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January 10th, 2020 at 02:44 am


My attorney stated she’s been trying to contact me with no luck, and wanted to let me know my jerk of a brother has decided to drop the lawsuit.

Thank you Jesus !

I just wanted to cry

Day 2 and No Spending

January 3rd, 2020 at 02:53 am

Great day today.

I had the boys and they were pretty good. We made homemade pizza 🍕, and completed a few home work assignments. They opted to watching a cartoon/movie on Netflix. So that was our day.

I ended up not having a spend day. After the boys left, I finished up putting away a few of the Christmas items, straighten up the closet in the spare room, and moved the elliptical in my bedroom. I figured having the elliptical in my bedroom I’d be more likely to use it while watching tv 📺. I cleaned my bathroom, totally forgot to take care of the guest bathroom 🚽, so that’s on my to list this weekend.

I transferred $1 to my cash envelopes ✉️, for not spending any money 💰 today.

Tomorrow it’s back to work. I can say this week that I’ve been off has been AMAZING. I’m fully rested and ready to make 2020 one of the best years ever.

January 1st

January 2nd, 2020 at 03:49 am

January 1st and it was a no spend day for me.

I also marked some things off my list, like weighing in, journaling, walking, drinking more water, reading a little, and dumping four chairs, decluttering.

Because it was a no spend day, I added $1 to my January challenge of no dining out. I also added $1 for this week’s 52 week challenge. All the money saved this month will be added to the snowball.

I had a scratch off and won $2, this will be added for next week’s 52 week challenge.

Tomorrow I have my great nephews, I have a few board games that we can play, we will make pizza at home for lunch. I refuse to spend any money. I did get them zoo passes for Christmas, that might be something we can do, we will see. However; I wish it was a little warmer, I’d take them to the pool.

I’m in south Florida and we don’t have much of a winter, but I can feel the temperature dropping a little. I decided that I will not turn the heat on, unless it drops below 60. I can’t stand the cold. The blankets that I have and PJs should keep me warm. My electric bill is slated to be less than $60 this month, and I’d like to keep it like that.

That’s it for now, hope everyone enjoyed their holiday.

Quick Update

December 21st, 2019 at 01:05 pm

Hi all
It’s been awhile but I’m still trucking along.

These last few weeks have been super busy. Work has been crazy, we have one manager that everyone and I do mean everyone struggles with, including the CEO, who needs to be fired. I’ve somewhat made the recommendation but my manager, CEO, is quite sensitive to this. The woman has worked with her for 25 years 🤦🏽‍♀️🙄. The position is a $110k + a year that actually can be eliminated.

My side hustle is going great, they’re actually looking to expand in 2020. I have a really strong feeling they’ll be offering me a full time gig. I’ve decided if I’m offered the position, I’d negotiate two days there a week with benefits for $65k a year and keep my current job negotiating $65K a year for three days. Fingers crossed.

On the money front, thank goodness I saved and paid cash for Christmas. I spent more than usual, for the family game night. Reason being is because this time it was all on me. Usually the SO chips in, but he didn’t as much as he usually do. I paid the server and the photographer and that’s usually him. I’m not upset, just glad I’d budgeted for it. The sinking funds really do help. I bought Christmas gifts for my staff, nephews, and paid for game night all with my Christmas sinking fund. Not to mention, no stress.

Today I’ll be reviewing my cash envelopes, and updating my budget for January

SO Update

November 23rd, 2019 at 12:45 pm

SO called this morning in tears. He said that his life is in shambles. He told me he sits and looks in the space that he’s living in and it looks a mess, because he doesn’t have a drawer to put his clothes in. He also said, he understands why, I wouldn’t want to be with him, and that if he was a woman, he wouldn’t want to be with him either.

He went on to say, he has nothing. He’s lost a ton of weight, over 15lbs, was extremely sick a few weeks ago and is to have out patient surgery but he doesn’t have the money (no insurance) to have the surgery. The mother is still not paying him, and the side jobs he gets, he’s barely making it.

The daughter with the baby needs counseling, I’ve told him over and over to get it for her, she’s extremely promiscuous, get her tested for STDs, and put on birth control. I’m not sure if he doesn’t want to face the truth, doesn’t have the money, or both.

It’s sad, though he’s super nice, but he’s ignorant when it comes to the mother and the daughter. I just simply listened. Once he was done, I told him, once you get angry, you’ll know what needs to be done and do it.

I’ve dated momma’s boys but this is absolutely crazy, he’s so afraid of upsetting her and the, that he can’t see he’s becoming unhealthy, mentally, physically and emotionally because of it.

He did thank me for being a friend.

Sunday Updates

November 10th, 2019 at 05:40 pm

My ending EF balance December of 2018 was $8197.69 my goal is to not only get back to this balance but surpass it.

As you all know, I had the emergency legal fee of $5,000. I was so close to hitting the 6 month savings goal and then boom 💥. I am thankful that I had the money to pay 💰 the lawyer.

I checked the EF and my balance is $5,559.87, I’m estimating by the end of December 2019 my ending balance would be about $6900. 🤞🏾

There’s so many things I want, and to do but I realize, I need to stay focus. Focus on one thing at a time is a must. First thing is, I need to keep socking money into the EF, the goal is to have 6 months of living expenses, that’s 12k. Plus a little extra, for legal fees, until this issue with my brother is resolved. I’ve been laid off 3xs and thankfully I had money saved. Right now the average time to find a job is about 6-8 months.

I’m still throwing extra at the CC, about $300-$400 a month, hopefully by March/April this baby will be gone.

Next, I know my car will need to be replaced, she has 259,000 miles on her. I love that car (Camry) and I pray she hangs around at least two more years but at so many miles I don’t know. The goal is to have about $5,000 saved, so that I can buy a car cash.

Lastly, it’s the student loans and the mortgage. If all goes well, and I hit my EF savings goals by February, pay off CC10 by March/April, I can pay an extra $400-$500 a month on the student loans , an extra $100 a month on the mortgage, and bump my retirement contributions. That’s the plan.

In other news. SO has been extremely sick. I personally think he didn’t go to the doctor because he has no insurance or the money. He finally broke down and went to the hospital 🏥 yesterday. I told him, if what he was experiencing wasn’t life threatening, that they would stabilize him and send him home 🏡. And that’s exactly what happened. The ER doctor 👨🏽‍⚕️believes he has an ulcer. I told him that as well. The stress he’s experiencing is off the charts.

Any way they gave him two prescriptions and told him to follow up with a gastroenterologist. The prescription was $200, I offered to pay. It’s the helping others in me. He opted against it. I went online and found a prescription discount drug card, with the card, the prescription dropped to $29.

I’m praying for his sake, he gets his life together.

Side Hustle = Exhausted

November 2nd, 2019 at 04:12 am

I came home and crashed. The consulting gig wore me out this week. I’ve got to figure out how to manage this or I’ll get discouraged. I sent my invoice off today, they have ten days to pay.

I’ve been using Google’s drive to track the hours worked with them, my mileage and tasks I’ve completed. I also created a shareable folder for the Company in that I will download items.

I decided the first few checks with them I’m going to save. I prayed about this and something keeps telling me to save the money.

When the legal stuff started, I had to literally deplete my savings, and though I’m not back to where I was initially, I’ve managed to bump it up, quite a bit. I’ve decided that extra cash, will go to putting the savings back to the $6,000 (three months of expenses) plus an extra two in case anything legal pops up, so $8k is the cut off. Once I’m there, I can start tackling the CC. I’m still paying extra but for those of you who follow me, my peace of mind means everything, slow and steady wins the race.

I haven’t heard from my attorney so I figure no news is good news. I really feel comfortable with her, and I’m not worried.

Other news, because I’ve been so busy with the consulting job, for two days I ate out. November was suppose to be no spend month 🤦🏽‍♀️🙄. I’m getting back on track.

Yesterday was pay day, and I always look forward to filling my cash 💰 envelopes ✉️ but I was so tired, I came home and crashed 💤.

SO stopped by to trim my hair and I was too tired to get up. I slept for about four hours. Now it’s midnight and I’m tackling the envelopes ✉️

I did speak with SO after I woke up for a few minutes. I thought when he came in, and spoke it sounded as if he was crying but honestly I was so exhausted I couldn’t move. When we spoke, after I woke up, he told me that when he looks in the mirror he’s disappointed in himself. I shared with him, the good thing is, you have the opportunity to make a change. I’m praying for him. I know he’s capable but fear holds him back. Other good news for him, is that he was so frustrated with the mother, she didn’t pay him again, that he told a client to make the checks payable to him. So there’s hope. I want to say that this woman hasn’t paid him in about two months. She’s actually gotten worst since he and I broke up.
I’m afraid he’s falling into depression

Electric Bill Round 3

October 21st, 2019 at 01:05 pm

I get a natural high checking my energy bill. Lol. My next bill is projected to be about $52. Wow 😮 is all I could say. If I can get that bill down to $52 that would be awesome!

Yesterday I did not have one soda, I also only bought what was on my list, while grocery shopping; in addition , I stuck to plans to not donate money an event I had attended. I always feel guilty but I didn’t budget for something like this, so it was a no for me.

Checked my Murphy points and I have about 720 points, that’s .72 cents off gas per gallon. I’m waiting to get to 1,000 points, that will give me a buck off each gallon.

Family news
I realized that the way my mother speaks is simply by yelling, all weekend when she called she was screaming, so much so, it gave me a headache. I don’t think it’s intentional, just believe that, that is all she knows 🙄🤦🏽‍♀️

SO stop by in tears, I just listened didn’t respond. I’d told him awhile ago to seek counseling so it’s up to him. He needs to come up with a ton of cash by tomorrow or the bank will take the mom’s car. He called his siblings for help, but no one offered to chip in. I did tell him he can’t wait for an offer, he needs to ask.

If it was me I’d let the car go. She shouldn’t be driving anyway, and he can’t afford it. One thing he did say was, he got himself in this mess. I’d say he sure did, if he refuse to take things over because he fears hurting the mom’s feelings, well he’s right where he wants to be. He’s a fool

AC Update and Other Stuff

October 9th, 2019 at 03:55 am

SO came over and cleaned out the AC, it appears as though that’s what the issue was. Fingers crossed 🤞🏾 I’ll be sure to put that on my monthly to do list.

We ended up chatting a little. I was surprised to hear him say that he told his mom that he’ll be moving soon. I thought he’d never leave her house.

He also mentioned that sometimes he goes into a store and picks something up but realizes that something else is more important and that he’s working on his finances. I shared with him, that I understood, and that my goal is to be debt free in seven years and I can’t be debt free eating out everyday.

He then said, “sometimes I wake up at night and I just cry, I realize that I’m in this mess due to my own actions.” I felt really bad for him. I mentioned to him that if he needed to talk, to call me.

I’ll listen, and provide sound advice. God knows if I didn’t have my friends, I’d probably would have jumped off a bridge. This time our conversation was different, for some reason I felt like he wasn’t himself, something was missing and that worries me.

As I told him, change is hard, he’ll get through it, he just have to keep pushing through.

I read your previous comments and I never thought about counseling for him, I only thought about it for his mom. I’m going to suggest he calls someone.

Birthday Gifts

February 19th, 2019 at 06:38 am

Yesterday was a great day, I didn’t spend a thing.

Today; however, is a different story. I’ll see the dentist for a cleaning, that’s about $100. I signed up for the HSA at work, so this should be covered. I also feel as though I may have a cavity 🦷, yikes!

In other news, I have two up coming birthdays, one my nephew (16) the other my great nephew (8). My 16 yo nephew I’m sending $50. My 8 yo nephew, I ordered him a walkie talkie, he has a younger brother in that he’s close to. The walk-in talkie was $16.99 via Walmart, with free shipping, plus I had a gift card so the gift cost me $3 total, yay. I hope the 8 yo likes his gift. These kids today want $100 gifts and it’s just not in my budget, I’ll let his parents pay for that.

Even though I have a fund for birthdays, showers and miscellaneous events that a gift is needed, I didn’t need to use the money in that account. I was able to add the gifts as line items to my budget. I’m actually coming in under in that I anticipated for both gifts, by $22. This will be added to CC9.

For the rest of the year I have my great niece graduating, and two other great nephews birthdays coming up. The fund will definitely cover these.

Debt is dumb

February 10th, 2019 at 12:11 pm

Yesterday, my sister and I was talking. I don’t know why but I got so angry when she told me she didn’t have any money to save so she uses her credit card for emergencies 🚨

I tried explaining to her that she needed to budget, look for areas to cut, but she insisted that the credit card method worked. I left it alone.

She’s terrible with money, owed me right now. But I’ve taken that as a lost. As she talked about why she uses the card and why it works I got more angry. I’m thinking, if you don’t have anything extra for day to day, how did you pay the CC bill when it comes? 🤦🏽‍♀️🙄

Needless to say, I listened, got more angry, and kept my mouth closed. After speaking with her, it validated what I was doing was working and what I needed to continue to do.

Debt is dumb

Significant Other Update

January 26th, 2019 at 04:55 pm

As you all know the significant other is still here. I can’t believe it and I want to fall out of my chair but he’s provided all his bill money in advance. Twice (January and February).

I don’t know if me asking him to leave did it but I’m just shocked. Really shocked.

I pay my bills as soon as I get them, first week of the previous month, so by time he gives me his portion, week before due date, everything is already paid. I’m okay with this so long as I get the money before the actual due date.

He’s a super nice guy, just terrible with money, well his momma. I’m still going to monitor this. Not going to get too excited because things can easily go left. His mother can always not pay him, that she is known for doing. But it looks like he’s finally taking over the business. Either way as I shared with him, “he was suppose to be gone in December, you weaseled your way to stay, I’m not doing this crap in 2019, first missed or late payment you have to go the same day, I’m not doing this. My dad did not gift me a house in his death to lose it behind some guy.” He knows I worship the ground my dad walked on, and I’d do nothing to disappoint him.

So with the extra cash $500+ I’m adding it to the credit card 💳. This should knock my balance down to a little less than $5000. If I can meet my same goal next month, I’ll be down to $4k, yay.

Government Shutdown

January 11th, 2019 at 12:13 pm

Though I’m not a government employee this shut down really has me nervous about what could come.

I’m in a number of financial groups, and other miscellaneous groups on Facebook. I have noticed that those who are effected by the shutdown, are posting that they can’t pay their bills. It’s really sad.

For me, I’ve been payed off twice and thankfully both times I’ve been able to pay my bill. This is the main reason why while on BS2 I add something to my EF, even if it’s $25 each pay day. My dad always said, even if it’s $10 you put something away each pay day and don’t touch it.

I can’t imagine working and not getting paid. But if that happens I want to be able to have some sort of cushion. I honestly think we are heading into a recession.

On a different note, I’ve knocked down CC9 to about $5,900, just waiting on a few payments to post before I update the sidebar. I want this baby gone. I’ve decided to start the 52 Week Challenge backwards and throw the money at CC9 each week.

The SO is still here 🤦🏽‍♀️🙄. For January he paid everything on time. On December 31st I had a conversation with him. I told him it looks like you don’t plan on moving. Nothing packed. I told him nothing has changed about my feelings and that I wanted him gone.

I told him that I am not going into 2019 trying to run him down for my money to pay the bills. If they’re due on the first, I want it by the 20th and no later than the 25th. I also had the same conversation two days ago. I’m not doing this crap this year. And the minute he misses he has to go. I plan on talking to him again tonight. Because I really need him to know that I’m serious. He’s a nice guy and all but I don’t give two cents that he refuses to stand up to his mother. I have a mortgage now.

Financial news, I paid the mortgage today, early. I added an extra $25. I know why? It makes me more comfortable knowing I paid extra. For me I want to pay the extra $25 every month. High balances on anything makes me nervous.

I also paid CC9 early added extra to that, and socked away funds to my sinking funds.

I got quotes from Progressive, car insurance, I can save about $100 if I switch. I’m going to review/compare my policies and coverage to make sure I’m getting the best bang for my bucks.

This week has been a good week. I haven’t dined out until yesterday. But 6 out of 7 days isn’t bad.

I’ll crunch the numbers, review the budget and see where I am today. I’ll share later.


December 7th, 2018 at 11:54 am

Went to my first HOA meeting last night and boy was it a doozy. I went with the intentions of obtaining information only, meeting my neighbors but I became quickly upset as with other residents.

I was extremely annoyed that questions being asked by the residents to the board and the attorney was not being answered, no one had a copy of the bylaws. As I sat there I sent a email to the management company requesting a copy. It disgust me more that the attorney hired to represent the people appeared as though she was there to represent the board who told the residents they were not holding the meeting because they wanted to keep their seats. Unbelievable!

This is going to be quite interesting. I didn’t think that I would be too active but it appears as though I will be.

Other news, two days in a row I fell off the wagon and ate out. Ugh

I told myself that what ever I spent eating out I needed to add to CC9 so I’ve been doing so.

I reached out to my sister and told her I wanted the $50 she owed me. I’m taking this and adding to my sinking funds, home repair and HOA fund.

Last month I spent a $123 for work, found the receipt for reimbursement finally. I’d initially used the CC for this purchase but the credit card has since been paid off. I’m thinking I should add to my January mortgage payment (principal), student loans or pay down CC9. Who would have thought I’d be struggling with deciding which debt to pay off first. 🙄🤦🏽‍♀️


December 1st, 2018 at 12:45 pm

Hi all 👋🏾
I’ve opened up the home repair savings account, I figured better late than never.
My goal is to save for things such as a washer, stove, roof etc. Though things are okay now, I know that when you become a home owner, Murphy visits.

Yesterday was payday so I went ahead and socked away what I would normally pay for rent. I had the SO give me his share for December as well, so I put that in the bank. I also socked away funds for the HOA. I really want to be ahead of the game.

Thursday I’ll be applying for the cashier’s job. I honestly prefer this one only because it’s right up the street and I only want 12 hours a week.

I notice that the SO was looking pretty down. Prior to him looking sad, I had honestly started feeling bad that I had asked him to move. When I asked him what was wrong, he informed me my that his mom had not paid him in weeks. All I could do was say to myself, thank you Jesus for reminding me has to go.

I have no idea why he refuses to take this business over from this woman, why he continues to go to work week after week and not to get paid? Here it is you’re trying to have a relationship with someone, build a future and you’re allowing your mother at 46 ruin your life. I can’t imagine another woman dealing with that BS as long as I have. You can’t pay your bills and you’re okay with that because Mom can’t be upset. Well you can Mom have a great life and be gone out of my place by December 31st. Ridiculous

Ready for the New Me

November 21st, 2018 at 10:39 pm

Just picked up the cashiers check for the closing on Monday, super excited.

I’ve also been searching the internet for an amortization spreadsheet that I can enter my loan information with extra payments. Once I close I’ll also be able to make a nice payment to the BoA credit card knocking off a just above half of the balance.

I bought my budget extension for my happy planner. I’m so ready to kick butt staring in December. Once the closing take place I’ll open up a checking account strictly for the mortgage.

Other news I saw that the SO reached out to his sister to let her know I want him gone. At first I thought he was not taking things seriously but when o saw that I knew he was. He only calls his sister when he’s stress, need advice and something drastic has happened. Thank goodness he knows I’m serious. I was really worried.

Im so excited to start my new chapter.

I Did It!

November 18th, 2018 at 12:18 pm

I did it, I told my SO to move by December 31st. He didn’t say a word, other than “what?” So I told him I want him out by December 31st again.

I don’t know, but I have a knot in my stomach from it. I feel bad but I know it’s for the best. He can not afford to live with me, he has way too much baggage he just refuse take care of.

Now the countdown begins.

I’m going to start looking for a part-time gig

Prayers Needed, 12/31 is the Date

November 17th, 2018 at 07:06 pm

Today is the day. I spoke with a few friends and I’m giving the SO until 12/31 to move. I originally had a later date. I’m also nervous so I need all the prayers I can get. I’m nervous as hell but I know it needs to be done. Someone posted on my previous post to give a date, so the date as been set

I’ll be applying to both Aldi and Walmart for a cashier job, fingers crossed.

New Sinking Fund and Other Stuff

November 16th, 2018 at 12:43 pm

Well as soon as you make it, it goes out. Today was payday. I took care of the following, tithes were paid, paid on both remaining CCs, took care of the cable (my portion for the month of November), added to my sinking funds; but what I’m most proud of was creating a sinking fund for the house 🏡.

I was planning on adding $85 a pay date to cover the HOA for the following year, but I bumped it to a $100. I’m thinking a little extra a pay date won’t hurt, in case they decide to go up.

Tonight I’m speaking with the SO I’m going to give him until December 31st to move. I figured one, he’ll know that I’m serious. Two, it will give him time to at least save to move. I plan on letting him know that I’m exhausted, that this isn’t working and I’m not going into the new year with his baggage.

2019 we would have been together for almost 10 years. Things actually went downhill once we moved into together, this was when I realized he is really really really bad with finances. Both of us were living with our parents. I had just lost my job and he was recently divorced. We dated for three years before deciding to live together and the only reason why that happened was because of my mother.

I should have known things wouldn’t be right. First sign I tried talking to him about how he wanted to split the bills, he was somewhat evasive. Then when it came time to pay to move in, he had his portion of the money the day of not before. Long story short it was downhill ever since. At first I thought maybe because his mother doesn’t pay him regularly but nope he’s just as bad as she is with money, if not worst.

Oops my low life brother has decided to go back after me. Smh my attorney called last week. Hopefully the judge will lock him up for frivolous case

Interest Rates Sucks

November 14th, 2018 at 12:14 pm

Ugh interest🙄. Received a new invoice for CC7 that included an interest payment of $80+ , I went ahead and paid it off. I hate when you pay a bill another comes with the interest.

Looked at my student loans, ugh and what I’ve found is that in order for the balance not to increase and kill me I need to pay an extra $200 a month on interest, this will stop the balance from increasing, breaking even until I pay off the last two CCs. Now that the other cards are paid off, I can do that and still pay bills and add to EF. I hate interest 😡.

I’m opening up a separate checking account for the mortgage, and HOA. Though I haven’t closed yet, I want to jump start on socking away for this. Closing looks like December, that will give me 60-days to put things away and have two months saved.

Yesterday I woke up and the cable was off. Smh. I lost it, I called my SO told him I wanted him out. Told him that I can’t keep doing this, that it was mentally, physically and emotionally draining. I told him that I don’t need nor want his bad financial habits to cause me to lose my house and that he needed to go.

Came home after work, and the cable was on but it doesn’t negate the fact that he pays everything late, every three months the cable is off, and he does the bare minimum. I want him gone!

This weekend I’ll be looking for a part time gig, since the holidays are rolling around, this should be easy. Plus I should be taking on another department, that will give me a raise of about $12k, fingers crossed

That’s it have a good one everyone

One Big Mess

August 11th, 2018 at 09:15 am

I have to keep reminding myself that this mess I’m in is only temporary.

First in financial news. My goal is to have CC6 paid off by the end of October. My 90 days on the new job is up this month and we are to revisit my salary. I’ll be asking for a raise. Since I’ve been there I have done the following:
* Save the company close to 50k
* Updated and rewrote outdated policies, about 12
* Update a number of HR forms
* Started the online implementation of our HRIS
* Put processes in place to streamline our onboarding process,and
* Revamped the new hire orientation
Not to mention all the other miscellaneous stuff.

Regarding spending, I’ve been off the grid. Eating out a lot more and spending more. Yesterday was the first check of the month, so I plan on getting back on track.

We finally got a date for next month regarding the sale of the house, I pray all goes well.

Now relationship news. As you all know, I’m sick of my SO. Every day there’s some BS with him. Well this week the child support office hit his account and his daughter’s because he was late paying.

Long story short last month, or month before, I can’t remember, he mailed off his money order payment. Well they didn’t get it. He was told the following month to wait and see if the money order clears, by the child support office. I said pay it,because it’s late and it makes no sense what you were told. Well he didn’t listen to me, and they took all his money and the money he in his daughter’s (16 yo) bank account.

Now he’s running around here mad because they touch his “baby’s” account.
I’m more like WTF!
1. All your portion of the bills are late, you take your time paying them but when it comes to your daughter’s money you make sure you’re doing what needs to be done to correct. Meanwhile my &);::/- is late!
2. If you had been saving, when the money order wasn’t received you could have paid the damn bill
3. Take the business over from your mom, she’s mismanaging and aren’t you sick and tired of not wanting to hurt her feelings 🙄 dude she’s not paying you. What’s the purpose of working and not getting paid?

Only good thing about this is, that I told him there is no way in hell I can or would marry him. He’d have us in the poor house.
Not to mention, he can’t even buy a diamond for the ring that’s now starting to change colors, lol just pathetic. All I can do is laugh to keep from crying, thinking about how much time, and energy I’ve wasted with this guy. Two years later and I still have a joke of a ring smh, unbelievable.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s not about the ring, I’m just making a point. I’d be happy with a $20 gold band, vs a $1200 band with a fake diamond that is changing colors, if he had his crap together.

Only thing keeps me trucking is I know this is temporary, debt is slowly declining, and this house will be sold then I can pay off my debt and get my own place.

Always Something

July 13th, 2018 at 11:42 am

Always something. I was really hoping to knock 🥊 CC5 out today.

But, I had to budget for contact lens ($150). I wear my glasses 👓 90% of the time but with those special occasions I like to have my contacts. Many reasons why I’ve started a medical fund. I also have to pick up my meds, that’s $27.99. So about a $180 on healthcare that could have went to debt. I know I shouldn’t complain because any other time I would have to use the CC 💳.

I was able to pay at least half the balance on CC5 bringing the total to $225, yay. I’m still on track to have four credit cards 💳 paid off this year.

One thing I’m feeling good about, well a couple:
* Today was pay day and all bills for the month are paid, in advance mind you
* Extra was paid on the credit card 💳
* I cash flowed health expenses
* I was able to also save
* And I love my new job

Though I’ve been on the job just over a month, I’ve been able to make some traction, and my boss is amazing.

In other news, I see things getting worst with the SO and his daughter being pregnant. He’s making things happen and of course it frustrates me because as usual things are late here at the house. What frustrates me is, he’ll make sure the money is available for her but when it comes to the house it’s a different story. I just have to keep reminding myself that one, I’m paying down debt, two once the house sells I can move on, three this is just a minor setback.

Live and learn

Murphy is Bound to Show Up

June 30th, 2018 at 11:36 am

The reason why I save something every time I get paid or receive extra cash is the following.

Last night I came home, and the SO other was very upset. So I asked what’s wrong with you? He proceeds to tell me that “his mom’s a/c unit is out, the cost to repair he’s not happy with, and that everything is crashing down on him, and he wanted to cry.”

Well I don’t say a word because all I’m thinking is, you better have your share of the rent, electric 💡 and water 💦 bill.

His daughter is pregnant, the ex cancelled her insurance so he’s footing the bill, for that. 🙄

The point I have been trying to make to him is that, you need to save a dollar as my mother would say. Murphy is going to visit, and some times he’ll set up shop and won’t leave for quite sometime.

Now there are a number of things that he should be doing that he’s not, like taking this business from his mother, asking the mother why she has no money to fix her a/c, saving a few dollars, having his lazy pregnant daughter get a job. But hey, who am I to say. I’m just socking away my few dollars, paying down my debt and looking at the big picture, and that’s a nice move out date. It’s a slow process but it’s coming along. As soon as I can knock a few of the CCs out,I’m gone, or he is. One of the two

Drama and Goals All in One

June 24th, 2018 at 01:11 am

So my SO comes home, he’s worried he can’t reach his daughter. He calls no answer. Calls his ex wife and she tells him, the daughter blocked him.

Well long story short, I told him years ago that he spoils these brats he has from his ex and they’re going to break his heart. I hate to say it but I was right.

He calls the other daughter who calls the one who blocked him on a 3-way call and she tells him she blocked him because he didn’t answer her call. Now mind you, he sent her a text on the day that she supposedly call to say he wanted to meet with her and the other kids. Why would he not answer?

He’s terrible about many things but when it comes to the kids from the ex wife he goes above and beyond, I really felt bad for him. She’s an ungrateful you know what. This guy, had paid his bills late, pulled strings for her to graduate, and more and you have the nerve to block him because he supposedly didn’t answer. Though she doesn’t and hasn’t asked me for anything, I did tell him she can’t get anything from me. And I mean that. I’m not upholding ungrateful behavior. She wants to be an adult, he needs to treat her like one.

I can’t tell him what he should and should not do about his kids but I know what I’m not doing. Whew can’t wait to move on.

In different news, my payment on CC5 finally posted, pay day is Friday but I won’t be able to pay it off until the first check in July. This sucks but hey, at least I know it will be gone and then on to CC6. 10 CCs, this is such a joke, never again.

I had to call Att&t again for the fourth time. They never gave me my credit for phone 📱 insurance, smh. I finally spoke with a rep who credited my account today and waited for me to log in to view the credit. The problem was that they had already charged my account today for the auto pay. Autopay saves me $5 but it’s never on the same day,so I think I’m going to stop it.

Earlier this year I was saving for a family vacation, then I realize I had too much debt to save for a vacation. At one point I took the money out and paid down a CC 💳. But I also never stop adding to the saving account.

There are three big ticket items I want. They are, a laptop, Apple 🍎 Watch and a Circut. All very expensive I know. But I figured with patience and $20 a pay check by the time Christmas roll around I can purchase these items with cash.

This little experiment has taught me to be patient and save for what I want. Though it’s been a long struggle the reward in the end will be well worth it. The old me would have put these items on a CC 💳. I know some of you may not agree but this works for me. It’s no new debt and still being able to enjoy somethings. The laptop 💻 is about $200 the series I watch is $150 and the Circut is about $200. I’ve already added a stipulation that I cannot but these items unless I meet my 2018 goal of paying off four credit cards 💳, one each quarter. I’ve pretty much met my goal already, two thus far and three in just a few more weeks. I’m sure when December rolls around I’ll be on CC8.

Drama and Goals All in One

June 24th, 2018 at 12:59 am

So my SO comes home, he’s worried he can’t reach his daughter. He calls no answer. Calls his ex wife and she tells him, the daughter blocked him.

Well long story short, I told him years ago that he spoils these brats he has from his ex and they’re going to break his heart. I hate to say it but I was right.

He calls the other daughter who calls the one who blocked him on a 3-way call and she tells him she blocked him because he didn’t answer her call. Now mind you, he sent her a text on the day that she supposedly call to say he wanted to meet with her and the other kids. Why would he not answer?

He’s terrible about many things but when it comes to the kids from the ex wife he goes above and beyond, I really felt bad for him. She’s an ungrateful you know what. This guy, had paid his bills late, pulled strings for her to graduate, and more and you have the nerve to block him because he supposedly didn’t answer. Though she doesn’t and hasn’t asked me for anything, I did tell him she can’t get anything from me. And I mean that. I’m not upholding ungrateful behavior. She wants to be an adult, he needs to treat her like one.

I can’t tell him what he should and should not do about his kids but I know what I’m not doing. Whew can’t wait to move on.

In different news, my payment on CC5 finally posted, pay day is Friday but I won’t be able to pay it off until the first check in July. This sucks but hey, at least I know it will be gone and then on to CC6. 10 CCs, this is such a joke, never again.

I had to call Att&t again for the fourth time. They never gave me my credit for phone 📱 insurance, smh. I finally spoke with a rep who credited my account today and waited for me to log in to view the credit. The problem was that they had already charged my account today for the auto pay. Autopay saves me $5 but it’s never on the same day,so I think I’m going to stop it.

Earlier this year I was saving for a family vacation, then I realize I had too much debt to save for a vacation. At one point I took the money out and paid down a CC 💳. But I also never stop adding to the saving account.

There are three big ticket items I want. They are, a laptop, Apple 🍎 Watch and a Circut. All very expensive I know. But I figured with patience and $20 a pay check by the time Christmas roll around I can purchase these items with cash.

This little experiment has taught me to be patient and save for what I want. Though it’s been a long struggle the reward in the end will be well worth it. The old me would have put these items on a CC 💳. I know some of you may not agree but this works for me. It’s no new debt and still being able to enjoy somethings. The laptop 💻 is about $200 the series I watch is $150 and the Circut is about $200. I’ve already added a stipulation that I cannot but these items unless I meet my 2018 goal of paying off four credit cards 💳, one each quarter. I’ve pretty much met my goal already, two thus far and three in just a few more weeks. I’m sure when December rolls around I’ll be on CC8.

CC5 Down to $500

June 18th, 2018 at 12:08 pm

Yay final check hit from my previous employer. Of course I paid my tithes $78.06, myself $100 (EF), knocked CC5 💳 down to $500 and kept $100 in checking as a buffer.

I know some of you would say why not pay all to debt? Well because God has been way too good to me, for me not to give Him what belongs to Him first. I’ve learned over the years, that while paying down debt, if you don’t pay yourself first, Murphy will hit and hit hard. Plus this teaches me to live on less than I actually make.

I think this is the Great Depression syndrome. People who’ve gone through the depression tend to save no matter what for a rainy day.

Right before the Great Recession of 2008, I’d paid off my debts and saved a nice chunk of change 💰. Well the recession hit, I wasn’t worried, I was able to stay home, finish college, take trips and enjoyed my summer while all my friends worried and couldn’t find work. I also ended up back in the mess I’m in after this, by not staying true to my values 🙄, lesson learned. So for me, I never want to be in a position where I can’t afford to stay home if the worst thing happens.

I think that’s why I’m saving. Though I’m what one might call a moderate Republican, I hate government interference, I’m pro gun and pro choice, and I don’t like what I’m seeing. Home 🏡 prices are slowly creeping back up, people are frantic about buying a home (me included), jobs are steady but lay offs are happening and gas ⛽️ , well that’s up and down. Plus the markets has been way too good. I always say, what goes up must come down. Maybe I’m overly cautious but I’d rather side on the side of saving than not.

Oops, it wouldn’t be a post without SO drama. His daughter who is pregnant went to the movies with cousins. Apparently one of the cousins decided to head out the theater early. Well this cousin, who just turned 18 gets into a fight with a 16 y/o and ends up in jail. 🤦🏾‍♀️🙄
I’m not sure why the daughter was at the movie 🎥 she should be in stork mode getting ready for a baby 👶🏾 but of course the grandmother 👵🏽 allowed this foolishness. 🤦🏾‍♀️ unbelievable. SO is another reason why I’m saving and paying down debt. He has too much drama, I need to move or get him out of here. I can’t afford to live on my own with debt and no savings


June 16th, 2018 at 02:55 am

Spoke with the payroll manager and my check for my PTO will be deposited Monday, I’m happy because all of it will be paid towards CC5. I’m thinking I should receive about $750. Hopefully the last check of this month from the new job, I’ll be able use some to pay it off.

I did set the money aside to pay for COBRA if I need it. My doctor called and wants me to schedule for labs and a follow-up 🙄. Well I’d really like to wait until August but my last result showed blood in my urine. I’m thinking this was due to my cycle, matter of fact I know it was. Plus my vitamin D was low. Smh always something. I’ll think it over the weekend before I pay $384.

Regarding the house, court is set for June 28th. I’m so ready for this crap to be over.

My sister closed on her place, and will be moving. I really don’t think my mom should be living by herself but hey.

The SO came home last night to tell me his 16 y/o daughter is pregnant smh. She’s been trying to get pregnant since last year from a guy who has pretty much told her to go to #^+^ 🤦🏾‍♀️🙄. I’m so glad I’ve had this conversation that no kids having kids will be moving in with me. Another reason why I’m trying so hard to pay this mess off, save, and my move. Too much drama with him.

Extra $100

June 2nd, 2018 at 10:33 pm

Wow out of the blue my older brother, not the jerk I'm dealing with, left me $100 at my mom's house. Guess what I'm doing with this money? Yep paying down CC5.

I can't wait to get paid on the 15th, I'll get my final check from my previous employer as well as my first full check with the new company. I should be able to knock CC5 in half and then pay the remainder off by the (6/29, last check) of the month. I'm so excited. That will be four credit cards paid off since January.

The closing on the house is on 6/29 and I should be able to knock everything else out of the way. How exciting. Hopefully all else will go well. And I can get rid of the jerk I call a brother for good.

Debt Sucks!

June 2nd, 2018 at 12:12 pm

A friend of mine daughter was diagnosed with cancer and completed her chemo treatments a few days ago.

What's heartbreaking is that, she could have taken FML (Family Medical Leave) but due to not having any PTO available she couldn't afford to be off. The leave would have been non-paid. For six weeks her daughter went through treatment about 3 hours a way and she simply couldn't go.

Yes she was able to go up a few days, but her time was limited. When she and I spoke she was clearly very upset about it. I felt bad because I couldn't help.

My point of this post is, I never want to be in this situation where a family member, mom or sibling, is ill and I can't take off due to money and bills. This event reminded me why it's important to sock away something, even if it's $10 to my EF. I know Dave says save a $1,000 until all debts are paid, but that just does not give me comfort.

I also felt bad because I didn't have anything to give her, and here we are friends. I never want to be in this situation where a friend is in need and I can't help. This is truly frustrating and an eye opener.

Well Thursday I received my second to last check from my previous employer, of course I've budgeted everything out. Then yesterday, I received my first check from my new employer for $751. I only worked three days. This money was extra. So I added an extra $100 to the EF and sinking fund, paid a July bill and kept the remaining funds in my checking as a buffer. I also paid extra on CC5. The good news is that I was able to CashApp my friend a few dollars, not much but something. I honestly feel a little better.

Having the buffer in my checking account now of close to $500 will help me a lot. It's the old money I'll use to pay bills (the floater) I read about in YNAB.

What I've learned from this second round of get out of debt is,
1. Debt sucks
2. Debt is easy and quick to get into and yet long and hard to get out
3. Save always pay yourself first, even if it's $10
4. Tithe!!!! This has taught me a lot. The spirit of giving is so much better than receiving
5. Budget, I've never budgeted a day in my life until August 2017.
6. And finally NO NEW DEBT, save for what you want. Figure out a way to get the things you want (e.g extra job, selling item)

New Job and House Issues

May 17th, 2018 at 11:47 am

I gave my resignation and received a call to not come back. It was hurtful but I'm so thankful that I have another job already lined up. I'll be starting that job next Wednesday as the HR manager. The place that I worked is/was very toxic. I've been considering call the Department of Labor on them, FLSA, ACA, FMLA, Title I and VII violations, you name it they do it. But I always say, you reap what you so.

I'm so thankful that God revealed to me, to get the hell out of there.

In financial news, I somewhat blew my budget, well let's face it, I blew it. Over the last few pay periods I didn't stick to it so I decided to get back on track. June is right around the corner and I haven't put a dent in CC5. Hopefully I can knock at least $300 off by the end of June.

With the new job, I was able to get my salary bumped by three grand but this simply covers my medical deductions, so I'll still be making what I made at the old company essentially. Since I'll be coming in as HR manager, one of my goals is to provide better benefits.

One thing I've been telling the SO is that I never want to be in a position where I can't quit my job or help a friend. God has truly placed it on my heart to save and knock these bills out. Yes I've fell off the wagon but thank God I've been steady. I continue to add funds to my EF. I know Dave says no, but for me to be comfortable I must. I've budgeted $50 a pay check, next month I should be at $1300 and it's a great feeling. Goal is to have at least $8K saved.

SO has really stepped up. I don't know if it's because I stop nagging or what, but he's saving and paying the bills on time. Interesting, I did tell him that I was not trying to blow his momentum but that I'm still thinking we need to part ways, he's gone too long without trying. His response was he was tired of disappointing me. My thing is, it took me some time to wake up. We'll see.

In house news, my brother and his family went to my attorney's office raising hell, all last week (multiple time). I've told my attorney to call the police on them. Apparently they're trying to force my attorney into a contract, I call it extortion. Then my brother's girl friend goes on my Facebook page and post a mean GIF, I screen shot it of course. Minutes later she takes it down. What is wrong with people?
I told my mother, who I thought would be able to get him under control, needless to say that didn't work. Smh
I can't wait for this mess to be over. I'm terrified of guns but I took the class to carry a concealed weapon, I have no clue what he's capable of and my other brother keeps telling me to get one to protect myself. Jesus who would have thought

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