Viewing the 'Budget' Category
July 8th, 2020 at 10:16 pm
Pay day is Friday, I sort of played around with the numbers and realized I will be saving about 34% of my income. Though most of this is sinking funds (e.g. HOA, mortgage, car insurance) it’s still a great feeling knowing I can save for these things.
After tallying what I’ll be adding to my challenge fund, my YTD will be $1532. I’m so excited about this. I had so many plans for this money when I first started, saving for my 50th, then it changed to paying off CC, now I’m teetering between a bedroom set and student loans.
My bedroom set was a hand me down, it’s over 20 years old and the drawers are actually falling apart, literally. I also need a new mattress but think I can hold off another year. However, a apart of me is saying screw the bedroom set and pay off the student loans. Maybe I can find a decent use set for $500 and throw the rest on the student loan. Either way I’m waiting until the last check in December and I make my last contribution before deciding.
By playing around with the budget I found some extra cash and I’ll be paying $150 on the student loans. That’s $707.02 towards my goal of a $1,000 for the month. Though I’ll meet my goal with the last check of the month, I really hope I get my tax return before the end of the month, so that I can throw the money on this student and that will take me over goal.
I’m happy that I’m able to make the payment but ticked off that this $1000 isn’t going towards retirement.
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July 5th, 2020 at 08:55 am
I’m finally tackling Chris Hogan’s “Retire Inspire” it’s pretty good. I ended up purchasing it because for some reason none of the local libraries had digital copies. Honestly, I like the way books feel anyway, and I can highlight if need be.
After reading a few chapters I got even more anxious about paying off my student loans, I want to max out my 401(k), IRA and HSA but I can’t until I get these loans paid off. I hate I took these loans out. 😡
Now that I’m doing these user surveys, I get Amazon gift cards so I can use these for books and household supplies. I’m nervous about ordering groceries via Amazon but we’ll see what happens down the line. Any money saved from not buying household goods I can throw at the student loans.
This was a good week, money wise, with the next pay day I will only be able to throw an extra $100 at the student loan. I cashed out the reward cash from the credit card, $27.02 and threw at my student loans, MTD paid, $527.02. I’m on track with hitting my goal of $1000 for the month.
I’m hoping I get the mortgage payment refund back soon. I have to reach out to the broker regarding my $75 application fee refund. That’s on my list to follow-up on Wednesday.
Lastly, I reworked my budget. I bumped my direct deposit to the emergency fund by $100 a paycheck since I’m saving that amount in mortgage, I also reallocated the car fund direct deposit. I met my goal for the upcoming six month car insurance renewal in August, so I was able to decrease the amount needing to go to the account for the next renewal in March 2020 by $100. It feels good, everything seems to be working out.
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July 1st, 2020 at 09:24 pm
Closed today, I’ll be getting a check on the 7th for just over $700 and I’ll also be getting a refund on the payment I made for July.
The first payment is due September so, I’m throwing August payment into the saving that will give me three to four months of mortgage payment saved. I’m happy with that because that was my goal.
Next I’m adjusting the budget, and my direct deposit, to account for the $222, I’ll be saving each month in mortgage since refinancing.
I completed my first user review and made $50 in gift card (Amazon). I’ll use these gift cards to purchase household goods.
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June 27th, 2020 at 06:35 pm
Though it’s not the end of the month, I wanted to take a look at my budget and how things were going.
Projected income slightly down.
I’m loving not spending any money on gas. Charitable donations way over, this month was the award for the scholarship I do, normally it’s in April.
Once again groceries are over. At first I thought it was because I wasn’t using cash, now I know it’s because everything has gone up. It’s crazy, cleaning supplies are also up. 🙄🤦🏽♀️
Over all, everything is looking good. Outside of the grocery and donations, I’m doing well.
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June 21st, 2020 at 09:02 am
Crunched the numbers, and I should be able to add $706 on Friday to my student loans, brining the month to date payment of $1,000. God I pray Congress, approves through the end of the year, zero interest, but if not it, it was good while it lasted. Last week I added an extra $100 to the loans.
I’m hoping to get the closing on the refi by the end of the month, that way I won’t have to make July payment on the mortgage and I can keep those funds in my house mortgage fund, which will be fully funded. The goal was to have at least three months mortgage save, separate from my emergency fund.
I’m excited to get this mortgage payment knocked down by almost $300 a month, this includes escrow. Even with a reduce payment I will continue to add the extra $100 a month. I do not want to stop doing this unless something changes financially.
By paying off the credit cards, reducing my monthly mortgage payments and my side gig, I’m able to save, contribute to my 401(k), pay extra on the mortgage and tackle the student loan debt simultaneously. I know Dave says not to tackle the mortgage, nor contribute to the 401(k), this method gives me a peace of mind.
Speaking of 401(k) I vowed that when ever I paid off a debt I’d add extra to my contribution, though I can’t do an additional $25-$50 as planned, I’m upping my contribution by $10. That will be $60 a pay check. At 46, I can’t afford not to make a change whenever I free up some cash.
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June 7th, 2020 at 10:23 pm
Refinancing my house and it’s estimated that I should be saving about $200 a month, I’m hoping for $300 but either way I’ll be saving.
I opted not to go with the 15 year, because I’ve created a habit of paying extra anyway even as I pay down debt. I’ve always paid extra on the principal, and given the uncertain times, it’s easier to come up with $400 than $800, if anything happens,that’s why I went with the 30. The new rate is 3 percentage points less than my current rate. Right now it’s all about cash flow for me.
The goal is to continue to pay my current mortgage payment after refinancing, that would be $200 extra towards the principal a month and to pay an extra $500 - $1,000 a month on the student loans. If I continue on this path, I should be debt free including the house, within 5-7 years. Fingers crossed.
Closed out my budget for May.
Once again the numbers are very high for food and household items. I’ve got to get this back under control. Though both are a low percentage of my take home pay, less than 1%, it’s still too much compared to what I use to pay.
I was able to save 21% of my take home pay, that I’m happy with. Not to mention I paid off the credit card debt also in May, so May was a good month.
Other news, my blood pressure has been high, the doctor put me on meds 💊, something I did not want to do but hey. I’ve made some minor adjustments to my diet, purchasing low sodium 🧂 food items. I exercise any way, so I’ll continue with this regiment. I’m keeping a health/food journal in hopes of getting this thing under control.
Lastly, SO called someone tested positive for COVID -19 at his daughter’s job. I’m so glad he does not live with me, I would have been going nuts. I told him, they both should be tested and practice social distancing while in the home. I pray all is well, there’s a young kid and a senior in the home.
That’s in a nut shell.
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Reaching Financial Freedom,
May 2nd, 2020 at 01:06 am
Went to the grocery store today, I really wanted to stick to the list, but I ended up picking up a few extra things. The good thing is, I won’t have to go out for a few weeks.
Since this whole thing is going on regarding the food supply, I picked up some ground beef 🥩, pork loin and chops. I did something I never do, and that’s rationing the meat. I decided to divvy up the meat, so that I could what I eat and nothing goes to waste. For example; I can cook one chop at a time vs the whole pack.
I live alone and I find that when I cook an entire pack of meat most of it is thrown out. Coupled with meal planning, I’m hoping this helps.
I’m in a ton of Facebook groups regarding saving money and paying down debt. This month it’s drink water only, for every day I have water only, I’ll add $1 to my challenge envelope ✉️. For the days I don’t, it’s $2. I’m also participating in keep change challenge, where you round up the change and save it. I like this since I’m not using cash due to COVID.
Lastly, I paid an extra $250 on the CC. Again it’s not the extra amount that I would normally pay, I’m in storm mode saving because I have no clue what will happen with COVID
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April 3rd, 2020 at 09:38 am
Well I was given a directive to do something illegal, I told my CEO to put it in writing to me. Now she’s nervous and complaining that I asked for it in writing. Personally I don’t even think she understood what she was asking.
Honestly I think everyone’s anxiety level from this virus is on high alert; but as I mentioned in the past and will continue to do so, we need to stop, take a break, think things through, and then make a decision. Those people who were hired to do a job should be allowed to do so, otherwise we are going to find ourselves in a mess.
It’s the lack of structure, that is driving me crazy. I’m trying to hold on, but at times I feel like my peace/sanity is more important. I’d be lying if I didn’t say I love the flexibility I have and my team that I love; however, when I look at the opportunity cost in that I’m giving up, I ask, is it worth it? I just need prayer of peace.
I woke up, at 3:30am yesterday, I had a terrible dream, I dreamt that SO’s cousin was ordered to kill me. Went back to sleep and had another nightmare . I can’t wait to get back to some normalcy. This COVID-19 stuff has me mentally, emotionally and physically drained.
In financial news, last month I over spent in the food category, and really didn’t pay much attention to my budget. I’m going to get back on track this month. For my March money saving challenge, I saved $166. YTD I have about $350 saved in my challenge envelopes.
Regarding the house, I have a friend who is a realtor and accountant review the refi documents, he said everything was okay but recommended that I ask for removal and deduction of a few fees. He told me I could lock in the rate and still not move forward.
I asked the broker to reduce the fees and she, said no. I had an uneasy feeling so I followed my gut and told her I’m declining the refi. I did so for a number of reasons, 1) she wasn’t willing to negotiate on a $750 fee in that she could, 2) I felt rushed, it was always you need to get me this in one to two hours, with no time to review and ask questions, and 3) my guy kept saying no.
I don’t know, I just had an uneasy feeling, and I thought wait. It was like God, telling me to be still, so I decided to listen and be still. I hate being rushed to make decisions. I do believe by mid April early May the rates will drop again.
My word for the year is fearless. I felt scared to tell the broker I didn’t want to do it. Why? I don’t know, but I jumped out on faith and said, fear will not allow me to make decisions. I tell you I felt better.
Today was pay day, even with everything going on, I’m still thankful I have a job. I went ahead and paid my May mortgage, minimum on CC10, and the student loans, car insurance and cell phone are all autopay. I decided I will continue to pay as is, no extra payments and go into COVID-19 save mode.
We are laying off an additional 30-40 people, so the uncertainty of things have me pumping the breaks.
I have no idea if I’m getting a stimulus check or not but if I do, it will definitely go to CC10 because it’s not wages earned for me, this is truly extra cash.
I need to file my 2019 tax returns, I’m using TurboTax and it’s estimating about $600 in tax return. This will go into my savings since it’s wages earned that I gave the government 🙄🤦🏽♀️. I’m really trying to get this refund thing to about $0, where I break even.
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February 2nd, 2020 at 06:33 pm
Today I found two of my great nephews birthday gifts at Walmart for $5. I’d budgeted about $25 each, I’m feeling so excited. Though one’s birthday is the end of February and the other is in May, I just feel really great that I was able to score such a great gift at a low rate. It’s a Discovery STEM kit.
I also polished my nails, something I missed doing. They came out great and I saved about $15 doing it myself. 💅🏾
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Reaching Financial Freedom,
February 1st, 2020 at 10:19 am
Ended the month with a bang.
For 31 days I challenge myself not to eat out and did just that. It was tough but I did it. So I transferred $31 from my cash envelopes to a saving challenge envelopes.
My word of the year is Fearless, the challenge was to save the amount corresponding with each letter (number) of the alphabet. For example A is the first letter so $1, F is the 6th so $6. Doing this I saved $61 and to my challenge envelope.
Next I started the 52 week challenge and socked away five weeks. I’m trying to figure out how I can go backwards.
Total for January’s challenges $107, not bad.
I’m pretty sure for January I came in under budget in most categories, knocked out about $800 in debt, and saved at least 20% of my income. I’ll be reviewing my budget today but I’m sure my numbers are pretty accurate.
These little challenges help me to prepare my meals at home and to come in under budget with my cash envelopes. I plan on challenging myself each month socking away the challenge money in an envelope. I can’t wait to see how much I save just from challenging myself. I think I’ve regained my motivation.
In my head, I say take the money saved at the end of the year and have fun, but my heart says, throw it at debt. Debt sucks
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January 24th, 2020 at 12:53 am
Freezing. Tuesday we were told to buckle up and watch out for falling iguanas. Well yesterday it was in the 40s 🥶 and the iguanas 🦎 were everywhere 🙄🤦🏽♀️
Having been born in Florida and lived here my entire life, 40s is like below zero for me. However, I put my PJs on, loaded my bed 🛌 with blankets and guess what? I was okay. I thought I’d wake up freezing and too nervous to get out of bed to turn the heat 🔥 on, but I didn’t.
The blankets definitely kept me warm. If I can keep this up, my electric bill should be really low, like $40 bucks.
It’s been a game for me to keep my electric bill down, I love the challenge of getting it lower, I average about $10 less each month.
Other news, day 23 and I did not eat out, not even a soda 🥤. I’ve been doing very well, I’m striving for 31 days.
I’ve also had about 21 days of not spending money as well.
Today I received my reimbursement of $160 for my professional certification, I’m so exited. I can officially stop this sinking fund now, I’ve met my goal of $500. The $25 I was throwing at this account will go to the car fund since I literally cleaned it out last month with close to a $800 repair.
Tomorrow is pay day and I came in under budget by $87 with my cash envelopes. I transferred $41 to my challenge envelope for January, brining my total cash saving for the month so far to $94.
Oops lastly, I decided to create a few charts to track my payoffs, thanks for the tip everyone. I’ve also decided to use undebit, I’m feeling excited about it.
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January 20th, 2020 at 02:12 pm
So far this month I’ve paid off $664 on CC10, things are really moving along in the credit card 💳 front.
I’m also participating in a few saving challenges, word of the month, no dining out and, 52 Week Challenge.
Basically the word of the month, you select a word and the corresponding letter of the word in the alphabet you save. For example your word is save. S is the 19th letter, A is the first, so I’d save $19, and $1.
For each day I do not dine out, I add $1. I’m taking the funds from my cash envelopes ✉️ , forcing me to try and come in under budget.
I’ll admit, it’s been tough but I’m liking it, the challenges that is.
However; I have a question, how do you all stay motivated? I’m so tired at times. Though I’m paying off debt, my student loans continue to grow, and on paper the debt seems to not decrease. Last year was the year I was to begin to tackle the student loans, then I got hit with the lawsuit. At times I feel defeated. I know I can do it, but lately I’m just bummed about it.
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Reaching Financial Freedom,
January 4th, 2020 at 11:45 pm
And the dryer issue continues.
I called a second electrician come out and check the electric, I’m just paranoid, and he said all was fine. He didn’t charge me a fee for coming out so I tipped him $20.
The second dryer I receive was used and the other one was over 10 years old, so it must be the dryers. All in all this has been a headache.
Though I have the funds in my home repair account, I’m going to try and pay with cash using the money from the side gig to purchase the dryer. I was hoping to throw that money at CC10 💳 but Murphy decided to visit. These last two months I’ve shelled out a ton, but I’m thankful I have the cash. My washer has been on the brink as well, it’s not draining some times, fully. It’s over 10 years old.
After reviewing the budget, I have about $900 extra. I’ll use this to get the new dryer and washer. I was going to buy used, but I’ve had nothing but problems with this last dryer.
I need to save the money in the home repair account to get the shutters placed on the villa before hurricane season kicks in.
The electrician did tell me to keep the plugs for the appliances because now when you buy any appliance the plugs don’t come with it, 🤦🏽♀️🙄 what a rip off.
I ended up decluttering and throwing out some things in the laundry room. I found a ton of paper towels 🧻 and plates. I’ll throw them in my hurricane supply container.
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December 27th, 2019 at 05:22 pm
Well final cost to repair my car $776.26
The funds actually came out of the sinking fund that I save for car repair and a new car. I sort of feel defeated but I am thankful for being able to pay cash for the repair. I literally knocked my car sinking fund down to zero. I went ahead and got my headlights cleaned, cost was $80. It had become increasingly difficult to see at night. I’d tried the toothpaste remedy and other stuff but nothing cleaned them. Pray fully I can the get the sinking fund back up.
Today was pay day, and I wasn’t able to add extra to the CC 😢. So I’m feeling really down.
Needless to say, I socked away about $344 to sinking and emergency fund.
Added to my IRA. I almost changed the amount by $25 less, but opted not to. I need to stick with the plan, of bumping my IRA contributions every year.
I paid a few miscellaneous bills, and tithed. Today I’ll be stuffing my cash envelopes.
Next month is a better month. I should be able to throw about an extra $300 to the CC, and $400 to my car fund.
I set the bar high for 2020, the goal is to pay off $20k in debt. I know it’s going to be tough but if I keep a lean budget, blog so that I’m held accountable, I think, no, I know I can do it.
I’ve got to stay focus and determine as it pertains to paying down debt and saving. Though this year wasn’t too bad, I just feel like I should be further along
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Emergency Fund,
November 24th, 2019 at 04:56 am
My Friday night’s ritual, usually consists of a shower, review my cash envelopes and balance them, then get excited when I come in under budget, lol. I do this every Friday. I love tracking my spending. Even though I’m still trending to come in under budget by next pay date, Friday, I get a big kick out of where I am with my spending each week.
This week wasn’t too bad, when it came to spending. I did cave in and buy a soda and dined our yesterday.
Yesterday’s spending
$31.98 oil change
$17 dining out (lunch and dinner)
$6.66 personal care
$4.24 cleaning supplies
$65 Gift ( fruit basket for someone who is wrapping up chemotherapy)
So far this month, I’ve had 18 no spend days and managed to drink much more water this week.
Using my planner 📒 have been very helpful, with tracking habits.
Today I lounged around, didn’t leave for a thing. Watched a little news, finished reading “Debt Free Forever” and started “The Uncommon Millionaire.” What I’ve found is that the financial books I am reading are the same for the most part; however, I always learn something.
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November 16th, 2019 at 10:36 am
I love having the ability to track my electric bill daily, it helps me to manage my usage.
Yesterday was closing and I was at $69, I figured by time the bill generated today it would be about $72. Well I logged in and the amount due was $71.84. Yay!
On average I think the bill was about $130 a month. When SO other left, it was August and that bill was $158.67, the bill has consistently decreased since he left. I’ve seen about a 45% decrease. Honestly all my bills have decreased since he left, water, electricity, cable even my food and household items purchased have decreased. Though we lived somewhat like roommates, he cost me money. Honestly, though we remain friends, I’m glad he’s gone. That’s a different story.
I can’t wait to see the bill next month. I’m in Florida so we don’t have much of a winter ❄️; however, there are days in that it’s nice and cool and I can open my windows vs using the AC.
I’m considering a timer ⏱ for my water heater. Unfortunately, after I YouTubed how to install, I think I’ll feel more comfortable with an electrician installing vs. myself. I’m also considering a smart thermostat for the home.
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Miscellaneous ,
November 15th, 2019 at 05:06 pm
I had this escrow thing all screwed up. My analysis was completed and there will not be a no refund. Apparently I’m required to keep a certain amount in this account. 🙄🤦🏽♀️
My mortgage did decrease by $3, however.
I balanced my cash envelopes and under budget in all categories, that’s a win.
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November 15th, 2019 at 10:19 am
Today is pay day, and I can’t wait to Stuff my cash envelopes.
I’ve created the budget for this pay period; however, my cash envelopes are pretty healthy so I’m sure I’ll be returning some cash back to the bank and adding the extra to the EF. I’m staying focus. Refunding my EF, tackling the CC the student loans, in that order.
I woke up at 3 am, checked my accounts and the direct deposits hit. I paid the following
$951.10 mortgage
$200 extra on CC10 💳
$50 plot
$195.51 tithes
I saved a total of $344, this include the EF, sinking funds and IRA. I was able to bump my IRA, doubling, my contribution. I decided anytime I get a raise or bonus I’m adding to the IRA.
I checked my electric bill, today is the last day in the billing cycle, my current usage is $69, by the end of the day, I’m anticipating my bill should be about $72. I’m so excited. My bill has never been this low. I’ve managed to knock my electric bill down by more than half since the SO has been gone.
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Emergency Fund,
November 13th, 2019 at 01:10 am
Took a look at the budget and I’m now able to bump my IRA contribution by an additional $25, it’s not much but hey it’s better than were I was, $0. This will bring the monthly contributions to $100.
I’ve also decided that any additional income, such as the consulting gig, I’ll take 10% of that earnings and add it to the IRA. The remaining will still go to the goal of savings six months of expenses for emergencies, once completed I’ll then tackling the CC and student loans. So long as I stay focus on this plan, I think everything will be good.
Next month I’m anticipating about $910 for the consulting. We’re adding a training so that’s the extra income.
Lastly, I sold an item on Poshmark, the buyer gave me five stars ⭐️, and I was able to cash out my $4.05. Selling on Poshmark is a very slow process but at least it’s extra cash for things I don’t want.
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Reaching Financial Freedom,
November 10th, 2019 at 05:40 pm
My ending EF balance December of 2018 was $8197.69 my goal is to not only get back to this balance but surpass it.
As you all know, I had the emergency legal fee of $5,000. I was so close to hitting the 6 month savings goal and then boom 💥. I am thankful that I had the money to pay 💰 the lawyer.
I checked the EF and my balance is $5,559.87, I’m estimating by the end of December 2019 my ending balance would be about $6900. 🤞🏾
There’s so many things I want, and to do but I realize, I need to stay focus. Focus on one thing at a time is a must. First thing is, I need to keep socking money into the EF, the goal is to have 6 months of living expenses, that’s 12k. Plus a little extra, for legal fees, until this issue with my brother is resolved. I’ve been laid off 3xs and thankfully I had money saved. Right now the average time to find a job is about 6-8 months.
I’m still throwing extra at the CC, about $300-$400 a month, hopefully by March/April this baby will be gone.
Next, I know my car will need to be replaced, she has 259,000 miles on her. I love that car (Camry) and I pray she hangs around at least two more years but at so many miles I don’t know. The goal is to have about $5,000 saved, so that I can buy a car cash.
Lastly, it’s the student loans and the mortgage. If all goes well, and I hit my EF savings goals by February, pay off CC10 by March/April, I can pay an extra $400-$500 a month on the student loans , an extra $100 a month on the mortgage, and bump my retirement contributions. That’s the plan.
In other news. SO has been extremely sick. I personally think he didn’t go to the doctor because he has no insurance or the money. He finally broke down and went to the hospital 🏥 yesterday. I told him, if what he was experiencing wasn’t life threatening, that they would stabilize him and send him home 🏡. And that’s exactly what happened. The ER doctor 👨🏽⚕️believes he has an ulcer. I told him that as well. The stress he’s experiencing is off the charts.
Any way they gave him two prescriptions and told him to follow up with a gastroenterologist. The prescription was $200, I offered to pay. It’s the helping others in me. He opted against it. I went online and found a prescription discount drug card, with the card, the prescription dropped to $29.
I’m praying for his sake, he gets his life together.
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Emergency Fund,
November 3rd, 2019 at 11:36 pm
Finally reviewed the October budget. Here are the numbers
Monthly income $3901.18, about a $100 less than I had budgeted for.
* Gas was $50 less than budgeted
* Electricity was $9.31 less than budgeted
* Water was $11.32 less than budgeted
* Charitable donations were over by $74.02, this was the Boy Scout donation and a charity brunch. I definitely have to watch this
* Dining out was over by $34.00, this included a surprise dinner with friends
* Gifts were also over by $37, I’d forgotten about the Halloween costume for my great nephews
* Groceries were under by $21.81
* Cleaning supplies under by $12.93
* Car insurance upped by $4.14. I’m going to start paying this every six months for the discount
* Hair care jumped, I forgot to include my monthly hair cut, and a special event I attended. I was over in this category by $165
I met my savings goals for all accounts except for my personal checking.
I’m a little disappointed with the budget, the hair care ( I can kick myself for) , donations, gifts and eating out line items killed me.
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November 2nd, 2019 at 04:12 am
I came home and crashed. The consulting gig wore me out this week. I’ve got to figure out how to manage this or I’ll get discouraged. I sent my invoice off today, they have ten days to pay.
I’ve been using Google’s drive to track the hours worked with them, my mileage and tasks I’ve completed. I also created a shareable folder for the Company in that I will download items.
I decided the first few checks with them I’m going to save. I prayed about this and something keeps telling me to save the money.
When the legal stuff started, I had to literally deplete my savings, and though I’m not back to where I was initially, I’ve managed to bump it up, quite a bit. I’ve decided that extra cash, will go to putting the savings back to the $6,000 (three months of expenses) plus an extra two in case anything legal pops up, so $8k is the cut off. Once I’m there, I can start tackling the CC. I’m still paying extra but for those of you who follow me, my peace of mind means everything, slow and steady wins the race.
I haven’t heard from my attorney so I figure no news is good news. I really feel comfortable with her, and I’m not worried.
Other news, because I’ve been so busy with the consulting job, for two days I ate out. November was suppose to be no spend month 🤦🏽♀️🙄. I’m getting back on track.
Yesterday was pay day, and I always look forward to filling my cash 💰 envelopes ✉️ but I was so tired, I came home and crashed 💤.
SO stopped by to trim my hair and I was too tired to get up. I slept for about four hours. Now it’s midnight and I’m tackling the envelopes ✉️
I did speak with SO after I woke up for a few minutes. I thought when he came in, and spoke it sounded as if he was crying but honestly I was so exhausted I couldn’t move. When we spoke, after I woke up, he told me that when he looks in the mirror he’s disappointed in himself. I shared with him, the good thing is, you have the opportunity to make a change. I’m praying for him. I know he’s capable but fear holds him back. Other good news for him, is that he was so frustrated with the mother, she didn’t pay him again, that he told a client to make the checks payable to him. So there’s hope. I want to say that this woman hasn’t paid him in about two months. She’s actually gotten worst since he and I broke up.
I’m afraid he’s falling into depression
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Dining Out,
October 30th, 2019 at 02:17 am
This has been a great week. First I got the consulting job, next I received the credit, finally, from At&t for the cable boxes, now I have a $6 credit. Now that the AT&T issue is resolved, I’ll sign back up for auto pay.
I adjusted the budget for next month, since I don’t have to pay anything for cable, super excited about this. $71 saved
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Miscellaneous ,
October 25th, 2019 at 10:47 am
I absolutely hate interest. I paid over $500 this last billing cycle on CC10, only to be charged another $100+ in interest. All the more reason for me to get this credit card paid off.
It’s a process and I know I must be patient but I can’t wait for this sucker to be gone, so that I can start tackling my student loans. I’m thinking by April 2020, this card 💳 should be paid off.
I’m no longer gazelle intense for a number of reasons, SO is no longer here so I don’t get the extra $800+ a month. I still add to my EF because I think it’s crazy to only have $1,000 saved, and lastly, time is not on my side, I’m late to the party 🎉 so I continue to add to my 401(k). Yes by doing these things, it slows the process, but at least I’m comfortable, and I haven’t stopped paying down debt and saving. What I’ve accomplished so far, I’m happy with. The ability to go to events, stores etc and not spend anything is a huge accomplishment for me.
I honestly think, if I continue to budget, live a frugal lifestyle, I’ll be done with all debt, including my house 🏡 in seven years.
I can’t wait to get home this evening, to balance my cash envelopes, and review my budget. Lol, who would have thought my Friday nights of hanging out with friends, buying new outfits to do so, and spending tons of money would have turned into review the budget nights? I absolutely love it and look forward to it.
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October 22nd, 2019 at 12:56 am
I like reviewing my budget before the month ends to see where I am and so far so good. Areas in that I’m over, I actually no why 🙄🤦🏽♀️
Categories in that I’m over are as follows
* Charitable donations - didn’t plan for the Boy Scout Fundraiser
* Gifts - only planned for my nephew and direct report’s birthday, totally forgot I buy the kids Halloween 🎃 costumes every year.
* Personal hair care - forgot to include my once a month haircut and color. I’ll adjust this.
Good news is that there were only three categories, I paid cash, and all other categories I either broke even or came well under 😀
Next month is a three paycheck month for me. The goal is to budget in such a way that I do not use any of the funds for the last pay check. If I do this, then I’ll meet my goal of three months of expenses saved (EF).
I’ll take this weekend to plan things out.
Other news, I finally scheduled my mammogram, I kept forgetting about this. I’ll get 200 points, with my insurance company that translates into money/gift cards 💰 💳.
Lastly, not money related but I’ve been binge watching Game of Thrones, pretty good
I’m excited about earning the points because I want an Apple Watch and will be able to use those points to get one 😀
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October 19th, 2019 at 05:49 pm
Balanced my cash envelopes, and I did pretty good. I came in under budget for the most part
Category Budgeted Left
Groceries $80 $30
Auto $80 $50
Personal $130 $0
Fun $30 $30
Household $30 $27
As previously reported in another post, things are looking great. The electric bill was reduced by almost $60, the water bill came in at $45.68, this is the same as last month but down by $20 over all.
I’m going to cancel Netflix, I realize I don’t use it and that’s $14 I can throw at debt.
Savings is up, I’m about $1200 away from meeting my short term EF goal of 3 months worth of expenses saved. I can’t wait to hit the six month mark, then I’ll feel comfortable and can start throwing even more at debt.
Lastly, I received a notice that my taxes for the town in that I live in, has dropped
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Emergency Fund,
October 19th, 2019 at 02:04 pm
Today is going to be a little busy.
I have to review my spending, budget and update my cash envelopes.
Later I meet a few friends for a late lunch.
I also need to put a few loads 🧺 into the washer.
The item I sold on Poshmark, received 5 stars ⭐️ so I earned $4.05.
Lastly, AT&T finally sent me an email that they received their cable boxes. My account has yet to be credited. So I contacted them, apparently, the items were received and I’ll get a credit next month. I made sure I got in writing that my service would not be disrupted. I’m saving for a modem (?) internet box, so I can return their box to them. That will save me $10 a month.
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Miscellaneous ,
October 18th, 2019 at 02:03 pm
I can’t believe it, my electric bill was $90.69, that’s a decrease of $59.10, or 61% decrease from my previous bill.
How did I do it? Unplugged the dryer, lights, washing machine, toaster, and Keurig when not in use. Turned the AC off when I left the house for hours, and line dried most of my clothes.
I’m just so excited about this.
Today was pay day, I paid the mortgage, the electric bill ⚡️ , added an extra $25 to the EF, took care of my tithes
I’m awaiting on both the cell phone and CC10 invoices.
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October 13th, 2019 at 05:03 am
Went to my local grocer and got my $10 gift card for getting the flu shot. My arm is sore, it usually is when ever I get the shot, hopefully it won’t last long.
Wednesday I’m traveling to Atlanta for work, during this time I plan on speaking with my boss, the CEO, regarding training me to take her place. She’s extremely dissatisfied with the individual she has had in mind. She’s mentioned several times that she thought I could run the place. Even if I’m not tapped, the training would be great.
I just finished updating my planner, I’ve been using it consistently for a few weeks, particularly for work and it’s been working great. I’ve bought planners in the past but I never really found planner peace. I’m planning on treating myself to an Erin Condren Life Planner for Christmas 🎄. I’ve heard and read that this is the Mercedes of planners, so we will see.
Right now I have a load of clothes in the washer 🧺, next I have take care of the towels and sheets. I’ve notice my electric bill decreasing since I’ve been line drying everything. I checked my electric account and my bill is projected to be $92, that’s about a 57% decrease. So exciting.
Other than that I have nothing else to report.
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October 5th, 2019 at 04:33 pm
To renew my HR certification with SHRM I think it’s about $400, I started saving for it in June and I’m almost at my savings goal, with just under $75 to go. Hopefully my employer will reimburse me, fingers crossed. If this happens, I’ll continue to save and use the money towards the convention that I’ve always wanted to attend.
I have my sinking funds and was wondering when I should stop contributing to them. But after reviewing I don’t know. The home repair fund, I want at least $10k in that account. One, I know eventually the roof will need to be repaired, it’s well over ten years old as well as the AC. I also have some miscellaneous items that I’m holding out on as long as possible such as the refrigerator, cabinets and washer.
The car fund, I’ll just keep adding to that the $25 per pay period, my car is a 2002 Camry with well over 250,000 miles. She runs great, but I would like a nice cushion to be able to buy a car cash, once its time. Hopefully she’ll hang on for two more years at least. I think I need to bump the contributions amount to about $40 or $50.
Next there is the HOA, there’s really no cap, my HOA is $2,220 a year. I deposit $88.80 per pay check, when ever I hit a balance of $370 I make two payments. So I’ll never have a cushion in this account and don’t think I need to. Right now I’m paid through the end of the year. Once I get the new coupon book, in December what ever is in this account, I’ll pay as many months as possible.
Gifts I can cap at $250. I figure $25 per person for gifts such as birthdays and showers. When I’d initially set this up I only counted one graduation and a few birthdays but I got hit with baby showers and weddings etc. Right now I have one birthday coming up and that’s it for the rest of the year. Thank goodness.
Sorority I’m capping at $300. Though I’m no longer an active member, I do like to attend a few events and meet up with my line sisters from time to time. This is more of a social account.
And Christmas, well that’s an ongoing account. I have my three great nephews and mom to buy for. And my holiday game night. So this worked out pretty good.
Just typing this out, put things more into perspective. The home repair, EF and car repair/replacement funds are the most important accounts with much higher caps.
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