Viewing the 'Debt' Category
February 15th, 2018 at 12:49 pm
Finally CC3 is gone! This was the City Furniture bill, over $6,00 in furniture that the SO only help pay twice, I think, once I know for sure. Never again, will I finance furniture. What I have now will last me the rest of my life. Lol
I went to bed, and dreamt about paying this card off today. It's pay day so I'd budgeted to have this bill paid. Good thing about it is the new bill actually generated last night that included any finance charges, so no surprises next month.
OMG! I'm finally free of this debt. Onto CC4, Target Visa. I should have this one paid off by the end of March. My goal was to pay off one CC per quarter and it looks like I'll have two in the first quarter of the yearpaid off.
In other news, my sister called wanting to know if I'd pay the closing cost, if she purchased my dad's house, I told her no. I'm not getting into that, you want it, you pay for it
I spoke with a loan officer, and she told me to hold off from paying my debts off too quickly, I thought this was weird. If I have the money, I'm paying them off
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Reaching Financial Freedom,
February 15th, 2018 at 01:03 am
I'm so excited, CC3 will be gone tomorrow.
I'm very OCD and believe that God should get what is his first, so I wrote my check out for my tithes that way when my check hits tomorrow, I can simply log in and pay off CC3. I can't believe it, three CCs paid off in less than one year. Though I didn't really get serious until about August. With my tax return CC4 will be gone. Wow!
Imagine if I had been gazelle intense before, what I could have done.
I started working on the 2/28 budget period and realize I have about $100 extra, Dave is right, you knock these debts out and it feel like you received a raise.
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January 5th, 2018 at 01:49 am
Made my first sale on Offer Up. It's a sweater I bought about 10 years ago that I never wore, and it's been sitting in my closet waiting on me to lose weight. 🤦🏾♀️🙄
I sold it for $10, so this will go towards CC3. I'm meeting the buyer at the police 👮🏼 station for the swap.
Patience pays off.
Posted in
January 4th, 2018 at 05:31 pm
Whew with the money SO gave me I used and paid $90 on CC3 , new balance $299.00.
Now I'm just waiting on the Sprint check to come to hopefully pay this sucker off. No more financing furniture for me.
My boss is suppose to be submitting a request for a raise for me, we will see. I do have an interview next week paying more and closer to home.
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Reaching Financial Freedom,
January 4th, 2018 at 02:04 am
Went to Sprint to try and return these earbuds I received for Christmas and it was an utter nightmare. Every time I go, they tell me that they do not have cash. This annoys the crap out of me because you only have 14 days to return. And if I was to miss this, then oh well.
The teller tells me she can issue a check but it has to be to someone who has a Sprint account and that person can give me back the money. What! You didn't ask for an account holder when the items were purchased.
I leave the store and call corporate and they're just as bad. The rep calls the store who tells her that I have to be back tomorrow at 3pm to get a refund. Excuse me I work. Long story short, I go to another store who issued a refund check that I should receive within 10 days. The only good thing about this, is that I was not charged the restock fee of $45. I told the SO to never purchase anything from Sprint for me again. Ugh. The refund is $213 and I'll be adding this amount to CC3.
Work news, I asked my boss today for a raise and told him I'd like to know by Friday. So I'm just waiting.
Came home and the SO gave me $100. When I asked what it is for he tells me that I should use it for what ever, so I'm adding this to CC3. I'm sure this is short lived but I'll take it.
His SO debit card was hit for $100, scam. Smh, this is the third person in the last few weeks that I know who have been hit by a thief.
Today was a friend's birthday. She wanted me to go bowling 🎳 and I'm like nope, goal is paying down my debt. This same friend is wanting every one to join her on a party 🎉 bus 🚌 for her birthday this weekend, cost $30. Nope, not doing this either. She'll be getting a regift of wine from me for her birthday costing me zip. This same friend complains that she needs to get a part time or another job paying her more money because she's broke. I told her what I was doing but hey it's up to her what she wants to do.
Lastly, I'm reading "Why You Need a Budget." It's pretty good. I know why I need a budget, but my goal is to read one financial book a month and quite frankly you can always learn something new about things you already know.
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Miscellaneous ,
December 29th, 2017 at 06:02 pm
Bought my one ticket for the season game, SO didn't give me his money, but he has until the 5th to lock in at the current rate. Either way I had my money so I bought my ticket. I was thinking about holding off purchasing the parking pass, but opted to go ahead and do so since I budgeted the money for it already.
Honestly it felt weird, only to buy one ticket, not using a credit card and sticking to my guns. However; I realized that the only way he'll take what I'm saying and doing seriously is if I actually show him that I mean business.
I went ahead and transferred the $74.33 from the EF to my checking account to apply to the CC, new balance $511.67. I'm waiting on some things to clear, and making sure nothing pops up before I use some of the checking buffer funds to knock this card down to about $400. I want this thing gone.
So far I've posted 3 items dirt cheap and no takers, ugh. I'll be posting at least one item a day, as I declutter the house. Hopefully I can get some takers.
Lastly, I received a free calendar from the grocery story. I'm going to stick this to the refrigerator and note when the joint bills are due, that way they'll be no excuses. Not sure why I haven't thought of this before.
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Reaching Financial Freedom,
December 28th, 2017 at 01:06 pm
New budget period started today. Added the funds to my sinking fund ($117.70 first time ever), I couldn't help but wonder if I should add this amount to CC3. I did pay an extra $114, knocking CC3 down to $586; however, I want this thing gone!
If I add the sinking funds to the CC debt instead of saving, I could have this credit card 💳 paid off by mid-February. My 2018 goal is to pay off a CC each quarter, so I know that this will be gone soon. However, the drawback of using the sinking fund is that, I wouldn't be socking away the car insurance, and will continue to pay monthly, that I hate. In addition, I wouldn't be putting away for car maintenance, dues, and Christmas/birthdays. What would you do? Put the money towards debt, and then catch the sinking fund up? Or keep adding to the sinking fund, while paying extra to the debt?
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Reaching Financial Freedom,
December 24th, 2017 at 10:44 am
Checked the balance on CC3 and it was $729.16. The $29.16 annoyed me so I added this amount to the card 💳, new balance $700.
I'm hoping to get this card down to $600 before the new year, maybe even $500. My next two budget periods are very lean and I have a $300 buffer in my checking account. I know, but for me this gives me a peace of mind. I'm so afraid that if I don't keep a buffer I'm going to use the CCs 💳. I'm also afraid to cancel them. Once I hit the $3,000 mark in the EF and pay off a few more CCs 💳 I can say whew, close out the accounts and not keep the buffer.
The buffer is primarily because I live with the SO, and most of the time he doesn't have his share of the rent until the second or third, that drives me crazy because it's due on the first. I'll be the first to say, I'm no pro with money, but I've always been super good about paying my bills on time. I hate paying late, and any late fees associated with it.
One thing that I'm excited about is, this is the first time I ever created a sinking fund (saving for a want and need); and come January 3rd I'll be using the funds to purchase my season ticket, cash. Notice I said "my" and "ticket" meaning one ticket and with cash.
Normally, I'd purchase both mine and the SO tickets using a credit card, I'll tell him and he'll say, "I'll give it back to you." Months go by, no money and I've racked up the credit cards, I've done this three years in a row. I've shared and reminded him that his share is due by the 3rd. The thing about it is, if he has his share it will save me $30 . For six tickets it's $60 plus an additional $60 for the parking pass, total $120. If he buys his, the grand total then turns to $180, We would split this in half to $90. Either way I'm prepared. It's cheaper to buy the parking pass than paying upon arrival.
I can guarantee you, he won't have his money. I'll admit I'm a little nervous but this is a tough lesson he's going to have to learn. I cannot and will not keep footing the bill. I know him, when he learns that I only purchased the one ticket he'll say "wow" and think that I'm being selfish, not realizing that at the age of 45 soon to be 46, I'm teaching him a valuable lesson, as well as myself.
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Reaching Financial Freedom,
December 15th, 2017 at 03:32 am
Not sure what happened this budget period but I only had $11 total left in my cash envelopes. I know I paid extra on CC3 but I thought I accounted for it. I'm not going to worry about it but I will make sure this next period I'm up to date with things.
I did find $5 in my purse, so totally I have $16.
I completed, well revised, the zero based budget for the next period, I have $90 to play with. I budgeted extra on CC3 since CC2 is paid off, plus the BiNGO number ($34), total it's about $60 extra. Another good thing this period, is that I didn't have to use any of the sinking fund to pay for my renewal of my license or registration but I do have the sorority renewal coming due and that ain't cheap so I'm thinking about using the money for that. I know I know sorority, that's a long story I'll share another time.
I used $100 of the sinking/52 week fund to renew my HR certification. So glad I took care of this now vs January, when it's due. I don't know what made me look but I needed to know the cost, I was thinking close to $200. Well I realized that if I'm a member with SHRM, $50 is knocked bringing the total to $100. Well my SHRM membership ends in January and I'm not paying$200 to renew it next year. The ROI isn't worth it. I will however continue the magazine subscription that comes with membership and that's $70. Well worth it.
Had a great phone interview today. I'm getting call backs so I'm happy with that, hopefully the right one will come along.
We went out for lunch $12.59, including tip, plus I bought breakfast this morning $4.51, I ended paying for this because $18 went towards CC3, new total 863.00.
I'm too tired to up my sidebar so I'll take care of it tomorrow
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Reaching Financial Freedom,
Dining Out,
December 6th, 2017 at 01:22 pm
I don't know why but it was bugging me that I had hair money and not applying it to the snowball. So I paid $40.05 CC3 brining the new balance down to $920
Can't wait to receive my retro pay, so I can get the CC out of my hair.
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Reaching Financial Freedom,
November 25th, 2017 at 12:09 pm
Fiancé insisted on purchasing new ornaments for the Christmas tree🎄. I'll admit I was excited and did not stay strong. I personally did not contribute to this purchase but I didn't stop it either. I feel so bad. Once he wakes up I'm going to ask him to take these items back, it's about $22 worth of tree decorations. I'll ask him to put the amount spent towards his baby step 1. We can always purchase after Christmas for much less. As Dave says, never pay full price.
The plan was to go to Home Depot, he needed something for his business. Then head to Wal*Mart to pick up lights for the tree. Wal*Mart had them for less than $3 while Home Depot was selling for $5.
While in Wal*Mart I saw the PJs I always get for the boys, that was $4.95 each. I had $14 and some change left in my gift envelope so I picked three up for my great nephews. Not bad Christmas gifts 🎁 . I also saw pogo stick for $15 and I thought these would be cool gifts but I didn't have any more money so I left them. The envelope system works.
While at the checkout I couldn't help but feel bad, I cashed out my items, while he rang up his. I was thinking this is wasteful spending. We have Christmas decorations already, why are we buying more? Just to change the theme, ridiculous.
I remembered the conversation we had just before we left as I stood in line. I had reminded him that he still owes me $200 on the CC2. He asked for what and I him it was for the hurricane supplies we bought. I can tell he was frustrated, he says "Oh yes, I remember let me get somethings taken care of, I have a lot on my plate." It hit me while we were checking out, spending money while we're both down is something that has to STOP 🛑. Both of us cannot be spenders, impulses buyers or those who use buying as a tool to "cover up" how we are feeling, it only adds to the problem. His problems is the past due bills and his mother not paying him.
Once we got home I put the items by the door as a reminder to take them back. I sat down at the table to add my $14.25 spent to my gift register, according to my register I should have $.05 left and that is what was in the envelope. However, when I checked my spread sheet I had over spent on gifts this budget period by $5. I can't figure out how. Looking at the tally in the spread sheet column for gifts, it looks right. Either way, if that is the case, I'm taking one of the PJs bought for next year for the fiancé back, and that $5 will go towards my snowball. Not sure how I went over or why the register not the spread sheet matches. Oh wait, I had money left from the previous month. Okay make sense now lol
Edited to add the conversation.
So he's up and I say I'd like to talk now about what we did last night. He's like what. I say, I think the money we spent last night should go towards his baby step 1. He shuts down and says, we'll talk about it later. This is a losing battle. His rationale is that I have a job today and I'll make $1300 that would be my baby step 1. I'm trying to get him to see the bigger picture. If you put $25 towards baby step 1 you only have $975 to go, right now you have $1,000 to go. Isn't it easier to come up with $975 than $1,000. He says I don't think like him, 🤦🏾♀️
I asked him if he wanted breakfast and he wanted to know if it was in my budget. Really? I'm officially done.
Second update to this post. I was so mad that I paid CC2 offthis morning. The thought of my checking account dropping below $900 dollars scares me but I did it. On to number three.
Posted in
November 17th, 2017 at 11:15 am
So the holidays are coming and I decided to budget a few dollars each pay period. I spoke to the fiancé and told him I wanted to not spend anything on each other but if we did, keep it under $100. Of course he wants to exchange gifts.
Well I ordered the myPoints Macy's gift card for my neice, $25. I set aside $40 this pay period to order a men's sport coat for the fiancé through Macy's. Well I found a gift card I had, and the jacket that was originally $200 cost me $17.67, sweet. I went through the Ebates app and got $1.61 back. Paid cash for by the way lol.
So all bills are paid. This pay period I spent a total of $936.02 on CC/other debt, I can't wait to get these little bugs out of my hair. A total of $215.32 was paid on CC2, this was all extra. I'm officially starting baby step 2 of the Dave Ramsey plan and I'm excited. It took me two months to fulfill baby step 1 but at least I'm there.
I'd budgeted $35 for contacts but decided to hold off again from purchasing, I'm thinking of throwing the $35 towards the CC debt. Reason why I haven't is, a young woman lost her fiancé, she has two small children and she's struggling. I'm thinking about taking this money and buying Thanksgiving dinner for her. I'd budgeted the $40 for gifts and still have $22.39 left that I could use to help her out as well. Everything is on sale and I'm thinking we should be able to get a decent meal for her.
That's it for me, I'll be updating my totals this weekend and sharing.
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October 31st, 2017 at 10:04 am
Ordered a photo book online Walgreens.com, I received an order confirmation via email that everything would be ready at 4:10pm. Needless to say, about four hours went by and I had not received my order is ready for pick up email. Called Walgreens, and was placed on hold, then told I couldn't pick up until tomorrow. I explain how important this is, that my confirmation email stated 4:10 and that this item was gift. I'm placed on hold again, then told the order is ready and was misfiled.
Head over in the freezing cold, stood in line for 20+ minutes, then provided the photos of something I did not order. The guy apologizes, then leaves and never comes back. A Megan then pops up, asked if I was waiting on the photo book, I say yes, she then tells me I have to pick up in the morning because no one knows how to create the book and that the person who does, isn't answering their phone. By this time I'm furious, she tells me she'll give me a discount and that the photo guy comes in at 4 am. I'm going to be furious if these photos aren't ready.
Revamped the budget for the 100th time 🤦🏾♀️🙄. I realized I did not include CC2 payment of $25 that's due on the 20th. I get paid on the 15th and 30th of every month. I like to pay all bills due within those pay dates, trying to stay ahead of the game. Though the bill isn't due until 20th, after the 15th, as my dad always said, "the best time for a man to pay his bills is when he has the money."
Posted in
October 28th, 2017 at 11:44 am
Well I thought I'd have a few extra dollars left over, but I realized that's not the case. I forgot about my plot bill, $50. Oh well it was great thinking that I had the monies left over lol.
After remembering about paying for the plot, I was trying to figure out why the bank account when balancing was short $16. Well I ordered checks. After the money order debacle with the land lord, I decided to send her a check each month. It cost me $38 to stop payment on two money orders. Had I written her a check it would have been $25 for one check. I don't use checks for anything else. Now that I do have them though, I think I'll use it for my tithes at church. That will mean 3 checks a month and I have a 100 checks so that will last me a while. I'll put the $16 back this pay period. Ugh now I have to rework the budget. 🤦🏾♀️
Meanwhile, I'm wrapping up a few loose ends before payday Tuesday. This has been a really crazy last two weeks with spending. It was mostly gifts, ugh! Though I knew these expenses were coming and I had budgeted for it, it's still annoying that over $150 was spent on gifts. Christmas is coming and my budget is $300, that's it. So the next few pay periods I'll sock away for it. Good thing is, I have mypoints points for a gift card for my neice, my nephews are small so I can get little things that they'll like. And the BF will get cologne and a sport coat, that's it. Wish I'd started earlier with my budget but hey.
Lastly; as I am updating my debt snowball spread sheet, I realize that what I pay in interest is far more than what is applied on the principle. Though I knew this already, I think it just annoys me to see it on paper. My ahhh haaaa moment. I've got to get this stuff paid off or I'm going to die a slow death in debt.
Posted in
October 3rd, 2017 at 08:26 am
So I get home today and CC4 that I have not used in quite sometime, over 6 months, but paying off has been increased my limit to $7,700 (odd number) just before the holidays. 🙄🤦🏾♀️
I don't need any more credit card debt so I'll keep the card where it is.
On a different note, I'm loving the envelope system. Dave Ramsey (DR) was right. If you feel money, and watch it leave your hands, you think twice about spending it.
I have about $50 to last me until next Friday, in the grocery envelope . So while I was in Publix, I needed spaghetti. I normally purchase Mueller, but Ronzoni was BOGO. I'm sure you guess what I bought. Not only did I get a BOGO, iBotta has $0.50 rebate, plus $0.25 on pasta; therefore the two cost me $0.84. Not bad. Just the thought of being smarter with my money is awesome.
Posted in
August 11th, 2017 at 01:35 am
Though, I don't blog as much I'm still on track for paying off CC3 by October.
I'm super happy to know that I'm still working on paying down debt. I've gotten CC3 from $1821.31 to $1513.00. Next week is payday and I'll be paying $100 on this card. I can't wait until I'm done and then can start on the fourth card.
Posted in
July 2nd, 2017 at 04:48 am
I did it, I've paid off CC2 a total of $656.00.
I thought that I wouldn't be able to, but after my fiancé gave me his portion of the bills, I was able to take care of it.
Though my savings isn't that great, just having the CCs paid off makes a huge difference. I feel somewhat free. I say somewhat because I have so many others to pay off.
Now it's off to CC number three, I've already set up the weekly payment of $20 the begin next week.
I'm so happy you all wouldn't believe it.
Posted in
May 28th, 2017 at 03:52 am
I have gotten CC2 down to $820, I have an 401(k) with an old company I worked for that has about $900 so I'm going to withdraw it, pay the taxes and pay off the CC. I wasn't with the company long when I signed up but either way, it's enough to pay off this CC.
In other news, it's been a relaxing weekend, enjoy your holiday everyone. 🇺🇸
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May 14th, 2017 at 06:25 pm
So I have about $800 set aside and I so want to pay off my CC. Though this will deplete my cash on hand, I'd love to pay off CC2.
Dave Ramsey says to save a$1,000 first and then tackle debt but I just want the CC gone.
I have to laugh because now that I'm engaged I just want everything gone, when it comes to debt. Not that I didn't before but now I'm like it must go.
Posted in
April 26th, 2017 at 12:14 pm
Though I haven't been blogging, I've still been saving and working towards paying down my debt.
I've paid off my first CC today, remaining balance was $710, it felt great to knock this little bug, as Dave Ramsey calls them, off my list.
My dad always use to say, the best time for a man to pay his bills is when he has the the money. One thing I've learned is that is true.
Now I'm moving on to CC2, balance is $975. I'm going to transfer tthe weekly $20 payment that I was paying on CC 1 to CC2, goal is to pay this card off by October, and then move on to CC 3.
Posted in
January 28th, 2017 at 02:16 am
My goal was to pay an extra $200 on the CC by the end of the month, and it looks like I have met that goal. I'll double check on the 31st, there's some pending things. What sucks is that, I'll be hit with interest but if I keep doing what I'm doing, I'll have it down at least by a $1000 by the the d of February.
On a different note, I'm happy that Saving Advice is back up and running, I was a little nervous.
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January 24th, 2017 at 01:33 am
Rambling Mondays ugh!
So the boss sent home an employee who was really sick, we all could tell she was not happy to do so. She told the employee that she must use her PTO time, strange thing is this is an exempt employee.
My mother called earlier, and asked me to take care of at few things. I was a little busy and didn't get around to it. So when she called I explained I hadn't taken care of it and she hung up on me. I was furious but I'm just going to pray for her.
As I was leaving the office, it was very windy all I could think about was a joke my dad use to tell me about the wind. I miss him so much.
I forgot to mention that I've finally signed up for tennis lessons. I've always wanted to learn how to play and the high school is offering it for $47. This is for two hours, once a week for 8 weeks. Not bad, most places want $30-45 a hour.
Lastly today is my very first no spend day of the year, so I'm adding $2 to the CC.
That's it in a nutshell 🥜
Posted in
January 21st, 2017 at 02:49 am
So I usually pack my lunch because one, I can't afford to eat out every day, two I like my quiet time to read up on a few HR things and Bible study, three it's expensive to eat out.
So my boss comes and says the team is going out to lunch and she'd like to take me out for my birthday. I declined respectfully and explained that I had already plugged in my crockpot lunchbox. She insists and so does other teammates, so I say okay. We get there order, and the waitress comes and ask if the checks are separate. My boss who was taking me out to lunch says yes.
😡 Now I'm annoyed. First you said you wanted to take me out, second I had already packed my lunch and two we spent our lunch wolfing down our food because you're in a hurry, not to mention she didn't eat any of her food and complained the entire time. Ugh
Lunch was $14 but I added $5 for a tip costing me $19. And because I had not budgeted and any time I do this I pay the same amount on my CC. Ugh. $40 I really didn't want to spend and it was rude.
Twice this week I've been bamboolzed and it won't happen again.
Next time I pack my lunch, I'll be eating my lunch.
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Dining Out,
January 17th, 2017 at 12:10 pm
One thing my dad has always said and that was, " A best time for a man to pay his bills is when he has the money." Trust me when I tell you, this is a true statement. You may not have much afterwards but at least your bills are paid.
Got up this morning, said thank you to the Lord for letting me see another day. I forgot it was my birthday, until I got a few texts. So I'm adding being thankful for another birthday to my list.
I'm also thankful because I was able to pay my CC bill as soon as I got it (best time to pay a bill) . I checked my emails and there was a bill from HSBC. I'm really sick of these CC bills. Like Dave Ramsey says, they're like little bugs, flying around nagging you. I can't wait to get the bills down and out of my hair. I can say, I got my BoA CC down by almost $200 this month, this comes from $2-$7 here and there.
So long as I continue to do as my dad says and blog here, I should have most of my debt paid off by December.
Posted in
January 10th, 2017 at 02:57 am
When ever my classmate is in town, he always wants us to get together. I really didn't want to go and spend any money but I decided to go, since we hardly see each other.
Needless I was glad I went,it was great seeing everyone. We had great conversations and was able to capture the moment with photos. He also decided to foot the bill and we just left the tip. I thought that was nice.
I decided to take what o saved, about $13 (I had a salad) and $5 in tip, and paid it on the CC. I figured, why not? I would have spent this anyway.
This weekend, I'll update my sidebar. I've been a little busy.
Posted in
January 5th, 2017 at 02:46 am
For two days I did not have a soda. I almost caved in yesterday because I was stressed but I didn't. So for that, I paid $4 on the CC. I know some would say $4, but $4 here, $2 there all added up and I was debt free at one point by simply doing this. So I'm back at it.
Also thanks to everyone who has joined the Fitbit challenge. I haven't met my goal of 10k but at least I'm back walking. I did 30 minutes tonight, super proud of myself. I'm adding $2 to my challenge for being active.
Posted in
January 2nd, 2017 at 03:25 am
Happy New Year everyone! 🥂🍾🎆
Today was a little busy for me. Went to church, then off to find a belated Christmas gift for my boss, cleaned my car, meal prep and grocery shopping. I really wanted to get my shopping out of the way so that I could have a no spend day tomorrow but I forgot to get gas.
Church was awesome, it's been a while since I've been the first Sunday of the month, let alone the year. Unfortunately, things are tight so I was only able to make a $20 donation.
From there I headed over to Michael's, I wanted a new planner but just couldn't bring myself to spend over $30 on one. I would have had to purchase the binder, that was $20, the calendar another $5, plus other things I wanted like the meal plan, and fitness items. Just not worth it.
I was going to go to Bed Bath and Beyond but decided to head to the Christian bookstore to get a gift for my aunt ($7). While there, they had a lotion/bath set at half price for $10 so I picked this up for my boss. Not bad. Though I hate gift exchanges we had one at the office, the boss was on vacation so I made out like a bandit by waiting. Oh yeah and I found a lovely planner for $10.
From there I ended up buying a sub, ugh. Cost me about $10 with a drink and chips, needless to say because I ate out, I had to also pay $5 on the CC and add $5 to my savings. I figured, if I had the money to eat out I should have the money to pay down debt and save.
Once home, I created a meal plan for the week. From that I went grocery shopping ($64), I'm hoping to stay focus and keep up with my meal planning.
Lastly, I washed my car myself, costing me about $6, saving me another $6 so I'm adding the $6 saved to debt reduction and savings.
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Dining Out,
February 3rd, 2016 at 12:20 am
Looks like today will be my first no spend day in months. I'm here with dad and will be heading home shortly, when I realized I haven't spent a dime. So I'll be adding $2 on the BoA CC.
In healthy living news, today is day 2 and I have not had a soda, adding $1 to the BoA CC. I also walked a little over a mile today so another buck added to the CC. In all today, I'll be adding $4 payment to the BoA CC.
Posted in
February 2nd, 2016 at 03:24 am
I really tried today to make it a no spend day but that didn't happened. Needed a few girly things so I headed to the store. While I was there I went ahead and picked up snack and dinner for tomorrow.
I did workout today. I started back walking/running. I want to train myself to run at least a 3k
I will say this, today was the first day in awhile that I did not have a soda, yay! I was so excited, and to be honest I wasn't even craving one.
In financial news, I checked my checking account and I had $.90 worth of change so I rounded down and added the $.90 to the credit card. Because I worked out and didn't have a soda I added two more dollars to the $.90, giving me a total of $2.90 paid on the CC.
That's it in a nutshell. Hopefully tomorrow I won't spend a dime.
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January 30th, 2016 at 10:08 pm
Yep, dad gave me a $100 today and I transferred it to my savings, I'm at $2182.29, can't wait to get paid to hit the $2200 mark.
Also added $9 to the CC, have to stop eating out, this is adding up.
Tomorrow, I plan on making chicken and stuffing in the crockpot.
On our way to the fair, haven't been there in years.
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