨, I can simply just purchase the item. Or maybe one day I can treat myself to a fabulous lunch, and a little shopping that's credit card 💳 free. What I've found is that this program works but for me I need to do something nice once in a while or at least know that I can. Though I haven't done anything foolish since I've started, just knowing that I have the $100 to blow, if I get a crazy urge, makes me feel good. It's a process. Who knows, I may use this money to pay my CCs, that seems to give me the most pleasure. Who would have thought that paying down debt, gave you a natural high lol 😂 too funny.
I know Dave says to save a $1000 for the EF and then tackle debt. But my car is old with over 200k miles. I drive about 60 miles round trip each day for work. So for me, I think I need to budget funds for the EF, even if it's $20. I want to have at least $6k 💵 saved in case I have to buy another car 🚗. I'm happy that I was able to throw an extra $54 at it. This may slow me down a bit, but if my car breaks down rather than financing I'll have good ol sweet cash 💰.
Sinking fund, well this was to be for car insurance, car maintenance 🚗, Christmas 🎄 gifts and sorority dues; unfortunately I've been using this account strictly for car repairs. I'm glad I have the money 💰 but I was really hoping to be able to pay my car insurance for six months. I have one more item to fix on my car, once that's done everything else should be good and come October I'll be able to pay the six months.
Oh SO, has challenged himself not to spend any money, seems like last week he did pretty good. I didn't ask but I'm happy he's at least trying.
That's it for now.
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Emergency Fund,
Reaching Financial Freedom,
March 13th, 2018 at 10:05 am
I about fell out of my chair when the SO handed me a $100 for groceries. I could not believe it. I've been budgeting about $60 each pay date for groceries, for things I eat vs the house.
I slowed down with cooking because he was basically was not contributing and a ton of food was going to waste. What's good about this is, the $60 I just budgeted, I'm adding to my EF. I'll meal plan for the next two weeks and use the funds he gave me. I guess when you stop complaining and just show folks they get the picture.
Tomorrow I have an interview for a HR manager role, I'm praying that things pan out. One it would be closer to my home, two it puts me in a manager's role and three it's more money. Oops I forgot, the benefits are much better than the crap we currently have at my current employer. Please pray for me.
How I won with money, yesterday? Well I went into the grocery store and only bought what was on my list and that came out to $7.88
Posted in
March 10th, 2018 at 03:24 am
One thing I like about being an admin is that I'm able to view my check five or so days before payday.
Took a look at my check, and it's about $300 more. This include the raise and me changing my total withholdings. Best thing I could have done was read the instructions on the W4 form and completed the document more accurately. Why have a refund that's not earning interest for me, on money I earned, when I can use my money now? When you know better you do better. That's why I'm reading more and more books on personal finances.
Different news, I applied for a job and had a phone interview. The position is paying about $10k more a year and closer to my home. All went very well and I'm pleased. I was told that they'll be a second interview next week.
That's all the news I have planned. Tomorrow after my sorority meeting, I'll be revamping my budget. It feels good to know that CC4 will be gone soon
Posted in
Reaching Financial Freedom,
March 4th, 2018 at 07:11 pm
Well I'm not going on the family 👨👩👧👦 trip, I knew I wouldn't be going but was putting the money up just in case. I realized that a laptop is more important not to mention paying down my debt than going on a trip ✈️ 🌴
I did some researched and found a refurbished HP laptop 💻 at Walmart for $139. So just two pay periods away and I should be able to purchase one, cash 💰. In the past, I've always put these items on a credit card 💳 and bought brand new. Well it feels so good to know that I can cash flow things and know that refurbished is just as good as new.
Though it's not a must that I buy the laptop 💻 and I probably won't, I've learned to wait three days before making a purchase and that is why I'm so happy.
On a different note, I created the sinking fund for Car insurance, car repairs, gifts and sorority stuff. But I've spent everything on car repairs. First brakes and next alignment, and tire rod. Now I have save up for a motor mount 🤦🏾♀️
Posted in
Reaching Financial Freedom,
March 3rd, 2018 at 09:47 pm
Took my car in for service and was annoyed because they had it for over 6 hours and no one called me.
Not to mention they provided a service that I did not agree too, but knew I needed. Long story short the bill went from $509 to $317 (including tax) and I was able to cash flow the services.
God blesses those who are good stewards
Posted in
Reaching Financial Freedom,
March 3rd, 2018 at 09:18 pm
Took my car in for service and was annoyed because they had it for over 6 hours and no one called me.
Not to mention they provided a service that I did not agree too, but knew I needed. Long story short the bill went from $509 to $317 (including tax) and I was able to cash flow the services.
God blesses those who are good stewards
Posted in
Reaching Financial Freedom,
March 3rd, 2018 at 02:26 pm
Thank God for a sinking fund. Took my Camry in for a tire rotation, balance alignment and repair of the right tire rod. The car 🚗 is paid off with 222,356 miles.
I met a mechanic at the shop the last time I was there, who told me he did side work. But when I called him he wanted me to come in on a day that was slow, and his bosses weren't in. I'm thinking, I thought 💭 you did this at your home? Though I contemplated taking my car to him to save money 💰, I knew it was wrong. This is stealing, and God has been too good to me, so I took my car in for service and am prepared to pay what it costs in cash 💵
Hopefully the service isn't more than $400, because that's what I have in my sinking fund. I'm just waiting for a call back with the estimate.
Next, I was approved for the loan of $112k, closing must occur no later than June. I can't wait to sell the house and pay off my debt. I'm so thankful because, after paying off the debt, I'll still have money 💰 (20%) for the down payment. As well as a pretty decent EF. I can then get rid of the SO, my mortgage is estimated at about $350 less than rent. I'm going to cut the cable off, and start saving and living like no one else 😊.
This next pay period CC4 should be gone and then it's onto CC5. I'm so glad I started this debt pay off, that way I'm not using all my money from the sale to pay off debt. Feels good to finally see some progress.
On a different note, this month's book 📚 is "Stop Living Paycheck to Paycheck" and I absolutely hate it! I'm almost done, I hate starting things and not finishing. The author encourages use of credit card and a line of credit, absurd. If I'm living check to check, that means one have not nipped their behavior in the bus and you're recommending credit card 💳 use, ridiculous.
Posted in
Reaching Financial Freedom,
March 2nd, 2018 at 11:14 am
On my way home today, feeling pretty good and I'm stopped due to traffic on the freeway. Well next thing I know is I hear boom! Some guy hit my car 🚗
Thank God I was not hurt or my car damaged, I just fixed this stupid bumper. 🤦🏾♀️🙄. They guy jumps out yelling all is well, well I needed to see for myself. I got his tag, photo of his ID and his number. Tomorrow I'm taking the car to the shop to have the bumper checked.
These last few months have been nothing but a headache.
Only thing that seem to perk me up, was looking at my March 15th budget. Looks like, I've freed up a enough cash to pay about $300 on CC4, wow! So excited. I might be able to do $400, depending on how my raise and change in deductions impact my pay. But even with $300, I'd knock it down close to $400 and by April it would be paid off. Good thing about all of this is that, I'm less stress and would have met and went beyond my first goal of paying off at least on CC.
Hard work pays off
Posted in
Reaching Financial Freedom,
February 28th, 2018 at 08:52 pm
OMG, I received my tax returned and I paid $1,000 on CC4, it feels so good that I actually want to cry. By next month, this card should be gone.
I really wanted to take the entire return and pay it down but I need an oil change, tire rotation and a tire rod on the car. It just feels good to cash flow things.
I can't wait to get this debt gone!
Posted in
February 28th, 2018 at 11:32 am
Well I finished my second book 📚 of the year by the skin of my teeth. Lol, didn't think I would so I buckled down the last two days.
As I listen to Dave Ramsey daily, all I hear from millionaires is that 1) most only have a bachelor, I have my masters; 2) all live below their means, I just started this and 3) they all read something like 20+ nonfiction books a year, I'm not even close on this one.
So 2 out of 3 isn't bad lol. I'm trying to get there and I think it can be done, so long as I have a vision with goals.
This month I read Michelle Singletary's "21 Day Financial Fast," most of her teachings are pretty much the same as Dave, except that she tells us to add money to the EF, even if it's $5 a month. I do this, it drives me nuts not to add something. I just cut other areas.
Next, I'll be reading "Stop Living Paycheck by Paycheck." The book had great reviews and I'm excited about it
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Reaching Financial Freedom,
February 27th, 2018 at 06:40 am
Adulting is a termed used by those who are being responsible, I guess I finally made it lol.
Today I printed out a W4 at work and actually read through and made my adjustments. Rolls eyes 🙄
When I first started working, 30+ years ago I was told by an adult to always place zero on the document so that my tax refund would be nice. And so for years I did. Then I changed my withholding to two. But I sat down out of the blue and decided to read and follow the instructions for myself on the form and my actual withholdings should be three.
I'm so frustrated, not with anyone in particular but the fact that I was never taught about finances, not by parents, educators or mentors. I mean indirectly my parents always said to save and pay your bills, and I pay who I owe on time, but never taught about money.
I sit back and I reflect on the following
* taught myself how to balance a checkbook after always bouncing checks (early 20s)
* Mid 40s finally decided to review my allowances
* Paid off debt due to being frustrated but five years later back in debt, what did I learn?
On thing I was taught, and that was to do my own taxes. I've never paid anyone to do my taxes since I was 16. My economics teacher taught us how to complete a 1040EZ. I would go to the library pick up the documents and instructions for free. Now I use turbotax to complete my returns but I'm thinking of going back to good old pen and paper, it's free.
It's just amazing.
To change the subject we met up with some friends yesterday. They asked how the wedding planning was going, I said it's not going because the SO refuse to get on a budget and do right financially, and that he waste money. The SO said that I'm getting to be too cheap. They laughed but I didn't find anything funny.
So this couple goes on to tell us how they decided to put a $1000 away a month, I thought that's great, I'd love to do that. But then they go on to tell us that they purchased this new truck, Volvo, with all the bells and whistle and paid an extra $15k because they wanted the 2018 vs the 2017. Now mind you this truck starts at about $46k, I couldn't help but think I would love a new car but I don't know about spending that kind of money. They went on to tell us that they bought a condo, that's not rented in Vegas and it's only about $700 a month. I don't know a part of me was happy for them, jealous and then sad all at the same time. I couldn't help but wonder how much debt they must be in.
Well, my word for this year is gratitude. I have to remind myself that things (debt) do not make me happy. And though things may look great for others, and they may very well be, it's just not my season.
Things I'm grateful for, not in order of preference :
1. A roof over my head
2. Paid off car 🚗
3. Paid off 3 CC 💳
4. This group
5. Time spent with dad
6. Eyes finally open about my finances
7. Clothes
8. My job
9. My health
10. Family and friends
11. God's grace and patience with me
12. No more depression, thoughts of suicide- haven't had this in a while, thank you Jesus
13. No more getting upset when things don't go my way. I'm not saying I'm not disappointed but I just don't dwell on it
Posted in
Reaching Financial Freedom,
February 24th, 2018 at 11:12 am
Yesterday I applied for a pre-approval for a mortgage and was denied. Though my score was high I had too much debt vs my income. I was down but not to the point in that I was worried or very upset. I don't know why, but I wasn't. I just figured, God was not ready for me to purchase yet. Or he's teaching me that things don't make me happy, it's the freedom that he wants us to have that does.
Basically, I have a house in my name, and student loan. But was told if I pay off the cards and close them all is well.
So once I get the money from the sell of the house, I'll be paying off every single credit card.
Yesterday I received a $7k a year raise after I spoke with the bank and being told I don't make enough. I changed my withholdings so that I have more of my money to do what I need to do vs Uncle Sam and getting a nice refund each year. I've never done this before, because I'm always afraid that I'll owe. But I realize it's better to have my own money, pay my debt vs Uncle Sam. Not to mention, I plan on changing it back around in August so I should be fine.
Today I checked and my tax return should hit my bank account next Wednesday, that means that CC4 will be pretty much gone. Then it's on to number 5. I also sold an item on Poshmark making $16. I'm excited about this. As you all know I've been having a hard time selling things.
The SO finally gave me the money for the plot that he owed, I mailed a check off last night, so he's caught up and that means next Saturday I can transition the debt to him, freeing up $2k. Ugh this has been a nightmare but at least I can get rid of it now.
I realize that a credit score is simply a debt score as Dave Ramsey says, it means nothing if it's high and you make no money. You're just in debt 🤦🏾♀️
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Reaching Financial Freedom,
February 23rd, 2018 at 08:57 pm
I received a call from a recruiter at my job, out of the blue. She said that she had found my resume on Indeed. She wanted to know if we could chat. I said yes.
So she goes on to tell me about company X, she wanted to know if I had heard of them. I say no. She then tells me how they're the biggest producer of XYZ, I say to her what's the name of the company? She tells me again and I say OMG I'm sorry I thought you'd said something else. Of course I have heard of X, my dad worked there for 30+ years and retired in the mid 90s. We go on to talk about how I grew up near x and how my dad loved working for them and that I would simply be honored to work for an organization that my father was so proud of. We had a really great chat. She asked if she could forward my resume on to the hiring manager, I say of course.
Long story short, this company is a huge one, they provide stocks, pensions etc you don't have companies like this one anymore. Just the simple fact that 25 years later, and the opportunity to work at a place my dad loved is amazing
It's a hour and a half away, but I already drive a hour with less pay and benefits. Plus my dad had a house out there that I could live in for free.
Finally got my raise, I've been asking since November, not what I wanted but it's, $7k more than I was making. I also sold and item on Poshmark, made $16 so I'm okay.
Posted in
February 18th, 2018 at 09:52 pm
Proud to say that I've won with money this last week.
One, I paid off a CC 💳; two sold an item on offer up for $15; and lastly packed water, soda and a fruit cup in case I got thirsty or hungry while taking a two hour drive. Packing these items saved me from impulse buying.
How did you win with money this week?
Posted in
February 18th, 2018 at 06:13 pm
Finally sold the tennis hopper and balls 🎾
I'm adding the $15 made to the EF, I've decided that no matter what, I'm going to add to my EF each pay period at least 2% of my net income, and what ever else I sell will go to the EF.
I remember my dad saying once that if you put $10 out of your check each pay date and save it, pretty soon you'll have so much money that you won't want to touch it. Since I lost my dad, I've been determine to make him proud about what I've done with my money. I want to save and be generous just like him.
Hopefully I can sell some more items. I'm
Posted in
Emergency Fund
February 17th, 2018 at 07:06 pm
Well after almost 30 minutes on the phone I was able to find out what my purchase interest rates were on both CC4 and CC5. Unbelievable, it was like pulling teeth and not being a dentist 👩🏾⚕️
Strange thing is, the statements only provide cash advance rates (never took a cash advance) but no rates for purchases. Long story short, it's better to pay off CC4 💳. I realized that the $1,000 from the tax return will be better served if thrown at CC4. So that's what I'm doing. I'm going to finalize my return today and hopefully receive my refund in the next 10 days.
I wish I could close these cards, but I won't do so until after closing.
After reading comments from one of my previous posts, I realized there's a Plato Closet near me that I can take some clothing items that didn't sell. Hopefully 🤞🏾, I can get a few dollars to throw at the snowball. I had some one reach out to me for the Ball Hopper, $15, we are suppose to meet tomorrow but you never know.
Posted in
February 17th, 2018 at 01:40 pm
I'm at work and my coworker is talking about how he just bought this watch (making payments mind you) and how this watch can do everything, you can even have the face, for a price, changed into a brand name item, like Gucci or Louis Vuitton.
Normally, I'd be all over it looking and saying that's nice, even considering buying one but this time I thought how stupid and a waste of money. He even talked about how he had bought a new phone. It took everything in me not to say anything.
Later he brought up the watch again, when it was just he and I, I told him what a waste, you just wasted a part of your retirement and some of your kids college tuition.
The next day, he's talking about this watch trying to justify his purchase, he goes on to explain that men have to have things that make them feel good. I told him, he owes me no explanation and that he can do whatever he liked with his money. I said to him, when you look at how you spend your money, you see what's important to you, and that having nice things, brand names etc are important to him. However being debt free and retiring early are important to me. Neither is better than the other, it's just ones perspective. I apologize and went back to work.
My goal is to pay off two more CCs 💳 and start my 401(k) contributions back up at 8%.
I'm struggling right now because, as soon as I bump my sinking fund, something happens, car repair, tooth and it's back down. I know that I should be using the EF but I just don't want to. I feel good about paying cash for things.
I'll be finishing up my taxes today. I'm looking at about a $1300 refund, I really wanted to throw it all at CC4 but, car insurance is due and my sinking fund is low, so I have to use a part of that money for the car insurance. Plus, I have to fix my tire rod(?) that's another $200 maybe. So all in all I'm looking at maybe just over $700 on CC4. This sucks.
However, I can keep budgeting each month my car insurance, pay $1000 on CC4 knocking it down to about $850 and keep $300 for the tire rod. If I take this route, rather than starting the process of paying the car insurance every six month in April, I'll start in October. I think this option gives me the most satisfaction because I've knocked this CC down, and that's where my motivation comes from, seeing that debt going goodbye.
Posted in
February 17th, 2018 at 12:03 pm
Last night our city hosted a free reggae concert, so a few of us ladies got together and bought some things to snack on and headed out. I purchased dessert, half priced Valentine's Day sweets 🍭 🍰, and bought a bottle of wine 🍷 that I already had at home. I only spent $7.47
Long story short this was such a great event, and it was free. I realized that having fun doesn't mean spending a ton of money 💰 or any for that matter.
Even the SO thought it was great to attend, and wants to go to the next one 🤔 Hmmm
Posted in
February 15th, 2018 at 12:49 pm
Finally CC3 is gone! This was the City Furniture bill, over $6,00 in furniture that the SO only help pay twice, I think, once I know for sure. Never again, will I finance furniture. What I have now will last me the rest of my life. Lol
I went to bed, and dreamt about paying this card off today. It's pay day so I'd budgeted to have this bill paid. Good thing about it is the new bill actually generated last night that included any finance charges, so no surprises next month.
OMG! I'm finally free of this debt. Onto CC4, Target Visa. I should have this one paid off by the end of March. My goal was to pay off one CC per quarter and it looks like I'll have two in the first quarter of the yearpaid off.
In other news, my sister called wanting to know if I'd pay the closing cost, if she purchased my dad's house, I told her no. I'm not getting into that, you want it, you pay for it
I spoke with a loan officer, and she told me to hold off from paying my debts off too quickly, I thought this was weird. If I have the money, I'm paying them off
Posted in
Reaching Financial Freedom,
February 15th, 2018 at 12:38 pm
Posted in
February 15th, 2018 at 12:38 pm
Posted in
February 15th, 2018 at 01:03 am
I'm so excited, CC3 will be gone tomorrow.
I'm very OCD and believe that God should get what is his first, so I wrote my check out for my tithes that way when my check hits tomorrow, I can simply log in and pay off CC3. I can't believe it, three CCs paid off in less than one year. Though I didn't really get serious until about August. With my tax return CC4 will be gone. Wow!
Imagine if I had been gazelle intense before, what I could have done.
I started working on the 2/28 budget period and realize I have about $100 extra, Dave is right, you knock these debts out and it feel like you received a raise.
Posted in
February 14th, 2018 at 11:41 am
Hi all 👋🏾
It's been a minute but I have a lot to post.
Finally went to court and got the approval to sell the house. Could have sold it to the investor the same day but my big mouth sister got up and started crying and carrying on so the judge opened it up for bidding. Now I have to wait 30 days for offers and close with in 45 days. 🤦🏾♀️
Next I fell off the wagon with my budget, buying planner stickers 🤦🏾♀️
I finally got around to starting my taxes and it looks like about $1500 will be received, I'll finalize everything this week but if that's the case all is going to CC4.
This week, thank God CC3 should be paid off. I worked in this next budget period to knock it out. I'm so happy this mess will be gone.
I met with a realtor regarding the condo and what the owner is asking, she informed me that the $140k is below market price so it looks like this is the place.
I started my February non-fiction financial book and it's pretty good. It's Michelle Singletary's 21 Day of Financial Fasting.
Lastly, my manager was fired so literally we are on our fourth manager within one year smh. I had to start the process over asking for my raise. I was told that I should know by the end of the week, prayers please.
That's it so far
Posted in
Reaching Financial Freedom,
January 27th, 2018 at 11:11 am
$200 for my dental 👨🏾⚕️ appointment. I'm okay with this because one, I paid cash and secondly I did not need a root canal. My tooth that I thought I cracked was a filling that fell out. But geesh, $200.
I'm glad I started the sinking fund but I'm like geesh! I know this was an emergency but I figured, the fund is for medical, car maintenance etc. I've also bumped what I add to this account by an extra $20 a month.
Next I looked at my pay stub, we don't get paid until 1/31 and I have admin rights, I noticed that due to the new tax bill I have an extra $40, I've never been so happy for an extra $40 in my life. Though I can't stand Trump, I am happy to see a few extra dollars; however, I do think that down the round we will feel the impact of this instant gratification.
After reviewing my pay stub , I reworked my budge for the 100th time. In doing so I noticed that CC5 was due (for some reason I decided to check my balances). I thought that this was strange, because I usually pay this bill really early. Long story short, I soon realized why I had over a $100 buffer in the checking account, the bill wasn't paid. Reason being is that, we got paid early and the new statement hadn't posted, smh. Anyhow took care of it and reworked the budget again 🤦🏾♀️. By redoing the budget, paying CC5 I now had money to pay more than the minimum on CC3, thank goodness. This really worried me.
SO other came in and told me he finally got his license taken care of. He mentioned an incident with the ex wife, I basically said, why are you complaining it's not like you're going to take care of it, everything is always late with you. His response was, "he didn't need the negativity" mine was, me either. Too long of a story to explain. Quit complaining and do something about it.
Posted in
January 20th, 2018 at 06:27 pm
Aldo's run today wasn't so bad.
I picked up paper towels for about $1.20 less than Wal*Mart, a bottle of salsa for dip, about a dollar less and cream cheese about $2 less. Saving about $4. Not bad
There was a time that buying generic was a big no no for me, not anymore. It makes no sense to pay for a brand items that are just as food as off brands. I forgot to buy Lysol wipes for the counters, I'll just improvise.
For my birthday my coworkers got me a birthday cake and then the SO bought me one, so I'm stuck with two cakes 🎂. I decided to have friends over tonight for cake. Normally I'd go all out get some appetizers but not tonight, it's just cake and wine with a little dip and chips. I made sure I told everyone we are just having cake.
Other news, I've been using my planner a lot lately, and it's been helping with getting things done. Cleaned, shopped and read all before noon today.
Now it's time to relax before tonight's get together
Posted in
January 19th, 2018 at 08:28 pm
Rolled my coin today and have $27.50, this is great because I've already paid tithes on this money.
I only need about $3 to have my BS1 back up to par, so I'll add the money for that.
I was thinking about adding the difference to CC3 but I think I'll add it to my sinking fund. I have the car insurance coming due in April and another pre-Dave event that I paid for early last year coming up 🤦🏾♀️🙄.
I posted the tennis hopper with balls for $15 for sale, hopefully it sells. I have three more items (2 pair of jeans 👖 and one dress 👗) to post. I'm slowly but surely decluttering the house 🏡, while hoping to make some money.
I also, applied for a job today. I've exceeded my goal of two a week. Hopefully the right job will come along. I'm looking for a great manager, close to home and decent pay.
Update: received a response on the camera I posted for $40. The buyer wanted to meet at the mall but I said nope, police station only. She agreed so we will be meeting later. $40 to the snowball or sinking fund 😊, not sure yet. I'm just glad that I was able to tentatively sell an item. $4 of course will go to tithes.
Just thought about it, I have to add the funds to the sinking fund. Chipped my tooth last week and have a dentist appointment to have it fixed. Last night it started to give me a little trouble
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Reaching Financial Freedom,
January 19th, 2018 at 12:03 pm
Well I finished my second book 📚 of the year, "The No Spend Challenge Guide" by Jen Smith; I like this book, it was a pretty quick and easy read, took me one day to complete.
The author provided a few great tips for saving and earning money, that I've highlighted and will try.
Next on my list is a non-financial book, "Fire and Fury."
Though I normally do not share my political views, I consider myself a moderate conservative, and no fan of Trump. I didn't like him when he was a democrat and I don't like him as a republican, but this book is one I'm interested in.
Goal is to read 12 books with year, all non-fiction, a first for me because I normally read fiction
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