November 9th, 2019 at 02:22 am
Checked my savings tracker and I’m...
* at 67% of my 6 months emergency fund savings goals
* 11% of my home repairs savings goal
* 11% of my new car/car repair savings
* 67% of my Christmas savings goal
* 75% of my professional development
This week I had five no spend days, and I only ate out once. I also had one item to sell on Poshmark, and cashed out $16 of rewards from BoA. I took my car to be repaired, nail in tire and the shop didn’t charge me. Winning 😉
I also updated my cash envelopes and I still have $293 left, awesome.
Lastly I called the bank regarding the escrow account and I was correct. The analysis will take place in December, a check will be issued, about $2,200.
Posted in
November 8th, 2019 at 01:07 am
Received my first consulting gig payment today, $800. I’m so excited. My mind is all over the place on what I should do, save, debt, retirement. I realize that I really need to stay focus.
I decided to deposit the funds into my savings account and not touch it. One, my legal situation with my brother hasn’t been finalized as of yet, and the goal was to beef back up the savings to at least 3 months of expenses before I tackled the debt, gazelle intense. So the key is to focus.
I’ll stick with bumping the savings, plus I’m not sure how consulting will impact my taxes.
I was playing around with the MSMoney Software and I can track so many things regarding the consulting gig. I can track projects, mileage, invoice and document payments. I was worried about how I was going to account for these things. Feeling great about this.
Other news, things were crazy at the office, I ended up missing lunch and buying a $3 slice of pizza 🍕 on the run 🙄🤦🏽♀️
I sat in on Vanguard’s webinar EFT vs mutual funds, I think I’m more confused than I was prior. But I’m determined to learn more about investing
Posted in
November 6th, 2019 at 03:30 am
Day three for me and it’s been a no spend day. I also stayed away from sodas today 🥤 😃.
Regarding the consulting gig, I’ve managed to crank out three policies and a non-compete agreement. Thursday I go in for my weekly check in, hopefully things will go well. I’m keeping a spread sheet of my time, and mileage.
Friday, I have a HR conference, and looking forward to it. One, I always love learning, and two, I just need a day out of the office.
Health news, I finally got my mammogram done. For some reason I kept forgetting about this 🤦🏽♀️🙄. My employer has a wellness program, I received 400 points for completing the mammogram. I’m hoping to earn enough points to get an Apple Watch ⌚️. Right now I have a total of about $225 in gift cards in wellness credits, and $50 with Fetch. Not bad.
Posted in
November 5th, 2019 at 10:25 am
Yesterday was a great day, no spend day and no dining out.
I sold an item on Poshmark as well.
I have a question, do you all think they’ll be another recession? If so, what do you think will be the cause? I saw this question on Twitter and was wondering everyone’s thoughts.
I personally think it will be a recession caused by fear. I’ve noticed that the job search has slowed down, people are staying put, it also seems as though people are buying less. I don’t know, I’m no economist
Posted in
November 3rd, 2019 at 11:36 pm
Finally reviewed the October budget. Here are the numbers
Monthly income $3901.18, about a $100 less than I had budgeted for.
* Gas was $50 less than budgeted
* Electricity was $9.31 less than budgeted
* Water was $11.32 less than budgeted
* Charitable donations were over by $74.02, this was the Boy Scout donation and a charity brunch. I definitely have to watch this
* Dining out was over by $34.00, this included a surprise dinner with friends
* Gifts were also over by $37, I’d forgotten about the Halloween costume for my great nephews
* Groceries were under by $21.81
* Cleaning supplies under by $12.93
* Car insurance upped by $4.14. I’m going to start paying this every six months for the discount
* Hair care jumped, I forgot to include my monthly hair cut, and a special event I attended. I was over in this category by $165
I met my savings goals for all accounts except for my personal checking.
I’m a little disappointed with the budget, the hair care ( I can kick myself for) , donations, gifts and eating out line items killed me.
Posted in
November 3rd, 2019 at 07:33 pm
It’s been a lazy day. It’s been raining all day, and I just don’t feel like doing a thing, but I had to truck through it.
First, I hit Walmart and picked up groceries, $26. I used Ibotta pay to get the 1% cash back. It’s not much but he my it is free money, no matter small, it is worth it.
I then purchased a few personal items totaling $6.98. I like keeping my items separate when shopping, because I use the cash envelopes system.
After purchasing my items, I sat in the car and scanned my receipts, lol. I don’t know why but I enjoy scanning for points immediately.
I then headed over to Murphy USA for gas, $30. I have enough points for 80 cents off but I’m waiting until a week in that I do a ton of driving to use the fuel points.
Once home, I prepared dinner, chili. I made a large crockpot full for $7.98 for all the ingredients. Good thing about paying $7.98 for an entire pot is, it will last until about Tuesday or Wednesday.
Washed a load a clothes, hung them up to dry. My dryer is still on the blitz, I think it’s the element, I’ll be picking up the other from my uncle Saturday. To be honest, I don’t mind the line drying.
Now I’m just watching Magnificent Seven
I’ll probably take a look at last month’s spending and budget, this evening.
Posted in
November 3rd, 2019 at 05:47 pm
Just curious, do any of you complete the satisfaction surveys found on your receipts? I just recently started and was wondering who actually complete and if anyone has actually won anything?
Posted in
November 3rd, 2019 at 03:45 pm
Yesterday was my first no spend day in a while and the first for the month of November.
Today, I have a few errands, groceries to pick up, gas and return $20 to my checking out. I’d over budgeted cash for my personal care envelope.
After that it’s just rest mode. I have things to do but just don’t feel like it, but I’ll tackle this evening.
The parity I went to last night was nice, I was over dressed but hey at least I didn’t buy anything to wear.
As we move into the holidays, I’m hoping this does not become a spendy kind of a year. I’ve been saving but I just got invited to a good family friends daughter’s baby shower. I knew she was pregnant but for some reason a shower didn’t cross my mind lol
Then there is work
Posted in
November 2nd, 2019 at 08:09 pm
Ugh received my tax bill and it’s $2,000, the ad valorem crap that’s on the invoice, I voted no on before I owned a home. It ticks me off that people don’t educate themselves before voting on things. That’s a different topic.
My insurance renewal came in at about $950, not bad compared to other rates.
Now when I check my escrow account the balance is about $4200, so it’s obvious I’m well over. Now I need your help. Given this years taxes and insurance is about $1200 less than estimated. What should I expect? 1) will I get the money back? 2) Will it rollover to next years and my monthly payments reduce? Or 3) I’ll receive a refund, and payment will still reduce?
Next I have an event tonight, I’m wearing a dress in my closet. My sister calls to tell me she found me a jumpsuit. I tell her I don’t have the money and I’m wearing my dress. She insists on buying and I pay her back. I told her no. What is wrong with people?
Posted in
November 2nd, 2019 at 04:12 am
I came home and crashed. The consulting gig wore me out this week. I’ve got to figure out how to manage this or I’ll get discouraged. I sent my invoice off today, they have ten days to pay.
I’ve been using Google’s drive to track the hours worked with them, my mileage and tasks I’ve completed. I also created a shareable folder for the Company in that I will download items.
I decided the first few checks with them I’m going to save. I prayed about this and something keeps telling me to save the money.
When the legal stuff started, I had to literally deplete my savings, and though I’m not back to where I was initially, I’ve managed to bump it up, quite a bit. I’ve decided that extra cash, will go to putting the savings back to the $6,000 (three months of expenses) plus an extra two in case anything legal pops up, so $8k is the cut off. Once I’m there, I can start tackling the CC. I’m still paying extra but for those of you who follow me, my peace of mind means everything, slow and steady wins the race.
I haven’t heard from my attorney so I figure no news is good news. I really feel comfortable with her, and I’m not worried.
Other news, because I’ve been so busy with the consulting job, for two days I ate out. November was suppose to be no spend month 🤦🏽♀️🙄. I’m getting back on track.
Yesterday was pay day, and I always look forward to filling my cash 💰 envelopes ✉️ but I was so tired, I came home and crashed 💤.
SO stopped by to trim my hair and I was too tired to get up. I slept for about four hours. Now it’s midnight and I’m tackling the envelopes ✉️
I did speak with SO after I woke up for a few minutes. I thought when he came in, and spoke it sounded as if he was crying but honestly I was so exhausted I couldn’t move. When we spoke, after I woke up, he told me that when he looks in the mirror he’s disappointed in himself. I shared with him, the good thing is, you have the opportunity to make a change. I’m praying for him. I know he’s capable but fear holds him back. Other good news for him, is that he was so frustrated with the mother, she didn’t pay him again, that he told a client to make the checks payable to him. So there’s hope. I want to say that this woman hasn’t paid him in about two months. She’s actually gotten worst since he and I broke up.
I’m afraid he’s falling into depression
Posted in
Dining Out,
October 30th, 2019 at 02:17 am
This has been a great week. First I got the consulting job, next I received the credit, finally, from At&t for the cable boxes, now I have a $6 credit. Now that the AT&T issue is resolved, I’ll sign back up for auto pay.
I adjusted the budget for next month, since I don’t have to pay anything for cable, super excited about this. $71 saved
Posted in
Miscellaneous ,
October 29th, 2019 at 01:02 am
Praise God, I got the consultant job. I’ll bring in an extra $800 a month. The good thing is that I will not have to reinvent the wheel.
Plenty of the things they need, I have in hand.
I’m both excited and nervous
Posted in
October 27th, 2019 at 07:27 pm
I see that Vanguard is hosting a webinar that will discuss the difference between EFTs and mutual funds. Someone from a Facebook group posted, so I’m registered. I want to learn as much as I can about these two options.
I can’t believe that the year is almost up. I’ve started searching for a new planner for 2020. Planners are so expensive these days, but the right one definitely keeps me focused, productive and helps me to remember things. I use a planner for work mostly, I also use to track personal appointments and spending. This coming year I want to add my budget and word of the year.
Yesterday, I relaxed. I didn’t do a thing but ran to the store for a few hair care products.
As I’m typing out this blog, a friend called. He’s an accountant for small businesses, he has a client who is in need of a HR professional, so I offered my consulting services between $500-$800 a month. Pray fully this would work out. If I can get the extra cash, I’d throw all of it at my debt. Pray for me that this works out.
Posted in
October 26th, 2019 at 01:12 pm
Balanced my cash envelopes and I have $246. This amount is a combination of all envelopes (e.g gas, food, household), not bad.
I’m annoyed because I spent $30 yesterday. Went with a friend to an event that she was heading to anyway, paid $10 for parking since I drove with her. But she kept harping on gas, so I gave her $20. That won’t happen to me again, I’ll drive myself. I have the money, in one of my sinking funds, it’s money I save for things such as this, but it just annoys me since she was going anyway and I could have drove myself and spent less. Hey, it is what it is, a lesson learned.
I checked my electric bill and it’s trending at about $65, if I hit that mark, it’s about $30 less than the previous month. I love it. I see what simply turning things off, unplugging items not in use can do. If only I could unplug that water heater, I’d probably have a bill of $30, lol.
Today, is a busy day. One, I need to wash two loads of clothes. Two, wash my hair, and three, pick a few items up from Walmart. After all this, I’m relaxing. I was going to work a little at home but I’ll pass.
Posted in
October 25th, 2019 at 10:47 am
I absolutely hate interest. I paid over $500 this last billing cycle on CC10, only to be charged another $100+ in interest. All the more reason for me to get this credit card paid off.
It’s a process and I know I must be patient but I can’t wait for this sucker to be gone, so that I can start tackling my student loans. I’m thinking by April 2020, this card 💳 should be paid off.
I’m no longer gazelle intense for a number of reasons, SO is no longer here so I don’t get the extra $800+ a month. I still add to my EF because I think it’s crazy to only have $1,000 saved, and lastly, time is not on my side, I’m late to the party 🎉 so I continue to add to my 401(k). Yes by doing these things, it slows the process, but at least I’m comfortable, and I haven’t stopped paying down debt and saving. What I’ve accomplished so far, I’m happy with. The ability to go to events, stores etc and not spend anything is a huge accomplishment for me.
I honestly think, if I continue to budget, live a frugal lifestyle, I’ll be done with all debt, including my house 🏡 in seven years.
I can’t wait to get home this evening, to balance my cash envelopes, and review my budget. Lol, who would have thought my Friday nights of hanging out with friends, buying new outfits to do so, and spending tons of money would have turned into review the budget nights? I absolutely love it and look forward to it.
Posted in
October 24th, 2019 at 12:40 am
My co-worker was heading to the store 🏬 , I asked her to buy me a Coke 🥤 and gave her cash. She comes back with two 8 pack Cokes 🥤 and tells me they were BOGO. Well after looking at the receipt 🧾 the items were not BOGO. So I’ll be letting her know today. Why not just buy what I asked you? But it’s my fault because I had no business buying.
Anyway, I logged into Receipt Hog 🐷 and noticed I leveled up so I got an extra 175 points, that allowed me to cash out my $5.00. That made me feel a little better about the Coke 🥤.
SO came by yesterday, he’s been really watching what he spends lately. I didn’t ask about the mom’s car 🚗, but I sure as heck wanted to know what happened. I knew something was wrong, because he bought dinner and lately he hasn’t been spending money.
Anyway, finally after eating. He mentioned his mom hurt his feelings, and he felt like he wanted to treat himself since he hadn’t lately, that was why he bought dinner. He managed to get the money together, $1200+ to pay the car off. He went to the bank to do so. When got there he was told the balance was a little over $800. So he paid it and car is paid off. Took her the receipt, told her the car was hers and she no longer needed to worry about it. Her response, “Why did you do that? You should have kept that money because, you need to make payroll on Friday.” Wow was my first response.
I told him, you may not like what I’m about to say, however, “you should have let the car go, that is the only way she’ll understand that this financial mess she’s in, is serious. Maybe when people start talking, she’d get it together.” He said he thought about it, not paying the car, but he had prayed and out of the blue he started receiving checks so he felt like it was God telling him to pay it off. I couldn’t counter, he had a valid point. He did mention that this week he’s taking things over. I’ve heard that song and dance, we shall see. I did asked him if he thought he dad, when his dad was alive if he went through this mess, he said he believes so.
Sad, just sad, that a mother would manipulate her child, to the point in that it’s detrimental for not only her healthiness future but his as well. Sad
Posted in
October 22nd, 2019 at 12:56 am
I like reviewing my budget before the month ends to see where I am and so far so good. Areas in that I’m over, I actually no why 🙄🤦🏽♀️
Categories in that I’m over are as follows
* Charitable donations - didn’t plan for the Boy Scout Fundraiser
* Gifts - only planned for my nephew and direct report’s birthday, totally forgot I buy the kids Halloween 🎃 costumes every year.
* Personal hair care - forgot to include my once a month haircut and color. I’ll adjust this.
Good news is that there were only three categories, I paid cash, and all other categories I either broke even or came well under 😀
Next month is a three paycheck month for me. The goal is to budget in such a way that I do not use any of the funds for the last pay check. If I do this, then I’ll meet my goal of three months of expenses saved (EF).
I’ll take this weekend to plan things out.
Other news, I finally scheduled my mammogram, I kept forgetting about this. I’ll get 200 points, with my insurance company that translates into money/gift cards 💰 💳.
Lastly, not money related but I’ve been binge watching Game of Thrones, pretty good
I’m excited about earning the points because I want an Apple Watch and will be able to use those points to get one 😀
Posted in
October 21st, 2019 at 01:05 pm
I get a natural high checking my energy bill. Lol. My next bill is projected to be about $52. Wow 😮 is all I could say. If I can get that bill down to $52 that would be awesome!
Yesterday I did not have one soda, I also only bought what was on my list, while grocery shopping; in addition , I stuck to plans to not donate money an event I had attended. I always feel guilty but I didn’t budget for something like this, so it was a no for me.
Checked my Murphy points and I have about 720 points, that’s .72 cents off gas per gallon. I’m waiting to get to 1,000 points, that will give me a buck off each gallon.
Family news
I realized that the way my mother speaks is simply by yelling, all weekend when she called she was screaming, so much so, it gave me a headache. I don’t think it’s intentional, just believe that, that is all she knows 🙄🤦🏽♀️
SO stop by in tears, I just listened didn’t respond. I’d told him awhile ago to seek counseling so it’s up to him. He needs to come up with a ton of cash by tomorrow or the bank will take the mom’s car. He called his siblings for help, but no one offered to chip in. I did tell him he can’t wait for an offer, he needs to ask.
If it was me I’d let the car go. She shouldn’t be driving anyway, and he can’t afford it. One thing he did say was, he got himself in this mess. I’d say he sure did, if he refuse to take things over because he fears hurting the mom’s feelings, well he’s right where he wants to be. He’s a fool
Posted in
Reaching Financial Freedom,
October 19th, 2019 at 05:49 pm
Balanced my cash envelopes, and I did pretty good. I came in under budget for the most part
Category Budgeted Left
Groceries $80 $30
Auto $80 $50
Personal $130 $0
Fun $30 $30
Household $30 $27
As previously reported in another post, things are looking great. The electric bill was reduced by almost $60, the water bill came in at $45.68, this is the same as last month but down by $20 over all.
I’m going to cancel Netflix, I realize I don’t use it and that’s $14 I can throw at debt.
Savings is up, I’m about $1200 away from meeting my short term EF goal of 3 months worth of expenses saved. I can’t wait to hit the six month mark, then I’ll feel comfortable and can start throwing even more at debt.
Lastly, I received a notice that my taxes for the town in that I live in, has dropped
Posted in
Emergency Fund,
October 19th, 2019 at 02:04 pm
Today is going to be a little busy.
I have to review my spending, budget and update my cash envelopes.
Later I meet a few friends for a late lunch.
I also need to put a few loads 🧺 into the washer.
The item I sold on Poshmark, received 5 stars ⭐️ so I earned $4.05.
Lastly, AT&T finally sent me an email that they received their cable boxes. My account has yet to be credited. So I contacted them, apparently, the items were received and I’ll get a credit next month. I made sure I got in writing that my service would not be disrupted. I’m saving for a modem (?) internet box, so I can return their box to them. That will save me $10 a month.
Posted in
Miscellaneous ,
October 18th, 2019 at 02:03 pm
I can’t believe it, my electric bill was $90.69, that’s a decrease of $59.10, or 61% decrease from my previous bill.
How did I do it? Unplugged the dryer, lights, washing machine, toaster, and Keurig when not in use. Turned the AC off when I left the house for hours, and line dried most of my clothes.
I’m just so excited about this.
Today was pay day, I paid the mortgage, the electric bill ⚡️ , added an extra $25 to the EF, took care of my tithes
I’m awaiting on both the cell phone and CC10 invoices.
Posted in
October 15th, 2019 at 06:59 pm
So the dryer wasn’t fixed after all. I think there is a shortage. So I unplugged 🔌 it. SO has a truck so he’ll pick up the dryer my uncle is giving to me. I’m so thankful that I do not have to buy a dryer.
I’d already cut back on the dryer usage but still wanted on.
Other than a few miscellaneous items, I’m all packed and ready to. I’m not checking a bag, so things should go smoothly. I have to pick my boss up so later, I’ll vacuum my car.
Now the electric bill is currently at $86.60, with a close date of 10/17. With me being gone the next bill should not tick up any more. When I leave, I’ll unplug everything I can think of. I’m hoping to hit $90 or below. We will see
Posted in
October 15th, 2019 at 03:09 am
I think we fixed the dryer. SO came over and helped me remove the hose thingy from the dryer. We caught the devil but got it. I was surprised to see there was no blockage, we did however recover a tea light candle.
We turned it on a few times and it started to get hot. We will monitor it.
I was at my mom’s prior to heading home and my uncle was there, I’d mentioned the dryer and guess what he has one. Praise God, I won’t have to buy one. I’m so thankful.
Other news, today was a no spend day. I also walked over 8,000, surpassing my goal.
Posted in
October 13th, 2019 at 11:49 pm
So my dryer is not drying 🙄🤦🏽♀️. I have the cash to buy another but I’m waiting. I’m going to unscrew the vents and see if there is any blockage. When I Googled the issue that was what came up in the search. I pray this thing is not out and that a simple vacuum will help. I really don’t want to spend any cash.
If I have to buy another one I’ll be looking for an energy efficient one. My dad use to go to this used appliance place, I’ll check them out this week, I’m hoping to find one for no more than $150 but the most I’d go is $200. I’m seeing dryers for about $375 to about $800 for new ones.
Other news, I always get these Victoria Secret coupons for free undies, that I never use, why I don’t know. So tomorrow I’ll head into to VS and get my free item.
I went up in the attic and finally retrieved my fall decor.
Posted in
October 13th, 2019 at 05:03 am
Went to my local grocer and got my $10 gift card for getting the flu shot. My arm is sore, it usually is when ever I get the shot, hopefully it won’t last long.
Wednesday I’m traveling to Atlanta for work, during this time I plan on speaking with my boss, the CEO, regarding training me to take her place. She’s extremely dissatisfied with the individual she has had in mind. She’s mentioned several times that she thought I could run the place. Even if I’m not tapped, the training would be great.
I just finished updating my planner, I’ve been using it consistently for a few weeks, particularly for work and it’s been working great. I’ve bought planners in the past but I never really found planner peace. I’m planning on treating myself to an Erin Condren Life Planner for Christmas 🎄. I’ve heard and read that this is the Mercedes of planners, so we will see.
Right now I have a load of clothes in the washer 🧺, next I have take care of the towels and sheets. I’ve notice my electric bill decreasing since I’ve been line drying everything. I checked my electric account and my bill is projected to be $92, that’s about a 57% decrease. So exciting.
Other than that I have nothing else to report.
Posted in
October 12th, 2019 at 07:37 pm
Well Friday I sold an item on Poshmark for $7, my earnings was $4.
Checked my cash envelopes and I still have about $221 (total envelopes) left. I’m so proud of myself for not only staying with in my budget but coming well under.
Friday is pay day and I should be able to allocate additional funds to the CC. This is in addition to the extra $100 I have budgeted.
I returned the cable boxes to At&t and was told to hold on to the receipt for a year because they’ll say, “they never received it.” I was so shocked when the rep told me that. I couldn’t believe it but glad she did. Now I’m waiting for the $500+ credit. Smh. They never sent me the shipping label, only to find out I could have taken the items into a UPS store, smh. I called them 3x before they billed me $500+. Now that I think of it, I’ll scan the proof of shipping and email to myself so that I always have it.
I looked at my spending for the year and $806 was paid in interest on a credit card, all I kept saying was, you know what you could do with that money, pay this card off ASAP
Lastly, I’m heading to a local grocery store to get my flu shot, they also provide $10 grocery gift cards
Posted in
October 9th, 2019 at 03:55 am
SO came over and cleaned out the AC, it appears as though that’s what the issue was. Fingers crossed 🤞🏾 I’ll be sure to put that on my monthly to do list.
We ended up chatting a little. I was surprised to hear him say that he told his mom that he’ll be moving soon. I thought he’d never leave her house.
He also mentioned that sometimes he goes into a store and picks something up but realizes that something else is more important and that he’s working on his finances. I shared with him, that I understood, and that my goal is to be debt free in seven years and I can’t be debt free eating out everyday.
He then said, “sometimes I wake up at night and I just cry, I realize that I’m in this mess due to my own actions.” I felt really bad for him. I mentioned to him that if he needed to talk, to call me.
I’ll listen, and provide sound advice. God knows if I didn’t have my friends, I’d probably would have jumped off a bridge. This time our conversation was different, for some reason I felt like he wasn’t himself, something was missing and that worries me.
As I told him, change is hard, he’ll get through it, he just have to keep pushing through.
I read your previous comments and I never thought about counseling for him, I only thought about it for his mom. I’m going to suggest he calls someone.
Posted in
October 8th, 2019 at 09:26 am
SO called Sunday and asked if I wanted to go to Sweet Tomatoes 🍅, he had a coupon. One thing I noticed he made “jokes” about it (having a coupon) but for some reason I think the “jokes” about saving took the onus off of him that he needs to be intentional with his money.
Living with his mom and her dysfunctional lifestyle has opened his eyes, he’s mentioned that, not to mention that he’s lost a ton of weight, so it’s obvious. It’s sad because is lack of response and spine, is going to be the death of him. I’ve heard of momma’s boys but this relationship is extreme. He’ll lose everything not to “upset” this woman.
Other news, I went for a walk Saturday, Sunday and Monday, had plenty water these days, my goal was to not have one soda 🥤 this week, epic fail 🙄🤦🏽♀️. I had one on Monday, it’s better than three.
I’ve been slacking with going to church ⛪️ and I don’t know why. I just don’t want to go. I pray daily but I haven’t been in the mood, hopefully this changes soon.
I’ve decided to put a cap on the sinking funds. EF $12,000, this is six months of living expenses. Car $6,000, I want to be able to buy a decent use car when the time comes. $10,000 for the home repair fund (roof and AC is about 10 years old), $150 for gifts; $500 professional development/certifications; $5,000 HSA, this is my average deductible.
This is a ton of money and I’m sure things will happen for me to have to dip into the funds, like an emergency or car repair but at least I have a goal, and if I add a little at a time like I’ve been doing, I’ll reach them.
My debt free goal is seven years (December 2026). This include the house.
It’s going to be tough but I think it’s doable. I’ve managed to cut expenses, and not inflate my lifestyle when I received a raise. I noticed that since I’ve buckled down, I’ve become extremely frugal.
It’s true, that once you do something long enough it becomes a habit. I absolutely hate spending money. There are so many things that I say I need, but my priority is saving and paying down debt. For example, I give myself $15 a week for fun to spend, I’ve managed to hold onto these $15 for four weeks, hence, I currently have $60 in my fun envelope. It was so funny, I went into Home Goods just browsing, found the exact color curtains I wanted for the spare bedroom, the cost with tax would have been $30, almost half of my cash in my envelope, can you believe I said no? The old me would have bought those curtains.
So as I’m typing this blog, I hear water dripping. I go in the spare bathroom, nothing. Then it sounds as though it’s the AC. I feel cold anyway, turn the temperature up to shut the unit off and boom, as soon as the unit is off, water starts to run out 🙄🤦🏽♀️. Thank goodness SO friend is a licensed AC repair guy. I’ll call him tomorrow to come out. He’s less expensive and get the job done. I’m thinking the hose outside is backed up.
Moral of the story, save because you never know.
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October 5th, 2019 at 06:21 pm
Cashed out my Ibotta rebates and added to the EF. I’m about $1,300 away from having three months of expenses saved. The goals is six months but I’d love a year.
Today I’ve been binge watching shows by Gail Vaz Oxlade, quite interesting.
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Emergency Fund
October 5th, 2019 at 04:33 pm
To renew my HR certification with SHRM I think it’s about $400, I started saving for it in June and I’m almost at my savings goal, with just under $75 to go. Hopefully my employer will reimburse me, fingers crossed. If this happens, I’ll continue to save and use the money towards the convention that I’ve always wanted to attend.
I have my sinking funds and was wondering when I should stop contributing to them. But after reviewing I don’t know. The home repair fund, I want at least $10k in that account. One, I know eventually the roof will need to be repaired, it’s well over ten years old as well as the AC. I also have some miscellaneous items that I’m holding out on as long as possible such as the refrigerator, cabinets and washer.
The car fund, I’ll just keep adding to that the $25 per pay period, my car is a 2002 Camry with well over 250,000 miles. She runs great, but I would like a nice cushion to be able to buy a car cash, once its time. Hopefully she’ll hang on for two more years at least. I think I need to bump the contributions amount to about $40 or $50.
Next there is the HOA, there’s really no cap, my HOA is $2,220 a year. I deposit $88.80 per pay check, when ever I hit a balance of $370 I make two payments. So I’ll never have a cushion in this account and don’t think I need to. Right now I’m paid through the end of the year. Once I get the new coupon book, in December what ever is in this account, I’ll pay as many months as possible.
Gifts I can cap at $250. I figure $25 per person for gifts such as birthdays and showers. When I’d initially set this up I only counted one graduation and a few birthdays but I got hit with baby showers and weddings etc. Right now I have one birthday coming up and that’s it for the rest of the year. Thank goodness.
Sorority I’m capping at $300. Though I’m no longer an active member, I do like to attend a few events and meet up with my line sisters from time to time. This is more of a social account.
And Christmas, well that’s an ongoing account. I have my three great nephews and mom to buy for. And my holiday game night. So this worked out pretty good.
Just typing this out, put things more into perspective. The home repair, EF and car repair/replacement funds are the most important accounts with much higher caps.
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