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July 5th, 2021 at 05:36 pm
Hi all!
Hope you enjoyed your holiday.
I wanted to do a quick check in. Last month I quit my job, well gave my resignation and my CEO terminated. It was an extremely toxic environment and I don’t regret it.
Since quitting I’ve been trying to apply for unemployment with no luck, it has been a challenge getting on the site. Thank God I had money saved. This business of people living off unemployment and don’t want to work is a joke, because I have yet to log in or speak with anyone for over a month.
I paid my HOA through October and my mortgage through August. I’m thinking about paying September’s mortgage but holding off to see if I get an offer from a job I interviewed for last week. If nothing by next week I’ll go ahead and pay.
I have an interview with a different company tomorrow, fingers crossed.
I picked up another side hustle, about $200 a week, this will cover my basic bills (e.g. lights, water) my other gig will cover the mortgage. So all in all I don’t have to touch my savings.
Posted in
June 13th, 2021 at 09:42 pm
Well I decided to leave my toxic job. I’ve never done anything like this but my peace, and health was more important.
I witnessed a ton of abuse, as well as illegal activities, my blood pressure skyrocketed and I had anxiety as well as insomnia. I really want to report them but but doing so will blackball me.
Thank God I started paying down this debt, saving money and refinance my house. Without doing so I would have had to stay in that environment.
I had a few interviews last week and I’ll be applying to a few more. I have about 8 months worth of expenses save.
Saw the doctor and now that I’m gone from that place, my pressure decreased and the doctor said she may can take me off. Just waiting on my blood work to come back.
I’ll be applying for unemployment. I also still have my side hustle so that will pay my mortgage every month.
Posted in
November 27th, 2020 at 09:12 am
Posted in
October 20th, 2020 at 04:32 am
Hi everyone,
I’ve decided to leave Saving Advice, I’ve been blogging since 2006. It sadden me that this has come to this but the site is not what it use to be.
There’s too many problems, the inability to post constantly drive me nuts.
Periodically I’ll stop by to check in; however, I’m giving up the blog on a regular basis.
I’m sharing my email address, below if anyone wants to stay in contact.
Lastly, I want to say thank you to everyone who has followed my journey, prayed for me and given me the best advice, you all truly are amazing.
Posted in
September 7th, 2020 at 09:12 pm
Wishing everyone a safe and relaxing Labor Day
Posted in
August 27th, 2020 at 12:06 pm
Sending hugs and prayers to our Saving Advice family located in Texas and Louisiana.
Please stay safe
Posted in
August 15th, 2020 at 09:19 am
I’ve been painting my kitchen cabinets and they’re turning out okay. First I learned, if the paint has streaks, use a sander, then it was use a sponge brush. Now I’ve removed the hardware. All in all, it’s coming out pretty good, and I’m happy I’m able to revamp my kitchen without paying a arm and a leg to do so.
This past week was slow, I completed a survey in that I earned $20 so I paid $20 towards the student loans. Next week is pay day, so I’ll be able to make additional payments.
Posted in
Miscellaneous ,
August 4th, 2020 at 03:38 am
As you all know I’ve been saving for a bedroom set, I took half of my saving a paid on my student loans, thinking I could save another $700+ by end of the year.
Well I get a call from my sister and her friend is selling a wood bedroom set. Though wood isn’t my first choice, if the price is $500 or less I’ll make it work. I’m going on Wednesday to look at it. Fingers crossed.
Well I looked at the loan docs and I’ll admit, I questioned the amount, it was explained; however I didn’t realize I didn’t understand until I got my statement. I consider myself pretty literate, however I guess not. Basically when the loan officer/broker told me that I was correct that the balance was the $109k she didn’t explain the charges. So I assumed that was what I was financing, lesson learned. I’m annoyed, only because I told her I felt like the process was being rushed, two, when communicating I think she deliberately played on my ignorance. I also received a gift card from here with a note that it was my application fee. I’m pissed because I questioned this and she told me it would be refunded after the closing, well she didn’t tell me it would be in the form of a gift card. Didn’t know I had to ask if this would be a check, gift card or cash.
I also received a huge check today for my escrow and taxes. I’ve put this in my EF account, contingent on the tax bill in November, I’ll use this to pay the bill, I’m almost certain I won’t have enough in my escrow account. What ever the balance is after taxes and insurance, I’ll pay down the principal.
Long run when I look at it and crunch the numbers, the overall savings is worth it. My break even is actually two years. I’ll start back paying an extra $100 on the principal.
Posted in
Miscellaneous ,
August 2nd, 2020 at 12:49 pm
Hello August!
I can’t believe we are eight months into the year.
On top of COVID, now we are dealing with a potential hurricane. I’m praying that this thing remains a tropical storm ⛈ , or at the mist a category 1 storm, I’m so over it.
Thankfully, I’ve been stacking up on supplies for COVID and hurricane season so I didn’t have to go out in that mess. The lines were crazy.
I called the SO, to see if he thought I should put up the plywood, he said no since it was a Cat 1 the day before and it looks as though none, except for one, of the neighbors are putting up anything either. We are getting some rain that’s it right now.
I received my statement from the new mortgage company and the balance owed is $10k more, not sure why so I’ll be calling them on Monday. I also received my escrow refund from the old company, that I’ll put in the bank. I have a feeling I’ll be billed in November and I want to make sure the money is available. I’ll tell you the truth, I was so tempted to take this money and pay off my lowest student loan, then save for November taxes and insurance. I also need to call my old mortgage company, I haven’t received my refund for my last payment.
Monday will be a busy day on the phone.
Since last week, I’ve been decluttering. I realize that I’m less productive with clutter, and I spend way too much money on junk, well I use to. Yesterday I found things that I had no idea I had, 2-3 of the same stuff. I trashed so much unopened makeup 💄 it was ridiculous. For each project, area I declutter, I’m throwing $5 into my challenge fund, so far I’m at $30. I tell ya it feels really good to get rid of junk. I vowed not to buy a thing until I use what I have.
I’m so sore from the bending, moving, stretching et cetera, that I might take today off and just relax; however, I really want this desk area/mini office finished.
Posted in
Miscellaneous ,
July 30th, 2020 at 10:12 pm
It’s new to me but old to most. I read Apple approved to split their stocks, 4 to 1, they closed out at about $400, that’s about $100 a share after the split. Something so simple gave me so much joy, just a week ago I had no clue what a split was or how to calculate, and today I’m smiling because I have a clue.
Now, as I mentioned earlier I’m in no position to buy stock but I couldn’t help but play the game. Even though Apple is a viable organization, what’s going to happen next year? I’m anticipating that sales will plummet. Right now we have high unemployment, high GDP, we are in a recession but most haven’t felt it yet because the government is pumping all this stimulus money into to economy. So with that, I’m anticipating that Apple’s stocks will decline. So if I was in a position to buy, I think I would hold off until the top of the year, when stock prices decreased a tad bit more, purchase and later experience the increase once things bounce back.
For you pros what’s your thoughts?
Please be gentle, I’m new to this.
Posted in
July 26th, 2020 at 07:03 pm
Today my friend’s mom died. She fought a long fight with this virus, please practice social distancing and wear a mask.
After I got the news, I started decluttering, my house. I tackled the kitchen (lower cabinets )and then moved to my master bathroom. In doing so I found I have a leak. I’m so glad that I’ve been saving since I moved into the house for home repairs. I called my handyman who should be here next week.
Posted in
July 21st, 2020 at 09:12 pm
Excited, I picked up another side gig for about $60 for a hour. Of course this will go towards the student loans.
I’m really hoping that my business would pick up, but it takes patience.
Posted in
June 30th, 2020 at 09:27 pm
I was really hoping to close before the first. I have not heard a thing from the title company so I reached out to the broker. She’s telling me to hold off from making a payment. I’m nervous about that. She says if I pay, I’d get reimbursed, anyone know anything about this?
Posted in
April 19th, 2020 at 09:45 pm
I’m so thankful for this blog, you all often provide great advice.
I’ve been saving as much as I can. Outside of my grocery and electric bill, my expenses have been extremely low. I’m hoping my manager will continue with the work from home option. So far I’ve saved about $150 in gas alone.
I notice that there has been a spike in the cost of food, an 18 count of eggs 🥚 were just over a dollar now it’s $2+. I understand the supply and demand has impacted these increases, but I can’t help but think yikes!
As you all know, I’m in Florida and people are hitting the beaches in droves. I’ve decided to continue with social distancing, only heading to the store when I need items. No pool or beach for me.
I’ve also been keeping myself busy, attending virtual movie night, virtual BINGO, virtual happy hour and painting a wine glass, all have been fun. I’ll admit I’m a little antsy but safety first.
I’ve also been walking more, I’m down about four pounds, I’m hoping to hit my goal of 10lbs over the next 30 days.
Well that’s it for me
Posted in
Miscellaneous ,
April 13th, 2020 at 02:15 am
This pandemic has made me realize that I want to hit FIRE sooner than later. I was pretty much doing what I should, adding to my EF, saving for upcoming expenses, adding to my 401(k) and paying down debt. I’ve even cut expenses.
I realize my biggest obstacle is my income and fear. I’m worth so much more than I’m paid, I was always taught when you get a job you stay, take what’s offered don’t negotiate. But at 65k for the amount of work I do, and my accomplishments while on this job (implementing new processes that streamlined hiring, recouped the company over $100k, saved us 5% on health care premiums) for the size of the company I work for, it’s a joke. I’m under paid by $30k for my position, for my current role in the area I’m in.
I recently stepped out on faith and applied for one director’s position, $100k, and one VP position, $200k.
I refuse to take less than $100k a year, those days are over
I hold a masters, two certifications and over 10 years experience. I know my crap, people reach out to me all the time. I’m going to start charging for coaching. This pandemic made me realize, years of fear has allowed me to sell my self short.
Posted in
March 30th, 2020 at 12:54 pm
I can’t understand why we are not cutting non-essential contractors before we lay off staff.
I’m really upset with this. We’re paying a cleaning crew six figures to clean, that doesn’t even show up, or when the do, don’t clean. This was way before COVID-19. Cleaning crew owned by board member, conflict of interest no🤷🏾♀️ especially if their services is more costly and ineffective.
We’re paying someone to clean the buses that aren’t running, and we have bus drivers who do it anyway, well before COVID-19..
Wrong wrong wrong
Posted in
March 27th, 2020 at 07:15 am
I’m considering refinancing my house. It appears as though I can get it down by two percentage points.
One thing I can’t stand and that is feeling rushed. I keep getting the send this by this time and that time etc. Well the broker sends me the documents at about 9 pm last night, tells me to review and sign by 10 am. Wtf I work.
She tells me in the email, I’m getting a $2,000 refund or I can use the money to buy down my interest. I’m excited about the refund but wondering why. I glance through the documents and notice the loan amount is rounded up. I think nothing of it, put it in my list of questions.
Now it’s 3am I’m up and I have an ah ha moment, so I think. I’m thinking the loan balance is about $18,000 so it’s rounded up and figured that’s where the $20k came from.
Well that can’t be it, I checked and the balance is actually less than $110k. Now I’m wondering if it’s worth the refi if I’m paying extra on the principal anyway. I don’t want a refund, I want to finance the balance, $110k, at a lower interest rate.
I’ll review the documents in detail and get my questions together. I refuse to be rushed through this process.
Posted in
March 26th, 2020 at 12:44 am
Having worked in HR for many years, coupled with a MS in HR management, and HR designations that keeps me abreast of new laws, guidelines etc. I highly recommend that employers follow the guidelines coming down the pipe from DOL, OSHA , EEOC and other agencies. Unhappy employees equals, more complaints that equals if you’re not doing your due diligence lawsuits, hence huge pay outs.
Trust me on this.
Posted in
March 20th, 2020 at 08:20 pm
So prior to the new e-FMLA I made a recommendation to open our schools to staff. That request was denied, citing, we can’t pay employees. Well post e-FMLA, I mention that staff will now be able to take leave, non-paid, when it comes to child care, and we must restore the position. Now leadership says it’s okay to open the school but the employee must pay. 🙄🤦🏽♀️
I realize that the company I work with, definitely doesn’t consider/care for their staff. It’s awful. I had my feelings, but everything has come full circle.
One question, I’m definitely asking employers when I get to the point of interviewing, how did they respond, pre, during and post COVID-19? Awful just awful
I made a request to temporarily suspend the wait period for STD when it applies to COVID-19, was told no.
I’m so disappointed
Posted in
March 20th, 2020 at 02:42 am
So we had our leadership meeting, we all report updates based on our department. Things are changing daily on the HR side. As you know the FMLA law was updated, I’m to report those areas that impact us the most, I’m told not to report. WTF!
I’m so disappointed in our response to the virus. It’s the lack of being educated, running by the seat of our pants. The organization doesn’t even have a legal team, that I’ve been asking for, since I started. Decisions are being made without counsel.
Sad, just sad
Posted in
March 18th, 2020 at 07:51 am
I ell these last few weeks have been extremely exhausting for me.
First my mom hit me for $1500 that I totally forgot about, significantly reducing my EF. I’d borrow the money from her about five years ago. I tried paying her back and she wouldn’t take the money. Honestly I forgot about it, well she asked for it. Was I annoyed? Absolutely but I owe it and I’m done with it. She was upset because I took my $100 she owed me, for paying her cable bill. Either way, we’re done. I’m trying to hold on to my EF in case I’m laid off.
Next, I’m in HR. What I’ve found is that these managers do not adhere to the recommendations that I make. They’ll go to my boss, the CEO, get her confuse and convince her to go with their recommendations, that normally benefits themselves and their favorites.
Well yesterday, I had a manager insist on laying staff off. I’d advise her against it. The controller and I had worked out a few kinks and created a plan that could keep staff, all would receive their pay, and keep medical expenses at least a month. I’d given her a few options. She said she would speak to her direct report and call me back. Well the next call I get is the CEO decided to shut down two facilities, 40+ employees. I ask, when will this be done she says it’s already done. Being pissed is an understatement.
Well after she did this, she realized that the plan to pay her high income earner friends was no longer. 1.5 to 2 hours later, she’s on the phone telling her director staff to return to work. This is so unprofessional and unacceptable, I can just scream. We can’t do this to staff, given these times.
When I finally spoke to my CEO, she liked my recommendations and was told she was never provided my recommendation.
Posted in
Emergency Fund,
February 11th, 2020 at 11:24 am
Financial literacy is an ongoing process for me.
I use to consider myself a saver and a spender, I’ve gotten to the point where I am now more of a saver. I’ve always hated giving the government my money; however, I do understand that there are resources in that those funds could, well should, be used for. But to be hit with $200 less in my check, I am not happy. This really burns me. I’m not trying to make this post political by any means; however, those new tax laws are not beneficial to me, and I’m ticked off about it. Home interest deductions for some is no longer, and I’m one of them. Yes, I know pay the house off but I’m still ticked off. I can go through the list but won’t.
I’m still learning, so even though there isn’t a match with my employer, I’ll adjust my deductions to include 401(k) contributions, this should help, I think with my taxable income(reduction) vs transferring the money to the IRA.
I’m just annoyed, I feel like I work so hard and yet I’m still not educated enough. I want to scream, wages are at an all time low, though there’s jobs, and you’re taking my money.
Getting off my soapbox
Posted in
January 26th, 2020 at 01:33 pm
My glasses and contacts were $340, I had $230 in my HSA account. The difference for me to pay is $110. I’ve got to bump the dollar amount of my contributions.
Well I actually had selected enough but the payroll team keeps screwing up. I’ll reach out to the controller tomorrow. For some reason the amount is always less.
Last night I attended a dinner event, hosted by one of the fraternities. I’m so proud of myself because I shopped my closet vs going out and buying something. The old me would have bought a new outfit for the event.
Lastly, I completed day 26 of no dining out, feeling great!
Posted in
January 25th, 2020 at 05:08 pm
I think I’m ready to hang up the towel on this site.
Can’t post, comments, or pictures. It like every other month there is a problem
Posted in
January 7th, 2020 at 04:07 am
The best thing I could have done was purchase a laptop for my side gig.
Sometimes sitting at my desk can be daunting.
I was able to knock out three policies, attendance, over time, and holiday pay, all while in the bed. I sent the company the new W4 for 2020, made the recommendation that staff completes the form (it’s not required), and provided a copy of the new Florida minimum wage poster to be placed in the break room.
I also sent reminders regarding items I’d sent out last week. I feel like I made progress.
Tomorrow I’ll log onto the desktop, it’s where my MSMoney is housed. I really wish I could get this thing on the laptop, but it’s discontinued. I use MSMoney to track my time and invoice the organization. I’ll have to note the hours spent creating policies.
In financial news, day 6th and I didn’t dine out. I did buy a red vase for the house,$10.68. It’s not a need but a want. I’m having a little buyers remorse and will more than likely return.
I’d signed up for Pandora music, free trial, and cancelled today. I really don’t listen to music where I should be paying for it. I’ll take the commercials.
Changing plans, dryer must go on hold. I’ve got to get the hurricane shutters for the house. Tomorrow I’ll check the city’s website for grants and get a few quotes. The shutters that I’m considering, I believe will be less than $2,000. Fingers crossed 🤞🏾.
Lastly, in fitness news, today make day six in that I got cardio in. I’m hoping I can continue with this.
Have a great night
Posted in
January 5th, 2020 at 04:29 pm
Due to auto pay and using my credit card for gas, I earned $39 this month in cash back rewards.
What I did was, I signed up for autopay for variable expenses such as internet, and car insurance. I use the card to pay for gas, and before leaving the parking lot, I pay the bill. When I had the car emergency I used the card and paid it off the same day.
I’m excited about earning the extra cash and not having a balance, this is CC9. The cash back isn’t too bad. I’ll throw the cash back at CC10
Posted in
January 1st, 2020 at 05:48 pm
Just wanted to wish the best financial blog group ever a very Happy New Year 🍾🥂
Posted in
December 25th, 2019 at 10:20 am
Merry Christmas everyone!
May your day be filled with joy.
Posted in
December 21st, 2019 at 01:05 pm
Hi all
It’s been awhile but I’m still trucking along.
These last few weeks have been super busy. Work has been crazy, we have one manager that everyone and I do mean everyone struggles with, including the CEO, who needs to be fired. I’ve somewhat made the recommendation but my manager, CEO, is quite sensitive to this. The woman has worked with her for 25 years 🤦🏽♀️🙄. The position is a $110k + a year that actually can be eliminated.
My side hustle is going great, they’re actually looking to expand in 2020. I have a really strong feeling they’ll be offering me a full time gig. I’ve decided if I’m offered the position, I’d negotiate two days there a week with benefits for $65k a year and keep my current job negotiating $65K a year for three days. Fingers crossed.
On the money front, thank goodness I saved and paid cash for Christmas. I spent more than usual, for the family game night. Reason being is because this time it was all on me. Usually the SO chips in, but he didn’t as much as he usually do. I paid the server and the photographer and that’s usually him. I’m not upset, just glad I’d budgeted for it. The sinking funds really do help. I bought Christmas gifts for my staff, nephews, and paid for game night all with my Christmas sinking fund. Not to mention, no stress.
Today I’ll be reviewing my cash envelopes, and updating my budget for January
Posted in
Miscellaneous ,
December 1st, 2019 at 03:43 pm
December is here, I can’t believe it.
Yesterday was a relaxing day, with a little activity. I switched out my fall decor for the Christmas decor, I’ll be finishing up decorating my Christmas tree 🎄 today.
I also did a little holiday cleaning, have to finish this up today.
The red decor will stay up until Valentine’s Day.
This morning I finished up my monthly consulting report for my side hustle, and created the invoice. This month I’m billing for $1300, $400 will go towards the training and I will make a total of $900. This is an extra $100 on top of my normal consulting services. The trainer charged me $400, I charged $500. I’m also going to let the owners know, that I’m interested in other opportunities in case they know of any other small businesses that will be needing my services. I also told my friend who is an accountant, he’s the one who got me the gig.
I’ll say this, I’m glad I got the laptop for the side gig, it really helped me out today.
Later today, I’ll review my November budget.
Hope everyone enjoyed their holiday.
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